Rome must fall.

Chapter 167 The new enemy of the Pannoni Tribal Alliance

Chapter 167 The new enemy of the Pannoni Tribal Alliance

As soon as I entered the door, I heard someone shouting: "Oh, our great warrior is here! I thought you would be missing from this tribal meeting!"

The speaker was Bricks, the leader of Broch. This rich old man was teasing. His relationship with Andres was quite delicate.

When Andres' father was in power, the relationship between the two large tribes was quite good. However, since Andres took office, due to his active expansion, the territory of the Segestica tribe has almost doubled in a few years. , not only did his prestige within his own tribe grow, but it also affected his neighbor Broch.

Because Andres originally achieved great fame in the war with Skodisci, and now he has achieved great success again, winning the respect of the young Pannoni warriors. The young people of the Broch tribe compared their big leader, who was fond of fine food and banquets. Apart from eating and sleeping, he had done nothing for several years... Disappointed, some nobles actually ran to join Andres.

It is said that Brix was later forced to launch an invasion of the Ardei people in the south in order to restore the people's support.

Due to the close proximity of the two tribes, Brix also got some news about the defeat of Segestica's army in the south a few days ago, and he was gloating about his misfortune.

Andres had no intention of arguing with him and asked urgently: "Who asked for this meeting to be held? What was discussed?"

"This meeting was requested by Antosis. I have sent a messenger to invite you before, but you have personally led the army to leave the main stronghold. In order not to affect your battle, we did not notify you to come for the meeting again. I didn’t expect you to come here again.”

The person who spoke was Maitilis, the chief of Maziyi who was sitting on the main seat. He was a thin, elegant-looking old man. His temperament was quite unique among the chiefs. Of course, it was not because of the tribal alliance meeting. The center is in the Maziyi tribe, so the host of the meeting has always been the chief of Maziyi. In fact, the leaders of the seven major tribes rotate once a year, and this year it is Mai Tiris's turn.

Pachiras shouted first: "Antosis, you-"

"Okay, everyone!" Metiris, the host of the meeting, knocked on the table and said seriously: "This is a sacred place for tribes to unite and help each other, not a dirty place for quarreling and complaining. Don't forget that you have been here together. The vow you made!"

"You have given my tribe a lot of support every year, but -" Antosis, the haggard leader, did not feel any less resentful because of Demikas's words: "It's just some support, but I All the warriors of the tribe are fighting every year! Most of the food harvested by the people of my tribe is consumed in fighting every year! My tribe has lasted like this for more than ten years! You have never experienced this, right? -"

"Haven't you complained?!" Antosis shouted angrily: "Who said before that the Boi cavalry is powerful? I hope we can provide more horses so that you can form cavalry to fight them!"

Andres endured his patience and sat down in his seat.

Since your tribe's territory is adjacent to it, your tribe is naturally responsible for the task of destroying it! If you want me to be responsible for attacking it, then I will have to lead 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers to stay in your Andiziti territory. Will you agree? !

Besides, our enemies are not just Skodisci now. The Boi people in the north are our real threat. But when did you see me and Demikas Termagis at the tribal alliance meeting? I cried bitterness——"

Temagis is a middle-aged strong man. He has a good relationship with Andres, and the two families are adjacent to each other. However, the large Daixitiantai tribe is in the north. Temagis needed more horses to form cavalry. In order to fight against the Boi, Andres collected horses from his own tribe and sent them to them.

This is something worthy of celebration by all tribes, but it is also a pity that the Skodischi tribe was not completely wiped out. Their remnants retreated to the east, using the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers as their last territory, so the resistance was very strong. of tenacity.

And we! Because of the successive victories, he began to lose his fighting spirit. As a result, he failed to completely defeat it for several years. Later..." Antosis glanced at the crowd and said with resentment: "This was originally a battle for the whole clan, but it turned out to be... It’s become my Andy’s business to mention the tribe’s family——”

The expressions of Pakilas, Temagis and Demicas changed at the same time.

"Antosis, what you said is wrong. What do you mean by 'it's your family's business'? Don't our tribes provide you with supplies and soldiers every year?!" The speaker was Disone The big leader Demikas, an old man with white hair and white beard, has a majestic face and a rather dissatisfied expression. As the neighbor to the north of the Andizeti tribe, he provides the greatest support every year.

Maitilis looked at Antosis and said sternly: "This meeting was requested by you. I hope you will express your request properly instead of treating the tribal alliance meeting as a child's play and just complaining here. Otherwise, I will use the rights of the host to cancel your right to speak next."

Pakiras, the leader of Peruste, suddenly said unhappily: "Antosis, don't just say these useless things! The Skodisci are indeed our common enemies, but in the common enemy of our tribes, The strength has been extremely weakened by the blow, and it no longer poses any threat to us.

At this moment, Andres' face darkened slightly and he was about to speak when he saw Andy, the leader sitting opposite, Antosis coughing heavily, attracting everyone's attention, and then he said loudly: “Dear leaders, more than ten years ago our tribes rose up to resist the enslavement of the Skodisqi people, and finally succeeded and regained our ancestral land.

The conference hall suddenly became quiet.

Afterwards, Maitilis added: "This meeting is mainly about discussing the Skodisqi people in the east. You sit down first and listen to Antosis slowly tell us."

Next to him, Temagis, the great leader of Desitiatai, immediately came over and asked in a low voice with concern: "How is the situation of this troop dispatch?"

Antosis's heart trembled, and he quickly calmed down and said: "Don't worry, Metiris, I will abide by the order of the meeting. Everyone, you still remember what I said here a few years ago, Skodisqi Is the reason why humans have never been wiped out by us because it has the support of the Dacians?! And this year, the Dacians have switched from supporting behind it to directly participating in the war!

When our tribe was fighting the Skordisqi people, a large number of Dacian soldiers wearing scale armor and holding hooks and scythes suddenly appeared on the battlefield. As a result, my army suffered a disastrous defeat without any defense. After the victory, the Skordisqi people suddenly appeared on the battlefield. The Dischis and the Dacians quickly advanced westward and occupied a lot of land, and now they have begun to besiege Ekvedisi——"

"Ekvedisi?! So you have lost all the land you gained from attacking the Skodish people over the years?!" Demicas asked in surprise. "Yes, it's all lost! The Dacian sneak attack caused me to lose many brave warriors!" Antosis said sadly: "If it weren't for the fact that Ekvedisi was once the leader of our attack on Skodisi Over the years, I have used it as a transfer station for military supplies and built many defensive facilities. Therefore, I was able to temporarily withstand the joint attack of the Skodisci and Dacians, so I urgently I came to ask you for help, I hope you can send out enough reinforcements to help me repel them and regain the lost land!"

"What Antosis said is very important! The survival of the Andizeti tribe is related to the life and death of our entire Pannoni people! We must agree! We must give the strongest support!" Don't look at Paki before. Lars had the fiercest argument with Antosis before, but he was also the first to take a positive stance.

"Pakiras is right. I also support sending troops to assist the Andiziti tribe! Regardless of whether Antosis's request is approved or not, I, Ditione, will send at least 1 reinforcements!" Demikas Then he said.

"I, Broch, will also send at least 1 soldiers to support Andy Zeti!" Even Blix, who is accustomed to comfort and hates fighting in everyone's eyes, also followed suit.

Everyone is so active not only because they have shared hardships and fought together, but also swore the vow of "unity as one" in the Holy Land. More importantly, they must not allow the defeated Skodisci to revive again. Let the nightmare of the past happen again!

You must know that except Andizetti, there are many Skodisci slaves living in the other six large tribes. All Pannoni senior officials and ordinary people who know that the Skodisci tribe still exists in the east will be concerned about it. The gods swore to keep the secret strictly and never let these slaves know it!

Therefore, for more than ten years, the Skodischi slaves of other large Pannoni tribes have lived in lies created by the Pannoni. They all thought that their tribes had long been destroyed, so they were disheartened and had long accepted their fate.

Even if a very small number of slaves had no intention of obtaining this secret, they were unable to tell other compatriots because of the strict guard of the Pannonians, and were eventually discovered and executed...

But once the Skodisci army breaks through Andizetti's blockade and even continues to invade westward, then the slaves will know that their tribe still exists. Even if they don't take the opportunity to cause chaos, the Pannoni will still dare to Can you control them with confidence? But if they are abandoned, the life of the Pannoni people, who rely on slaves in many places, will suddenly fall into trouble. It will take time to adapt again, but the threat of the Scodischi people is right in front of them...

All the big leaders agreed without hesitation, including Andres. He knew the power of this, but he was still a little cautious: "I also agree to Antosis's request, but I can't send him out." Reinforcements cannot provide supplies, because our Segostika tribe has recently encountered a powerful enemy and has suffered multiple defeats. I came here to ask for help."

"Ah, what enemy?! He can actually defeat you!" Temagis was very surprised.

Andres sighed and said with a gloomy face: "The thing is like this -"

"Andres, please wait a moment." Maitilis interrupted him and reminded: "We are discussing Antosis's request now, and we will discuss your matter later."

Andres was displeased, but begging for mercy, he could only respond: "Okay."

Maitilis then said: "Antosis, everyone has agreed to send troops to support you. Now I want to know how many enemies are attacking your territory?"

"There are less than 1 Skodisci, and more than 1 Dacians."

Brix breathed a sigh of relief and said teasingly: "It turns out that there are only more than 2 people. Antosis, your posture just now shocked me. I thought the Scotians were colluding with the Dacians. You are going to lead the army to counterattack us!"

"As I said just now, I didn't expect the Dacians to show up. As a result, they were attacked by a surprise attack. Many warriors were either killed in battle or captured, so there were not enough troops to resist their attack."

Antosius said angrily and loudly: "The key to the problem now is not that the enemy only has more than 2 people, but that the Dacians have sent troops! In the past, the Dacians only supported the Skodisci from behind. We have sent envoys several times to question them, but they hesitated and did not dare to admit it, and made it clear that they did not dare to confront us head-on. But this time they have blatantly sent troops, which must attract our attention!"

Maitilis asked solemnly: "What do you think is the reason for this?"

"I'm not sure." Antosis gritted his teeth and said, "However, there must be a reason why the Dacians suddenly changed their past practices. I will send someone to investigate. But what we need to do urgently now is that we not only have to fight back The enemy, and we must inflict heavy damage on the enemy as much as possible, so as to show our great power to the Dacians and destroy any ambitions and illusions they have!"

"Antosis is right!" Pakiras agreed: "The black panther must show his sharp claws to prevent others from robbing him of his food. Our tribes unite and send 50,000 to 60,000 people at a time to The Dacians learned a heavy lesson, and by the way, they wiped out the Skodisci, otherwise they would always be a hidden danger there!"




Several big leaders expressed their agreement one after another. When it was Demicas' turn, he said in a deep voice: "I agree too. In addition, I want to talk about Dacia. Everyone knows that they occupy that side of the river (referring to the Danube). They have more tribes than us, and their territory is larger than ours, but they are not united and often fight with each other, so it is difficult for them to pose a threat to other races in the Great River Plain. Instead, they are the Boi and Taurisi people. He often attacked Dacia tribes and captured a lot of their land...

But last year I heard that there was a king among the Dacian tribes. This king came from the east and wanted to unite the tribes of Dacia so that they would stop fighting... Because it was just a rumor, I don't know what will happen next. clear.

(End of this chapter)

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