Rome must fall.

Chapter 210 Emmerich’s Persuasion

Chapter 210 Emmerich’s Persuasion

"Now that we're all here, of course we have to go take a look!" Maximus suddenly became interested.

The group of people walked straight towards the iron workshop.

On the way, Capito sighed intentionally or unintentionally: "Just now, I was too excited when I saw the piece of paper they made, but leader, you are still as calm as usual..."

Maximus blinked and remembered that during this period there were some rumors in the tribe about "he was favored by the gods", so he said softly: "If I say that I have seen much better paper than this in my dream, That’s why we can stay calm, do you believe it?”

"I believe it!" Capito answered firmly this time.


When Hagux found Emmerich, he was brewing herbal medicine in Snodia Hospital. After receiving the order, he set off immediately.

Since there were no extra horses, he rushed to the dock. Just as a small boat carrying supplies to Westney was about to leave, he got permission to get on it. The boat went down the river at a speed not much slower than the horses.

After going up to Westney Pier, crossing the wooden bridge, and finally arriving in front of Gowes, Emmerich was already out of breath.

Gowes did not respond.

"I...we..." Gowes was speechless for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said: "If we hadn't kept launching attacks in Segestika's territory and diluting their energy, these outsiders would have lived like this. Are you comfortable? We have helped them a lot and are their benefactors, shouldn’t their leader come to see us in person?”

There are so many warriors in Segestica, and like dogs, they can find us wherever we hide! ...Sage, you are also one of our compatriots and have been oppressed by the Segestikas. You should persuade the leader of the Nyx tribe to continue fighting against the Segestikas——"

"Gowes!" Emmerich interrupted him loudly and asked unceremoniously: "You came to our tribe's territory today just to say these things to Chief Maximus?!"

Only Gowes frowned and asked with some dissatisfaction: "Sage, why didn't the leader of the Nyx tribe come?"

Emmerich's words dampened Gowes' momentum. He did not dare to face his questioning gaze, lowered his head, and said angrily after a moment: "It's not because of these outsiders... The Knicks tribe no longer follows The Segestikas fight so they can focus on us!

"No, more than 3000 people." Gowes corrected.

As for the reason why the tribe has a stable life now, it is not due to you. It is because leader Maximus led the tribe to boldly attack the tyrannical Segestika people and captured two villages in one day. , and then defeated the 2-strong army led by Andres, the leader of Segostica, in the battle with a small number. Then he held on to the camp, defeated the -strong army of the Pannoni tribal alliance, and was seriously injured. Andres...

"It's Sage Emmerich!" When these Scodisqi people saw Emmerich's arrival, they immediately became excited. Even the injured people bowed respectfully at this moment.

During this time, the leaders from the Aldiyi tribe came many times, and each time they politely went to the main house to meet the leaders;

"Why did the leader come?" Emmerich looked at the dissatisfied look of Gowes and felt that he should dispel some of his illusions, so he spoke unkindly: "In the past few months, there have been dozens, Hundreds of compatriots fled from Broch's side, and they all obeyed the tribe's arrangements obediently. No one dared to say that they had to meet the leader first before surrendering;

Even the envoys sent by the Segestikas, whom we hate the most, obediently obeyed the tribe's arrangements... You said, with your team of less than a hundred people, you look like a refugee. What qualifies the leader to come to see you in person? ! "

Emmerich further said: "I have heard something about you in the tribe. You led the team to attack the territory of the Segestika people many times and indeed rescued many of our compatriots. It is said that the maximum number reached More than 2000 people——"

It is precisely because of this series of victories that Segostika's strength has been greatly reduced, and it dares not start a war with the Nyx tribe again. This has nothing to do with whether you have attacked the territory of Segostika. On the contrary, I remember that the last time you left us, you took away nearly 700 people. Where are they now? ! "

"Gowes, first of all, I want to remind you not to scream 'outsider, outsider'. My tribe has a name, it's called Nicks!" Emmerich reminded him seriously: "Gowes, you Was it the leader of our tribe who asked you to attack the Segostika territory? I remember that at that time, Chief Maximus wanted you to stay. It was you who had to leave because you hated Segostika. The attack initiated by people has nothing to do with the Nyx tribe.

"But these more than 3000 compatriots - where are they now! Either they died under the spears of the Segestica people, or they were recaptured by them and suffered even more terrible abuse! You are not saving them, but giving them They brought disaster!"

Emmerich became angrier as he spoke, and he really felt sad for those compatriots who died: "They could have endured for a while longer and lived a free life like their compatriots in the tribe, but in the end they lost it because of you. Life! There are only so many poor compatriots left around you, tell me, do you really want to join the Knicks tribe when you bring them here?"

Before Gowes could answer, others shouted: "Sage, we really want to join you!" "I'm tired of being scared and hiding around! I haven't had a good night's sleep in a long time. "

"Sage, many of my familiar companions are dead! I'm really afraid of being killed in the wilderness like them, and their bodies will be eaten by wild wolves and crows!"

"Sage, I haven't eaten enough for several days, and now I feel hungry!"

"Sage, woo woo woo..."


Everyone gathered around and complained. As they were talking, one person started crying, and many others followed him.

Gowes saw this scene in his eyes and thought of what Emmerich had just said. He was very discouraged. He was stunned for a while and said with a depressed expression: "Sage, we really want to join Nick." Si tribe.”

"In that case, I want to make a statement first!" Emmerich emphasized, attracting everyone's attention: "For those who want to join the Knicks tribe, the tribe has special laws. After joining the tribe, you must obey the tribe's rules. Make arrangements and obey the tribe's orders, otherwise you will be punished! After becoming a member of the Nikos tribe, if you flee the tribe without authorization, you will be regarded as a tribe traitor, and in serious cases, you will be publicly executed!"

"What?!" There was a commotion in the crowd.

Gowes was even more shocked, and immediately asked loudly: "Sage, the Nyx tribe is so harsh on new members like us, what's the difference between being a slave to the Segestika people!"

"It's completely different!" Emmerich said sternly: "Among the Segestika people, we are slaves. We don't have enough food, clothing, warmth, or sleep. We have to work hard, and we may be beaten to death by them at any time. Death is worse than the cattle and horses they raise;

In the Knicks tribe, you are a member of the tribe. The tribe has special laws to protect your life and dignity. Anyone who dares to despise and violate you will be punished. If you can eat well, wear well, and sleep well, you will be able to get more than 50 acres of land when you become an official ethnic minority in three years! ——”

"50 acres of land!" the crowd exclaimed: "Is this true?!"

"Of course it's true! The wooden signs erected outside the main houses of the two villages are engraved with various decrees promulgated by the tribe, including those related to this aspect. Special people have also been arranged to explain it. You can go there when you are free in the future. Look and listen. In fact, it’s not just 50 acres of land. If you make great contributions to the tribe, you can get more land!”

Another burst of exclamations broke out from the crowd.

Someone asked: "Sage, since the Nyx tribe is so good, why didn't you give us land when we joined the tribe?"

Emmerich explained patiently: "You should know that even according to our Skodischi tradition or the Pannoni tradition, if compatriots who are not from the tribe want to join the tribe, even if they are accepted, most of them will not be accepted. If you just help the people of your tribe, you won't be able to truly become a member of the tribe for ten or twenty years, let alone get a share of the land. The Nyx tribe is already too tolerant!

The reason why we need you to get the land after three years is that the original people can accept it. After all, they fought for this land with their blood and lives. It is impossible for you to share their fruits as soon as you come. ;
Second, the Knicks tribe is very different from other tribes here. You need an adaptation process, and these three years are also the tribe's inspection of you. Those who often violate tribal laws and perform poorly may be extended to become members of the tribe. The time for formal ethnic citizenship, and those who perform well will shorten the time for receiving land——"

When Emmerich said this, he saw that everyone was eager to continue asking questions, so he immediately raised his voice and said loudly: "It's getting late, and I will take you to go through the procedures to join the tribe later, so that you can be able to join the tribe by dusk. We have to hurry up and get some food! Now give me a clear answer, are you willing to join the Knicks tribe?”

Suddenly, the crowd became quiet, and everyone turned their attention to Gowes, but Gowes seemed a little hesitant.

Finally, someone couldn't help shouting: "I am willing to join the Knicks tribe!"

Someone took the lead, and others expressed their opinions one after another: "I am willing too!"

"And I!"


(End of this chapter)

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