Rome must fall.

Chapter 25 The Roman legions are coming

Chapter 25 The Roman legions are coming
  Maximus blinked: "Are you literate?"

"Know something."

"Will it count?"

"know a little."

Being able to manage a farm means that you only know how to read and arithmetic! ...Maximus looked at Volenus who was immersed in studying, and realized that this was a rare talent in the baggage team. If he were to replace Cornelius and manage the warehouse, he would definitely be an underachiever. He thought for a while and said: "Vorenus, from today on you don't have to go to the kitchen, just stay with me and help me handle the affairs of the entire baggage train."

"Huh?" Volenus looked up in shock.

Maximus was about to speak when a man burst into the room: "Team...Captain, Chief Spartacus wants you to have a meeting!"

When Maximus saw Pigaris coming in, he asked in surprise: "Why are you back so early?"

"Ro...the Roman army is coming!" Pigris said breathlessly.

Maximus was shocked.

Volenus shook his hand and the papyrus fell to the ground.


"Omachel's men discovered the Roman army and saw them entering Naples. There was no doubt that they were coming for us, so as soon as I got the news, I returned with the first group. "Spartacus told everyone what he knew.

"How many Roman soldiers are there?" Cross asked urgently.

"There are about two to three thousand people, they are fully armed, holding high the eagle flag, and there are hundreds of cavalry."

"Is it 2000 people? Or 3000 people? Can you be more specific?!" Hamilcar asked dissatisfiedly.

"Hamilcar, not everyone has the talent for arithmetic like you. Omacor's men can be loyal to their duties, dare to expand the scope of investigation beyond the Vesuvius area, discover traces of the Roman army in time, and can roughly judge Their numbers, that's pretty good!" Spartacus defended the cavalry.

"I can understand this, but there is a difference of 2000 people between 3000 and 1000, which is enough to affect our strategy." Hamilka was a little anxious.

"No matter how many people come, as long as the Romans dare to show up here, we will rush forward and defeat them all, just like we did at the Temple of Flora before." Enomui said fiercely.

"Listen to what Spartacus said, the army coming this time should be a Roman legion, far beyond what Capua's city guards can compare to. They are well-equipped and have cavalry. As for us, we really have weapons. There are less than five hundred people equipped, and the others are either holding sticks or agricultural tools, how can they fight against the Roman legions!" Altonix's face showed concern.

"Sticks can kill people, not to mention that we have many more people than them. When the time comes to rush forward together and surround the Romans, no matter how powerful their weapons are, they will not be able to exert their power, and they will only be killed in the end. We kill, just like we did when we escaped from the school!" Cross said confidently.

"Of course gladiators like you and me who have been trained for a long time can easily beat people to death with sticks, but most of our men are used to handling hoes and farm tools and have been dealing with livestock in wheat fields for a long time. They have not been trained and will hesitate to kill an individual. , how could you have the guts to fight with the Roman army!" Altonix reminded.

"As you say, we can just wait until the Romans come and we can surrender!" Cross mocked.

"My men are not afraid of the Romans. When they come, I will take the lead in the charge and let them know how powerful my third group is!" Enomui said with a proud face.    …

"Stop arguing!" Spartacus glanced at everyone with a serious look, motioning them to quiet down, and said in a deep voice: "Don't forget that our slogan is 'Resist Rome and fight for freedom'. The slaves also believe in us. Join our team, so this battle is unavoidable. Haven't we all been prepared for it? However, what Altonix said does require our attention. The Roman army came too fast, and our team lacked training. , we don’t have enough weapons yet. If we fight them head-on, we will definitely suffer a loss. My idea is-"

Spartacus paused and said thoughtfully: "...We will wait for the Romans to attack first, and then the entire team will line up with their backs to the camp and the mountains. The camp is now the home of the brothers. In order to defend their home, they We will definitely resist bravely, and this will also prevent the Roman cavalry from outflanking our team, thus weakening the fighting spirit of our brothers.

We are defending from a high position, but the Romans have to attack upwards. Even if the hillside is not too steep, they are wearing heavy armor and have to climb the slope, prevent falling, and fight. They cannot fully utilize their offensive capabilities, and they also have to fight. It’s easy to get tired, but as long as we withstand their initial attack, we’ll have a chance to win! "

Spartacus's words cheered everyone up.

"But the Romans are not fools. When they see us doing this, they probably won't attack rashly." Altonix objected.

"You don't have to worry about this. Even if they see us forming a formation behind a mountain, the Romans will definitely attack." Hamilka explained: "I have been in the Roman army and I know them fairly well. The Romans are now the overlords of the Mediterranean. , and we are just lowly slaves in their eyes. If this Roman army does not dare to attack us without armor and weapons, they will only be ridiculed by other Romans."

"What Spartacus said makes sense, let's do it!" Cross loudly agreed, and no one raised any objections.

So Spartacus continued: "Before the Roman army attacks, our team can no longer go down the mountain to prevent being raided by the Romans. We must seize the time to train our brothers, at least let them know how to form an array. , able to understand the order to attack. Oakmar’s reconnaissance team must always pay attention to the movements of the Roman army and report back to the camp at any time.”

"Maximus." Hamilka then said: "From today until after the battle with the Romans, your train team will add more meat when cooking, so that the soldiers can eat every meal, so that they can Only then will you have enough strength to train and fight.”

"I know, I will let Arconis and the others work hard to do a good job." Maximus responded immediately.

"That's it, everyone go back quickly and seize the time to train the team." Spartacus ended the meeting simply.

Everyone left the living room, and Maximus was at the end. He had not expressed an opinion during the entire meeting. In fact, he had been thinking about an issue: In the first battle between Spartacus's uprising team and the Roman army, he What to do?
  There are only a few true historical records about the Spartacus Rebellion in the previous life, but there are many novels and movies derived from it. The entire plot is very different, but there are several key nodes that are basically the same...

Maximus subconsciously looked through the living room window at the mountain behind...


For two days, the rebel team was intensifying their training for the upcoming battle, but the Roman army never showed up, and Oakmar's reconnaissance team did not receive any news, because once they entered the vicinity of Naples, they would be attacked The Roman cavalry was intercepted, and even some Roman cavalry was patrolling near the foot of the wine farm.

On the morning of the third day, Maximus, who was in his bedroom asking Vorenus for advice on how to herd sheep and how to grow pasture, suddenly heard the long blast of a brass trumpet "Boo!...".

Are the Romans coming? ! ...Maximus suddenly stood up and immediately ran out of the bedroom and out of the farm.

The camp outside was already boiling. Under the shouts of the team officers, the soldiers started to gather together with a lot of pushing and shouting...

Maximus rushed through the camp and saw Hamilcar standing on a large rock on the hillside, looking west.

(End of this chapter)

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