Rome must fall.

Chapter 140 2 Nobility

Chapter 140 Twenty Titles System

"Oh, I seem to have heard of this person's name." Maximus thought about it and asked again: "Is he willing to do things for us?"

"He teaches the children very seriously and has never expressed the idea of ​​leaving the team. I think he is quite happy to be in the team." Volenus said.

"Go and call him now. I'll take a look first." After Maximus finished speaking, Volenus immediately got up and went out of the tent.

Maximus continued: "Let's talk about the next department first, and the last one - the Ministry of War!"

Tolerugo, Carminus and others immediately cheered up.

"Everyone should be very clear if I don't mention the responsibilities of the Ministry of War, which are to train soldiers, manage the army, defend against enemies, and go out to fight." Maximus said word by word: "The Ministry of War has no general person-"

Quintus felt slightly disappointed. He quietly glanced at Frontinus, who was sitting upright next to him, and quickly turned his attention to Maximus's words.

"...It is divided into three departments. One is the staff department, which is responsible for the daily training of soldiers, research on strategies and tactics, and formulation of combat plans... Its chief officer is the staff officer, held by Quintus."

"Thank you, chief!" Quintus' mood returned to normal at this moment.

"The second department is the Military Affairs Department, which is responsible for specific affairs within the army, including statistics of military merits, promotion of ordinary soldiers... etc. Its chief officer is the Military Affairs Officer, and Frontinus is still in charge."

"Yes, chief!" Frontinus responded with a loud voice.

"The third department is the Armament Department. It is responsible for the storage and management of weapons and equipment in peacetime, and is also responsible for the supply of food and materials during wartime. The person in charge of this department is the Armament Officer. I don't have a candidate for the time being. Do you have anyone to recommend? ?" Maximus looked at Quintus and the others and asked.



Quintus and Frontinus spoke almost simultaneously.

This is a bit interesting... Maximus suppressed his desire to watch the excitement and said seriously: "Let me introduce their situation first."

"Speak first." Quintus showed his grace at this time.

Frontinus did not refuse: "Lebirus was also a Roman veteran, and later became a military slave like me. When Capito became the warehouse supervisor, he once asked him to help in the warehouse, and then he stayed in the supply camp. On."

"Calvinus is also a Roman veteran. He once lived near the Gulf of Taranto. After we captured Sarapia, he joined the team and has been staying in the baggage camp ever since." Quintus followed up.

Oh, they really happened to be together... Maximus turned to look at the new work officer and said: "How the performance of these two people is, it seems that the Capitol has to talk about it."

Capito said helplessly: "Chief, I am indeed familiar with these two people, and I am thinking of recruiting them into the Ministry of Works."

"It seems that these two people are indeed capable, and everyone is rushing to get them!" Maximus smiled. It seems that Quintus and Frontinus did not recommend people randomly because of their own selfishness.

"Lebirus works very hard and is very hard-working; Calvinus is more flexible in mind and can sometimes come up with good ways to solve problems..." Capito made a simple evaluation of the two.

Maximus thought for a while and said: "The Ministry of Armament has just been created, and there are many things to be done. We need hard-working and willing people to lead our subordinates. Let Lebirus be the Armament Officer and Calvinus be the Armament Adjutant." .”

As soon as Maximus made his decision, the tent opened and Volenus walked in, followed by an old man with a half-bald head, a long beard, and a sleepy look on his face. He had obviously just been pulled up from his sleep. .

"Chief, this is Kephesophon." Volenus introduced.

Maximus asked directly: "Kephisophon, which school of thought in Athens are you from?"

Kephisophon blurted out without hesitation: "Stoic."

Since Maximus was reborn in this world, he was forced by the pressure of survival to learn about local customs and customs from soldiers from all over the Mediterranean in the rebel army whenever he could. As Athens, which once dominated the Mediterranean, was naturally the object of his curiosity. , and thus also learned a lot about Athens, including Stoicism, because it originated in Athens.

Most Stoic scholars are very rational, open-minded, active in the world, and very adaptable to the situation. It is no wonder that Kephisophon is so calm as a teacher in the team, which makes Maximus feel relieved a lot.

"Chief Maximus, I would like to ask you why you want to design so many etiquettes in the tribe? Isn't this easy to cause inequality between people?" Kephisophon asked, looking at Mark Sims' eyes were full of curiosity, and it was obvious that Volenus had briefed him on the way.

Maximus said sternly: "Proper etiquette can make people fear the heaven and the earth, understand their superiority and inferiority, and understand their position in the tribe. Only in this way can the tribe be in order, and the people can be law-abiding and have their own goals. I think what Athens lacked in the past was etiquette. The government had no authority, and the people had no reverence. They could accuse and slander the consuls at will, and the generals could act at will without obeying the consul's orders... Do you think this situation is a good thing?"

Kephisophon was lost in thought and said nothing.

Maximus briefly restated the responsibilities of the Department of Etiquette and asked: "Kephisophon, are you willing to be the etiquette instructor to educate the children to become talents and let the people learn etiquette?"

"I'll give it a try." Kephisophon thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. Maximus reminded again: "The etiquette should be simple, not complicated, as long as it achieves the effect. When I am free, we can discuss it and draw up some etiquette for trial use. If you think it is good, then implement it."

Kephisophon nodded in understanding.

Maximus asked him to sit down, and then asked Capito to quickly call Lebirus and Calvinus.

The two were woken up from their sleep and were very happy to learn that they had been promoted.

After Maximus waited for everyone to sit down, he began to speak again: "In addition, there is the last department, the Medical Department. Its responsibility is not only to treat patients, but also to improve the medical capabilities of the entire tribe, and to prevent and treat patients." The important responsibility of the epidemic, Horace, is that the position of medical officer belongs to you!"

"Thank you, chief, for your trust!" Although Horace was thanking him, there was no joy on his face. Instead, he was a little serious. His duties as a medical officer made him feel a little stressed.

"Our team's medical capabilities have always been far stronger than other teams, not only because we have good doctors, but also because we have good nurses. Nesia, you have played a big role in this. I hope you can What do you think of serving as the medical adjutant, mobilizing more women to join in, and training them to become excellent nurses?"

"As long as the leader says I can do it, then I will definitely do it." Nesia said with a smile, and quietly winked at Maximus.

Maximus quickly looked away, coughed twice, and said loudly: "Everyone, these are the nine departments our tribe is about to establish -"

"Wait a minute!" A woman stood up from the crowd: "Chief, where is our kitchen? Is our kitchen gone?!"

Seeing the anxious look on the face of Aconys, who had always fully supported him, Maximus felt a little guilty and said softly: "Arkonis, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to say so many things that I almost forgot about you. I need a housekeeper here. Are you willing to take over this responsibility?"

"What is a housekeeper?" Aknis looked confused.

"To put it simply, it is to manage my housework." Maximus quickly explained, still worried that Aconis would not accept it. After all, she was in charge of hundreds of people now, and when she became the housekeeper, she could only manage a few. Personally, this gap is too big.

"Okay, I'm willing to be the housekeeper!" Aknis agreed readily, which was somewhat beyond Maximus' expectations.

In fact, Arconis readily agreed because she was from Egypt and had lived near Alexandria since she was a child. However, she had seen Pharaoh's favorites roaming the countryside with her own eyes. She had followed Maximus for so long and had seen Maximus many times. Seeing the magic of Musi, he firmly believed that the young leader would definitely become a big shot. No official position could be as powerful as being a close minister of the leader, not to mention that he had other thoughts hidden in his heart.

However, she still asked with some reluctance: "Will our kitchen team be disbanded in the future?"

Maximus comforted: "Yes, we have settled down now. In the future, everyone will have their own home and can make food by themselves. There is no need for everyone to eat together. And those people under you will be divided into Even though they are on the ground, they have to be busy with their own affairs.

However, they are very experienced in supplying food to the army. I believe that the armaments officer Lebirus will select a few of them as subordinates. In the future, when the army goes out to fight, he may recruit them again to provide food for the soldiers. "

"Chief, we have this plan." Calvinus, the armament adjutant, interjected.

Akonis's expression brightened slightly, and she asked again: "As the head of internal affairs, should I choose a few subordinates?" "Just two, no more." Maximus said firmly, after all, if there is a group of If people serve only one person, it will create a bad impression on everyone.

Aknis sat down satisfied.

"Akonis reminded me just now that there is another department I haven't mentioned - that is the Secretariat, which is responsible for drafting orders, conveying messages, meeting minutes and other trivial matters for me. This department does not have a chief officer, only subordinates, collectively called As secretaries, young men like Akago and Cassius usually serve as secretaries."

When everyone heard that it turned out to be a formal title for the leader's attendants, they didn't pay much attention.

Akgo and Cassius finally showed their joy. They were quite envious when they saw Marcus serving as the adjutant of the Finance Department. However, Chief Maximus quietly told them before the meeting: The Secretariat now looks inconspicuous. , but it will play a very important role in the future.

They all hope this is true.

At this time, Maximus said loudly: "Everyone, starting tonight, the Ministry of Agriculture! The Ministry of Works! The Ministry of Commerce! The Ministry of Finance! The Ministry of Legal Affairs! The Ministry of Personnel! The Ministry of Etiquette! The Ministry of Medical Care! The Ministry of War! - the Nix tribe Even if the nine major departments are officially established, the chief officers of each department must carefully plan their own departments and lead their subordinates to perform their duties well. As long as each department develops smoothly, then our entire tribe will definitely grow and develop!" Mark Sims said, smiling and clapping.

Thanks to his reminder, everyone was aware of this important moment and applauded in celebration.

When the applause died down, Maximus reminded: "But currently we are still living in a temporary camp, and everyone is crowded in tents to sleep, so we have to continue to do what we should have done originally, such as what you said, Aconis The responsible kitchen... is just that people can take time out to prepare and plan the new department and do some of the things they can do at the moment.”

"Everyone should pay attention -" Maximus raised his voice and said solemnly: "Above these nine departments, I have a political hall, where I can convene the chief officials of the nine departments at any time to discuss major and important matters of the tribe. Solve problems and problems together. In addition, I regularly hold a tribal meeting at the beginning of every month. The chief officers, adjutants and important subordinates of the nine departments, as well as several army commanders, deputy army commanders and guard captains must participate. You can raise issues encountered within your authority at the conference, and everyone can discuss and resolve them together..."

Everyone present was refreshed, and then fell into thinking.

Kephisophon listened carefully, and he found that the political system Maximus planned for this new tribe was something he had never heard of: no parliament, and nine departments covering all aspects of the tribe. The leader is fixed and will not be elected regularly, but he has to discuss matters with officials and work together to solve problems. It does not seem to be a dictatorship, and it seems that the efficiency of work should be relatively elite government? Oligarchy?

As he was thinking about it, he heard Maximus say: "Tribal leaders, nine major departments, political halls, tribal conferences - this is the new political system I have formulated for the Nyx tribe, but it is not over yet, because it is only The top leaders of the tribe are decided, but what about our ordinary people? If civilians are always civilians, wouldn’t our political system be the same as Rome and Persia?! So what I just said is only part of it, and next I will talk about another Part of-"

Maximus spoke loudly and loudly: "That is the system of twenty titles! Titles are rewards given by the tribe to meritorious citizens. The higher the title, the more contributions the citizen has made to the tribe. The more rewards you will get, the more respect you deserve from the people!"

(End of this chapter)

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