Rome must fall.

Chapter 181 Accident

Chapter 181 Accident
"What I said at the tribal alliance meeting was annihilation! Complete annihilation of these mercenaries! You have not completed the agreement at all!" Andres yelled out of control.

"Not to mention completely annihilating these mercenaries, just to capture the camp inside. After Broch's reinforcements left, it is simply impossible with our small strength! We, Ma Ziyi, are already dead and wounded. Many soldiers cannot suffer any more losses!"

Salomis was worried that after Brocchi's army left, his team would be used by Andres as the main force in attacking the camp, so he responded resolutely.

Then, he persuaded with pity: "Chief Andres, this war not only caused many casualties to your Segostika soldiers, but also consumed a huge amount of food and supplies! If this continues, the tribe's It’s time for the tribe to protest. I advise you to withdraw your troops temporarily and let the tribe recover its vitality. Then you can find opportunities to completely eliminate these mercenaries in the future..."

"In the future?" Andres suddenly laughed, but the laughter was sad and his face was uglier than crying.

After a moment, he stopped laughing and looked at Salomis coldly: "If you want to leave, leave quickly. Don't stay here to hinder my eyes!"

Salomes left angrily.

Temagis couldn't help but said: "Andres——"

"Why, you want to leave too?!" Andres turned back suddenly, looking at Temagis with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

Temagis smiled bitterly and said: "Now that the reinforcements from Broch and Maziyi have left, it's just you and me, four to five thousand people. It's no longer a question of whether we can capture the mercenary camp, but we have to be careful of the mercenaries at all times." They will come out from inside and fight us in a decisive battle!"


Quintus said nothing.

"Are the Pannonians preparing for a full retreat?" Maximus said with some disbelief: "A night attack last night did not cause a lot of damage to them. How could they lose it?" The courage to keep fighting?”


Maximus looked at the Pannoni warriors who were walking out of the camp in batches in front of him. He weighed it repeatedly in his mind before he said: "We have secured victory now. There is no need to take risks anymore. You have to know that the rabbit is in a hurry." Bite.”

In the early morning, the inner camp of the temporary camp and the open space under the wooden wall were filled with fully armed soldiers. Each of them took cold hard bread, dipped it in the hot mutton soup, and chewed it hard.

Andres was stunned by Temagis' reminder.

At this time, Akguo came under the tower and said loudly: "Report to the leader, the enemy on the other side of the river is evacuating the camp!"

While the soldiers were actively talking among themselves about how much damage Carminus and Aulus, commanders of the Third Army, led their troops to attack from the tunnel last night and caused great losses to the enemy, Maximus, who was standing in the tower, was not in the same mood as the soldiers. So easy.

But the situation in the outer camp surprised Maximus: first, the Pannonian soldiers in the northern outer camp withdrew in large numbers, then the soldiers in the western outer camp retreated one after another, and then the eastern outer camp …

Maximus now hopes that the Pannonians will launch an attack immediately, so that they can rely on the defense facilities of the inner camp to once again kill a large number of enemies, and then when the morale of the Pannonians is almost exhausted, Carminus The team led by Aulus will launch a surprise attack from the rear, and the soldiers in the inner camp will also kill all the soldiers, attack from the front and back, and completely defeat the enemy in the final decisive battle...

For a long time, he was like a frustrated ball, his expression became extremely lonely, he waved his hand and murmured: "Let's go, let's all go..."

"Chief, the enemy is about to completely withdraw from the outer camp. If we don't launch an assault, we will miss the opportunity." Frontinus reminded a little anxiously.

These breads were all rushed before the war started. Now they were besieged in the camp. Even the wood had to be saved, and they were not used for anything other than boiling water and making soup.

Last night he asked Carminus to lead 2500 soldiers to sneak out of the camp through the tunnel, raid and burn the Pannoni's outer camp. Although the operation should go smoothly depending on the situation, there are only about 7000 soldiers left in the inner camp. The angry Pannonians are likely to launch a strong attack on the inner camp, and he must be vigilant at all times.

This is the counterattack plan formulated by Maximus and the Ministry of War after discussion, hoping to establish victory in one fell swoop and end this month-long war.

Although they have been besieged for many days, there is no sign of depression on the faces of the soldiers. On the contrary, the fire outside the camp last night kept many of them from sleeping well all night, and their excitement has not completely faded yet.

"Hmm..." Maximus covered his chin, lost in thought.

"Is it possible..." Quintus said thoughtfully: "The Pannoni just pretended to retreat to lure us out to pursue, and then they would come back to fight, so that they could avoid the difficulty of attacking the camp..."

Fortunately, although there are thousands fewer soldiers in the defensive camp, due to the retreat to the inner camp, the area that needs to be defended is also greatly reduced. 7000 soldiers are completely enough. In times of crisis, personnel can be transferred from the supply camp to supplement.

"The Pannoni have been defeated by us many times. They finally captured the outer camp yesterday, but found that there was still an inner camp that needed to be breached. Then they were attacked again at night, causing a large number of casualties among their companions, and all the camp supplies were burned... If it were me , I don’t want to fight anymore..." Frontinus said at the side.

Quintus's guess was not wrong. Andres did have some thoughts when he was forced to retreat, so he let his team trail at the end, and also deliberately created some chaos in an attempt to lure the inner camp. The enemy attacks, so that he can confidently ask the other teams that have just left to return for reinforcements.

In order to achieve this goal, he would not hesitate even if his team suffered losses. This was his last effort for this war. However, the mercenaries always stayed in the inner camp and allowed them to leave.

Andres reluctantly led the team to evacuate the mercenary outer camp that they had finally occupied after making countless sacrifices, and then walked through the camp that was almost burned to the ground, passing by the battlefield that made him extremely sad and suffered a disastrous defeat, and finally Arriving at the west bank of the Korana River, he reined in his horse and turned to look back with an unwilling expression.

The swamp evaporated under the sunlight, making the mercenary camp in the distance become illusive in the field of vision... Andres suddenly felt that this war was his last chance to eliminate this mercenary army. If you give up, you will be in constant trouble in the future...

Thinking of this, he clenched his hands tightly, and hatred suddenly arose in his heart: It's all the fault of damn Broch and the Maziyi people for not having the foresight and only caring about themselves, regardless of Segostika's interests...

The hatred in Andres's heart continued to grow, and the horse's mane in his hand became tighter and tighter.

The war horse neighed and suddenly jumped forward.

Andres was caught off guard and fell into the river with a splash.

He struggled to get up, and a horse's hoof stepped heavily on his chest. The blow was so painful that he could hardly breathe. He subconsciously opened his mouth to call for help. As soon as he opened his mouth, the cold river water poured in...

"Big boss! Big boss!!..." Before Andres fell into coma, he saw guards rushing towards him from all directions in panic...


In the courtyard of the main house of the Ardei tribe, Akupagos was sitting on a wooden chair with his eyes closed and resting.

When he was young, he worked and fought everywhere, but when he got old, he began to suffer from diseases. Especially in autumn and winter, his body felt uncomfortable, his limbs were swollen and painful, and sleeping became a problem. He could only feel better when he was basking in the sun.

Cleobrotus walked quickly, came to his side and whispered excitedly: "Big boss, Maximus has won again! They defeated Pannoni's army!"

Acoupagos opened his eyes, looked up and saw that his confidant had a happy face, and said with some surprise: "Didn't Budokaribas send someone yesterday to say that the Pannoni had broken through the temporary camp and captured Maxi?" Mus and the others are tightly besieged inside, and the situation is very critical. They asked me if I want to send reinforcements to rescue them. Why are the Pannoni defeated today?"

"Big Chief, this news was also brought by Budokaribas' messenger. I happened to meet him at the door, so I conveyed the news to you for him. After the Pannoni captured the outer camp of the Nyx tribe, , due to negligence, a team hidden in the mountains, arranged by Maximus in advance, launched an attack at night and burned all the Pannoni camps, thus forcing the Pannoni to retreat the next day."

"So that's it." Akupagos said slightly disappointed: "The Pannoni were only forced to retreat because their camp was destroyed, and they did not suffer a disastrous defeat like last time."

"Big boss, this time the number of soldiers led by Andres exceeded 3. The Nix soldiers led by Maximus only had more than 1 soldiers. It was already very long to be able to repel Andres' army. It was beyond our expectation.

Moreover, the sentinels sent by Budokaribas previously observed that there were many wounded soldiers in the Pannoni camp, indicating that their casualties were by no means small..."

Cleobrotus sincerely praised: "Judging from these battles, the team led by Maximus is indeed very good at fighting. With them blocking the east, we don't have to worry about being attacked by Pannon again." Human attack!”

"...Yes, they are indeed very good at fighting. They have only been here for more than a month and they almost defeated Segestica..." Akupagos sighed meaningfully and asked : "You mentioned the Knicks a few times just now. What are these Knicks?"

"Oh, Maximus established his own tribe and named it Nyx. When people from our tribe go to see him these days, he always calls himself a Nyx man."

"Nix...the Nix seems that Maximus is determined to take root here!..." Akoupagos muttered the name "Nix" in a low voice, and his expression changed. It was a bit complicated. He was about to say something more when he saw his eldest son Aristakas walking over in a hurry.

"Father, those outsiders have defeated the Pannonians again!"

"I already know this."

Aristarchus said eagerly: "Father, the Segestica people have suffered consecutive defeats and their strength has been greatly reduced. We should seize this opportunity, gather warriors from various tribes, form an army, and retake our territory on the Kupa River. land! Otherwise, if it’s too late, I’m worried that outsiders will occupy them all, and then we won’t be able to get the land back!”

Akupagos stared at him and asked: "Who asked you to say these things to me?!"

Aristakas did not dare to look at his father. He lowered his eyes and replied forcefully: "No... no one, it was me who thought we should do this! Back then... when we signed the contract with those outsiders When we made the covenant, we shouldn't have agreed to the article that the land they took from the Pannoni belongs to them! Bullshit! Now, we want to take back the land that belongs to us, it's like being a thief! "

"Shut up!" Akupagos yelled angrily, and then coughed repeatedly: "If...if I hadn't signed that covenant with Maximus, they could safely stay in the east Block the Segestica people who are pressing forward for us. I'm afraid Pannoni's army has already attacked our stronghold today!

...Ahem... We have been fighting with the Segestica people for several years. Don’t you still know what kind of person the big leader of Segestica is? That is a ruthless guy who will never give up until he achieves his goal!

Segestica's strength is now damaged. If we send troops to attack, we may be able to regain the land, but so what! Pannoni still has six or seven large tribes, and they also have tribal alliances. That Andres can easily borrow reinforcements. When he comes with his army again, can you stop him? ! "

"I——" Arista Kas was speechless.

"At that time, you will not only bury our few remaining warriors, but also offend the outsiders. If they are dissatisfied and no longer willing to block the Pannoni for us, they will even secretly cause trouble... Wouldn’t it be that we have created a powerful enemy for ourselves!”

Akupagos's stern warning made Aristakas dumbfounded. He was stunned for a moment, and then said in a hushed voice: "We don't want the land of the Kupa River... we don't want it now. We gave up Korana before. The land east of the river is still largely deserted and unoccupied. However, in the mountains north of the Mreznica River, many of our tribes live crowded together. It is better to let them cross the east bank. To reclaim the original land.”

(End of this chapter)

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