Rome must fall.

Chapter 123 The real reason for refusing to go north

Chapter 123 The real reason for refusing to go north

Maximus glanced at his teammates who had fought side by side in Campania, and persuaded him with sincere words: "Spartacus, Hamilka, Altonix, Artemus, now we When we escaped from the gladiator school and launched a riot in the Vesuvius area, didn't everyone make a promise to resist Rome and gain freedom?! Now it's about to come true, for the brothers who have always believed in us and followed us , we must not retreat!——"

"Maximus, you are talking nonsense!" Cleonis interrupted Maximus loudly: "Can you gain freedom by leaving Italy?! Do you know that there are terrible things everywhere north of the Alps? The Gauls and the even more terrifying Germans!

I asked some Gallic brothers in the army, and they all told me that the barbarian tribes each have their own territory. If outsiders enter, they will regard them as enemies and launch a war to kill or expel them!

Although Rome was powerful, they were afraid of the barbarians north of the Alps, because they had been defeated by the barbarians many times before. If you don't believe me, you can ask the soldiers from Umbria and Picenum.

Moreover, the barbarians treat prisoners extremely cruelly. Once we are defeated, our heads will either be chopped off and made into urinals, or we will become slaves and be tortured! There are fights everywhere anyway, so why don’t I stay in Italy where I’m more familiar with the situation! "

"Clionis is right!" Fitodorus quickly took over: "I heard that north of the Alps there are dense forests and swamps everywhere, with many wild animals, mosquitoes everywhere, and in winter, the weather is very cold.

The barbarians wear thick robes and do not eat bread as their staple food. Instead, they like to stew wheat, beans and meat together. When they have nothing to eat, they even dig up snakes and insects to eat...

Think about it, most of our team are Italian soldiers. They are used to the warm climate and delicious food here. Now if they want to go to a place completely different from Italy, I am afraid that they will have to fight before there is a battle. If half of them get sick first, how can we defeat the barbarians who regard us as enemies? "Fitodoras looked at Maximus and spread his hands, showing a helpless look.

"Maximus said just now that Rome is very powerful, but we are also very powerful now!" Depetimas, Cleonis, and Fitodorus seemed to have discussed it in advance, and they spoke one after another.

"At first, our soldiers were indeed afraid of the Roman army, but after winning one victory after another, they are now not only not afraid, but also eager to fight the Romans. And their combat capabilities have also been greatly improved, even if If Rome sends another army, it will never be our opponent. Instead, it will make us stronger and stronger as we fight, turning us into a powerful army like General Marius, and no one can resist it then!"

Maximus retorted: "Depetimas, you are a veteran. You should know very well that the Roman armies we have defeated so far are just new soldiers who have only been trained for a few months and have not been on the battlefield much. .The only Roman army that has ever given us a headache was from the province of North Italy. They were regular Roman legions that had been trained for many years. Have you forgotten how much we paid to defeat them? And something like this How many troops does Rome have?!"

Maximus hit the table hard and reminded loudly: "At least hundreds of thousands of people! Led by Lucullus and Pompey, the most powerful generals in Rome, some of them fought against the Pontians in Asia Minor, and some of them wiped out the Iberian Peninsula. The rebels have been fighting for many years and are very powerful. Once the Roman Senate transfers them back to Italy, Depetimas, do you think we can defeat them?!"

Depetimas was at a loss for words. He had served in the Roman army for many years and could not tell lies with his eyes open.

"Of course!" Tormaas took over and retorted: "No matter how powerful Rome is, its roots are in Italy! Now the reputation of our free Italy has spread throughout Italy, and all Italian slaves and poor people are If you are willing to join us, our team has exceeded 10 people in just one year. We will become even stronger in the future, powerful enough to destroy Rome!

By that time, would those Roman soldiers who were fighting in Italy but whose homes were in Italy still have the heart to fight? ! Those city-states and kingdoms that once submitted to Rome will inevitably rise up against Rome again. By then, Rome will no longer be strong, and all Italian city-states will regain their freedom with our help! "

After he said these words, some people present were excited and couldn't help shouting: "Tolmaas, well said!"

"Haha, we all know that the roots of Rome are in Italy, don't the Romans themselves not know?!" Maximus sneered and said loudly: "Rome has always underestimated us before, but now they have suffered a major defeat, and both consuls have We were almost captured. We have seriously threatened Rome's rule in Italy. From now on, it will definitely regard us as its real enemy!

It will definitely mobilize its most elite army to wipe out us as soon as possible! It will also use various tricks to spy on us, bribe our soldiers, break up our ranks, and cause us to have internal strife!

Yes, maybe other city-states and kingdoms outside of Italy will rise up in the process, but so what? It is impossible for them to come to Italy to help us, and we who are constantly attacked by Rome's elite army may not see the day when Rome is destroyed! "

The military tent suddenly became quiet. It was not that everyone was convinced by Maximus, but that the various despicable methods Rome would adopt that he mentioned made everyone who had not experienced it feel a little embarrassed.

At this time, a man in the corner of the tent said loudly: "My brothers and I will never continue going north to the barbarian lands north of the Alps! If you must go, we will break away from Free Italy." , go south and fight the Romans!"

The speaker was none other than Demorius, the leader of the Marsi who had just joined the team. As soon as he finished speaking, the other two new leaders in the Picenum area also said resolutely: "We are the same, absolutely. Don’t go north again, otherwise we will lead the team to leave!”

The speeches of the three people suddenly caused the military tent to become extremely quiet, and some people's faces showed nervousness, because it reminded them of the scene when Cross left the team a few months ago.

Cleonis suddenly laughed. He looked at Maximus and said sarcastically: "Chief Spartacus, you can no longer listen to the advice of some stupid person. If we continue to go north, Free Italy will be destroyed." Falling apart!

I have suggested before that the team should turn around and head south, back to Magna Graecia, where trade is developed, supplies are abundant, and there are many slaves and poor people who are in urgent need of our help. Especially in Sicily, the people there launched a major riot decades ago and almost occupied the entire island of Sicily, but were finally annihilated by the Roman army...

Since the meeting of military commanders has been unable to make a final decision on this matter these days, I suggest that a military meeting be held and let all soldiers decide where we should go! "

Maximus' heart tightened,

Since the establishment of the rebel army, military conferences have only been held a few times. With the rapid expansion of the team, convening military conferences has become very troublesome. Therefore, they have not been held again after going south this year. However, it is the beginning of the uprising after all. As for the agreed-upon highest authority, once the military assembly makes a decision, it cannot be changed.

"Agree to convene a military meeting and let all the soldiers discuss the whereabouts of our team!" Several leaders who later joined the team loudly agreed, because they knew very well that the poor in Italian towns and cities now accounted for the majority of the rebel team. As long as there is a little hope , they will never leave Italy easily.

Maximus also knew very well, so he turned his pleading eyes to Attumus, who had fought alongside him, hoping that he could veto this seemingly reasonable request.

However, Attumus lowered his head and did not make eye contact with him.

Altonix did not avoid eye contact, but he shook his head slightly to express his refusal.

Hamilka and Spartacus were discussing something in a low voice with serious expressions, and seemed not to notice his request for help.

At that moment, Maximus suddenly felt that although there were many people in this military tent, he was alone.

During this period, because he kept insisting on going north, he felt more and more alienated from other leaders, but this time, he really felt a little cold.

"Cough! Cough!" Spartacus coughed twice, his eyes scanned everyone, and finally fell on Maximus, and said with deep meaning: "We have been discussing for so long today, and we are all tired. Let's go back. Let's have a good rest first, and discuss it carefully with his men. We will have a meeting tomorrow to decide whether the team should continue to go north? Or go south?" "It has to be postponed to tomorrow again?!" Cleonis was a little dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, we will definitely make a decision tomorrow, we won't delay it any longer!" Spartacus replied with certainty, and Cleonis and the others stopped entangled.

Maximus had a sullen face, stood up and walked out. Hamilka called him twice but didn't respond. He was still thinking of chasing him out, but Spartacus stopped him: "Forget it, stop chasing. Just now. I have quietly signaled him to stay after the meeting and we can discuss it in private... It seems that he has understood our choice and does not intend to discuss it with us anymore."

"Hey..." Hamilcar sighed longly.

"Hamilcar, please go see him for me." Spartacus said half-heartedly.

Maximus returned to his camp.

"Chief, how was the discussion today? Can we continue marching?" Attendant Akguo came up and asked.

Maximus did not answer, but said in a deep voice: "Go and give me Vorenus, Arconis, Pigris, Capito, Quintus, Frontinus... Call me to the military tent for a meeting!"

"Yes!" The attendants responded in unison, not daring to neglect, because this was the first time Maximus called all the leaders in the team for a meeting during the march. There must be something important.

At this time, the guard came in and reported: "Chief, Chief Attumus is here."

"Let him in."

"Maximus, you walked too fast. I called you several times from behind, but you didn't hear me." Attumus complained and walked into the military tent.

"Chief Attumus, what do you want from me?" Maximus looked at him and asked seriously instead of the usual casualness in his mouth.

"Uh... which..." Attumus was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and said guiltily: "During the meeting just now, I knew you wanted me to stand up and say something for you, but... you I also know that the soldiers under my command are either Apulians or Picenum. If I publicly stated at the meeting that I support continuing to move north, I am afraid they would start a riot..."

"What do you think? Should you go north or south?" Maximus asked with an indifferent look.

"All the soldiers under me are like this. Even if my ideas are different from theirs, so what? Can I leave all of them and go north alone?!" Attumus became serious, and he said seriously He persuaded: "Not only am I like this, Altonix, Hamilka, and Spartacus are also in the same situation as me. Otherwise, when Cleonis and the others besieged you today, why didn't they stand up and fight for you?" Are you talking? Maximus, you don’t have to fight against everyone alone——"

"Chief Attumus." Maximus interrupted him impatiently: "I will no longer persuade you to go north with me, and you should not persuade me to go south with you. Considering that we have fought side by side, Please remember! If one day you are besieged by the Roman army on the seaside, I may be able to send a ship to save your life."

"Ah?" Attumus was stunned again. When he came to his senses, he was about to speak.

Maximus waved his hand: "I have a meeting here next, so I won't talk to you more."

When Attumus was sent out of the military tent, he was still a little confused. He looked up and saw Hamilcar walking towards him. He quickly waved and said, "Hamilcar, you are also here to persuade Maximus, right?"

Hamilka pointed to the military tent: "Is he inside?"

"Yes, but——"

Hamilcar didn't say much, walked a few steps, bypassed Attumus, walked to the tent, and said to the guard: "I want to see Maximus."

"Please wait."

Attumus watched Hamilcar walk into the military tent, and was stunned for a while, then he took a long breath and strode away.

As soon as Maximus saw Hamilka, he asked directly: "Teacher, are you here to see me off?"

Hamilka was not surprised. He asked in a deep voice: "Have you really decided to lead the team north alone? Don't wait any longer, what if the situation changes?"

(End of this chapter)

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