Rome must fall.

Chapter 197: Knowledge of the Knicks Tribe School

Chapter 197: Knowledge of the Knicks Tribe () - School

Xibalita sighed: "The road built by the Segostika people is really bad. After these few trips today, I guess this car needs to be repaired again. Little Akguo, our engineering team When can this road be properly repaired?"

"It will probably take a while. The Ministry of Public Works is currently concentrating its efforts on building wooden bridges and expanding the stockade, and there is still no manpower available to build roads."

"Oh..." the old man responded, looking a little disappointed.

Akguo changed the subject: "Uncle Xibarita, I saw in the past two days that your transportation team mostly uses ox carts to transport wood. Ox carts carry a lot of wood, but why have they been changed to donkey carts in the past two days?"

"Isn't that right? Although the ox cart is a little slower, it carries a lot of things, and it is stable and obedient... But it's all the fault of that old guy Volenus. He found our captain and said that according to the requirements of the political hall meeting, those oxen are very They will soon return to their Ministry of Labor, and they will use those cattle to plow the land, so they must be fed well now and not let them get tired..." Shibarita complained.

Akguo did not comply with the other party's tone, but softly persuaded: "Uncle Volenus is right, cultivating the land is the most important thing for our tribe..."

"Of course we know that plowing land is a big deal, so we all agreed to use donkey carts, and we also sent special personnel to feed the cows and prepare to hand them over to the Ministry of Agriculture. But we have been living with those cows for a long time, and we are a little reluctant to part with them... Xibarita said with a sigh.

Akguo rolled his eyes a few times and said, "Uncle, if you like cows, you can raise a few at home in the future."

"Of course I want to raise cattle in the future. Not only do I want to raise cattle, I also want to raise donkeys and horses. I have fifty or sixty acres of land, and I can afford it!" Xibarita said firmly.

While the two were talking, Rodimnisius was also looking at the fields lined with wooden poles beside the road. He found that there were many of his peers among the busy crowd, so he asked curiously: "What are they doing? "

"Oh, damn!"

Akago said: "If you learn the method, it is not difficult at all. When you go to school to study, you can learn these things, and you will know it by then."

Akguo interrupted him: "Don't forget there is land on the north shore."

The donkey cart arrived at Westney. The situation here was exactly the opposite of Snotia. Not only was no one demolishing the wooden walls of the stockade, but they were repairing and reinforcing it. There were also many people digging trenches and burying deer stockades... the same thing A noisy labor scene.

"It's so troublesome. There is no division of land in our tribe. Whoever wants to plant can plant it. However, our area is full of mountains, but there are no such good flatlands and rivers..." Rojimnesius muttered.

"Yes, yes." Akguo responded repeatedly.

Rodimnisius stuck out his tongue, looked at the vast fields, and said, "It must be difficult to measure such a large place, right?"

Xibarita was obviously aware of this and did not call out to Volenus, but said excitedly to Akago: "Volenus and the others have done a pretty good job. They have only arrived here in a few days. Look, Come and finish it soon, and then we can—"

Xibarita suddenly let out a sound, raised her donkey whip, and pointed to the roadside: "I was talking about Volenus, but I didn't expect to see him in the blink of an eye."

Therefore, Jimnisius is full of expectations for Knicks School.

I saw many people scattered in the fields beside the road. Some were planting wooden poles, some were pulling ropes, some were measuring lengths, and some were immersed in recording... Although what they were doing was different from that in the village. People are different, but they all have the same focus and hard work.

Akguo explained: They are helping the adults measure the fields. They want to measure all the land in our tribal territory and then divide it among all the tribesmen..."

Xibalita laughed twice: "Little guy, I tell you, this field must be measured carefully, and no mistakes can be made. Otherwise, when the land is divided in the future, it will be more or less, and the people will be all If you don’t do it, if you cause trouble because of this, it will be a bigger trouble!”

Akago jumped out of the donkey cart with Rodimnisius, thanked Xibalita, and walked towards the gate of the village.

There were heavily armed soldiers guarding the door, but they all knew Akago and let them in without even asking.

Rodimnisius looked back and looked back, and said with envy: "Look at the armor he is wearing, it is so majestic!" "If you join our tribe, when you become an adult, you will have the opportunity to wear his armor. Armor, and become a majestic heavy armored infantry." Akago has followed Maximus for so long and knows a little bit about his expectations, so this seems to be a joke, but it is actually a kind of test.

Logimnisius shook his head, feeling a little depressed: "My father and the people of our tribe will not allow it."

Well, we still need to take our time... Akago kept this in mind and stopped talking about this topic. He led Logimnisius to the central area of ​​the stockade and walked into a noble house.

Kephisofon happened to be giving a lecture in the courtyard. When he heard that Ak Guo wanted to see him for something, he came over to greet him.

Not only did Kephisophon teach Akago for a period of time, but Maximus also stipulated that the staff of the secretarial department should return to school to continue studying when they were not on duty, so Akigo saluted respectfully and said: "Kephi Teacher Sophon, his name is Logimnisius, and he is the son of the leader of Kalsipempas. He just came to our tribe and was assigned by the leader to work in our secretarial department. However, he cannot read and calculate, so the leader asked him to come to school to study first. .”

The son of Chalsipempas... Kephisophon looked at Logimnisius who was looking around, thoughtfully, and after a moment he said: "I know, I will arrange it for him. Sloti How is the repair of the wooden bridge over there?"

"When I came, all the bridge piles had been driven, and the next step was to lay the bridge deck... Spukala engineers said that it would take another two days for them to roughly build the entire wooden bridge frame."

"I have long heard that the Romans' bridge-building technology is the best in the Mediterranean. When they come to build a bridge here, I will definitely take the time to take a closer look." Caifeisuo said hopefully.

The reason why Kephisophon said this was because the Ministry of Etiquette was temporarily relocated to Westney. After the Knicks tribe started major construction, he felt that the only role the Ethical and Education Department could play was to arrange the school well and continue to teach the children well. The temporary school was in Westney. In order to make teaching more convenient, the Ethical and Education Department temporarily moved to Westeny, if there is a political meeting, he will rush back to Snodia to attend.

Maximus agreed, and as a result, the Department of Etiquette became the only department among the nine departments of the Nyx tribe that did not operate in Snodia.

While the two were talking, Loginius was attracted by the children studying in the yard: more than 40 children were sitting on the ground in the yard, and in front of them stood a wooden board painted with black paint. There are a lot of white words written on it. There is a square wooden frame in front of each child, with fine sand spread inside the frame. The children hold slender wooden sticks, follow the white words on the blackboard, and concentrate on writing on the fine sand...

Is this the school that Ark said? Looks like fun! ... Rodimnisius's eyes shone, eager to try.


On the way to Vesternia in a donkey cart, there was another group of people from the tribe of Nyx that he did not see.

Halfway between the Kupa River flowing from Snodia to Westeni, the river made a 90-degree turn to the north. At the bend on the north bank of this turn, Capito led the craftsmen after several days of investigation, The address of the workshop area of ​​the Ministry of Works was selected and confirmed by Maximus.

Today, more than 20 conical mounds have appeared on this flat riverside land, and the blacksmiths like Sititus are still working on the next one.

They erected a longer and thicker stick in the soil, and then used it as the center of the circle and leaned countless long and short, thick and thin firewood on it to form a surrounding cone. Then they put dry branches and dead grass outside and stuffed them into the pores under the wood. Then they went to the river to dig mud, and then paste the river mud on the outside of the branches, applying layer after layer until It is airtight and eventually forms another conical pile of dirt...

"We are blacksmiths, and now we are actually helping others play with mud. If our colleagues knew about it, they would definitely laugh." A blacksmith complained.

"We are not playing with mud, but making charcoal. Without charcoal, we can't practice iron." Another blacksmith consoled him.

"Not only do we have no charcoal, we don't even have stone bricks. We can't build a shaft furnace and we can't smelt iron!"

"I heard that Capito made a mistake at the tribal meeting. He forgot to mention the making of stone bricks. He only remembered it when we were summoned to discuss the matter, and then ran to admit his mistake to the leader——"

"No wonder I have seen him with a sullen face in the past few days, always standing over the brick pit, supervising the work. Clerebus and the others are much more tired than us. Unlike us, we just play in the mud and relax. There are many. Those guys in Cefa Roys, even though they are usually as black as loaches, their brains are quite flexible, and they can come up with such a simple method to make charcoal."

"After all, Cephalus and the others have been making carbon for decades, so they have some unique skills of their own. In fact, Clerebus and the other masons are also very experienced, but it's a pity that making bricks is not like making charcoal. No matter how they think of a way , it will also take a month or two to get the stone bricks.”

"Yes, I understand this too, but it takes a long time. When the stone bricks are made and the bridges are built, the people will not only praise the carpenters, but also think that our blacksmiths are incompetent. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to build something.”

(End of this chapter)

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