Rome must fall.

Chapter 258 The 2nd Army Confrontation

Chapter 258 Confrontation between the two armies
Maximus showed a confident smile: "Everyone, it seems that after defeating the Segestica people last year, we are about to taste the taste of victory again."

The people around laughed.

When the Pannoni army swept across Korana and the Ardei villages on both sides, Blix and other big leaders would certainly not forget that their real enemies might arrive at any time, so they kept sending spies to investigate the movements to the north. After learning that "Nix's army is coming soon", the big leaders had already gathered the troops scattered along the Korana River and were marching towards Nix's territory.

Originally, the exceptionally smooth sweep of the Ardei villages along the Korana River gave Brix new ambitions. He attempted to have the army already on the west bank of the Korana River cross the valley and continue to advance westward to reach Mrezh. On the banks of the Nitsa River, he tried to attack the Ardi people living there to find out their strength.

However, he soon encountered a problem-the army was short of food.

Although Brix and the other three chiefs had made a lot of preparations in this regard, they had never led such a large army on an "expedition" and did not have enough logistical talents who were proficient in calculations to allow them to do so. Can clearly understand the daily food consumption of the army.

You must know that last year, Andres led a 10-strong coalition to besiege the Nyx temporary camp for less than 43000 days. He almost drained the food reserves of the entire Segostika tribe, making the tribesmen feel resentful. This time, the Pannoni coalition had as many as 4500 people. In addition, in order to transport food, they also recruited Skodisci slaves. However, such a large team had scattered leadership and was unable to centrally control the food supply. , even though the army captured many Aldi villages along the Korana River and obtained a lot of stored food, the soldiers who occupied the villages consumed most of it in carnival celebrations, which can only be said to be a slight benefit.

Fortunately, the attentive Brix finally discovered this problem. After urgent discussions with the other three leaders, he regrouped the army and stepped up the march to the Nyx territory. He wanted to eliminate the Nyx people as soon as possible and at the same time obtain their food reserves to relieve himself. The problem.

Therefore, after learning the news that the Knicks army was coming, the leaders were not surprised but overjoyed. This saved them a lot of time!
Originally, the Pannoni army marched in long lines along the banks of the Corana River. Now that the enemy was approaching from the front, of course they could no longer act like this.

The four big leaders discussed for a while, so Broch's army, which was at the front of the team and next to the east bank of the Korana River, was the far left (this time the Pannoni Tribal Alliance sent troops, Broch's army had been responsible for the forward position, because They arrived at the Korana River a few years ago, and last year they followed Andres and besieged the temporary camp of the Nyx people. Therefore, they have a better understanding of the geography along the Kupa River and Korana River than the other three tribal armies. Be familiar with it), Brocchi's army, Maziyi's army, Disone's army, and Peruste's army spread out from west to east, marching forward side by side.

But they don’t understand that this is on a mountain, and the terrain is uneven. It’s okay for them to stand like this, but if a fight breaks out, they can’t maintain this dense formation at all. Moreover, they wear heavy armor and fight on the mountain, so they are far less flexible than our soldiers. , the longer we fight, the less likely they are to be our opponents! "

The leader of Maziyi, Metilis, also cheered up and encouraged: "Don't look at them standing on the mountain and arranging a formation that is very scary. In fact, according to Kabdus, even if the whole army of the Nyx people is dispatched, our army There are more than twice as many people as them, and if they are all pressed up, it will be enough to drown them all!"

Demicas and Pelustai chief Pagilas looked at each other, and their eyes began to burn.

This area is a hilly area. The farther away from the river bank, the higher the terrain becomes, but the highest is only more than fifty meters, and the slope is gentle. Because the Aldi people have lived nearby for generations and have cut down trees here for many years, the trees in this area are sparse and downturned. Conducive to Pannonian marches.

Demicas, the leader of Disone, immediately interrupted him: "The cavalry cannot charge up the mountain, otherwise all the horses will be destroyed."

Although at the tribal alliance meeting, Kabdus introduced several battles between Segostika and Nyx in detail to several other big leaders, letting them know something about the Nyx army, but seeing it with his own eyes , several big leaders took a breath: All Knick soldiers are really covered in armor, and their personal protection is great!
After a brief silence, Brix suddenly burst out laughing: "These Knicks are so stupid! Last time they relied on this armor and dense formation to defeat Andres with less and more. army, this time they want to rely on this method to defeat us.

Maitilis interjected: "We have our warriors in frontal battles. The cavalry can go around behind the enemy. Give them a try at the critical moment. This victory will be ours!"
I heard that there are many skilled craftsmen in the Nyx tribe who can build real bridges that are higher than the river. When we capture their tribe, your tribe, Demikas and Pagilas, can also build it. Get some of Nix's craftsmen, and you will be able to build a bridge across the Drau River in the future! "

Brix added: "And we still have more than 1000 cavalry——"

The Pannonian coalition trudged northward on the rugged hills in a wide-frontal evacuation formation. After about half an hour, all the troops stopped advancing in unison because they saw the higher hills ahead. The dazzling iron wall that stands on top.

Although the Pannoni tribal alliance is still united, it cannot be completely monolithic. Just like this time, Temakis, the leader of Desitiatai, only sent 4% of the tribe's troops. Demikas and Pa Gilas even sent only 13% of the army, and the total number of troops of the two large tribes was less than 000. Especially when they discovered that Blix was using this troop dispatch to seek benefits for themselves, the two of them began to Some are no longer working hard.

But when they heard this, the two of them were moved. Demikas immediately said: "Pakiras and I want at least half of the Nix craftsmen."

Brix was about to retort, "No, you have to get the number of Nix craftsmen in proportion to the number of troops sent by each tribe," but he immediately changed his mind and said instead: "If you want to take half of it, Craftsmen, it depends on your performance in the next battle against the Nyx, otherwise it will depend on the number of troops you send -" "Although our soldiers are small, one is worth two or three of you!" Ao Ran retorted: "Although you Broch have many warriors, you are not very capable of fighting -"

"How long have you been, and you are still in the mood to make a noise here!" Maitilis scolded: "According to what Brix said, how many Nyx craftsmen each tribe can obtain depends on how each tribe's army will fight with Nyx next. What do you think of Sri Lanka’s performance in the battle?”

"Agree!" the other three responded one after another.

"By the way, where are Kabudus and Temagis?" Pagilas asked abruptly. As a neighbor of the Dexitian Taitai tribe, he had a good relationship with Temagis.

The others were stunned: they had actually forgotten them.

Then Brix said: "This is the decisive battle between us and the Knicks. We paid more, and of course we should get more! The two of them can get enough wealth and slaves from the Knicks, but Those craftsmen... don’t need to divide it between them.”

"Agree!" This time everyone responded almost in unison.

After reaching an agreement, the four chiefs began to lead their tribal armies into formation.

Their formation was very simple. According to the previous march sequence, and compared with the enemy's military formation in front, starting from the east bank of the Korana River, the four tribal armies of Brochi, Maziyi, Disone, and Peruste Stretching from west to east...

During the entire formation of the Pannoni, the Nix army still stood on the hill without taking any action, as if it were really a long iron wall.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that the Knicks' army is actually arranged in small phalanxes of hundreds of people, staggered in front and back, extending along the hills to the east and west sides. There are many gaps between the small phalanxes. It is not A rigid and tight long snake formation.

And the soldiers didn't just stand around stupidly. After they lined up, most of them sat on the softer hilly ground to rest, arranging their armor and weapons, recharging their energy, and looking down at the surroundings. Talking about the Pannoni formation in the distance...

"There are so many people in Pannoni, there must be tens of thousands of them!"

"No matter how many Pannonians there are, it's no use! Just look at how chaotic their formations are. You can tell that they haven't received any military training. No matter how many people there are, they won't be able to exert their due fighting power. On the contrary, they will be blocked in the attack. It’s time to cause trouble for yourself.”

"If we attack suddenly at this time, can we take advantage of their chaotic formation and defeat them?"

"It's possible, but what's the use? They ran away quickly, and you couldn't kill many people. Instead, you were exhausted. You might as well just wait for them to come up and die!"


Those who can talk so easily between wars are often Knicks veterans. Not only do they have rich combat experience, but some of them have also participated in the team officer training teams organized by the Ministry of War many times, so they are not all talking nonsense. There are also some insights that make the recruits who sit nearby and listen quietly feel less nervous.

Gowes, who once led his compatriots to rebel before the battle in the battle between Knicks and Segestica, and later led his tribe to wreak havoc in Segestika territory for several months, is now also on the team.

(End of this chapter)

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