Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 61 Leaving the Cabinet

Chapter 61 Leaving the Cabinet
  "Eat more if it tastes good."

Jia Rong smiled.

This "bad goosefoot duck letter" appeared in Chapter 8 of the original work. It was Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu who went to Aunt Xue's house in winter. Jia Baoyu said that the goosefoot and duck tongue they had eaten at Ningguo Mansion a few days ago was very good, so Aunt Xue brought out her own bad ones for Jia Baoyu to eat.

Zaocai, a typical Jiangnan cuisine.

As mentioned before, the Jia family moved to the north, but the food in the family is still mostly Jiangnan cuisine, which relies on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal for supplies.

Jia Baoyu ate goosefoot duck in the winter. That was because there were no refrigerators before, so the ingredients would go bad easily in the summer, and storing them in a cold storage was too cumbersome.

It's been snowing heavily these days, so Ning Guofu happened to make some bad dishes.

There are not only goose-foot duck letters, but also a large amount of bad chicken, bad duck, bad intestines, and bad pork belly, which are paired with a pot of warm Shaoxing rice wine.

The taste is really amazing!

Jia Baoyu was young and could not drink alcohol, but his liking for the dish "Goose Palm Duck Letter" did not change and he couldn't help but eat a few more chopsticks.

"When I leave, I'll ask the kitchen to bring you some and go back to eat."

Jia Rong smiled.

"Yeah." Jia Baoyu nodded with a smile, and ate another bowl of hot red rice porridge, and then he was full.

Jia Rong ordered the meal to be removed, drank tea and rinsed his mouth. He asked Keren to dress Jia Baoyu neatly, called for a small sedan, and sent Jia Baoyu back.

  Today is June 14th, Jia Rong is getting married.

When he came back from Rongguo Mansion, he saw the loess paved ground and clear water on Ningrong Street, and he couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Then he woke up Jia Zhenyou, and went to Xuanzhen Temple outside the city to ask Jia Jing to come down the mountain.

How can the old man be absent when his grandson gets married? What's more, when Jia Zhen is seriously ill, how can it be done if there is no one to host Jia Rong in the Ning Mansion? Isn't anyone else disparaging?

Under Jia Rong's pleading, Jia Jing reluctantly agreed and went down the mountain again.

After all this tossing, time gradually came to dusk.

After the hereditary nobles came to the Yamen, they came together. Jia Jing was entertaining them, while Jia Rong was changing into auspicious clothes.

The reason why the groom's official has the word "official" is because when getting married, common people and scholars can also wear an "official uniform".

That is to say, "In terms of wedding customs and wedding attire, they are expected to be the same as those of officials. When a commoner marries a wife...the son-in-law wears regular clothes, or fake nine-grade clothes, and women wear flower hairpins and big sleeves."

Jia Rong's identity at the moment is that of a donated prison student. He only has a title but no official position, so he can only wear the fake official uniform of the ninth grade (without the tie).

He wears a black gauze hat, with a golden flower on the left and right sides of the hat wall, the so-called "hairpin flower".

Wearing a green ninth-grade fake official robe, with a jade belt on the waist, and a piece of red brocade draped diagonally on the shoulders, it is called "Phi Hong", also called "Hancai". This is also the attire of the new top scholar who has won the imperial examination, so ancient weddings are also known as "little Dengke".

After dressing up, Jia Rong walked out of the courtyard. Amidst the admiration of all the distinguished disciples, she nodded and left Ningguo Mansion with a smile. He got on the red rabbit horse, led the servants of Ningguo Mansion and a group of hereditary noble disciples, and went to Chongpingfang in a mighty way, playing and beating all the way.

His demeanor was as if he had won the first prize. He was riding a tall horse, looking around, as if there was no one around, and he was quite impressive.

"After two lifetimes, adding up to several decades, we are actually getting married. It's really unspeakable."

Jia Rong looked at Shen Fei with ups and downs in her heart.

  Just as the groom was getting dressed to welcome the bride, far away in the backyard of the Qin Mansion in Chongpingfang, the bride was busy putting on makeup in her boudoir.

I won’t talk about trivial matters such as applying rouge, lipstick, and tying my black hair.

At this moment, Qin Keqing was sitting upright in front of the mirror, letting "Quan Fu's wife" show her face.

Opening the face, also called "twisting the face", is to twist the hair on the face. A woman hangs only once in her life. Its importance is equivalent to a man's rite of passage. After being hanged, you get married and become a wife and mother from then on. It is a very sacred ceremony to bid farewell to your girlhood. The person who presides over this ceremony must be a woman with husband, children, and parents-in-law. All three are indispensable. It is commonly known as a "full blessing woman".

At this moment, Mrs. Quan Fu holds a thin hemp rope, and the two ends of the rope are tied to the index finger and thumb of her right hand. She pinches the middle part of the rope with her left hand to make it form a triangle. While twisting the hair on the bride's face, she Sing:

"The parents in the upper part of the world, the husband and wife in the upper part are harmonious, the descendants in the lower part are full of children; the left bullet gives birth to a son early, the upper bullet is diligent and thrifty in managing the family, the right bullet leads to a long life..."

At this moment, the sound of drumming outside became louder and louder from far to near.

The auspicious moment is approaching, and the bride's face-twisting ceremony ends at this moment. Her face takes on a new look, her eyes reveal tension and anticipation, and she involuntarily drifts out the window.

  At this moment, Jia Rong's wedding team arrived at the door of Qin's house, playing and playing.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Lou, the minister of the Ministry of Industry who was the presiding officer, immediately stroked his beard, smiled, and shouted at the top of his voice: "The daughter of a noble family is getting married now and returns to the Jia family. I am very sad. I wish you well and come out to welcome her." The son-in-law is outside the middle gate, and he bows to his son-in-law and enters."

These words come from "Zhu Xi's Family Rites". The officiant only needs to change the "someone" in the article to the man's surname and follow the script.

The shout fell away.

Jia Rong got off the horse and took a wild goose from the boy's hand. Its legs were wrapped in red cloth strips. Jia Rong hugged the wild goose and stepped forward with a solemn expression.

Arriving in front of the courtyard, Jia Rong shouted loudly: "Jia Rong was ordered by my father, so I respectfully accept the order."

This sentence also comes from "Zhu Xi's Family Rites" and is one of the procedures of the wedding ceremony.

Jia Rong just needs to follow the script.

After the words fell, the officiant opened the door to the courtyard, Jia Rong entered the courtyard, and the "goose laying ceremony" began.

The so-called "goose ceremony" refers to the groom holding a wild goose to pay his respects to his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Probably I would like to thank my parents-in-law for raising the bride, teaching her well, and being knowledgeable and courteous. I am lucky to marry her. I will definitely not let her down in the future and treat her well all my life.

This ceremony was completed in the front hall of Qin Mansion in front of many guests. Jia Rong, holding the wild goose in her hand, and Qin Ye and his wife followed the script and completed the process of "Zhu Xi's Family Rites".

After the laying ceremony is over, it's time for the bride to leave the palace.

When a woman leaves the court, she must have a so-called "crying marriage".

Therefore, after Mrs. Qin participated in the "goose laying ceremony", she stood up and hurried back to Qin Keqing's boudoir in the back house.

At this time, the relatives and female family members of the Qin Mansion were all sitting in Qin Keqing's boudoir. There was no trace of joy on their faces, but instead showed "sadness".

Looking at her daughter in red makeup, the mother couldn't stop crying.

Other relatives cried together.

This is the so-called "crying marriage". There is a saying that the more you cry, the better luck you get.

At this moment, Jia Rong was waiting in the front hall. Suddenly she heard a burst of crying coming from the back house, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of emotion and mixed feelings in her heart.

"Don't worry, Old Taishan. I will treat my good wife well and I will never let her down in this life."

Jia Rong said in a deep voice.

When Qin Ye and all the guests in the hall heard this, they all stroked their beards and smiled, with appreciation in their eyes. They loudly praised Jia Rong's character and responsibility, and praised Qin Ye for his vision and choosing a good son-in-law.

Qin Ye also sighed with emotion and said with faint sobs: "I have wasted my life to have a daughter like this. My good husband must take good care of her and don't let her suffer any injustice."

Jia Rong promised again and again.

At this moment, there was a commotion in front of the back door. Qin Keqing, who was wearing a red hijab, a phoenix crown, and a treasure vase in her arms, with a slim waist and light steps, was called the "Full Fortune Woman" With support and a group of girls accompanying him, he walked out slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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