Rome must fall.

Chapter 200 Making a Pledge

Chapter 200 Making a Pledge
Tenedorotis looked at him and smiled bitterly: "Chief Maximus, don't get me wrong, I'm just feeling a little emotional, and I have no intention of asking you for this land! We lost this land, It's because we can't defeat the Segestikas, it's because we leaders are incompetent!

You signed an alliance with the chief of Acoupagos before, and one of the clauses was, 'If you capture the land occupied by the Pannoni, then the captured land will belong to you and your team. '

At that time, we all regarded this as a joke. Many of us, including me, believed that once you have a war with the Pannonians, you will soon be wiped out by the Pannonians. Signing that covenant has no meaning at all, and even It may also involve our entire Aldie tribe.

Facts prove that we are the ones who should be laughed at. Real heroes can create miracles! Chief Maximus, with a team of less than 2 people, many of whom were old men, women and children, he defeated the Pannonian army many times and avoided the danger of annihilation of our tribe. You He is a great benefactor to our tribe! "

"What an award, what an award!" Maximus responded humbly, but he did not relax his vigilance: "What are your requirements?"

"The place where my tribe originally lived is the village that you now call Vesterni." Another leader named Cleonidas took over and said with a sad face: "After losing the land, I took the people with me They retreated to the west of the Cortona River and initially lived temporarily on the lands of other tribes, but the great leader was unable to lead an army to defeat the Pannoni, allowing us to return home.

As time went by, the people of my tribe had more and more conflicts with the tribesmen who borrowed the land, and finally had to move to uninhabited mountains. Many people got sick and died because of this. To this day, I Tribes are still living hard...

I'm sorry to tell you so much. What I want to say is that we Aldi people have always kept our promises and will never ask you for the lost land, but we heard that you once said to the big chief, 'You will go east March and conquer the Pannoni. 'At that time, many people in our tribe thought you were talking big words, but you told us with facts that you were fully capable of doing it.

When you attack the Segestica next time, a few of us want to lead warriors from our own tribes to join your team and avenge the Pannoni together...

After a great victory, we hope that you can give us a few small pieces of the newly conquered land to several tribes, so that we can escape from our current difficult situation. By then, Chief Maximus, you and your Nix tribe will be our tribe’s biggest benefactors. If you have any requests in the future, our tribes will do our best to help! "

Several leaders looked at each other, and Budokaribas said seriously: "We once mentioned this matter to the chief of Acoupagos. He did not express his position clearly, but he also did not express objection. After all, he and You signed the covenant. I'm sorry to make other demands. What's more, if he makes this request for several of our tribes, the other tribes living in the mountains may also have objections. Besides, he is not in good health now, and neither are we. It bothers him all the time, so after discussion, we decided that it would be better for us to discuss it with you ourselves. "

Maximus nodded in understanding and asked: "Is this your own intention? Or have you discussed it with the chief of Acoupagos?"

"The old injury I suffered in the past has never healed. Every winter, I keep coughing. It seems to have gotten worse this year. When I went to see him, he had some difficulty walking. He always sat and talked to me..." Bu Docaribas said frankly.

"The leader of Akupagos is not in good health?" Maximus was keenly aware of what he was most concerned about from the other party's words.

Maximus touched his chin: It had only been a few days since the last time he met Akupagos. But last time, although it was obvious that he was not in good health, he had no major problems walking and talking. ...It seems that he is holding on, but now he can no longer hold on and has no energy to restrain these leaders. Otherwise, if it were me, I would never allow the subordinate tribes to negotiate with foreign countries privately...

They did come to ask for land, but this kind of request was beyond their expectation, but it was... a good thing... Maximus had countless thoughts in his mind. Facing the expectant eyes of several people, he did not immediately He replied, but asked: "Are you, chief Budokaribas and chief Ciceliotes, the same as them?"

"Of course!" Ciceliotes replied simply.

Budokaribas sighed: "The situation of my tribe is not much better than theirs. Before you came, my tribe was placed in that small place as a way to resist the Segestika people. The front line of the tribe has suffered a lot of casualties for more than a year. The tribesmen are living in fear every day. Now because of you, the tribe is safe, but there is not much land for us to cultivate. We don’t want to always rely on To continue living with the support of other tribes..."

For a moment, Maximus thought a lot, but what he didn't expect was that Budokaribas and the others had lied.

Budokalibas and the others did find Acoupagos, but they only asked Acoupagos to help them get back some of the land they lost from the Nyx tribe. Acoupagos clearly refused. Disappointing them, Ciceliotes blurted out the angry words "I have to go to Nix myself to negotiate", but Akupagos ignored it.

But then the 30,000 Pannoni army besieged the temporary camp and were eventually repelled, making them realize that even if they could get their land back, the Pannoni would not sit idly by. Once the Pannonites attack again, they will only flee again under their attack. Only under the protection of the Knicks' force can they save their homeland. It is precisely out of their belief in the Knicks' force that After a secret discussion, they decided to come to Maximus alone.

Maximus changed his previous seriousness and said sincerely: "Our Knicks tribe was also in trouble before. Thanks to your help, we were able to settle here safely, so if you have difficulties, we are also willing to Lend a helping hand. You want to send troops to attack the Pannoni with us and obtain a better habitat. I fully agree to this request!" Budokaribas and others suddenly looked happy.

"But -" Maximus changed the subject: "Our tribe of Nyx has experienced successive wars with a lot of casualties, and it has just settled here. The tribesmen need time to rest and recuperate, and at the same time, they also need to spend time building. Our own homeland, cultivate our newly acquired land to ensure that they can harvest next it is impossible for us to attack the Pannoni in a short time!”

What Maximus said was reasonable, but Budokaribas and others could not find a reason to refute it. Ciceliotes asked a little unwillingly: "How long will it take for you to attack the Pannonians again? "

Maximus held out a finger: "At least a year."

The leaders looked at each other, gathered together and discussed quietly for a while. They all felt that they had survived a few years, and now that there was hope, it would not be a problem to survive for another year or two.

Budokaribas coughed slightly and said: "Chief Maximus, we are willing to wait! But we hope to make an oath with you, and we hope you can agree."

"That's no problem." Maximus responded immediately: "But I also have a request. After defeating the Pannonians, the habitats that each of your tribes will obtain must be designated by me, and cannot be chosen by you at will."

"This is not okay!" All the leaders expressed their opposition almost in unison.

But Maximus's expression was cold and his tone was sonorous: "If it doesn't work, then please forgive me for not being able to make an oath with you!"

The faces of the leaders changed, and Cleonidas couldn't help shouting: "If you don't agree that we can choose our own territory, then we can't agree to your request to buy ore and food!"

Maximus' face darkened: "Can you decide whether to sell ore and grain? What's more, even if you don't sell, I have other ways to solve the problem!"

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall became tense, Budokaribas exchanged glances with several other leaders and hurriedly came out to smooth things over: "Chief Hasikferos is just too worried that the land he will be allocated in the future will not be able to satisfy all the people. Life, but considering that the future war with the Pannoni will definitely be led by the Nyx tribe, it is natural for you, the leader Maximus, to distribute the land. "

"Is this your common opinion?" Maximus looked at the others.

"...Yes...Yes..." The leaders responded one after another.

Maximus' tone softened: "Please rest assured, when I allocate land to each of your tribes, I will definitely consider trying to meet the land needs of your tribesmen."

As soon as these words came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Budokaribas said quickly: "Chief Maximus, please make an oath with us."

"Okay." Maximus smiled: "Before we make the oath, I have another suggestion. Your people are living a difficult life now, and my tribe has just settled here. They are busy building homes and cultivating the land, and there are really few manpower. nervous……

While we haven't launched another attack on the Pannoni, why not let your people come to my tribe to help with work, and we will give them some rewards, so that everyone benefits, what do you think? ? "

(End of this chapter)

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