Rome must fall.

Chapter 10 Maximus’ First Formation

Chapter 10 Maximus’ First Formation
  Early in the morning, the gladiators woke up, and Hamilcar took some people to make barley porridge and bake bread using the cooking utensils in the temple backyard.

And Spartacus sent Altonix to pretend to be a civilian and ride a horse carrying gladiator equipment to go out to explore the movements of the city of Capua. So when Vibius led his army out of the city, Altonix This news has been reported to Spartacus.

The gladiators who had eaten breakfast and were energetic did not panic because there were more enemies than themselves. Instead, they showed a strong desire to fight with them, so they began to prepare for the battle.

Since the weapons intercepted by the gladiators last night were not enough to equip everyone, according to Spartacus's opinion, they were first given to teammates with strong combat capabilities. As a result, Maximus was not assigned to the turn, and in the end he was only assigned to gave him a kitchen knife.

This is not a street fight, but a war duel. The enemy is outnumbered and fighting with a kitchen knife is too dangerous, so Maximus learned from some teammates and went to the oak forest to break off a relatively thick and straight branch and cut off one end. Pointed, used as a spear.

Even though he was at the rear, Maximus still felt nervous when he saw the heavily armed enemies approaching in formation. When Spartacus took the lead in the charge, he ran with his teammates, but the fear in his heart still made him subconsciously slow down.

Then he saw Spartacus and others showing off their might and overwhelming the front line of the Capua phalanx, and then the Capua people screamed and collapsed.

The victory came so quickly, Maximus couldn't believe his eyes. His confidence increased sharply and he followed closely like other teammates: How long will it take if he doesn't earn performance at this time?

Maximus was tall and long-legged, without any armor and holding a shield. He ran very fast and quickly caught up with the defeated troops.

He held the stick and thrust forward. The tip of the stick failed to pierce the enemy's leather armor, but caused him to fall to the ground.

Maximus ignored him and swung the wooden stick and hit the head of another defeated soldier. The man screamed and fell to the ground suddenly.

The screams did not frighten Maximus, but made him more excited. He followed up a few steps and hit another defeated soldier on the head with a stick...

After knocking down three or four people in a row, Maximus saw the other defeated soldiers running further and further away and could no longer catch up. Only then did Maximus stop and turned around to see his companions already cleaning the battlefield: some were They were stripping off the armor of the dead enemy soldiers, some were applying wounds to the wounded enemy soldiers who had fallen to the ground, and others were gathering together the prisoners who had surrendered because they could not escape...

Due to the overly exciting pursuit just now, he felt even more tired now that he had relaxed. Maximus did not join in the action against his friends. Instead, he sat down on the grass and gasped for air...

It felt cruel to see his teammates kill their seriously injured companions yesterday, and to see them kill the Capua man who was also injured and lying on the ground today, Maximus only felt a little uncomfortable.

Have you started to adapt? ...Maximus raised his head, and the warm sunlight shone through the gaps between the trees, shining on his body, which was unusually warm...

Just when he was in a daze, a voice rang in his ear: "Maximus, I didn't expect you to run so fast, and you actually knocked down three of them at once."

Maximus turned his head and looked around. The person speaking was Torquevaldo, a strong Gallic gladiator. Like most people, he had looked down on him in the past, but now his face showed a look of appreciation.

It seems that my hard work just now was not in vain! ...Maximus stretched out his right hand, spread his fingers, and said with emphasis: "Tolquevaldo, I defeated not three, but five enemy soldiers! However, if your attack hadn't defeated them, , I won’t knock them down so easily. If you weren’t wearing armor, you would definitely be able to run faster than me and kill more enemies.”

Torquevaldo was a straightforward man. After listening to Maximus's flattery, he smiled broadly and said, "Don't worry, this victory has given us a lot of weapons and armor. Next time you You can hold your shield and spear and fight alongside us."

Torquevaldo's recognition dispelled the inexplicable sadness in Maximus's heart, and also made him temporarily forget his fatigue. He stood up from the ground, and just when he was about to say to the other person: "I'll help you peel off your armor," There was a noise not far away, and it turned out to be a dispute between Spartacus and Cross.

It turned out that Cross wanted to kill all these prisoners to scare the Romans. Spartacus objected to this. He believed that all these captives should be released, because these cowardly Capua soldiers would spread their terror, causing Capua to become frustrated if he wanted to send troops to conquer them again. Be more deliberate and buy them more time. Moreover, the good deed of releasing the captives will also make the Capua people less hostile to them, which will be conducive to their subsequent activities in the Campania region and strengthen their team...

"Spartacus has a point." Torquevaldo, who had been listening attentively, murmured in a low voice.

Maximus looked at him in surprise: the Gallic gladiators in the team always regarded Cross as the leader and fully supported him. It was rare to have someone who was not blindly obedient and could think independently.

Maximus looked at Spartacus who was persuading Cross again. He realized that his words last night should have had some impact on the leader of the gladiators. This shows that he is a man who is not stubborn and capable. The commander-in-chief adopted the suggestions of his subordinates, so Maximus was a little more confident that he could persuade Spartacus to lead his army to escape Italy in the future.

Spartacus's opinion was supported by Hamilcar, Enomius, Altonix and others, so the prisoners were forced to take off their armor and were released wearing only their tunics.

Cross had a dark face and said nothing.

Spartacus looked at the weapons and equipment piled up on the ground and said to Hamilcar: "Go and call Maximus to count our harvest."

Maximus happily accepted the task, and he finished counting it in a short while.


"This is really a huge harvest. Now all our brothers have weapons!" Spartacus was a little excited. He then asked: "How many casualties do we have?"

"Only three people suffered minor injuries."

Spartacus looked at the people around him and said with a smile: "It was too easy to win this battle. The Capua people are so kind. They knew that we were short of weapons and specially sent us a batch."

The surrounding people burst into laughter.

Cross said coldly: "Everyone knows that the Capua people are weak. It is easy to defeat them, but the Romans are not easy to deal with."

"You are right." Spartacus suppressed his smile and said seriously: "So we must quickly go south to Vesuvius, strengthen the team as soon as possible, and rely on the mountainous terrain there to face the enemy that may come at any time. Conquer our Roman army. These armors and weapons are hard-earned, so let all the brothers wear them. The rest will be left to Hamilcar for the time being. Find a way to take them all away, and let Maximus assist you."

"Okay." Hamilcar nodded simply.

Hearing Maximus' name, Cross just snorted lightly this time and did not object. After all, he saw the scene where Maximus took the lead in chasing down the defeated soldiers and knocked down several people one after another. In addition, Last night's performance had somewhat changed some of his bad impression of him.

After Maximus received Hamilka's notice, the first thought that came to his mind was: This is just to let me do logistical support. Does that mean I don't have to go into battle to kill the enemy anymore?

So he nodded in agreement without hesitation, and then asked: "What should I do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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