Rome must fall.

Chapter 165 Dispatching spies

Chapter 165 Dispatching spies

"Yes, they all use iron plows! So we can't be too arrogant and learn more from them. They have lived and multiplied here for hundreds of years, so they naturally have their own unique features, not to mention that they understand everything here. Very understanding!" Maximus said solemnly.

He did not regard the Gauls and Celts as barbarians like Volenus, a former Roman citizen. In his previous life, he had read information about the Gauls and knew that their level of civilization was not low, and they excelled in agriculture and animal husbandry. Industry and iron smelting industry, wood processing and other aspects have a high level.

"Chief, you are right!" Volenus nodded sincerely: "Since the soil is fertile enough, I think we don't need to fertilize anymore. Besides, we don't have time to compost now."

"I have a proposal." Maximus said: "I saw a lot of wheat straw piles in the wheat fields around the two stockades in the east. I guess the Segestika people want to use them as replacement roofs. It would be too wasteful to prepare wheat straw. It is better to burn these wheat straws first, then collect the ashes and mix them into the soil, which will increase the fertility of the soil."

"Use the ashes of wheat straw to fertilize the soil?!" Voronus was surprised, because he had never heard of such a method, so he would inevitably have doubts.

Maximus continued: "Not only wheat straw, but other weeds, including ashes after burning trees can be mixed into the soil to increase fertility. The darker the color of the ashes, the better the fertility. In addition, we usually eat livestock The meat and remaining bones of the poultry can be ground into powder and blended into the soil to also add another type of fertility.”

"Another kind of fertility?" Volenus was even more confused.

So, Maximus explained to him vaguely: "Generally speaking, if you want crops to grow well, you need at least three things in the soil. Planting beans can add one, and adding plant ash can add another. Adding bone meal can increase the last seems like you don't quite believe it."

"Believe it! Chief, I believe everything you say!" Volenus said quickly.

Maximus glanced at him and said seriously without saying anything: "I suggest that your Ministry of Agriculture should set aside a piece of land as your department's exclusive field for testing various new farming methods and applying new methods. If the trial effect of farm tools is good, then it can be promoted to other ethnic groups.

"What is the three-plant rotation system?"

"Of course." Maximus was a good teacher and was about to explain in detail when he saw Cassius coming in and reporting: "Chief, Emmerich asked for a meeting and brought a Segostica prisoner."

"That is to divide the land into pieces and cultivate different crops in turns according to the seasons. This can ensure a bumper harvest, ensure that the fertility of the land does not decrease, and that no excessive labor is consumed..."

Maximus changed his mind and said: "Volenus, please make arrangements for your plowing on the other side of the river first. When you are free, I will explain to you in detail what the three-field rotation system is. .”

Emmerich entered the military tent, followed by a young man with a sad face and cautious actions.

Although he is used to following orders, he still has things he cares about, such as farming. He had never heard of the fertilization method Maximus mentioned, so he was inevitably hesitant, but he had to deal with it. Now this experimental field method solved the trouble.

As for the method of adding soil fertility that I just mentioned, you can ask your men to try planting in the field of your Ministry of Agriculture to see if the beans and vegetables that grow are better than those in other fields. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the man knelt on the ground with a plop and said loudly: "Honorable leader, as long as you... you promise to destroy the Brochi tribe and take back my wife, I am willing to be your servant. Anything for you!"

Volenus immediately became excited and asked eagerly: "Chief, can you tell me in detail how to implement this three-plant rotation system?!"

"Chief Maximus." Emmerich saluted and said, "According to your instructions, I have found a warrior who is willing to return to the Segostika territory and help us find out information about the enemy."

He couldn't help but ask: "Since these methods can increase soil fertility, do we still need to add manure as before?"

After all, the rebel army had defeated the Segestika people three times, especially the disastrous defeat in that battle, which frightened the courage of these Segestika prisoners, and naturally they were also full of fear of the leader of the rebel army.

"Are you bargaining with me?" Maximus' face darkened, and his voice was not loud, but it shocked the man and made him so frightened that he didn't know how to respond.

"Of course." Maximus replied without hesitation: "Manure can comprehensively improve the fertility of the soil, and can also transform poor soil. Combined with the methods I just mentioned, you don't have to worry too much about the process. After several years of farming, the fertility of the land will decrease significantly. Of course, it would be better if it could be combined with a three-field cropping system!"

"...Okay, leader." Although he felt a little unwilling, Volenus still left obediently.

Maximus recalled some information that he had carefully studied in his previous life because he wanted to illustrate the game of Civilization: "Didn't you read the agricultural book written by Cato before? Didn't it also mention rotational farming? The method, the three-plant rotation system is more detailed, more complete, and better than what he wrote!"

"Chief, the method you said is good! I will do it according to the method you said when I get back!" Volenus said happily.

Seeing this situation, Emmerich quickly took over and explained: "Chief Maximus, the thing is like this..."

It turned out that this young man's name was Gillips. Although he was a Pannoni, he was not from the Segostika tribe, but from the Mazii tribe.

Gillips is an ordinary member of the Maziyi tribe. He and his wife were childhood sweethearts and got married when they grew up. His wife was beautiful and had many suitors, including the second son of the tribe's chieftain, Metiris. This son of a big leader was different from others. Even after they were married, he continued to pester his wife. On one occasion, he even tried to force her. If he hadn't arrived in time, his wife would have been insulted. Angry, Gillips complained to the great leader Metiris. Since the incident was seen by many people at the time, Metiris could not defend his son publicly. The leader's son also found it difficult to defend himself and was treated lightly The punishment was not severe, and he held a grudge for it. At the beginning of summer, when the entire tribe was performing a sacrificial ceremony to pray for a good harvest, the live sheep carefully prepared for sacrifice disappeared. As a result, under his prompting, people found it in the woodshed in the backyard of Legpus's house. And they have been killed and skinned.

Maitilis was very angry and sent people to arrest Gillips. Without listening to his excuse, he sentenced him to the serious crime of "intentionally destroying the sacrifice."

Intentional destruction of sacrifices is punishable by death according to tradition. But when the Pannoni leaders rose up to resist the rule of the Skodisci, they swore together with their people that they would fight against powerful enemies with all their strength and would never kill each other or stain themselves with the blood of their compatriots.

Moreover, after communicating with the Holy Spirit, the priest also announced to the people: The spirit of nature does not want the land to be stained by the dirty blood of Gillips.

In the end, Gillips was expelled from the tribe and was prohibited from setting foot in the territory of the Broch tribe for life.

Gillips traveled to many tribes, but was not taken in because he was accused of destroying sacrifices. At that time, Andres became the chief of Segostica and was preparing to expand his strength and use troops against Ardei, so he was not taken in. Discriminating between good and bad, the wandering Pannonians were all accepted.

But even so, Gillippus was alienated by the other Pannoni, and was eventually sent to the new tribe of Volris, where he fought against the Ardeii for many years.

Once, Gillips fell ill and developed a high fever, and it was Emmerich who used herbal medicine to save him. He was very grateful to Emmerich, and the two of them had contacts because of it. Emmerich also understood the reason why Gillippus was always out of tune with the other Pannonians, and Gillippus did not hate the Skodisci slaves as much as before...

Afterwards, Wallis rashly led an army to attack the rebels, but was defeated by a trick. Gillips was captured and sent to a medical camp because of a leg injury. As a result, the next day, Emmerich, who joined the rebel army and became a medical adjutant, went to work in the medical camp and met Gillips again who was recovering from his injuries...

Therefore, when Maximus asked Emmerich to find a way to send people to inquire about the movements of the Segestica people, the first thing Emmerich thought of was Gillips. When he approached him and talked to him, the other party readily agreed...

Maximus listened carefully to Emmerich's introduction and asked in surprise: "Does this kind of bullying of civilians by relying on power also exist among the Pannoni tribe?"

"Chief, as long as there are people, there will be conflicts." Emmerich said calmly: "The Pannoni people are relatively united because they have just become independent, but it does not mean that there is no oppression. Otherwise, Seger Where did Stika take in so many wandering Pannonians come from?

The Pannoni people are constantly waging wars. The food and materials they need cannot only be provided by the leaders and nobles. They must be collected from all ethnic groups. Once or twice is okay, and it can be done repeatedly. Some Pannoni people I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it anymore...

I think the biggest problem with the Pannonians is—"

Emmerich emphasized his tone: "Although they have learned from us Skodisqi people, they have also trained some druids over the years, which they call priests, but they only let these priests be responsible for sacrifices and did not let them arbitrate and Punish the disputes and crimes of the people, and transfer this important power to the chiefs and nobles...

However, the status of the druids of our Skodisci people is higher than that of the chiefs and nobles, so they are not affected by them and can resolve problems fairly and equitably, while the Pannoni chiefs and nobles make decisions according to their own preferences. The druids cannot restrict their excessive use of the affairs of the clan, so unfair things will naturally increase..."

After listening to this, Maximus felt something in his heart: It seems that he needs to study the social structure of the Pannonians carefully in his spare time. If it is true as Emmerich said, there will be a lot to do in this.

Maximus thought of this, and his eyes softened when he looked at Gillips kneeling on the ground. He said softly: "Gillips, your plight makes me sympathize! But are you really willing to return to Segas?" Will the Tika Territory help us find out the news? You must know that they are your tribe, but we are your enemies. The news you send back may lead to us defeating your tribe again, don't you care about this? "

"I don't care!" Gillips gritted his teeth and said with hatred: "After my wife and I got married, some people kept saying bad things about me behind my back out of jealousy, and they even helped that hungry wolf frame me! After I was beaten by Mai Ti, When Reese pronounced the sentence, no one came out to speak for me except my wife! When I was kicked out of the tribe, no one came to see me off except my wife!

When I came to the Segestika tribe, they regarded me as a stranger because of the false charges I was framed for, and they always had discrimination in their eyes... They didn't regard me as a tribesman, so why should I regard them as a tribesman? Sympathize with them! …

On the contrary, when I was seriously ill, it was the sage who cured me with medicine! When I was injured and captured, it was your doctors and nurses who bandaged my wounds and took care of me. You are more like my tribe than they are!

I heard those nurses say that we Pannoni and you Illyrians were originally a family, but they separated later. If we can get back together now, without the oppression of those chiefs and patriarchs, wouldn't it be better? Okay? ! "

Maximus saw the enthusiasm in Gillips's eyes. He slapped the arm of the chair hard and shouted: "Well said! Since you have injured your leg, stop kneeling. Get up first, and we will discuss you slowly." matter."

Maximus's concerned words made Gillippus choose to obey.

Maximus asked Emmerich and Gillips to sit down again, and asked Akago to bring them two glasses of water.

Holding the wooden cup, the anxiety in Gillips's heart gradually disappeared. This was the first time that he had been treated with such courtesy by a big shot.

"Now, we and the Segestika tribe have become mortal enemies. In order to compete for the plains along the Kupa River, the two sides will inevitably have a war. Since the Pannoni tribes are relatively united, other tribes will definitely assist the Segestika tribe. Ka, so they are also enemies of my Nix tribe, including Broch of course, so I can promise you to destroy the Maziyi tribe in the future and rescue your wife——"

"Thank you, chief! Thank you, chief!..." Gillips said repeatedly, his voice choked with sobs. He had been thinking about this matter all the time in his mind in the past few years, but he knew that with his own strength, this could only be a luxury. Now I finally see hope.

(End of this chapter)

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