Rome must fall.

Chapter 105 Illyrian Pirates

Chapter 105 Illyrian Pirates
  Maximus said goodbye and left. Hamilka stood there, looking at his back in a daze.

Seeing this, Spartacus stepped forward and asked, "Maximus rejected our request?"

"No, he agreed. I just feel a little emotional. A year ago, Maximus was a young man who needed our protection, but now we have to rely on his help. He is growing up very fast!"

"This is a good thing. The stronger our companions are, the better we can defeat the Romans." Spartacus said happily, but then he frowned: "I am worried about Cross now..."


It was already evening when Maximus was escorted by the Spartacus Guards back to his temporary campsite. Bonfires were lit in each camp, reflecting the countless stars hanging on the night sky.

While he was in the meeting, the soldiers had set up tents, prepared the camp, and even prepared dinner, waiting for his return.

Maximus, who had already had dinner, apologetically called on his men to eat quickly.

The guard came in and reported: "Chief, there is a man named Pecot who wants to see you."

Maximus thought: "Let him come in."

Pecot opened the curtain and walked into the military tent. When he saw the person he wanted to see sitting in the tent, with two half-year-old children beside him eating at the wooden table, he shouted with a complicated mood. : "Chief Maximus."

Maximus then pointed to the wooden chair next to him with a smile on his face and said enthusiastically: "Pecot, long time no see! Please sit down, have you had dinner? I'll have my men prepare it for you."

"No, I've already eaten." Pecot waved his hand quickly and said solemnly: "I just heard Hamilka said that your meeting is over, so I hurried over here. I have something important to discuss with you. Let’s discuss it.”

"Oh." Maximus stopped smiling, but his tone was still enthusiastic: "Don't be anxious, sit down first, and let's talk slowly."

Pecot sat down slowly, but did not speak immediately. Instead, he glanced at the two half-year-old teenagers, seeming hesitant.

Maximus understood: "Argo, Cassius, you two go to Aulus' tent to eat first."

"Yes, leader." The two left quickly.

Pecot then said: "I just asked Hamilcar. The meeting of military commanders decided that our army will not elect a new leader, but will be merged into other armies according to everyone's wishes..."

Pecot looked at Maximus and said with emphasis: "I want to bring my brothers to join your team!"

Maximus had expected it in advance, and he asked calmly: "Why choose me? Whether it is Spartacus, Cross, or Altonix, their armies are stronger than mine, and The relationship with you is also better, why not join them?”

Pecot hesitated for a moment, and then explained calmly: "Chief Maximus, let me tell you the truth. Cross, we will definitely not vote for him. Everyone agrees that it is because of him that Enom Only the leader will die in battle, and we will end up in this situation. Many brothers regard him as an enemy;
  Spartacus and Altonix...there are indeed many brothers who want to join them, but I finally convinced them to come to you. "

"Oh, why?" Maximus asked with interest.

"I asked my brothers a few questions." Pecot said emotionally: "Among the armies of our free Italy, which team is the richest, has no worries about food and clothing? Which team With the fewest casualties, the soldiers were well cared for? Which army fought the least, but achieved amazing results several times?...The answer is your army.

Under the command of Chief Enomui, we are fed up with the difficult life of lack of food and clothing, as well as the embarrassment of repeated casualties but no gains, so we all decided to join your team! "

"But there are special laws in my army, and the requirements for soldiers are the strictest. Anyone who violates the laws will be severely punished, or even executed! But as far as I know, the army led by Enomui The requirements are the loosest. Can you adapt to coming to my place? If anyone violates the law, will he be willing to accept punishment?...Have you made it clear to your subordinates about these things?" Maxi Mus reminded him seriously.

"When we were in Campania, your team had the most stringent requirements. Of course I knew that and mentioned it to my brothers. Most of them accepted it. After all, compared with starvation and death, this is nothing." Pecot responded solemnly.

"How many people want to join?" Maximus asked again.

"Nearly 2000 people, most of them are my men."

"What is their background? Where are they from?"

"More than half are slaves and sailors from Illyria and Epirus, some are gladiators, mainly Germans, and some are poor mountain people from Lucania." Pecot replied.

Most of the soldiers under Pecot's command were Illyrian and Epirus, which is not surprising since he himself was an Illyrian. In fact, the leaders and leaders of the rebel army all have this habit - they like to recruit their own compatriots as subordinates, because they find it more convenient to command, and this also meets Maximus' needs.

But he did not agree immediately, but asked again: "2000 people is a large number. After joining my team, they must be reorganized and adapted. Can you accept it?"

Faced with Maximus' piercing gaze, Pecot hesitated.

Maximus saw what he was thinking and continued: "Pecot, you are a capable man, but you don't know much about my army yet, so after joining, you will serve as the captain first. After you are familiar with the situation, you will make a decision." With your military exploits, if you are allowed to command more soldiers, Pheasalus will be able to become the commander of the legion, and you will not be worse than him in the future."

Pecot was a little surprised: "Pheasalus became the commander of the legion?! The commander of the legion of 6000 people?!"

"That's right! You should have heard that we had a conflict with Cleonis not long ago. It was Pheasalus who led his legions to repel the opponent."

The surprised look on Pecott's face quickly dissipated, and he said firmly: "Since my brothers and I have decided to join your team, it is natural for us to accept the rectification and adaptation."

Maximus smiled and extended his right hand: "Welcome to become one of us!"

Pecot also extended his right hand and shook it tightly.

Pecot walked out of the camp and couldn't help but stop and look back at the candlelit military tent. His mood was a little complicated: he and Maximus had known each other for several years, even though Maximus had half of Illyri in his body. Ya's blood, but he didn't like to be close to it, and even looked down upon him;
  On his way out of Capua, he saw that Maximus wanted to take him as an arm, but he scorned it;
  However, since then, this young man who was looked down upon by him seemed to have changed. He created miracles many times and rose up the ranks, quickly becoming one of the leaders of the rebel army. Now his team has developed into the most powerful leader in the entire rebel army. A rich and most orderly group!

Pecot has always thought that he is a very discerning person. After becoming a pirate, he can always tell who among the captured people has the most money to blackmail, who has an identity and needs to be dealt with carefully, and who is lying and needs to be taught a lesson... …He admitted that he had made a mistake in Maximus, and now seeing this young man again made him feel a lot of pressure. He is a very realistic person. Since Maximus is far stronger than him now and seems to have great potential, then join his team and become his subordinate, just like the Feisalu who was once taken care of by him. Just like this, this will not only greatly improve your situation, but may also make your future brighter! …

Thinking of this, Pect strode towards his camp.


"Boss, there are no Roman warships seen around the port!" The sailor lying on the top of the mast and looking forward shouted loudly.

"Keep staring at me with your eyes wide open! Dioscles, lower the sails and let the brothers start paddling. Let's follow Calsipempas's ship into the harbor." After Onomabaitis finished speaking, he still said He stared nervously at the clipper ship sailing ahead. Once he found that something was wrong, he would immediately tell the ship to turn around and escape.

The water gate of the port has been opened, and the clipper of Kalsipempas has sailed in. Onomabaitis looked at the towering watchtowers on both sides of the embankment for a while before letting the ship follow him in.

There were only a few ships moored in the port, and there seemed to be very few people on the shore, which seemed to give people a depressing scene.

Kalsipempas's ship had already docked at the dock, and Onomabaitis asked the ship to dock at a nearby dock.

After the ship docked, several laborers came over, caught the cable thrown by the sailor, and tied it to the wooden pillar of the dock.

"Do you have any goods to place?" asked a laborer.


After hearing this, the laborers were not depressed, but felt relaxed, and a few of them walked back.

Onomabatis looked at it with some doubts in his eyes, and turned around and said: "Brothers, get off the boat."

"Boss, do you want to bring weapons?"

"Um...bring it with you."

A dozen sailors wearing thin linen clothes picked up the swords and spears placed in the boat and jumped out of the boat one after another. Onomabatis walked in the front wearing a tattered leather armor and a short sword hanging from his waist.

A group of people looked like robbers trying to rob a house.

The laborers were neither surprised nor frightened, and stood watching from a distance.

Onomabaitis led his men to another dock. Kalsipempas was standing on the trestle, watching the laborers unloading goods from the ship. Seeing their appearance, he immediately reprimanded: "Onomabaitis Tis, what are you doing?! Why don’t you quickly put these things you are holding back in the boat!”

"Brother, I think-" Onomabaitis wanted to defend himself, but was interrupted by Kalsi Pampas dissatisfied: "I have told you many times that we Illyrian pirates are welcome here. There won’t be any danger, why don’t you believe me yet!”

"Brother, I believe it! Of course I believe it!" Onomabatis defended while taking off his dagger and handing it to the men next to him: "Put all the guys in your hands back into the boat. Go quickly. !”

A group of sailors reluctantly walked back.

At this time, a man in a white robe standing beside the ship said: "Karsipimpas, you only carried 14 baskets of iron ore this time, which is 6 baskets less than last time."

Calsipempas quickly explained: "Why don't I want to bring more iron ore if I can make more money? But you also know that now the Roman warships have increased patrols outside this port, in order to be able to encounter them when they encounter them." After running away smoothly, I had to take less to lighten the load on the boat.”

The man was also aware of the current situation at the port and nodded in agreement: "As before, follow me to the warehouse. After checking the quality and weighing of this batch of iron ore, I will calculate the money for you."

"Okay." Kalsipempas smiled and turned to his subordinates: "You go to the port hotel to book a room and order some delicious food. When I come back, let's celebrate."

Someone among the sailors said: "Boss, we want to go to the market first."

"Go, but don't cause trouble."

"Who dares? We don't want to be locked up like that fool Nikola Redas last time." After a sailor said this, there was a burst of laughter.

Kalsipempas remembered something and said to Onomabatis: "Let your men go with them. You follow me to the warehouse, and then I will take you to see the steward here."

Now that we are here, Onomabatis is too lazy to be suspicious anymore and simply said: "Brother, I listen to you."

Calsipempas gave a few instructions to his men, and then grabbed a handful of silver coins from his purse and gave them to them.

The sailors cheered out of the dock and rushed towards the port district with Onoma Baitis' men.

Kalsipempas took Onomabatis and followed the unloading workers towards the large warehouse in the center of the port.

On the way, Onomabatis couldn't help but asked curiously: "Brother, didn't you say before that after they captured this city, except for a few ships with their permission, no one else could enter or leave the town at all, but here Why is there still a market open?”

"We are not worthy of them reopening the entire market. It is mainly open to the residents of this city, the original Sarapians."

"Ah?" Onomabatis was very surprised.

"Isn't it strange? I also found it strange when I first came here. The people of Free Italy did not rob the Sarapians of their belongings and then turn them into slaves for sale. Instead, they closed them in the city. Let them buy things at the market with their own money. If they don’t have money, they can only work for them obediently——"

(End of this chapter)

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