Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 82 Iron Kan Temple

Chapter 82 Iron Kan Temple (Additional update)

The big burial is on the third day after death.

Jia Zhen's coffin has been prepared long ago. It is a fine nanmu coffin. The coffin is surrounded by dragon patterns and painted with gold, which is very gorgeous.

Jia Rong ordered people to carefully carry Jia Zhen's body into the coffin, cover it with several sets of gorgeous and luxurious clothes, and place gold and silver ingots at the four corners of the coffin, as well as some of Jia Zhen's favorite antiques during his lifetime.

This is the legendary "funeral object".

After all this was done, the coffin was over, and guests continued to come to pay homage and burn paper.


In the blink of an eye, four days passed.

This day is Jia Zhen's "first seven", and Jia Rong invited the "Water and Land Dojo". One hundred and eight Zen monks are invited to worship the Great Compassion Repentance in the hall, to transcend the souls before and after death, and to avoid the sins of the deceased. He also worshiped ninety-nine Quanzhen Taoist priests at Doufengxuan, and held seventy-seven forty-nine days to resolve his grievances and wash away his karma.

Then, in the open space garden in front of the Dengxian Pavilion, fifty eminent monks and fifty eminent Taoists were invited to perform good deeds according to the number seven on the altar.

This is because of the old superstition that people will be reincarnated after death. Counting from the day of death, there is a period every seven days, and he will be reborn after the period expires. If one period is not completed, you must wait for another period, up to seven periods. Therefore, the relatives of the deceased should set up a memorial ceremony every seven days, and ask monks and Taoists to recite sutras and perform blessings for the deceased until July 7th.


This night of the first seven days is the last night for relatives to keep vigil. The candlelight was bright in the mourning hall, and suddenly a big black moth flew in and circled around Jia Rong's head. This scene shocked Jia Rong and Jia Qiang.

"The master has come back to his senses..."

Jia Qiang and the girls waiting in the hall all cried with joy and exclaimed.

They regard this big black moth as Jia Zhen's "soul incarnation", and they want to see their relatives for the last time before entering reincarnation.

At this time, Jia Jing, who was across the embroidered screen, and the female family members such as Youshi, Qin Keqing, Jia Xichun, etc. also heard the movement and turned out from behind the screen. Seeing the big black moths flying around Jia Rong's headgear, they couldn't help being surprised, and then they all cried for a while.

"Look, the moth that the master transformed into is only flying around Brother Rong's head."

At this time, Jia Zhen’s concubines ‘Pei Feng’, ‘Kailan’, ‘Wen Hua’ and others pointed at the big black moth hovering above Jia Rong’s head and couldn’t help but talk.

"That's right." Youshi and Qin Keqing cried with joy after hearing this, "I think the master knew that Brother Rong was filial and capable, so he secretly protected him and asked him to support the family."

When others heard this, they all said this was the truth.

When Jia Jing and Jia Qiang saw this magical scene, they couldn't help but sigh and praised Jia Rong.

They all regarded this scene as "miraculous" and some kind of auspicious omen.

Only Jia Rong...

Looking at the big black moths flying overhead, I felt creepy and felt something was wrong.

"It can't be that Jia Zhen has a spirit after his death. He knows that I killed him, so he came to me for revenge..."

Jia Rong secretly guessed, but was not panicked. Jia Zhen was not afraid of him when she was alive, how could she still be afraid of him when she was dead? There are really "odd numbers" somewhere. Jia Rong's upright "traveler" can also be said to be justified in order to save the tragic ending of Ning Rongjia's house!


After the first seven days, Jia Rong and other relatives finally relaxed and no longer had to keep vigil for Jia Zhen in the mourning hall. He also changed out of the "heavy mourning clothes" of wearing linen and mourning and put on a set of simple and elegant "light mourning clothes".

That night, Jia Rong and Qin Keqing took a bath and returned to the east courtyard to sleep.

Lying in the velvet tent after a long absence, Jia Rong and Qin Keqing closed their eyes and fell asleep quickly.

The next morning, Jia Rong, Qin Keqing and others burned paper for Jia Zhen's crying spirit as usual.

But at this time, they no longer need to stay in the mourning hall all the time, but only need to burn sacrifices once in the morning and evening.

After breakfast in the morning, Jia Zhen burned a sacrifice. After Jia Jing gave Jia Rong a few words, he ordered people to prepare a carriage and sedan to take him back to Xuanzhen Temple.

Even if there was a funeral, he didn't plan to come.

Seeing this, Jia Rong cried for a while, then obeyed Jia Jing and prepared a gift for him. For example: gold, silver, lead, mercury, cinnabar, etc.

I sincerely wish that "the old man will practice Taoism, achieve righteousness as soon as possible, and ascend to the immortal world!"

Jia Jing left very satisfied.


In this way, the forty-two days of June 7th passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Jia Zhen's funeral was held, and people came and went along a white curtain on Ningrong Street. The people of Ningrong's Jia Mansion were in great numbers, wearing hemp and wearing filial piety, and their cries were loud.

Exiting Ningrong Street east is Zhuque Street.

There are huge crowds of people on both sides of the street. The mansions of the "Four Kings, Eight Dukes, Twelve Marquises and Twenty-four Generals" have already set up colorful sheds for road festivals on the roadside.

Every time the funeral procession passes a house, it will stop to have a few glasses of wine with the host.

The scene was so grand that both the locals of Shenjing City and the outsiders traveling from north to south were secretly envious when they saw the grandeur of Jia Zhen's funeral.

When a person comes to this world, he comes with dignity and leaves with dignity, which is really enviable.

Along Zhuque Street, the funeral procession was huge, wearing sackcloth and mourning, wailing loudly and exiting Mingde Gate. Then he walked along the spacious dirt official road to the southwest, heading towards a temple in Mangshan Mountain.

This temple is called "Tiekan Temple".

This is the temple that ancestor Ning Rong donated money to build, and it has been worshiped by the government over the years, just like Xuanzhen Temple. The abbot of the temple, who was called "Sekong", had already received the letter from Ningguo Mansion. He invited the pilgrims away from the temple, cleaned the side rooms, and prepared fruits, vegetables and spiritual tablets for the altar.

The funeral procession went up the mountain, carried the nanmu coffin into the temple, and placed it in the side hall.

At this moment, the evergreen lanterns in the side hall were all bright. There were already Zen masters sitting on futons, closing their eyes and folding their hands, knocking on wooden fish, singing conch shells, and starting to recite the Purana Sutra.

Because there were many people coming, many of them were women. So Jia Zhen's coffin was settled. The female relatives, including Jia Mu, took the bamboo slide and staggered to the "Shuiyue Temple" not far away.

Shuiyue Temple and Tiekuan Temple are not far away, both of which are enshrined by Ning Rongjia's house.

At this moment, I also accepted the letter, cleaned the clean room early, and waited for the female family members of Ning Rongjia's house to come and stay.

Youshi, Qin Keqing and others were also among them.

It also takes seven days to "send a spirit" in Tiekuan Temple. After the "spiritual sending" was over, Jia She, Jia Zheng, Jia Lian and other gentlemen of the Rongguo Mansion, including the female relatives living in Shuiyue Nunnery, took their leave one after another.

For them, Jia Zhen's funeral was completely over.

But for Jia Rong and Jia Qiang, it's not over yet, they still have to "support their souls and return home."

Regarding this point, Jia Rong and Jia Qiang had already agreed to go to Jiangnan together. Therefore, seven days after "Send the Spirit", the coffins of Ningguo Mansion carried Jia Zhen's nanmu coffin and left Tiekuan Temple to the "Mijin Ferry" pier.

This is the wharf of the Grand Canal. The spacious canal is sparkling on the water. Thousands of able-bodied people rely on this canal to eat and support their families every day.

On this day, a large sailing ship docked at Mijin Ferry Pier. A young girl from Ningguo Mansion had already boarded the boat and was waiting eagerly on the board. From a distance, I saw the funeral procession from Ningguo Mansion approaching, and they all got off the boat to greet them.

The warriors on the dock were expelled to the distance. Looking at this scene from a distance, they couldn't help but talk about it.

After a while, Jia Rong and Jia Qiang got on the boat, placed Jia Zhennan's wooden coffin in the bottom warehouse, and then counted the people and supplies on the sailboat.

After the inventory was correct, Jia Rong ordered Yang Fan to set sail. Following the wind, he rode the large sailing ship and sailed far away through the wind and waves.


PS: Don’t panic if the pace is slow, I will add more updates, please give me a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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