Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 88 Condolences

Chapter 88 Condolences

There is a military doctor on board.

This person's surname is Xia, and he is a military doctor in the Beijing camp. Jia Rong specially invited him here for this trip, just to prepare for this kind of situation.

However, he originally wanted to save the sailors and the boy in Ning Guofu, and even treated his own injuries.

But he didn't expect that Jia Qiang would come out of the attic and accidentally hit Liu Ya.

"I'm coming……"

At this moment, in the cabin of the tower, Doctor Xia was avoiding the rain of arrows while treating the injuries of the sailor and the boy from the Ning Mansion who were hit by the arrow.

He was startled when he heard that Jia Qiang had been hit by an arrow. He immediately walked out of the tower regardless of the danger and climbed up the spiral staircase to the main tower.

When he saw Jia Qiang's injury, Doctor Xia's eyes narrowed, showing a bit of solemnity.

"This injury... is a bit serious."

If it had been anyone else, Doctor Xia would have already advised him to reveal his last words and prepare for his funeral.

However, Jia Qiang was the second master of the Ningguo Mansion. Doctor Xia could only swallow his words and knelt down to check Jia Qiang's injuries.

At this moment, Jia Qiang's face was pale and she had fainted from the pain. A pheasant feather arrow pierced Jia Qiang's right eye, and her face was covered with blood.

The girl Caiwei in a green skirt and coat hugged Jia Qiang tightly and covered his eyes, as if trying to stop the bleeding. But blood kept flowing out from between her fingers, which made Caiwei tremble with fear and cry with tears streaming down her face.

"Uncle, Second Master Qiang's injury is very serious. The arrow pierced deep and may have damaged the brain. You must be mentally prepared." Doctor Xia took a look at Jia Qiang's injury and gave Jia Rong a vaccination.

"Rescue with all your strength." Jia Rong said in a deep voice.

"I understand." Doctor Xia nodded, feeling relieved. He was afraid that Jia Rong would turn his back and scold him, asking him to snatch people from the hands of the Lord of Hell. He really doesn't have that ability!

Immediately afterwards, under the instructions of Doctor Xia, Caiwei took some hot wine and wiped the blood off Jia Qiang's face. Doctor Xia blew incense on Jia Qiang, causing Jia Qiang to pass out completely. Then, "debridement" him on the spot. He cut the arrow shaft short, then carefully opened the wound, and dug out the arrow cluster that pierced the eyeball's blurry flesh.

Finally, he was given gold sore medicine and carefully bandaged, and then Jia Rong carried him back to the room and asked Caiwei to take care of him carefully.

Coming out of Jia Qiang's cabin, Doctor Xia warned at the door: "The arrowhead has been dug out and debrided. Whether he can survive depends on tonight."

Military Doctor Xia said with a solemn expression.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Doctor Xia. I will thank you deeply when Brother Qiang is safe and sound." Jia Rong clasped her fists and thanked Doctor Xia for all his hard work.

"It's your job." Doctor Xia shook his head, and he and Jia Rong walked along the corridor and onto the deck.


While Doctor Xia was digging out arrowheads for Jia Qiang, the water bandits under the plank on the left side of the building ship were beaten away not long after. Both the sailors and the servants of Ning Mansion were all in high spirits, with smiles on their lips.

If Jia Qiang hadn't been hit by an arrow and the atmosphere on the boat was too heavy, they would probably have cheered!

After winning a battle, it should be a time to celebrate. But because Jia Qiang was hit by an arrow, everyone could only endure their happiness and did not cheer loudly. Instead, they walked up to the spiral staircase to pay attention to the injury of Second Master Qiang and express their concern.

Fortunately, Jia Rong kept his promise. Knowing that they had won the battle, he loudly said: "Brothers, thank you for your hard work. Let's go down and treat the injuries first. When we leave Sandaowan, I will immediately tell the kitchen to make flowing mats for everyone."

Everyone was relieved after hearing this. Jia Rong kept his word and did not burn bridges. He immediately said in a flurry of words: "Thank you, Uncle Rong!" "Thank you, uncle!" "Uncle, don't worry too much. The second master Qiang will be auspicious and auspicious." It will be safe." Jia Rong then dispersed them and asked Jiao Da and Sun Rui to lead the team again to patrol the deck to prevent the water pirates from retaliate!


At this time, Jia Rong and Doctor Xia walked out of Jia Qiang's cabin, walked along the corridor to the deck, and walked into the tower cabin to visit the "wounded".

It’s not just Jia Qiang.

Many of the sailors on the building and the servants of Ningguo Mansion who participated in the defensive battle tonight were hit by arrows or scratched by the claws of flying tigers. Some people had been bandaged by Doctor Xia, while others were holding their wounds and groaning, waiting for Doctor Xia to come back.

"Uncle, Doctor Xia..."

Seeing Jia Rong and Doctor Xia returning, all the wounded were overjoyed and hurriedly greeted them diligently. Some people are even concerned about Jia Qiang's injury. At this moment, all of them, who had been groaning because of their injuries, were no longer in pain, and they were in high spirits, as if they had regained their vitality.

Doctor Xia's expression remained normal, he opened the medicine box and continued to treat the wounded.

However, Jia Rong walked into the crowd, leaned down, and expressed condolences to the injured with a friendly smile. He also asked whether it hurt, whether he was afraid, and asked about the details of killing the enemy. When the sailor and the boy from the Ning Mansion started bragging, he listened patiently, and then smiled and praised his bravery, but was immediately exposed by the people around him. Everyone laughed, and there was a happy atmosphere in the tower, as well as the angry excuses of some people.

In this way, Jia Rong, with a smile on his face, paid his condolences to both the sailors of the building and the servants of Ningguo Mansion, and shook hands with them cordially.

That gentle attitude made the sailor and the boy in Ning Mansion feel warm in their hearts, as if they were respected. Their blood boiled and their wounds no longer hurt.

"Brothers, take good care of your injuries. Tomorrow we will hold a banquet for everyone to eat meat and drink wine."

After condolences to all the wounded, Jia Rong stood up again, looked around the crowd and made a concluding speech. All the wounded people sat up straight and listened with an upright attitude, their eyes showing loyalty.

After Jia Rong finished speaking, all the wounded cheered loudly, with bright smiles on their faces, as if everyone was alive and became a little different.

Seeing this scene, Doctor Xia looked surprised, with a strange look in his eyes. Watching Jia Rong's expressions and movements carefully as he spoke, it seemed as if she got to know him again.

"This Uncle Rong from Ningguo Mansion has some skills in military training."


Jia Rong comforted the wounded in the tower, and the uninjured sailors and the servants of the Ning Mansion were also secretly watching his every move. Waiting to hear the cheers in the tower and a few words from Jia Rong floating in the cold wind. The sailors and the boys of Ning Mansion who were guarding solemnly on the deck were all secretly excited, and their blood was boiling and became hot.

"Uncle Rong, you keep your word and keep your word. You are still thinking of us."

At this moment, countless people stood up straight in the cold wind, with bright light in their eyes.

And so it is.

Jia Rong did not forget them. After condolencing the wounded, he walked heavily to the deck wearing gold armor and began to condole to everyone.

Jia Rong wore a friendly smile. When talking to them, he patted their shoulders, shook their hands, asked them about the details of the battle, and praised their bravery.

Gradually, everyone looked solemn, their eyes glowed with glory, and they stood straighter, as if they had all been transformed after this battle.

"Uncle Rong is a good man!"

At this time, I don't know how many people had these words in their hearts after being comforted by Jia Rong. For the first time in my life, I experienced the feeling of being noticed by the upper class. That feeling is very warm in my heart, as if... I have become a human being!

(End of this chapter)

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