Rome must fall.

Chapter 270: Criticizing the arrogant and attacking the weak

Chapter 270: Criticizing the arrogant and attacking the weak
At this time, Aulus, who was in the center of the array, shouted: "Brothers, don't worry! As long as you occupy your position! Hold on to the square shield and protect your body! These cavalry don't dare to hit you! Believe me, They will never dare to hit you! ..."

Aulus shouted over and over again, until his voice became hoarse in the end. Following his lead, the team officers also shouted. The soldiers were doubtful, but at least their bodies no longer trembled.

The enemy cavalry is getting closer! Getting closer! The momentum of the He people is getting stronger and stronger! ...Some of the soldiers who faced them were so nervous that they closed their eyes...

Telles suddenly felt disappointed when he saw that he had rushed closer, but the enemy formation was still standing still.

Sure enough, the war horse under his crotch immediately slowed down, and its long neck tilted to the left. He had no choice but to pull the reins to the left, and the war horse successfully completed the left turn.

A horse is a timid and sensitive animal. As long as it realizes that there is danger ahead, it will never bump into it stupidly. Unless it is blindfolded or undergoes long-term special training, it can It overcomes this fear, but it is obvious that the Pannonians are unwilling to do such consumption and do not have the corresponding technical reserves.

While turning the corner, Terles's long sword held high in his right hand was slashed flatly, and there was a "bang" sound as it struck the thick square shield.

After missing a hit, Terles did not stop and was carried by the horse to the left...

The soldier who blocked the opponent's attack dropped a stone and thought to himself: The legion commander is right. These cavalry may look scary, but they are actually nothing special. They are easy to deal with...

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, he subconsciously raised his head, wanting to see the disappointed back of the enemy rider as he walked away.

This led to a strange phenomenon. After the Daixi Tiatai cavalry charged into the battle, its casualties were more than the opponent's.

A flash of cold light flashed. It was the long sword swung by the cavalry behind Terles after making the same left turn. The long sword crossed the upper edge of the square shield and hit the soldier's helmet. Although it was because of the helmet, The protection was not injured, but the strong impact caused the soldiers to become dizzy, thus exposing more flaws.

After the Daisy Tiatai cavalry column turned to the left, it galloped to the left parallel to Nix's array. At the same time, it used the momentum of the horse to slash continuously, and a sword light appeared in front of Nix's shield array.

Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the enemy's cavalry, the ten-man captain raised his shield and took a big step forward, reestablishing the front-line shield wall.

Another cavalryman followed closely and swung his sword. The sword flashed and struck the soldier's exposed neck. Blood spurted out and he fell on his back.

Suddenly the team officer's urgent shout came from behind: "Idiot! Lower your head quickly! Lower your head quickly!..."

The captain behind him no longer cared about his comradeship and kicked him forward hard. The soldier's body flew out of the array and landed on the route of the enemy's horse. The horse was so frightened that the galloping horse's hooves faltered. He fell down on the muddy ground and also affected the cavalry following behind...

It's too late!

During this period, Temagis had merged the spear arrays formed by each tribe into two large square arrays. After seeing that the cavalry attack did not destroy the opponent's shield array, he quickly ordered an "infantry attack." "The command.

Although the Desitiatai cavalry seemed to have the upper hand, the road was slippery after the rain, and the horses easily stumbled while galloping. In addition, the four-cornered saddle allows the cavalry to sit more firmly on the horse, but when the sword is embedded in the square shield, if it cannot be withdrawn or let go in time, the reaction force caused by the huge forward inertia will still push the cavalry down, and It is a trivial matter for a cavalryman who fell to the ground to have his hands and feet broken. Once he is trampled by a horse following him, it is almost impossible to survive...

When the long sword kept and powerfully collided with the shield in his hand, when the light of the sword kept flashing from the top of the head or the side, listening to the roar of the enemy and the heavy whine of the war horse, despite the constant reminders of the team officers, However, there are still a very small number of soldiers who, under this suffocating pressure, had their shields cut off because they were nervous, lost their protection and fell down due to sword strikes, or who could not help but attack under pressure, but were killed because their bodies were exposed. Finally got knocked down...

At the same time, the team officers loudly reminded their soldiers to hold on to their shields, protect themselves, and not to be disturbed by enemy attacks.

The two Daixitiantai phalanxes advanced side by side. After marching to a distance of about 30 meters from the enemy, the phalanx soldiers on the right launched a charge towards the enemy in front, and the phalanx soldiers on the right also accelerated their advance. Footsteps, ready to attack the enemy's flank in a roundabout way.

At the same time, Cassinos, who led the cavalry to retreat to the rear of the enemy formation to rest, once again led his men to attack the rear of the enemy formation.

For a time, Aulus's team was attacked from three sides (except the left side by the Kupa River), and the situation became more serious. However, the soldiers did not feel intimidated. The Daixi Tiatai cavalry charge before made them nervous. That was because they had never seen such a fighting method. But now that the enemy is attacking from three sides, they who have experienced the test are because of the The hatred of the enemy and the desire for meritorious deeds, the fighting spirit in the heart is high.

Under the loud reminders of the team officers, they shrank inward and crouched half-crouched, shielding their heads and chests with square shields, holding daggers in their hands, staring ahead, ready to fight to the death with the enemies coming... The Knicks phalanx turned into a solid stone.

At that moment, the sound of killing was loud...

Temagis rode on his horse, watching the battle ahead, looking forward to victory. He could see that this enemy was not easy to deal with, but because of this, victory was even more gratifying.

"Report to the chief, there are enemies coming from behind!" Tan Ma rushed to report: "It's the one on the other side of the river!"

The cunning Knicks want to take advantage again, but this time they don't want to leave! ... Temagis sneered and ordered: "Go and ask Terles to bring the cavalry here!"

"Big leader, our cavalry is besieging the enemy in front. I'm afraid it may be too late to let them come over." his subordinate reminded.

"Forget it." Temagis waved his hand nonchalantly and said instead: "Since the cavalry can't come over for the time being, tell the tribesmen not to attack yet, so as not to scare them away, so let's wait for them to approach first. Attack again."

Yes, Temagis had considered in advance that the enemies in the rear might come to cause trouble, and deployed nearly 3000 soldiers in the rear. Now they have formed a formation and are not afraid of the enemy's surprise attack.

In order to better understand the enemy's situation, Temagist rode up to the rear array. In his field of vision: a large group of enemies appeared in a wide fan, rushing toward him. Because they were not wearing armor, they were marching The speed was very fast, without any pause, he rushed within a hundred meters in the blink of an eye...

Not only was Temagis not nervous, he was actually happy: the enemies in the back were much easier to deal with than the ones in the front!

"Attack and kill them!" Temagis rode back and gave the order.

"Woo...Woo...Woo..." The horn sounded, and nearly 3000 Daixi Tiatai warriors from behind launched a charge and collided head-on with the enemy.

At this moment, three hundred elite soldiers, led by Pecot himself, hidden behind the seemingly scattered charge line of Knick soldiers, bypassed their far left flank at a faster speed, and then bypassed the enemy's. On the far right, like a speeding cheetah, it pounces on its favorite prey - the Segestica army that is protected between the front and rear Daixitiantai armies.

When the crew conveyed Aulus's order to Pecot, he immediately realized that this was an extremely difficult task, but if it was not carried out, he would sit back and watch the demise of Aulus and his team. When the war was over and the leader settled old scores, he All the achievements made before will be in vain, and they will also be severely punished by military law.

Having made up his mind to attack, Pecot did not act blindly. He first asked the crew to drive a boat to take him to the river near the battlefield, and quietly watched the enemy's formation pass. He had an idea in his mind, and then returned to his own. The team convened the team officers to describe and improve their combat plan... which eventually led to this scene on the battlefield.

When Temagis saw an enemy army suddenly rushing to the rear and attacking Segestika's army, his expression suddenly changed and he shouted: "Hurry up and stop them! Send someone to stop them!"

Unfortunately, 1300 soldiers and cavalry are besieging Aulus's army in the front, and nearly soldiers are in the rear with soldiers under Pecot's command. Temakis has no extra troops to send, even if he It was already too late to mobilize some of the nearly soldiers nearby to stop them.

The Desitiatai people were fighting bravely, and the Segostika people were also on the battlefield, but most of them were not thinking. Their compatriots died tragically under the enemy's swords and drowned in the cold river. Even the new leader No lives... Last year's terrible haze shrouded everyone again, leaving them worried: Where will the tribes of Segestika go next? …

Suddenly, the terrifying Knicks appeared in front of us, and the one at the front was the ferocious God of Death!
Being protected by the Daixitiantai army, the Segestika soldiers originally felt very safe. Many soldiers even took advantage of this gap to wring out their soaked clothes. They were not prepared for battle at all, so they almost They were defeated at the first touch, and the one who escaped the fastest was Cassinos, their current leader.

"Drive them over!..." Pecot excitedly raised his sword and shouted when he saw that things were developing as smoothly as he had expected.

In fact, his voice was covered up by the frightened shouts of the Segestica people and would not be heard by the soldiers following him. However, these subordinates who were very convinced of him seriously carried out the plan in advance—— Drive the fleeing Scodisqi people toward the rear of the spear phalanx composed of nearly three thousand Daixitiantai warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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