Rome must fall.

Chapter 233 Temple Divine Heirs and Divine Codes

Chapter 233 Temple Divine Heirs and Divine Codes

At this point, Emmerich emphasized his tone again: "Everyone knows that you, leader, are favored by the gods, and after you led your team to the banks of the Kupa River, the Kupa River originally flooded during the rainy season in the past few years. , this year the situation did not happen again in previous years, even the swamp in Varidosi has become smaller...

The goddess Danu is the source of water. Whether it is the sea or the river, she is under her control. Naturally, she will not let the Kupa River harm her descendants' tribe..."

Maximus kept rubbing his chin with his hand, savoring the meaning of Emmerich's words and weighing the pros and cons without speaking.

Emmerich observed his expression and continued softly: "I asked some official people from Rome and heard that the temples in Rome have the position of high priest, which is exclusively held by the descendants of the gods. It is especially popular among the Roman people. respected, all important sacrifices must be hosted by them...

I think our tribe can also set up the position of high priest. It is most suitable for you, the leader, the descendant of the goddess Danu, to take the position! "

Maximus pinched his chin hard. He was very moved, but he also knew very well in his heart: The reason why Emmerich made this suggestion was not only for his own good, but also because he had a very high prestige in the tribe and could Suppressing dissent will form a strong appeal to the people, which will help the Celtic gods take root in the tribe... If everything goes well, this will be a win-win, but a win-win is not what he most expects.

Maximus asked calmly: "You said that I am the descendant of the goddess Danu, but I have neither strong military power, which can defeat one against a hundred, nor super divine power, which can create all kinds of miracles." , I will get sick, and I will die after being hit by the enemy. Even I don’t believe that I am the descendant of the goddess Danu, and the people of the tribe will not believe it..."

After Maximus finished speaking, he spread his hands and shrugged, waiting for the druid to give a reasonable explanation.

Emmerich was well prepared for this, and he replied confidently: "The goddess Danu and the gods live in the distant Tirnanno (the kingdom of Danu). They rarely come to the world, because once they come, their Divine power will be greatly limited, and the dirty gods in the world will invade their divinity, causing them to fall.

However, it is not appropriate to publicize this matter directly for the time being, lest the ethnic people cannot understand it and cause confusion in their thinking. You should be like the spring rain nourishing the wheat seedlings, bit by bit, slowly letting the people accept it..."

Maximus coughed twice and said with a serious face: "Listening to what you said, I understand. It seems that I may be the descendant of Goddess Danu in the human world...

"Chief, I want to build the temple of Goddess Danu first. Once the people accept her existence and are willing to worship her, I will then consider other gods..."

After all, what Emmerich worshiped before was mainly the Sacred Stone and Sacred Forest. Although the Celts also worshiped Celtic gods, they did not have temples. Just based on the dictation of the official people of the Knicks, He had difficulty imagining the complete structure of Greek and Roman temples.

"Chief, I understand, I will find a way to do this well!" Emmerich replied seriously, and then said: "Chief, I just said that I don't know the appearance of the goddess Danu, but as her Son, you should be impressed, so I have to ask you to draw the statue of Goddess Danu yourself!"

Because Maximus was a graphic designer in his previous life, and the Knicks flag he drew before deeply impressed the people. Perhaps because of this, Emmerich made this request in a roundabout way.

Therefore, if the goddess Danu wants to help humans, she usually gives birth to the soul of her offspring into the human body and becomes a mortal fetus. The memory of the kingdom of God will also be forgotten, and then through her own struggle, she will gradually grow into a human being. A hero, creates his own great cause, and finally his soul returns to the Kingdom of God after death..."

As for the image of a goddess who is kind and tolerant and influences all living beings, I have many images in my mind. I believe that the whole tribe will be amazed by the painting... Maximus thought, with a smile on his lips: "Okay, this matter will be done by I’ll do it. Besides Goddess Danu, which god’s temple are you going to build?”

"Emmerich, I have always valued you, but I didn't expect to underestimate you. You are an extremely outstanding druid!" Maximus praised, but he was thinking: Sure enough, these priests and Taoist priests , monks are all magic sticks, they are so good at deceiving people! But this is a good thing!

"Very good. I feel relieved that you are so steady in doing this. Changing a person's mind is much more difficult than rebuilding a house or a tribe, but it needs to be done slowly." Maximus was very pleased. , suddenly remembered something and asked: "How are you going to build the temple of goddess Danu?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Emmerich said truthfully.

"I have an idea." Maximus said thoughtfully: "...It doesn't have to be a house-style temple for the goddess Danu. We can set aside a hill for the goddess to move in...

You guy really fooled yourself into taking it seriously... When Maximus first heard this request, he couldn't help but want to complain, but when he saw the sincere face of the other party, he was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized this. It's really best to do it yourself.

This hill has lush vegetation, birds singing and flowers fragrant. There are tall and lush oak forests in the mountains that can be used as sacred forests, and there are also towering hard boulders that can be used as sacred stones. The statue of Goddess Danu is located on a high place, overlooking the tribe, showing mercy, and at the same time It is also very majestic, making people unable to help but kneel down and worship when they see it..."

Maximus simply adapted and recounted some of the Bodhisattva ashrams he had seen in his previous life, but Emmerich's eyes lit up.

He praised loudly: "This is good! This is good! The leader is worthy of being the descendant of the goddess Danu. His wisdom is unparalleled. The combination of the statue of the goddess Danu with the sacred stone and the sacred forest not only satisfies those who were only used to offering sacrifices in the past." Worshiping the sacred stones and sacred groves also allows the people to experience nature carefully and truly feel the majesty and love of the goddess! Chief, I will take the time to carefully search for suitable hills!” A temple department will be established in the tribe to be responsible for managing all the temples in the tribe. You will be the first chief officer of the temple department.

Your main task now is to find a suitable hill and then build a temple like the goddess Danu I just mentioned. It should not cost much and require relatively little manpower, mainly carving and The placement, as well as the layout of the sacred stones and sacred groves, requires some effort...

In addition, you also have an important task - compiling the sacred code of goddess Danu! How was the goddess Danu born? What kind of divine power does it have? What miracles have been performed? What kind of protection can it provide to the people? What kind of people do you want the people who want to respect her to be? …”

Maximus looked at him and said solemnly: "I know that you druids have a tradition of preaching and offering sacrifices without writing words, but in the Nyx tribe, the goddess Danu must have her own divine code. The text in the divine code must be simple and easy to understand. The stories inside are vivid and interesting, and the ideas contained in them should guide the people to be good...

Only in this way will non-Celtic people from other places be attracted and gradually begin to believe in it, and the entire tribe will gradually become united, friendly, and positive... Only in this way can we meet the requirements of our tribe. The purpose of harmonious coexistence of humans and gods! "

"Humans and Gods coexist in harmony..." Emmerich repeated this sentence repeatedly, and then said excitedly: "Chief, I understand, and I will work hard in this direction!"

And... Maximus said meaningfully: "You should also write about the descendants of Goddess Danu!"

"Chief, I will definitely write it well, and like the spring rain, I will slowly and continuously make the people aware of this day by day..." Emmerich said knowingly.

Maximus said calmly: "After the temple of Danu is built, you will serve as the chief priest of the temple."

"Then the chief officer of the temple department, and the one from the medical department -"

"Of course you have to step down from those two positions. From now on, you will focus on the affairs of the Danu Temple. If you do a good job, you can make the people accept the existence of the goddess Danu and be willing to believe in it. , then I will consider making the goddess Danu the most important god worshiped by our tribe, just like Jupiter and Rome, Zeus and Greece.”

When Emmerich heard this, he suddenly became excited and said: "Chief, please rest assured, I will do my best to do this well!"

"I'm looking forward to your performance! It's getting late, and I still have things to do, so I won't send you off." Maximus smiled and wanted to end the discussion.

Unexpectedly, Emmerich not only sat still, but also said: "Chief, there is one more thing I don't know whether I should say?"

Maximus saw that he looked a little strange and felt suspicious: "What else is going on?"

Emmerich said sternly: "Chief, our tribe is not only a conflict between the two preparatory tribes, the Skodisci and the Pannoni, but we, the Skodisci, even though the tribe has some rights towards them. A life-saving grace, but they are still more or less resistant to the tribe and have not fully integrated into the tribe and become part of it..."

Maximus nodded and said: "This is indeed a problem. After all, we are outsiders and have different cultures and living habits from you Skodisqi. It will take a long time to gain your complete recognition - —”

"Actually, is there a good way to greatly shorten this time?"


"The former great leader of our Skodisqi tribe, Hamsud, always treated all the people fairly and kindly, so he was deeply loved by his people and was very popular among all the Skodisqi tribes. In the end, he Captured by the Pannonians, tortured, and burned alive in front of us...

The surviving Skodisqi people miss him very much, and his only bloodline, Folesliucia, is in our tribe. Since she recovered from her illness, she is no longer so afraid of strangers. In the past few months, Skodisqi often visited her. Si Qi prepared the people to visit her in the hospital and express their thoughts to her about the late leader.

At the same time, some official ethnic minorities who were hospitalized for treatment approached her and expressed their love to her..."

(End of this chapter)

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