Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 148 Went to Mrs. Zhen’s house

Chapter 148 Went to Mrs. Zhen’s house

Spring rental in September.

In the suburbs of Beijing, in the south of the Yangtze River, and in the fields outside the customs, people came to Beijing one after another to pay rent and taxes.

Nearly 70,000 to 80,000 taels of silver were once again put into the treasury.

In the south hall.

Jia Rong is sitting on the Luohan bed, reviewing the accounts.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Jia Rong nodded with satisfaction and praised, "It's been a hard work."

"It's all thanks to the master."

All the village leaders answered respectfully.

Everyone was cheering up when they came to the capital this time, because the political turmoil in Ningguo Mansion had spread to Zhuangzi.

The Lai family is so powerful that they can be called the second masters of the Jia family.

Never thought about it.

Jia Rong said it would be dealt with.

Ningguo Mansion's stewards were caught in one sweep, hundreds of people were implicated, and many familiar faces all suffered.

All the village leaders were very nervous when they came to Beijing and did not dare to be careless.

"Is everyone okay?"

Jia Rong asked several tribesmen and stewards from Jinling.

"Okay, everything is fine."

Someone had a smile on their face: "Thanks to Sir Sir, the clansmen have food to eat, clothes to wear, and children to go to school this year. It is a rare good year. They all say thank you to Sir."

"The clansmen also said that they hope that the Duke will continue to go to Jiangnan to visit the children in the clan school."

"You don't know."

"These kids are very diligent now and their knowledge has improved a lot."

Jia Rong said with a smile: "It won't happen this year. I'll go down and have a look next year. You all work well on your own, manage the farmland well, and don't cause trouble again, otherwise I won't spare you."

This statement was made in a joking tone.

But no one dared to be careless. They all heard threats and murderous intent and nodded quickly.



Dusk evening.

After finishing the business, Jia Rong returned to Ning'an Hall, washed and bathed, made an appointment with Qin Keqing as the You family, and then returned to Ning'an Hall for dinner.

"I'm going out for a walk."

After eating and drinking tea, Jia Rong stood up slowly and left Ning'antang.

When Qin Keqing's master and servants heard what Jia Rong said, they all nodded silently, as if they were used to it.

He left Ning'an Hall alone, exited the east entrance hall, walked straight north along the side road, passed You's courtyard, Jia Zhenji's concubine's courtyard, and came to a small guest courtyard.

"The master is happy."

In the small courtyard of the guest house, there lived a few servants who were in charge. When they saw Jia Rong coming, they were shocked.

"You do it for you."

After that, he stepped into the small courtyard and went straight to the east wing of the third courtyard.

Several servants in charge looked at Jia Rong's movements and couldn't help but look at each other and whispered to each other.

"Did you go to Zhen's house?"


"Hmph, I knew that Mrs. Zhen was not a good person."

"Okay, stop chewing your tongue. You dare to talk nonsense about the master. Aren't you afraid that you will be demoted to Zhuangzi?"


"Huh? What are you going to do?"

"I'll go take a look."

Seeing the servants and wives disperse one after another, each turning a corner and heading to different courtyards, the servant who was talking couldn't help but spat, but she also dropped her work and walked briskly into the corridor.

After a while, in Ning'an Hall, You's courtyard, Xichun courtyard, Jia Zhenji's concubine courtyard, and Youlao Niang's guest courtyard, there were all people coming and going, whispering in their ears.

In the inner hall of Ning'an Hall, Qin Keqing was sitting in front of the mirror, taking off her crown.

Suddenly, Ruizhu walked quickly. "Madam, the master has gone to Zhen's house."

Qin Keqing looked up and said in surprise: "Xiang Ling's mother?"


Qin Keqing was silent, then her expression remained normal, she continued to dismantle the crown, and said calmly: "I understand."


On the other side, in the side hall of the main room, Mei Xiang and Cai Wei also got the news one after another. They looked at each other with complicated expressions and couldn't help but look at Xiang Ling in the smoke cage.

"What's wrong?" Chuntao asked Mei Xiang.

Mei Xiang is Jia Rong's personal maid, while Caiwei was originally the eldest girl in Jia Qiang's courtyard.

Both women hold a network of resources in their hands.

On the contrary, Chuntao only served in Jia Rong's house, and her status was not high enough, so her information channels were poor.

"I went to Mrs. Zhen's place."

Mei Xiang sighed.

"Zhenshi? Which Zhenshi?" Chuntao didn't respond.

"Xiang Ling's mother."


Chuntao was shocked and couldn't help but look at Xiangling...

Xiangling is now the second-class girl in Jia Rong's house. Because she is young and has good looks and personality, she has no interest in Mei Xiang, Chuntao and Caiwei for the time being.

The three girls like her very much, and they also know that with Jia Rong's character, when Xiang Ling grows up, she will definitely be brought into the house.


The little girl hasn't grown up yet, but her own mother has taken advantage of it.

This kind of thing, even if you have psychological expectations, can't help but be very touched, and you don't know how to say it.

"Those old ladies in the house are always good at gossiping. I don't know how to bury them in the future." Caiwei shook her head.

"This girl Xiangling, alas..." Mei Xiang also sighed.

"Hmph, I have been thinking about this day since I raised her in the house." Chuntao pouted. Having grown up serving Jia Rong, she knows best the virtues of her master.

At this moment, Xiangling touched her face in surprise, walked forward slowly and said, "Sister Mei Xiang, Sister Chuntao, Sister Caiwei, why are you all looking at me? Is there something dirty on my face?"

"No." The three girls shook their heads subconsciously, then smiled sweetly, and they all stepped forward and said softly, "Come, sister, let's play with you."

"Okay, I want to catch the chess pieces!" Xiang Ling cheered.

Seeing this, the three girls felt pity for her even more.


You's courtyard.

A servant girl came over first to report the news, and Youshi, Yindie, Chaodou and Qieguan all knew about it.

Youshi was calm.

Ever since she saw Zhen's appearance and character, and learned that Jia Rong arranged for her to live in the house, You knew what Jia Rong was thinking and knew that this day would come sooner or later.

In the past six months, some gossip may have reached Zhen's ears, which made her a little worried. She even whispered a few words in her ear, and she wanted to move out.

Youshi asked a few tentative questions, but Jia Rong refused.

So, I verified my idea.

"Why does this child prefer older people..."

Youshi looked calm, but sighed in her heart, and vaguely guessed the reason - Jia Rong's biological mother died young, and she may have lost maternal love, so she acted like this.


Xichun courtyard.

"Haha——" Jia Xichun couldn't help but sneer after hearing the letter.

A Zhen family is nothing!

He dared to mess with the second sister, and he dared to molest the third sister.

From what Jia Xichun had seen, he was afraid that any daughter-in-law or girl in the Ningguo Mansion with some color would not be able to escape his clutches.

"I shouldn't have come back!"

Jia Xichun sneered, sat up on the bed habitually, and reached for a pair of scissors under the pillow.

Touching the cold scissors, she felt a sense of security in her heart.

"If he dares to do anything random, I will fight with him!"

Jia Xichun thought secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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