Rome must fall.

Chapter 223 Aldie’s Request

Chapter 223 Aldie’s Request

Marcus Antonius was Cicero's role model. This senior, who also came from an ordinary background, relied on his oratory skills to successfully become Roman consul. However, he died during Marius' rebellion. For this reason, Cicero Cerro hated the populist faction of radical reform and supported the conservative and stable elder faction.

In his eyes, Pompey, who wiped out the Spanish populist rebels, seemed to be Sulla II. He believed that this radiant Roman hero would become the mainstay of the Senate.

This was also an inspiration to him. Although he began to appear in court seven or eight years ago and is now well-known in the Roman legal community, he felt that this was not enough at the moment. If he wanted to enter the upper echelons of Roman politics, he would have to fight with such a person. Working together with Junjie, he must win the prosecutor's crown as soon as possible in order to win the spotlight. This will be his next goal.


In mid-July, in the main house of Snodia, the tribal meeting that was supposed to be held at the end of the month was held ahead of schedule today, with all departments and their members filling the hall.

"Everyone!" Maximus, the tribal leader sitting on the main seat, looked serious and spoke in a low voice: "I just got the news. Our comrades who stayed in Italy...the team led by Chief Spartacus has been completely defeated by Rome. People defeat..."

As Maximus had repeatedly emphasized before, everyone reached a consensus that the main force of the rebel army would eventually fail in their campaign in Italy. Otherwise, they would not have followed Maximus here, but they never expected that the main force of the rebel army would It failed so quickly. It was an army of more than 10 people, and the commander was the brave and resourceful Spartacus!

"Chief, is this true?!" Akonis asked the doubts in most people's minds.

"Of course it's true..." Maximus looked sad: "This is the news just brought by Carl Sipempas, the elder of Ardei. I once entrusted him to spy on the news from Italy for us.

"Chief, the Romans have destroyed the large army in Italy led by Spartacus. Next... is it time to attack us?" Cornelius suddenly asked loudly.

"Yes, chief." Fratinus said firmly: "According to Roman military tradition, if the Senate thinks that Crassus has not eliminated us all, it will not hold a triumphal ceremony for him, and it is holding a triumphal ceremony. Afterwards, the huge Roman army that was raised to fight us will be disbanded, and Crassus will be recalled to Rome and no longer lead the army."

There was a deathly silence in the hall, and soon there was a sound of sobbing. Among them, Torrelugo and Pheasalus, the two earliest gladiators who took action, not only had red eyes, but also gritted their teeth and cursed the Romans.

He told me that last month the main force of Free Italy was defeated by the Roman army led by Cross. Leaders such as Spartacus, Hamilcar...Altonix were killed one after another. The soldiers did not die on the battlefield. He was captured and died on the cross...

Maximus briefly told the entire process of the main force of the rebel army moving to Italy in the past year and ultimately suffering defeat.

Maximus said calmly: "Don't worry, everyone. Last month, Rome held a triumphal ceremony for Crassus, who commanded the army to fight against Spartacus and the others. Quintus and Frontinus, these Does it mean that the Roman Senate has declared that this war with us is over?”

"Chief, how did Spartacus and the others lose?" Quintus asked, both out of curiosity and to divert everyone's attention.

These words immediately made everyone feel nervous, and their eyes suddenly focused on Maximus.

According to him, many crosses were erected along the Appian Way leading to Rome, and the bodies of the soldiers nailed to them... have not yet been taken down..."

After listening to this, everyone sighed again and again. They felt sorry that the pirates deceived the rebels and caused them to waste too much time in the Regim area. They also felt afraid that several Roman armies rushed to Italy and suppressed the rebels. They all thought of Maximus once said, so I am deeply grateful.

In comparison, Frontinus, Quintus and other tribal officials who later defected directly to Maximus and had little contact with other rebel groups were shocked, not sad, but a little embarrassed.

You all heard it clearly. "Maximus looked around the crowd and said in a calm tone: "Elder Carlsipempas also told me that during this period he did not see the north of Rome on the Istrian Peninsula or the northern Gulf of the Adriatic Sea. There are no signs that the provincial army wants to enter the mountains to encircle and suppress us, and there are no rumors that we are living well in the mountains.

On the contrary, he originally sent sailors to spread the rumor that 'we have been wiped out by barbarians' in that area. You can still hear it occasionally now. I believe that in another year or two, we will be forgotten by the people of Italy, so you can be completely assured. "

Everyone was relieved. Maximus said in a deep voice: "However, we cannot take it lightly! Now the Romans' power continues to expand in the Mediterranean. One day, their power will border us. They are greedy and will never let this go. A large fertile river plain, war will still come by then.

Therefore, we all must do our best to develop the tribe so that when there is a war with the Romans, we will have the strength to defeat them, defend our homeland, and at the same time avenge Spartacus and the others, do you think so? ! "

"Yes!!" Tolerugo and the others clenched their fists and responded loudly.

Quintus reminded: "Chief, there are many people in our tribe now, and the sources are relatively complicated. In order not to cause commotion in the tribe, and to prevent some people with ulterior motives from finding out our secrets and spreading them, I suggest that we Badax and the others kept their defeat and death a secret, and did not inform the people of the tribe, nor did they hold a public memorial ceremony for them..."

Quintus' words were in line with Maximus's wishes, but he still pondered for a moment before saying: "You are right, the time is very sensitive now. The Romans were just happy that they defeated Spartacus and the others. Our people have just stabilized and are working hard to build their own homes. We should not break this peace!

We do not pay homage or publicize it, but we must keep this hatred in our hearts. One day we will have to settle this account with the Romans. What do you think? "

Although Torrelugo, Pheasalus and others felt unwilling to do so, no one expressed any objection.

Maximus coughed slightly, and then said: "This time Carl Sipempas came to our tribe, he not only brought us valuable news from Italy, but also shouldered the responsibility of Arko, the great leader of the Ardei tribe. The mission given by Upagos - he hopes that our Nyx tribe can send troops to help them defeat the Otariat! "

There was a commotion in the hall.

Volenus asked hesitantly: "Chief, is this Otariat the Illyrian tribe that often fights with Ardei because of the salt mines?"

"Yes." Maximus nodded and said: "We have been here for a year, and most of you should know that our ally Ardei has two enemies, one is the Pannoni, and the other One is the Otariat.

Otariat is also a large Illyrian tribe, located to the south of the Aldie tribe. Its strength was once comparable to that of Aldie. The relationship between the two sides was once relatively close. However, since the discovery of salt mines on the southern border of Aldie, There were constant conflicts between the two sides. Later, because both sides suffered too many casualties, they reached an agreement to share the profits of the salt mine equally.

But since the Pannoni started war against Ardei and the strength of the Ardei people was greatly damaged, the Otariat took the opportunity to provoke another conflict. The Ardei people found it difficult to resist. The year before last, the Otariat had completely occupied The entire salt mine...

This time, the leader of Acoupagos made a request, hoping that we can send troops to help them retake the salt mine. What do you think of this? "

"I think we should agree to the request of the Ardi people!" Pigris said loudly: "Ardi is our ally. According to the provisions of the covenant, we should lend a helping hand when the allies are at war.

What's more, we are able to live a stable life here thanks to the selfless help of the Aldi people, who allow us to enter the mountains, provide land, food, and manpower... The Aldi people have helped us a lot, and now it is time for us to repay the favor. , we should send troops. "

"I don't agree with Pygris." Cornelius retorted: "First of all, the alliance we established with the Ardii was a defensive alliance, so when we had a war with the Pannoni, the Ardii did not Send troops to assist.

Secondly, the Ardi people did not help us selflessly. On the contrary, we helped them a lot. The Ardi people let us settle, sold our land, and formed an alliance with us. They just hoped that we could help them resist the powerful Pannoni enemies. They have been able to live a stable life this year only because of our hard work.

There are many tribes in Ardi who have lost their land and become impoverished. It is only because we reached an agreement with them and hired many Ardi people living in poverty that we have reduced the quarrels and infighting within the Ardi tribe...

The most important thing is that the autumn harvest will be in two months. It is the time when manpower is needed most. If we send troops to fight at this time, it will not only affect our harvest of wheat, but also make the people who have worked hard for more than half a year feel very dissatisfied. Therefore We should reject the demands of the Ardeans. "

(End of this chapter)

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