Rome must fall.

Chapter 15 Initial Team Building

Chapter 15 Initial Team Building
  Hamilcar takes Maximus into the farm, and the task given to them by Spartacus is to count the supplies in the farm.

The area of ​​this farm is not small, but compared with the farm we stayed in last night, it lacks some buildings. There are no dung piles near the farm, no barns in the yard, no pig pens, sheep pens, or even stables, so there is no obvious odor.

In the middle of the yard is a flat stone floor. It is not a threshing floor, but a place for drying raisins. There is a pool in the middle of the yard to collect rainwater. There are two brewing rooms on one side of the yard, with presses and wooden barrels of various types placed in the rooms; on the other side of the yard are multiple wine cellars, some of which store large wine tanks, and some of which are closed. The other ones are wooden barrels for storage... There is only one relatively small warehouse in the entire farm, which stores flour, barley, and a very small amount of bacon. It is obvious that this is a farm specializing in wine production.

Finally, the two of them stepped into the only building in the farm. The ground floor was for slaves, and the rooms were small and crowded. The top floor was for the overseers and guards, which was spacious and comfortable.

Entering the largest room, Maximus noticed a piece of papyrus lying on the wooden table with a torn envelope next to it.

He walked over and picked it up casually. He could understand the Latin on the letter.

"What's written on it?" Hamilcar asked curiously, not knowing how to read.

After Maximus read it, he thought about it carefully and then said in a deep voice: "The man just now did not lie. This farm is indeed the property of a Roman senator. He wrote a letter to tell the steward here that it was a Roman state. The price of wine in the city has increased, and twenty barrels of wine are required to be shipped to Rome as soon as possible. Here is his signature——"

Maximus read word by word: "Marchus Porchius Cato."

Hamilcar asked casually: "Who is this man?"

"I'm not too sure. I just vaguely remember that my former master mentioned him. This family named Cato is very influential in the city of Rome!" Maximus said solemnly. In fact, he said this to the person who wrote the letter. He knew nothing about it, but he was familiar with the family and surname of Porchius Cato, because in the history of his previous life, two people from this family impressed him deeply: the Porchius family were originally Roman commoners, and the elder Cato rose to prominence in the war against Hannibal. He often shouted in the Senate that "Carthage must be destroyed" which eventually led to Rome destroying Carthage. There was also a young Cato who was always determined to oppose Caesar. ... This family seems to have a trait. Once they have set their sights on the target, even the nine-headed bull cannot pull it back.

"You have to tell Spartacus about this!" Hamilka's expression became serious, and he turned and walked out.

Maximus was about to follow when he saw a pile of papyrus on the bed from the corner of his eye. He immediately walked over and picked it up.

"What is this?" Hamilcar stopped and asked.

Maximus glanced at the content on the first page and said, "This seems to be a book that teaches people how to grow grains and herd cattle and sheep."

"Oh." Hamilka didn't pay too much attention, turned around and walked out the door.

Maximus carefully searched the entire bed, picked up a few scattered ones, folded them, carefully put them in his arms, and then left the room.

After the gladiators killed the resisters, they gathered all the slaves on the farm together. Spartacus invited them to join, but at the same time he generously announced that if anyone was unwilling to join, they could leave on their own, and they would not be embarrassed.

As a result, nearly thirty slaves chose to stay.

While everyone was lying around in the courtyard in the middle of the farm to rest, Spartacus, Cross and other leaders were already sitting in the room where the letter was found before to discuss matters.

After listening to the situation introduced by Hamilcar and Maximus, Spartacus said to everyone with a solemn expression: "Brothers, although we have temporarily settled down, many slaves have joined and grown stronger. Our team, but the Romans will soon know that we have occupied their farms and kidnapped their slaves, and they will soon send troops to come. Should we fight here? Or continue south after a few days' rest run?"

"Of course we are going to fight the Romans here!" Cross said loudly without hesitation: "We have only been here for a long time, and the number of people joining the team is close to two hundred! There are slaves everywhere here, as long as we attack with all our strength , kill the Roman overseers on the farm and invite the slaves to join us. In a few days, our team will number in the tens of thousands! And there are so many farms here, and there is enough food stored in the farms. We don’t need to Worried about not having anything to eat! If we gave up such a good place and chose to run south, that would be what only fools would do!"

"Cross is right. Since we have determined to resist Rome, fighting with the Roman army is inevitable. If we can win earlier, we can establish our prestige earlier and let more people join us. We Only then will he be less afraid of Rome!" Altonix, who was always cautious, had a flame-like light flashing in his eyes at this moment. "Fight Rome, we Germans are never afraid of fighting!" Enomu expressed his determination concisely and concisely.

Spartacus glanced at Hamilcar.

Hamilka nodded.

"Okay! Now that the brothers have agreed, let's fight the Romans here!" Spartacus's face was filled with enthusiasm. He looked around everyone and said in a deep voice: "However, the Roman army is not The soldiers of Picapua are well-organized and well-disciplined. I once served as an auxiliary for the Roman army in Asia Minor and was deeply impressed by this. If we want to fight Rome, we can no longer swarm and fight like before. , we must organize the brothers well and strengthen training, so that we can maximize our strength, so I have a suggestion.

Now our team has more than 400 people. Cross, Altonix, Enomui and I, the four of us each command a hundred people. Half of each hundred people are old brothers and half are new members. Slaves, so that under the leadership of the old brothers, the newly joined slaves will not perform too poorly. And we also need every ten people to elect a team leader, so that the whole team will become more orderly and there will be less chaos during the war. What do you think? "

"Spartacus's suggestion is right, so that we won't be in chaos during the battle." Altonix first agreed.

"Just do it." Emnoy replied simply.

Only Cross hesitated.

Spartacus somewhat understood his thoughts and persuaded: "Cross, we only have a few old brothers, but more and more people will join the team. By then, all the brothers may serve as centurions, Even if a captain leads his troops to fight against the Romans alone, if they are not trained because of your overprotection, they may blame you in the future."

Cross was slightly shocked: there were more than a hundred Gauls among the gladiators. He had always regarded himself as the leader of these people and did not want others to get involved. But Spartacus was indeed right. If these arrogant guys Seeing that gladiators who are inferior to them can become captains and lead seven or eight slaves, while they are still soldiers under command, their dissatisfaction will soon burst out...

Thinking of this, Cross finally nodded: "I have no objection."

Spartacus smiled: "Okay, we will follow this execution, and Crosby will select a hundred people first."

Cross nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

Spartacus continued: "We also need to establish a cavalry team to detect the surrounding situation for us, especially the possible movements of the Roman army. What do you think?"

"I agree."

"How many men are needed for this cavalry?"

"Let's make it five people for now."

"But all the horses we have now will be used to carry the carriage, there are no extra horses." Hamilcar reminded.

"There are so many farms here, there will be no shortage of horses. If we seize horses again, we will distribute them to the cavalry first." Spartacus suggested.

Everyone agrees.

(End of this chapter)

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