Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 142 A thorough investigation of Ningguo Mansion, Lai Sheng’s fear

Chapter 142 A thorough investigation of Ningguo Mansion, Lai Sheng’s fear

Chongpingfang, Qinye's residence.

In Jia Lian's house, Jia Rong and his wife chatted with Sister Feng for a while, then left through the back door of Rongguo Mansion, set up a sedan, and went straight to Qin Mansion.

"Old Taishan, it's the same thing. I want to borrow some accountants from the Battalion and Maintenance Department to come to our Ning Mansion to check the accounts."

In the front hall of Qin Mansion, Jia Rong and Qin Ye sat opposite each other and directly revealed their intentions.

"A good son-in-law has endured it for so long, is he finally going to take action?"

Qin Ye stroked his beard and smiled.

"It's time." Jia Rong nodded, "Since the master passed away, money has been flowing out of the house, and the silver in the bank is almost half empty. If I don't ask them for reimbursement, who will I ask for?"

"Xian son-in-law, these slaves collude together on weekdays, and they are colluding and intertwined."

After all, Qin Ye has been immersed in officialdom for many years and is used to seeing wind and frost swords. At this moment, he warned in a deep voice: "Since you want to take action, you must use thunderous means to destroy it in one fell swoop! You must not be merciful, as it will leave endless troubles."

After saying that, he raised his palm and struck down hard.

The murderous intent is revealed!

"Thank you Taishan for reminding me, my son-in-law knows it well." Jia Rong nodded.

Qin Ye nodded.


In the afternoon of that day, four accountants came to Qin Mansion to report and followed Jia Rong and his wife back to Ningguo Mansion.

Then, a group of prepared escort members rushed straight to the accounting room.

"Don't move, everyone else!"

This time, the leader of the inspection of the accounting room was Sun Rui. He led several escorts into the accounting room, shouted loudly, and then went straight into the inner hall and tied up the accounting steward behind the desk.

"Secretary Xia, your case has been revealed! Someone reported you for embezzling public funds!"

Sun Rui said arrogantly.

Then, all the accountants were tied up by the escort and sent outside the house.

Only Sun Heng was fine.

All the accountants, including Zhangji Xia, saw that the escort did not touch Sun Heng. They did not know that this was the "conspiracy" of the Sun Heng brothers, and couldn't help but resist and shouted:

"I want to see the master. I am the accounting clerk. You have no right to arrest me..."


Sun Rui thought he was noisy and gave him a slap in the face.

"The accounting clerk?"

Sun Rui arrogantly picked out his earwax and spat with disdain, "From now on, I am no longer a fool."

"take away!"

At this time, in the main courtyard of Ningguo Mansion, the deacons in each room were alarmed and walked out of the corridor one after another. They couldn't help but look horrified when they saw the courtyard being guarded by guards with a look of murder on their faces.

In particular, they were even more shocked when they saw the escort escorting the accountants to other places one by one. Among them was even Mr. Xia, who had a red slap mark on his face.

"Sun Rui, what do you want to do!"

Someone asked boldly.

Sun Rui glanced around and found that it was Manager Zhao from the Prime Minister's Office. Standing beside him were Lai Sheng and others, looking at him silently.

Normally, Sun Rui would have been smiling and bowing.

But now.

After he led someone to search the accounting room, his face turned red and excited, and even Lai Sheng and others didn't bother to look at it.

"Someone reported that Mr. Xia had embezzled public funds. The master got angry in the hall and ordered me to arrest him and interrogate him." Sun Rui shouted, clasped his fists, and left in a swaggering manner.

"Sigh, the villain has his way!" someone cursed secretly.

Then, someone ran over and whispered, "Manager, all managers, please find out. It was Sun Heng who reported Manager Xia. He is leading several students in the math class to count the account books."

"Sure enough, these two brothers are up to something!" Some people cursed secretly, while others looked at Lai Sheng, "Manager Du, what should we do now?"

Lai Sheng squinted his eyes and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, "Xiang Zhuang's sword dance was meant for Pei Gong. When the master was rectifying the clan education, I was probably thinking about this day. Let's go and see the master."

No one is a fool!

At the end of last year, Jia Rong rectified the family's studies, organized mathematics classes, and taught business, economics, and accounting skills. Not only the Jia clan members could go to school, but even the boys could study.

All the servants were happy after hearing this and said that Jia Rong was generous and benevolent.

Only Lai Sheng felt faintly afraid.

But after all, it takes time for boys to study.

He is also getting older, and even if the boys in the math class are to take power, it will be in the future.

He spent a lot of time trying to win over the boys.

In this way, we are still "one of our own".

It's just that Lai Sheng didn't expect that Jia Rong was so anxious that he would start trouble after half a year of running the clan school.

And he himself didn't even receive any news.

At this moment, Lai Sheng pretended to be calm, but in his heart he was panicked, a little upset, and inexplicably afraid.

Because he didn't know what Jia Rong wanted in the end.

Since Jia Rong came to power, he and the officials in the government have been very respectful. Whenever he wants to do something, he never dares to slack off and only does his best to do it well.

Why are you still not satisfied?

What exactly is he going to accomplish?

Does he have to replace all the house managers in the house with students so that he can feel at ease? They will mess up Ningguo Mansion!

These questions filled Lai Sheng's head, and he was eager to ask Jia Rong for clarification.

Just when he led the stewards of each room to the south hall to ask Jia Rong to find out what happened, in several vacant rooms of the escort team, Manager Xia and the accountant were detained separately and were being interrogated.

The first was the accountants. When the escort asked questions, the accountants just begged for mercy, but no one reported anything.

"What a tough talk!"

Someone laughed evilly, dipped a whip in water, and whipped it hard.


There are usually five or six accountants in the accounting room, but when the escort sees them, they all have to bow and show their smiles.

Especially when handing out monthly reports, his nostrils turned upward.

The members of the escort team had already been resentful.

In the past six months, they have been working with Jia Rong. They eat well, train as a team, and are loyal to Jia Rong. When they learned that Jia Rong was going to take action against the accounting office, they all became excited and wanted to take the lead.

Without saying a word, he was whipped several times, and all the accountants screamed miserably.

All the silk and brocade clothes on his body were torn.

The white tunic underneath had faint traces of blood.

All the members of the escort team used their deadly skills, and with just a few whips, all the accountants in the accounting room were frightened. "To tell you the truth, don't take any chances."

At this moment, in the interrogation room, in addition to the members of the torture escort, there were also students from the math class.

In other words, the entire torture process was led by them.

They are happy now.

Seeing the accountants being punished, instead of being scared, I was very excited.

Before that, Jia Rong had already talked with them.

Corruption in the accounting office was very serious, and he was determined to rectify it and replace it with a group of his own people.

And who are our own?

There is no doubt that they are the students in the math class.

So they took the lead in the interrogation, each one more active than the other - only when the old accountants fell down could they make room for them! Old Bidens, die quickly!

"If you don't say it, others will."

"I know how much money the accountant has embezzled over the years."

"Don't think you can escape the past."

"Now let's talk about it. If you expose and report, you will be considered guilty and meritorious service."

"You didn't say it when others said it, huh, then just ask for your blessings. Let's see what I will do with you!"

"Think about the master's usual methods."

Because they were held in solitary confinement, the accountants' psychological defenses were quickly broken. He only told the dirty things in the accounting room, including many dirty private matters.

The math class students and members of the escort were secretly excited, and they dipped their pens in ink to record their confessions.

But here in Xia Zhangji, it's a different story.

Sun Rui personally presided over the interrogation, but there was no progress. Mr. Xia was whipped with water and couldn't help but scream miserably. He still remained silent and just begged for mercy and said he was wronged.

He was still lucky!

Because the account books were kept smooth and tight by him.

A few students in the math class have only been studying accounting for a few years. What can they tell?

As for the accountants, even if they "falsely accuse him", it doesn't matter. If they lose their position as accountants, as long as Lai Sheng and others are around, relying on this incestuous relationship, he can hope to come back to life.

But if he did it and offended Lai Sheng and others, then he would be completely hopeless!

Must die!

The whole family has to go to hell with him.

"What? You did it? Okay, okay!" Just when he was dreaming, Sun Rui suddenly took out a confession from his sleeve pocket, looked at him with surprise, and forced him to sign it.

In an instant, Xia Zhangji's eyes widened.

"I didn't do it, I didn't do it..." He defended eagerly and couldn't help shouting.

A pair of eyes looked at the confession in Sun Rui's hand. He saw that the handwriting on it was neat and the ink had dried. He couldn't help but roar: "Sun Rui, you are a beast, you are worse than a pig or a dog. How dare you commit perjury?" …”


Sun Rui looked disdainful, accepted the confession with satisfaction, and cursed: "If I really want to deal with you, why do I need a confession? A thought is enough. To tell you the truth, you are dead today! If you report now, you will admit it." The fourth house colluded to embezzle public funds and reported Lai Sheng and others. Then you have merit in reporting. You can still survive and go to the countryside with your family. If you are stubborn, then this confession will be your last words! Do you want to Think about it, should you say it?"

After the words fell, Xia Zhangji was completely dumbfounded.

"Master, he...doesn't even let the general manager go?" Manager Xia's face was pale and despair appeared.

His greatest hope is Lai Sheng and others.

Because the Lai family are old servants of Ning Rongjia's house, and they have been serving them for nearly a hundred years.

It can be said that Mr. Jia is a smooth man and Mr. Lai is a tough man.

Including now, all the managers of Ning Rongjia Mansion are members of the Lai family. The Rongguo Mansion is Lai Da, and the Ningguo Mansion is Lai Er. Their mother, Aunt Lai, usually plays the role of the old prince in the mansion outside the mansion, and occasionally enters Rongguo Mansion to visit Jia Mu. Even in front of Jia Mu, she is somewhat decent and can sit and chat with her. She is more distinguished than several daughters-in-law and girls in the Jia family.

He thought that Jia Rong just wanted to seize power and replace the accountant with one of his own.

Unexpectedly, Jia Rong would not even let Lai Sheng go.

"Master...does he want to kill all the Ning Mansion officials?" Mr. Xia's face was full of horror, and his mind went blank.

Catch all the managers of Ning Mansion? Is the master crazy?

Without these people, how could the Ningguo Mansion run?


Suddenly, Manager Xia looked at the math class students next to Sun Rui.

Is this the master’s confidence?

At this time, Xia Zhangji recalled that at that time, the stewards of each room gathered together in private, and Lai Sheng said worriedly, "The master has a big plan to train these young students!"

Xia Zhangji wanted to understand everything, but suddenly his heart became cold and he broke into a cold sweat.

Whether Ningguo Mansion is in chaos or not is a matter for the future!

But now, the master has made up his mind to catch all the managers of Ningguo Mansion.

Look at Sun Rui's attitude, and then look at Jia Rong's past behavior.

As long as he gets his mind on it, there's no stopping him!

All of Xia Zhangji's hopes are based on Jia Rong's "small fights".

But Jia Rong was so cruel that he wanted to overturn the table.

Then there was nothing he could do.

We can only surrender!

"I'll do it! I'll do it!" Xia Zhangji's thoughts changed and he couldn't help shouting anxiously.

When Sun Rui saw this, he couldn't help but smile excitedly. He sat down at the table in person and dipped his pen in ink to record the confession for Xia Zhang.

As I write, I think excitedly.

Lai Sheng fell!

The position of Ning Guo's capital manager was vacant.

Although my brother is good at studying, he is not as clever as him after all. It is good to be a bookkeeper.

So, isn't he the one in charge of the Ningguo Mansion?

Thinking of this, Sun Rui felt hot and motivated, and wanted to help Jia Rong liquidate Lai Sheng and others.

Not just him.

People who work with Jia Rong.

They all think so in their hearts, and they all want to make a contribution in this matter and earn a future.

It can be said that this is a battle between old and new forces to seize the power of Ningguo Mansion. But the scale of victory is held in the hand of Jia Rong, the owner of Ningguo Mansion. Sun Rui and other new forces will definitely win!

(End of this chapter)

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