Rome must fall.

Chapter 185 Maximus gets married

Chapter 185 Maximus gets married

Maximus had already expected that someone would ask this question, and said calmly: "As I said just now, the Knicks tribe does not force you, but you must also think carefully about your future situation.

You are all from the two villages in the east. The men from those two villages were either killed in battle or captured. If your husbands are still alive, I am afraid they are now suffering as slaves in the Aldie tribe. If you are willing and able, Persuade your husband to join the Nix tribe and become a reserve tribe member. Not only will the tribe not separate you, but it will also provide separate accommodation for you and your wife. After three years, your husband will become an official tribe member and he will be able to have his own family. of houses and land...

Otherwise, given the hatred of the Aldi people towards Segostika, it will be good if your husband is still alive in half a year. If you become widowed by then, you can reconsider and marry a member of our tribe. "

After listening to Maximus's words, many Segestica women turned pale.

"If I can convince my husband to join your tribe, can you get him back from the Ardei tribe right away?!" The woman who had just asked now looked anxious and asked anxiously about Segestika The common voice of women.

"Of course." Maximus said very seriously: "Tomorrow, I will ask my men to go to your place to record who is willing to let their husbands join the Knicks tribe, and then I will use the list to convince Al People of Dee, give your husbands back, but if you lie to me and fail to convince your husbands, I can assure you that you will never see your husbands again!”

After finishing speaking, Maximus ignored them, looked around, and announced loudly: "I won't talk nonsense anymore, sisters, I hope you can all pick a good husband!"

Accompanied by the laughter of the women, the first group of men entered the venue. The number was a little small, because they were the chief officers and subordinates of the nine departments of the Nyx tribe.

Facing the gazes of countless pairs of women, the older men such as Cornelius, Volenus, Frontinus, and Capito seemed relatively calm. Most of them had had families before, and their wives were separated due to various reasons. Separated and with their families broken up, they originally thought they would spend the rest of their lives alone. Unexpectedly, the Spartacus uprising shattered their shackles, and Maximus brought them new life. Under his persuasion, they Decided to build a new family in this new land and pass on his bloodline...

"That's so right!!!..." The women responded in unison. This was by no means a boo, but they really agreed with Nesia's words and hoped that their respected leader Maximus could have a beautiful family.

Maximus was caught off guard by Nesia's sudden attack. When discussing the blind date meeting with his subordinates, he subconsciously excluded himself. It may be that the consciousness of his previous life was at work, making him feel that he was still young (only 20 years old). ), not yet old enough to start a family.

Among the department members, there were many young people who had not yet been hired. They blushed when they heard the unabashed comments coming from the crowd.

Suddenly, a woman in the front row stood up and said loudly to Maximus, who was standing aside to watch the excitement: "Chief, the men in this group are all officials of our tribe, but there is one person missing!"

Seeing that the woman standing up was the medical adjutant Nesia, Maximus said helplessly: "You are talking about Quintus, the staff officer of the Ministry of War. I have tried hard to persuade him, but he refused to marry again. One grandchild is enough.”

"Me?!" Maximus thought he heard wrongly.

Nesia is one of the few female leaders in the rebel army, but unlike Aconis and Karina, as the head nurse of the medical camp, she has helped many women eliminate patients, and she has always She is kind to people and good at sociability, and women have a good impression of her.

"Chief, I think Nesia is right. You should join us, accept the selection of women, and set an example for everyone!" Frontinus reminded seriously.

Nesia shook her head and said in a louder voice: "Chief, I'm not talking about Quintus, I'm talking about you!"

A group of tribal leaders came over to persuade Maximus to join their ranks. Some of them ignored this issue before, and some were aware of it but did not dare to mention it. Now they actually want a woman to point it out. Their hearts are Very ashamed.

Maximus calmed down at this time. He had been struggling for survival since he was reborn in this world. He had never considered the affairs between men and women, let alone fantasized about marrying a princess or a noblewoman. His origins and current circumstances are simply impossible. He is a realist. Since finding a wife can serve as a role model and having a child can stabilize the tribe and gather people's hearts, then he accepts it.

Maximus looked at the woman in front of him calmly, but he was thinking about it: Nesia, born in Greece, should be about the same age as himself. She became a slave because her family's business went bankrupt, and was later sold to Italy. She became a slave girl in a large farm in Campalia and was often ravaged by the stewards... What a miserable person!
Among all the women in the tribe, Nesia has a very good appearance and figure, good abilities, and is also literate... Now Maximus thinks back: Every time she came into contact with Nesia, she was always talking about her intentionally or unintentionally. Expressing his love for himself, it was just that at that time he was only thinking about how to escape from the clutches of the Romans, and nothing else. Now that I have to choose a woman to be my wife, there is no need to stand here and waste time like a fool. Nesia, who is both talented and beautiful, and still loves her, is undoubtedly the best candidate presented to her.

"Chief, you used your wisdom and hard work to bring us here safely, and you tried your best every day to make us live here better! But don't forget, you are also a single man, you You also need to marry a wife and have children, and you also need a woman to take care of your life, let you eat well and sleep well, and then use better energy to manage the tribe..." Nesia said very emotionally: "If you are still single , then how dare we get married, sisters, don’t you think so?!”

The venue suddenly became very quiet.

Amidst the noise, Nesia walked into the arena openly, but when she saw Maximus staring at her, she suddenly became nervous: "Chief... Chief, I... I want to be Your wife, you willing?"

"Chief, find a woman to take good care of you, and we can rest assured." Voronus said with concern.

The women cheered.

"Chief, if you stay unmarried, everyone will think you like men, which will have a bad influence." Fesalus said jokingly.

"Nesia is right to remind you. I made a mistake. When I was discussing today's blind date meeting, I was only thinking about you and forgot about myself. Now I am correcting this mistake and adding myself in!" After finishing speaking, , he walked into the venue.

Nesia did not sit down and said loudly: "Sisters, I have decided to choose Chief Maximus as my husband, and I hope to get your support! Sisters..."

At this moment, she announced her choice first, and many women immediately expressed their support. It also dispelled the illusions of some women whose conditions were far worse than hers. Of course, it also made a very few people hold the belief that "if you can't do it, I will try again." Thoughts, watching from the sidelines.

Maximus nodded and said in a deep voice: "I am willing to choose you as my wife!"

Maximus's words were as sweet as fairy music in Nesia's ears. For a moment, she couldn't believe that her risky proposal was successful, until Maximus reached out and took her hand. , a smile broke out on her face, and she smiled so happily that there were tears in her eyes...

Cheers and applause rang out from all directions, which was everyone's sincere blessing to them.

Akonis hesitated for a moment, then applauded her good sister. "In order not to affect the blind date later, we have to leave here quickly!" Maximus whispered in Nesia's ear.

At this moment, Nesia was in a cloud, confused and confused. She didn't hear what Maximus was saying at all, and just nodded blindly.

Maximus held her hand and walked out of the gap to the marriage registration office.

"Congratulations, chief! Congratulations to Nesia! Congratulations to you two for becoming husband and wife!" Legal officer Sidonius took the initiative to offer his blessings, and then went to the battle in person to register the marriage for the two of them and fill out the marriage contract.

Maximus signed his name on the marriage contract without hesitation, and then Nesia also wrote her name.

This was the first time Maximus saw Nesia write. Her handwriting was relatively beautiful, which showed that she had received a good family education when she was young.

Putting down her pen, Nesia glanced at Maximus, who was in a daze, and asked shyly: "First... horse... Maximus, where should we go next?"

Maximus came back to his senses and said: "I have to stay here to ensure the smooth progress of the blind date meeting and to give blessings to every newcomer."

"Then I will be here to accompany you." Nesia said softly.

Maximus nodded: "Okay."

Nesia smiled again. She held Maximus's hand tighter and leaned her body gently against his thick shoulder.

Maximus caught a glimpse of the happy expression on her face with his peripheral vision, and suddenly felt that his life would become more fulfilling in the future...

The ones who were welcomed by the women at the venue were not the young members of various departments, but the older officers. Women who have gone through hardships have broken away from the superficiality of only looking at skin. They are willing to choose these chief officers not because of their positions, but because of their past service in the team for everyone, everyone sees it. , consider them trustworthy.

Therefore, as soon as the selection was announced, a group of women rushed forward. Each department chief was basically surrounded by multiple women. Everyone recommended themselves, and the whole venue became lively.

While the other Segestica women were still struggling with what Maximus had said before, Pusilola had already plucked up the courage to stand up, ignoring the surprised looks of others, and walked straight into the venue.

She walked towards Volenus first, because she had seen this man many times in the camp before. He seemed to have a lot of power in the tribe, and he was very kind to people. If they could get married, he would be kind to her.

It's a pity that before she got there, the old man named Volenus had already held the hand of a woman. The two of them smiled sweetly. It was obvious that they had known each other for a long time, and the other women came forward to choose them. Sighing, they walked out of the venue hand in hand.

Pushilola could only turn aside.

The man next to her named Capito was someone she had seen often these days. Although he was always serious about people, he was also a powerful man. She decided to give it a try.

However, there were too many women surrounding Capito, and she couldn't squeeze in, so she had to find another target.

She looked around and saw that the older man on the field was surrounded by many women, except for one. She hesitated and walked over.

During the period when the rebels were fighting in Italy, Cornelius had been muddling along, and he was the worst behaved among the leaders of the team. Therefore, he was not favored by the women in the rebel army. At this moment, several women who came to choose him were They were from Skordisqi, but unfortunately he didn't take a fancy to any of them. Suddenly he saw a good-looking young woman walking towards him, and he was immediately attracted to her.

It wasn't until the other party started talking that he realized he didn't understand. But it didn't matter. This issue had been taken into consideration during the previous meeting, and there was a translator next to the venue.

"Girl, are you sure you want me to be your husband? You must know that I am much older than you!"

"yes, I'm sure!"

"Are you a Skordisqi?"

"I am a Segestica."

Segestica! ... Cornelius was a little surprised, and suddenly realized that this might be a good thing, and immediately said: "I am willing to marry you."

Maximus was at the marriage registration office and watched his capable men walking in pairs. In fact, because he had attendants helping him inquire for more than a year, he knew very well that most of his men were His heart already belongs to him. Seeing that they all got what they wanted, he was very happy for them and offered sincere blessings to them one by one. Of course, the other party also sincerely congratulated him and Nesia.

Until he saw the pair of Cornelius and Psilola, the obvious difference in appearance and age between the two caught his attention.

"Cornelius, congratulations on finding your significant other!" Maximus smiled and congratulated.

"Thank you, chief!" Cornelius, even though he was overjoyed, did not forget to flatter him: "If it weren't for you, chief, I wouldn't have been able to marry such a young and beautiful wife even though I was so old! I feel like With more energy, you can do better things for the tribe!”

(End of this chapter)

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