Rome must fall.

Chapter 282 Spy

Chapter 282 Spy
Now that Maximus was in trouble, the first person he thought of was this experienced Roman veteran.

"Chief, I'm fine. I just had a nap and recovered a lot of energy." Valerius responded.

"That's good." Maximus stretched out his hand and beckoned, "Now come to me immediately."

Valerius went up to the sentry tower. Maximus pointed at him and shouted to the crowd below: "Next... all those who want to join the Knicks now can report to this subordinate of mine, and then he will lead you to cook, distribute food to your tribesmen, and arrange accommodation for everyone... Please remember, anyone who joins the Knicks tribe tonight and helps with things will be considered to have made a contribution, which can shorten the time it takes for you to become an official Knicks member!"

After Maximus finished speaking, the crowd downstairs suddenly became agitated.

"Chief, my Illyrian language is not very good, and there are not many people in the crossbow team who can speak it well." Valerius reminded in a low voice.

"It's okay. I will immediately ask Carminus to select some new soldiers from Segestica and give them to you to command. As well as my men..." Maximus turned around and pointed at the five attendants: "They will take paper and pen to help you register those who want to join our tribe, and then follow your arrangements and take those people to do things."

"Chief, there are quite a lot of people here. Where can we get so much food to give them? And... if you let everyone in this village go, where can we find enough space for them to sleep?" Valerius asked again.

"When I entered the village just now, I saw a lot of large mansions. I guess there are many nobles in this village. In fact, these nobles' mansions are our team's temporary military camp tonight. We use their stored food to cook and let the people of Segestica live in their rooms. If they dare to stop us, we can just arrest them. This will also let the people of Segestica know that we treat them differently from the leaders and nobles."

"I understand. I will do my best to complete the task you assign to me." Valerius saluted in response.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Maximus returned the greeting solemnly, then watched from the watchtower for a while. Seeing that Valerius was arranging the registration of the people of Segestica who wanted to join the tribe downstairs and that the order was well maintained, he went downstairs with peace of mind and headed for his temporary residence.

The main house of Segestica was in the East Village, but after Andres became the chief, in order to make it easier to attack the Aldei tribe, he built a large house in the West Village and a training ground inside. He usually lived in this house and often led the warriors he recruited to train together.

The guard team first entered the house and did some simple cleaning.

Maximus entered the bedroom and was about to go to bed when the guard came to report: Legion Commander Carminus wanted to see him.

"Let him in." Maximus yawned helplessly.

After entering the house, Carminus reported directly: "Captain, the two teams I sent out to sweep the river bank have returned. They have seized a total of 67 ships..."

"Well done!" Maximus said happily, "With the ships we captured in this village, we now have 84 ships!"

"The enemy on the other side should have more boats! When I asked the Segestica people to leave the village, I asked them, and they told me that almost every two families in the Segestica tribe on both sides of the Sava River have a boat. They don't have much arable land, and they mainly rely on fishing for a living."

Carminus first poured a basin of cold water on them, then comforted them, "But they don't have big ships. The largest ship here can only carry six or seven people at most, which is not as big as the ships they built on the Kupa River. They have never fought on this river and lack experience in naval warfare.

Besides, the widest part of this river is only about 100 meters. As long as we are fully prepared and take advantage of the enemy's inattention, we can reach the other side in a very short time with these 80-odd ships. We can transport three or four hundred soldiers at a time, and then sweep their river bank. The returning ships can transport the next batch of soldiers more easily..."

After hearing this, Maximus showed a look of realization: "I almost forgot that you were once a sailor, Carminus!"

"Although I have been fighting on land for the past two or three years, I have not forgotten how to row a boat!" Carminus said complacently. "And there are many sailors from Naples and old friends in the Third Legion. It is very easy for them to row such a small boat on a river with a smooth current."

In fact, Maximus chose to lead the Third Legion to attack the territory of Segestica because of this problem. At this moment, he asked in a deep voice: "When do you think it is best to use ships to transport soldiers across the river?"

"At dawn tomorrow." Carminus said confidently: "The Segestica people don't have a special river fleet. If they want to stop us from crossing the river, they must organize all the boatmen on the other side of the river and make them obey unified command and deployment. This cannot be accomplished in a short time. Moreover, it was already dusk when we attacked this village. They didn't have enough time to make arrangements..." "I understand. We must cross the river and attack as soon as possible, so that we can catch the Segestica people off guard and prevent them from defending at all!" Maximus nodded and said: "Carminus, I will give you the task of attacking the eastern village of Segestica! Just go and arrange it!"

"Yes, Chief!" Carminus responded loudly and excitedly.

After Carminus left, Maximus was about to lie down when a guard came again and reported: "Captain, there is a Segestica who wants to see you. He says he is a subordinate of Gilicus."

Maximus's heart moved. Gillicus was a spy he had recruited personally from the Segestica captives. After returning to the Segestica territory, this man had been trying every means to transmit information to Nix, so that Maximus always had a better understanding of the movements of the Segestica tribe.

For example, they were able to learn in advance that the Pannoni tribal coalition was going to attack Nix. Another example was that after encircling and annihilating the manpower of Segestica, they dared to quickly break into Segestica's territory and directly seize Segestica's western fortress, all because of the intelligence that Gillicus had before the war...

Since Gilicus had been working diligently and responsibly for Nix after returning to Segestica, Maximus appointed Gilicus as the intelligence chief in Segestica in early April this year, allowing him to quietly recruit people in the Segestica tribe, and also asked Cassius to find a way to meet his requirements and try to give him some funding...

"Let him in." Maximus rubbed his face hard and said softly.

A middle-aged man was brought in by the guards. Maximus felt that he looked familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly realized: this man was the first one who clamored to join the Nix tribe when he was giving a speech to the people of Segestica on the shore just now!

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Maximus' face.

After the man entered the room, he looked embarrassed and hurriedly bowed and said, "Your Excellency... Your Excellency Chief Maximus, Sirius salutes you!"

"Oh, you are Silicis! Gilicus mentioned you in the intelligence he gave us, saying that you performed very well and once ventured into the main camp to inquire about Andres's injury. He wanted to commend you, but I have always remembered it!" Maximus smiled and pointed to a wooden chair next to the bed. He said in a soft tone: "Come on, don't stand, sit down and talk slowly."

Maximus has been the leader for so long that he has developed a skill - remembering names. There are tens of thousands of people in the tribe, and there are many things to do every day, but Maximus also has to take some time to remember the outstanding people mentioned by his subordinates in their reports, one is to avoid missing out on talents, and the other is to show favor.

Sure enough, Silicius didn't expect that Maximus actually knew him, and he was so excited that he couldn't speak for a while.

It should be noted that this leader of the Nix tribe had defeated the hero of Segestica, the former great leader Andres, many times, causing his death, and had also defeated the powerful Pannoni tribal alliance, once again killing the new great leader of Segestica, and had also led his army to capture the main village. In the eyes of the Segestica people who admired the strong, this was a very scary enemy! And for those who had already surrendered to Nix, this was a powerful and respected leader, so Silisis had such a big reaction.

"Relax, don't be nervous, sit down first." Maximus said gently again.

"Yes, yes..." Sirius responded repeatedly and did as he was told in a hurry.

"I just saw you leading everyone in the crowd to join our Nix tribe. You performed very well!" Maximus praised. "You came to see me so late. Is there something important you want to tell me?"

After receiving praise again, Silicius finally got rid of his nervousness, and he said excitedly: "My dear leader, after you led your army here today, Gilicus took advantage of this opportunity to lead us to follow other fleeing Segestica people into this village.

He asked me to stay and find a chance to report to you, and then he took the others across the floating bridge early and ran to the East Village on the other side of the river... He said that when you, the leader, lead the army to attack the East Village, he will find a way to cooperate with you in the village. "

"Oh?!" Maximus really didn't expect that in addition to being able to collect intelligence, Gillicus also knew how to cooperate with him to capture the main camp. What a talent!
"You did a great job!" Maximus praised sincerely, and then asked: "How many people does Gillicus have now?"

(End of this chapter)

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