Rome must fall.

Chapter 2 Rebirth

Chapter 2 Rebirth
  In 78 BC, the Roman dictator Sulla died, and the Roman Republic entered the post-Sulla era.

In 76 BC, the Roman Senate decided to send the -year-old Pompey to lead the army to the Spanish province to suppress Sertorius's rebels. This was the second less than three-year-old soldier in the military history of the Roman Republic after Scipio. A Roman who became commander of the army at the age of nineteen.

In the same year, the 24-year-old Caesar went to Rhode Island to study, but was kidnapped by pirates on the way. He took the initiative to pay a ransom of fifty talents. After landing safely, he immediately recruited people, trained the army, and then attacked the pirates who came ashore, successfully captured them all, and successfully got back his money.

In the same year, the thirty-seven-year-old Crassus made a lot of money through lending and real estate in Rome, but it also ruined his reputation. He was not willing to see his descendant Pompey so prosperous and began to travel around. , preparing to run for the office of praetor of the Roman Senate a year later.


Xu Tianyu regretted it very much. If he had known better, he should not have agreed to the dinner invitation from his high school classmate. As a result, during the meal, because he drank a lot of wine, his high school classmate had a conflict with the guest sitting next to him. He tried to stop the fight, but was He accidentally pushed me down and hit the corner of the table with the back of my head, making me unconscious immediately.

The moment he lost consciousness, a thought flashed through his mind: It's a pity that I haven't played the old game "Total War: Rome 2" I just bought!

I don't know how long it took, but a noisy voice woke up his consciousness: "Cross, you hit too hard, Maximus was beaten to death by you!" Someone was exclaiming.

"You just took one punch from me and you died? You really got an advantage over this traitor. He betrayed us. I wish I could kill him with a thousand knives!" This was a loud, hateful voice.

"This cannot be entirely blamed on Maximus. Batiatus must have heard the news beforehand and asked Maximus to inquire. Not everyone has the courage to keep the secret in the face of that evil wolf, and He could have kept it secret after he came back, but he immediately confessed to us and prevented us from being poisoned by the evil wolf without knowing it. From this point of view, he did us a great favor, Clay You really shouldn't be so impulsive!" This was a low and gentle voice.

"Hmph, this coward, he ruined our plan and put all of us in danger. Do we still need to thank him?!"

"Spartacus, Cross, stop arguing, you two. The situation is critical now. What should we do?!" A clear voice sounded.

"Altonix, don't panic. We were planning to start an uprising in the near future. Although Batiatus knew about it, he must still not know that Maximus has told us the truth. We must act immediately and take advantage of the opportunity. That evil wolf is not ready yet, gather everyone together, defeat the guards here, and then escape!" That gentle voice was full of inciting power at this moment.

The fierce voice from before immediately sounded: "You are right, we must act immediately! Let's go and notify the brothers now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, "Dang! Dang! Dang!..." There was a harsh sound of metal knocking, and then a cold voice echoed in Xu Tianyu's ears: "Spartacus, Cross, the master wants to see you two. , I would like to seek your opinions on the arena competition the day after tomorrow!"

"Oops, Atiatus is definitely going to kill you two!" The clear voice said urgently in a low voice.

"We were just worried about how to open the iron bars. It's so good that he came!" The gentle voice was full of joy at this moment. The fierce voice whispered knowingly: "Yes, Spartacus and I pretended to obey orders, but after walking out of the iron fence, we immediately started to kill the two lackeys outside the iron fence!"

"But the two lackeys outside the iron fence are not only well-equipped, but also not weak-handed, but you two are bare-handed——"

"So when Cross and I launch the attack, Altonix, you have to rush out immediately with the brothers in other rooms. Whether we can be free depends on whether you are fast enough!"

"I understand, don't worry, Spartacus!"

Then I heard that gentle voice shouting loudly: "I know, Cross and I are coming right now!"

Listening to the footsteps disappearing, Xu Tianyu was filled with surprise: Spartacus, Cross... Could this be playing the old American TV series "Spartacus: Blood and Sand", but these sounds It sounds like it's really happening to me! And what they said was not English, it was a strange language, but I could understand it. What was going on? !
  He tried hard to open his heavy eyelids, but a torrent of information suddenly poured into his mind: '...Maximus was a domestic slave of a rising knight family in Rome and an Illyrian slave. The son of a Thracian slave showed language talent since he was a child. The owner saw that he was smart and smart, so he decided to let him study with his son so that he could manage the farm and business when he grew up and become his son's powerful assistant. Year after year passed, Maximus excelled in his studies and was loyal to his little master. His master's expectations were being realized.

Unexpectedly, when Maximus was thirteen years old, Sulla led his army into Rome, became a dictator, and began a bloodbath against the populace. Unfortunately, his master was on Sulla's purge list. , it wasn’t long before the whole family was massacred by thugs, and Maximus was also sent to the slave market in Capua for sale, and was eventually bought by Batiatus of the Gladiator School.

Batiatus, who always liked to buy barbarian prisoners of war from slave traders to serve as gladiators, had his own considerations in buying Maximus. Perhaps due to the advantages of "crossbreeding", Maximus, who is far from his age, is tall and burly, and seems to be good material for gladiatorial combat. Secondly, Maximus is a domestic slave and is well-behaved and obedient. , unlike those wild barbarian gladiators who were easily controlled by Batiatus; thirdly, Maximus was proficient in multiple barbarian languages ​​and was proficient in writing, allowing him to mix among those barbarian gladiators and be able to fight for Batiatus. Tusi inquired about information at any time to prevent accidents. After all, these barbarians were wild and untamable and would cause trouble from time to time, but they were much more difficult to control than the Romans who voluntarily became gladiators because of debts.

Batiatus’ abacus was very good, but who knew that after Maximus became a gladiator, he was inspired by his charm while getting along with Spartacus day and night, and instead joined his rebel camp, taking advantage of his relative freedom of movement. His identity secretly conveyed information to the gladiators in their dormitories and informed them of changes in the outside world at all times, allowing Spartacus and other gladiator leaders to perfect their riot plans.

However, if more than two hundred gladiators wanted to launch a rebellion together, it was impossible to maintain absolute confidentiality. Batiatus heard some rumors, so he summoned Maximus for questioning.

Under his fierce questioning, the gene of obeying the master in Maximus's bones came into play. He succumbed and confided to Batiatus the truth about the gladiators' rebellion. In order to prevent the gladiators from being alerted, Batiatus warned Maximus that he must not tell anyone that he knew about it when he returned. If he could do this, he would forgive him this time.

Maximus promised well, but when he saw Spartacus, he couldn't help but think that this man who had always taken good care of him and was as warm as a father would probably die because of this. Ashamed and sad, Spartacus saw the clues. Under his repeated questioning, Maximus was ashamed to tell the truth, and was punched by the angry Cross, hitting his head on the bump. On the uneven stone wall, he suddenly fell to the ground and was unconscious...'


(The protagonist will be called Maximus from now on.)
  (End of this chapter)

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