Rome must fall.

Chapter 161 Going back on one's word

Chapter 161 Going back on one's word

Frontinus's answer shocked Maximus, and he soon understood: when the rebels initially formed a defensive formation and the enemy launched a massive attack, it was difficult for the seriously injured soldiers to retreat safely to the rear of the array on their own, while the warriors Under the heavy pressure of the enemy, it was difficult for them to rescue them in time. They were either hit by the enemy or trampled to death. By the time the rebels counterattacked, the enemy was already weakened and it was difficult to kill the rebel soldiers.

Maximus touched his chin with his hand to hide a trace of heartache rising from the bottom of his heart, and then asked: "How many casualties were there among the new recruits?"

"The new recruits only suffered 103 casualties." Of course, Frontinus understood who Maximus was referring to by the "new recruits". He looked at Quintus and said: "Half of the casualties of the veterans came from After the left wing faked defeat.”

Quintus was expressionless.

Maximus was silent for a moment and sighed softly: "We owe the Third Army so much!"

"What are the casualties of the Segestica people?" Quintus took over.

"Time is too tight, and we haven't had time to count the casualties of the Segostikas. However, the number of prisoners we have now exceeds 3000. There are still many Segostikas in the swamp. We are already around the swamp. We have deployed manpower, and if those Segestika soldiers cannot cross the swamp and swim across the Kupa River, they will eventually come back and surrender..."

Frontinus paused and then said: "If it weren't for the Skodischi slaves who were responsible for intercepting in the east, they did not obey the command and divided their forces to pursue the enemy without authorization, resulting in insufficient troops in the east and leaving some Segestica If the defeated troops can escape from the east, our victory will be even greater."

"This is already a brilliant victory, enough to shock our enemies and allies!" Maximus smiled and praised loudly: "This is all your credit!"

Quintus immediately said humbly: "This is all thanks to the bravery of our soldiers, your full support, leader, and your decision-making at the critical moment. Otherwise, such a risky military plan would never be possible!"

Frontinus moved his mouth but said nothing.

Maximus laughed a few times and said: "There are many things to do after the war, so I won't waste your time. I will go to the medical camp to see the injured soldiers."

Frontinus immediately called his subordinates and led them to the battlefield.

Quintus caught up with Maximus and asked, "Chief, what are you going to do with this new batch of prisoners?"

Maximus pinched his chin with his hand. What Quintus asked was exactly the question that gave him a headache now. After this battle, I am afraid that the young and middle-aged prisoners of Segostika in the hands of the rebels were as old as the veterans of the rebels. There were the same number of people. He thought for a while and did not reply. Instead, he asked: "Do you think the Segestica people will be willing to make a truce with us after this disastrous defeat?"

"Chief, do you want to negotiate peace with the Segestica people?!" Quintus was a little surprised.

"We only defeated the Segostika tribe among the Pannoni. There are six Pannoni tribes like this! Although we won this battle, the casualties also reached 10% of the entire army. First, if there are a few more battles like this, even if we win, our elites may be exhausted, so what is the meaning of victory to us!"

Maximus sighed. This battle made him re-examine his overly contemptuous mentality towards the Pannonians, and he felt the same feelings he had after Pyrrhus defeated the Roman army hundreds of years ago.

He said helplessly: "We are still too weak! Otherwise, we can rely on this victory to lead the army to attack the main stronghold of Segostika. What we need most now is time! It takes time to gradually transform the results of these victories Only by becoming our real strength can we truly gain a foothold here!”

After listening to this, Quintus was silent for a moment, admiring in his heart: even he was elated by the victory of this battle, but this leader who was decades younger than him could still remain calm, seeing the crisis in the victory, and for The Rebels are thinking longer term, just like he always has!

"Chief!" Quintus's shout contained a different kind of emotion and seemed very sincere: "I agree with your idea of ​​using this great victory to have a truce with the Segestica people. It's just a pity that we don't have it. I have captured the leader of the Segestika people. I heard that he has a tough character and is a brave warrior. He personally destroyed the Skodischi tribe in the upper reaches of the Sava River... I am worried that even if he Even if they suffer defeat, they will continue to fight against us."

Maximus pondered and said: "I also heard that Andres is indeed such a person, but you have to give it a try."


Maximus was a little tired after watching the wounded soldiers come out. He was about to go back to the military tent to rest when he saw Emmerich bringing a few people over.

"Chief Maximus." Emmerich waved and shouted. The two happy events of the rescue of more than 2000 compatriots and the disastrous defeat of the Segostika army made him energetic and joyful: "Please allow me to introduce these to you. A warrior who has just joined your tribe and led his compatriots to help the army defeat the Segestikas!"

"That's great. I'm about to see the new warriors who joined the tribe!" Maximus cheered up and said with a smile.

"This is Gowes, who was once a famous warrior in the Skodisqi tribe. This time, it was mainly because of him that he led other compatriots to successfully evacuate from the front. Later, he organized them and completed your handover. The interception task given..." Emmerich gave Gomez a lot of complimentary words, hoping that he could attract Maximus to reuse him.

While Emmerich was speaking, Maximus was looking at Gowes: he was not tall, but he was very strong, with obvious bulging muscles, unlike the Skodisci slaves he had seen before. He didn't have enough to eat because of the abuse by the Segestika people and looked thinner. His features were hard and there was determination in his eyes...

"Gowes." Maximus extended his right hand enthusiastically and said with a smile on his face: "You are a capable person. You are welcome to join the Knicks tribe! I believe you will-"

"Chief Maximus." Gowes looked directly at the young-looking leader in front of him and said in a deep voice: "I heard that you are a generous and kind leader. I have a request. I hope you can agree to it. !”

It had been a long time since someone interrupted him so rudely. Maximus felt unhappy, but he suppressed it and asked with an undiminished smile: "I wonder what the request is?"

"We are not going to join your tribe." Gowes said in a very forceful tone: "We hope you will allow us to leave here!"

Maximus was taken aback, and immediately looked at Emmerich with a questioning expression, and found that the other person also looked surprised.

"Gowes, what nonsense are you talking about!" Emmerich, the always kind old man, was angry and asked sternly: "Didn't you promise me to join the Knicks tribe before?"

"I'm sorry, sage, I promised you before." There was no apology on Gowes's face. He said confidently: "Later, after discussing with everyone, I felt that we have had enough of Segesti." We are oppressed by the Ka people and don’t want to join other tribes and be restricted. We are Skodisqi people. Even if we want to join, we are joining our own tribe-" "Gowes, you have to be clear-Skodisqi The tribe has been destroyed!"

"Our tribe is destroyed, but we will rebuild it!" Gowes said firmly.

"How many times do I have to say it, you simply can't survive here on your own!" Emmerich reminded loudly and sadly.

"We can!" Gowes raised his head and said confidently: "The Segestica people have suffered a huge defeat, and they no longer have the ability to deal with us!"

"That's just the Segestica tribe! There are also Brochi, Maziyi, Desitiatai, Peruste, Disione... any of them is a giant beast, and they can easily Chase you little ants to death!"

"If we don't provoke other Pannoni tribes, how can they send troops to attack us?"

"You have forgotten how we were defeated in the first place! The major Pannoni tribes are much more united than us. They will respond to the request of the Segostika tribe and jointly send troops to destroy you! Don't forget that you are Si The Cordischis and Pannonians will never allow you to exist independently, and they will do everything they can to eliminate you as soon as possible!"

"I...we have our own way to deal with it!" Gowes responded with a stiff neck.

Seeing that he was determined, Emmerich had no choice but to turn his attention to the other people: "Are you guys also planning to go with him?"

Some people lowered their heads in guilt, while others said calmly: "Yes, sage, we have already discussed it. We are going to take advantage of the Segostika people's defeat to break into their territory, seek revenge from them, and save our lives." Compatriots!"

Emmerich's expression softened slightly, but then he asked calmly: "How many people have you convinced to go with you?"

"There are more than 700 people. The others are cowards and cowards!" Geweis cursed a few times and then said: "Sage, I just want to discuss with you and help us persuade the compatriots who joined this tribe before. Let’s see if anyone is willing to leave with us.”

"This is absolutely not possible!" Maximus had been listening to the conversation between the two parties and observing whether Emmerich and these people were acting, and now he couldn't help but speak.

"Why?!" Gowes took a step forward excitedly: "They are all Skordis! -"

The guards behind Maximus immediately rushed forward and stood in front of him, pointing their daggers at Galweis and the others.

"Chief Maximus, please forgive their recklessness, they have no ill intentions!" Emmerich quickly explained.

Maximus waved his hand and asked the guards to step aside, but the guards still held swords and shields and remained wary of Galvais and the others.

Maximus said solemnly: "They have sworn to join our Nix tribe, and have been recognized by all the tribesmen, and have become members of the tribe. According to the tribe's laws, the tribesmen are not allowed to leave unless they are expelled by the tribe. If you leave the tribe without authorization, you will be regarded as a tribe traitor and will be severely punished!"

"You are depriving us Skodisci people of their freedom and trying to enslave them!" Gowes shouted angrily.

Maximus sneered: "The country has its own laws, and the tribe has its own rules. Could it be said that the former Skodischi tribe also allowed its subordinates to leave the tribe at will?"

Gowes was speechless.

In the past, Skordisqi tribes were formed based on blood relations. The leaders and nobles were the parents. Except for the noble druids, ordinary people would be severely punished if they fled the tribe without permission. Once, the nobles Gowes knew this.

He just heard Emmerich say that "the Nyx tribe is newly built and most of its people come from all over the Mediterranean." He took it for granted that its management must be loose and its people can come and go freely, so he made such a request.

"If it weren't for the fact that what you and Emmerich said before about 'joining the Knicks tribe' was just a verbal agreement and has not been formally recognized, otherwise you would have been tied to a wooden post and accepted the public trial of the tribe."

Maximus said calmly: "Now that you have made a decision, leave quickly and do not affect the normal order of my tribe. By the way, leave all the shields and spears you have before leaving."

"What?! You want to take away our weapons!" Gaweis became anxious when he heard this.

"You are wrong. Those are not your weapons. They are the ones we temporarily lent to you to intercept those Segestica troops. Now that the battle is over, you should naturally return the weapons." Maximus He said calmly.

"But... we helped you complete your mission and stopped so many Segestika warriors! As a reward, these weapons should be given to us!" Gowes said confidently.

"And the supplies in that stockade -" a companion next to him reminded.

Gowes immediately reacted: "Yes, yes, we also captured a Segestika stronghold not far from here and seized their supplies. According to our Skordisqi fighting customs, Although we are fighting for you, these supplies that we have won alone should belong to us...

As for the Segostika warriors we captured and the armor and weapons they carried, logically we should have a share, but considering that you have helped us in the past, in order to express our gratitude, we do not want it. "

Maximus laughed heartily, and it was not until the faces of Gowes and others became a little ugly that he stopped laughing. When the mood calmed down, he said calmly: "Listening to what you said, I should also thank you. of generosity!”

(End of this chapter)

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