Rome must fall.

Chapter 212 Gowes enters the Knicks tribe

Chapter 212 Gowes enters the Knicks tribe (continued)


"Another magical device made by the Nyx tribe. It can automatically transport the river water to the river bank without relying on manpower, and then flow it through the ditch to the fields..."

"It can automatically transport water to the river bank?! If it can be done like this, that would be great! Carrying water and watering the ground every day is very tiring!" A Scotsman was surprised.

Others also expressed the same sigh. They have worked in the Segostika tribe for many years and have a deep understanding of this. Therefore, the function of the waterwheel aroused their curiosity: "Let's go and see it." look!"

The group of people ran to the riverside excitedly. After seeing the waterwheel, excitement was always on their faces, and the silence and hesitation before was gone.

Emmerich looked at it and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: not only they were ignorant, but also he, who had learned about the outside world through study in his early years, was also attracted by some strange things that the Knicks tribe continued to do, and more and more The more you identify with this tribe.

Apart from the addition of a few more houses, the Westney Village has not changed much. Except for the garrison on the wooden wall and the patrol in the village, most of the ethnic people in the village went out to work in the fields, which seemed a little deserted.

Although Emmerich joined the tribe late, as the adjutant of the medical department, he had been in and out of the hospitals in the two villages for several months, so the tribesmen basically knew him.

With him leading the team, the group could walk in the stronghold without any problems, and the patrolling soldiers even took the initiative to say hello to him. This made Gowes and others realize that this druid sage's status in the Nyx tribe was probably not low. An outsider who has only joined the tribe for a few months can be reused and sincerely accepted by the tribe's people. Although it is because of Emmerich's own talents, it is enough to show that the Nyx tribe has a tolerant and open attitude towards outsiders. This It gives them a lot of peace of mind.

"The wheat seeds we delivered today have just been handed over to the Ministry of Agriculture and we are about to leave. Do you want to take our car back?" Pogitaras asked with a kind face.

The bullock cart driven by Pogitaras was at the front, and Emmerich was sitting behind him.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" Emmerich said repeatedly.

Pogitaras, who was sitting on the carriage, stood up and glanced at the team behind Emmerich, looking at the tired faces, some of whom were even being supported by their companions... He nodded and said: "No problem, Let them all get in the car, there should be enough space for them to sit in one car. "

Emmerich came to the farmyard of Westney, and there was a row of pack cars parked at the gate.

"Hey, la la la, when are you going back?" Emmerich asked.

"Thank you." Emmerich did not refuse, but pointed behind him and said, "Can you let them also take the ride? They are all Scotians who have just escaped from Segestica and want to join our Knicks tribe. Dischis."


Fortunately, they didn't leave! ... Emmerich was overjoyed, and hurried over and found the leader of these trucks--the transport team captain Pogitaras (the capable man of the former transport captain Sexippus).

"We are all a family, why are you being so polite?" Pogitaras waved his hand and reminded: "Be careful when you get on the bus. Tell me after you are all seated, and we will set off."

After a while, the transport convoy left the stockade and set foot on the dirt road leading to Snodia.

It has been raining continuously for the past few days, and the road has become muddy and potholed. Even if the ox cart moves slowly and steadily, the bumps are still severe.

"After today's trip, I'm afraid there are several more cars that need to be repaired." Pogitalas said with some complaints: "This road is already bad, and it gets worse when it rains in the spring. Listen, Speaking of April, there will still be a lot of rain here. Will cars still be able to drive on this road by then?

This road should be well repaired. Even if it is not as good as the Roman Avenue, it should at least be as good as the urban roads between Italian towns. Only then can it be more convenient for us to travel and transport between the two places. In fact, Capito had already made a proposal to build the road in the political hall, but the Ministry of Agriculture wanted to build the embankment of the Kupa River first. I heard that the heads of various departments were arguing about whether to build the road or the embankment first. It's been several days and it still hasn't been decided. Emmerich, what do you think? Isn’t it better to build the road first? "

Emmerich didn't think that Pogitaras was asking casually, and it was more likely that he was seeking support from himself. After all, he was also the advisor of the political hall, so he could participate in such important meetings of the tribe and make suggestions.

After staying in the Knicks tribe for several months and participating in many political hall meetings, Emmerich had already gained some political awareness and knew that he could not express his position casually, so he said tactfully: "Whether it is building the road first or Even if the embankment is established now, it will be useless because the tribe does not have the extra manpower to do it.

Everyone is concentrating on cultivating the land and building our stockade, and the wood we cut, cement, stone bricks and other materials are also invested in it... When all these things are done, we have enough manpower and sufficient materials. , in fact, it is also possible to build roads and embankments at the same time. "

"What you said... also makes some sense." Pogitaras poked his back with the whip stick and sighed: "But how long will it take!"

Emmerich did not respond and changed the subject first: "You have finished delivering wheat seeds today, will you still deliver them tomorrow?"

"We have been sending food for three days. The Ministry of Agriculture said that there is almost enough here and there is no need to send more for the time being. I heard that we have consumed a lot of wheat this time during the sowing and there is not enough food. Volenus proposed in the political hall that we want to send more wheat. Is it true that 500 Pannoni captives were exchanged for more food from the Segestica tribe?”

Emmerich happened to attend the political hall meeting at that time. He did not deny it and said: "Volenus did have such a proposal, but after discussion, it was not adopted in the end because everyone felt that spring was coming, and the mountains and woods There are more wild beasts and more fish in the river. In addition, you can buy some food from the Ardie people, so you should be able to last until the autumn harvest..."

"That's how it should be!" Pogitaras waved his bullwhip lightly and said happily: "Last year we worked so hard to defeat the Segestica people and captured so many people. Let them We have to ask for peace. If we return some prisoners to them now, wouldn't it allow them to regain their strength faster and cause us trouble again?
Besides, the last return of prisoners was known to the Pannoni tribesmen, which caused quite a disturbance. The tribe even killed a few people who escaped, and finally calmed down. Therefore, exchanging prisoners for food can no longer be done. It is better for everyone to endure it until the autumn harvest and everything will be settled. "

Emmerich said "hmm", not wanting to discuss this issue any further, and instead asked: "After we finish delivering the wheat seeds here, do you have to go to the Aldie tribe to transport the iron ore again?" ?”

"Yes, now the iron workshop is about to be built. It is said that we will start to intensify iron smelting next and let us transport more iron ore as a reserve. Moreover, the tribe has a great demand for cement produced by the lime kiln, and they have a demand for iron. The demand for ore is also increasing, so our transportation team will only become busier and busier, and there will be no time for it. However, this is also a good thing. It shows that our transportation team is very important and the tribe cannot do without it, right? Hahaha……"

"Yes, every workshop and every team established by our tribe is very important. It is really because of everyone's efforts that our tribe can develop so fast..." Emmerich said sincerely.

Pogitaras chatted with Emmerich while driving. The convoy went around the vertical bend of the river. The scene beside the road became different: there were obviously more people working in the fields, and the deserted fields in Westney In comparison, there is so much excitement here. There are hundreds of people working hard in every field surrounded by wooden poles. There are also soldiers in armor walking through the fields, shouting loudly, as if they are supervising something. There are also people holding wooden boards and holding pens beside the fields. What is observed and recorded...

"The sage is right, there are quite a few of our tribesmen working in the fields!" The Skodisqi people who were sitting on the cart and staring at the fields said happily.

"Look over there, you guys, those are Pannonians!" someone shouted.

For the people of the original rebel army, if they didn't look carefully, they would think that the Pannoni and the Skodisci looked somewhat similar, and it was difficult to tell them apart for a while. But for the Scodisqi people who have engraved their enemies on their minds, they can recognize them at a glance even if they are far away, with their heads lowered and their bodies turned sideways.

These Pannoni were obviously smaller in number than the Skodisci. The fields they sown were separated from the places where the Skodisci worked. There was even a small group of heavily armed men in the middle of the two. Soldiers were walking back and forth. Perhaps it is precisely because of these reasons that both parties are working hard, without quarreling or scolding each other, or even tampering with each other, showing a quiet and peaceful scene.

Despite Emmerich's prior warning, the Skordisqi people on the pack car still felt angry. Some people said angrily, regardless of the presence of strangers: "Damn it! Did these guys really forget their hatred and follow us?" Enemies become friends?”

"The Pannoni are friends with the Skodisci? How is it possible!" The coachman laughed and interjected: "The two sides fought a lot in the past, but they were suppressed by various punishments from the tribe. "

Gowes was moved in his heart and asked: "What punishment does the Nix tribe have for their fights with each other?"

(End of this chapter)

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