Rome must fall.

Chapter 294 Celisis

Chapter 294 Celisis
Budokaribas looked at him for a moment, and his frown slowly relaxed: "In that case, I am also willing to lead my people to settle down on the Sava River, but I want to ask whether we can choose the territory ourselves?"

Maximus replied with a serious expression: "Didn't I just tell you that I would give you fertile land and guarantee the safety of your tribe? Why are you still not satisfied?!"

When Budokaribas saw that Maximus was dissatisfied, he panicked and quickly explained: "We are not dissatisfied, we just want to know how much land we can get?"

Maximus looked around at everyone and saw that they were all staring at him nervously, so he emphasized his tone and said word by word: "I can guarantee that each of your families will have 20 acres of fertile land!"

Most of the Aldei leaders were delighted, but some were dissatisfied: "Only 20 acres of land? Everyone in your tribe has at least 50 acres!"

Maximus's eyes suddenly became sharp. "We, the people of the Nix tribe, can get 50 acres of land. They earned it with their blood and hard work. The Nix tribe was established because of them! What contribution have your people made to Nix? You want to get 50 acres of land! 20 acres is not enough. Can each of you have 3 acres of good land before!"

These words left the man speechless, and the others stared at him, extremely dissatisfied with him for not knowing the seriousness of the matter and angering the leader of the Knicks.

"We are already very grateful to Chief Maximus for fulfilling the agreement in such a short time and allocating tribal land to our tribe. How can we ask for more!" Budokaribas quickly spoke up to smooth things over.

"Yes, yes, Chief Maximus is truly a great benefactor of our tribe!..." Others also spoke one after another to express their gratitude, and the atmosphere suddenly eased.

Maximus softened his tone and said, "Since you all agree with my suggestion, report the population and number of households of your respective tribes to Pigris first. After our tribe has completely occupied the land here and the situation has stabilized, I will divide the land belonging to your tribe according to the situation of your respective tribes, and then let Pigris notify you, and you can bring your tribesmen to settle here..."

"Thank you Chief Maximus!!!"


After the servants sent away Budokaribas, Cicelytes and others, Pigris presented Maximus with the newly compiled population list of the Ardei tribe who had migrated to the Sava River.

Maximus looked through the documents carefully and sighed, "There are 4000 Ardei tribes that are planning to move here, but there are less than 14 households and a total of only 000 people. No wonder they are discriminated against in the entire Ardei tribe. This population is far less than the population of the two Segestica villages we captured first!"

Pigris explained, "I just asked Budokaribas and the others, and they told me that before the invasion of the Segestica people, the population of their tribe exceeded 40,000. However, due to war, injuries, hunger, and a small number of people who had to join other Ardi tribes in order to survive... In the end, only these few people were left.

If it weren't for this, they probably wouldn't agree to your request, Chief, to leave their familiar homes and settle in the land that was once their enemy. Chief, I think it's a good thing that they have fewer people, at least we don't have to give up a lot of land. "

"Pygris, as the business officer of the tribe, it is your duty to be meticulous when negotiating with other ethnic forces, but you must have a long-term vision and a broad mind when thinking about problems..." Maximus taught him earnestly: "We are not short of land now, but population. At this stage, the people of the Aldei tribe are more reliable than the Segestica people who were forced to join us. Their joining will enhance our strength and allow us to occupy more land in a short period of time, thereby accelerating the stabilization of the situation here.

In addition, if the tribes of Budokaribas and others live well here, will it have an impact on other Ardi tribes? For example, the tribes in Karsipenpas?

Besides, the land we fought so hard for is not given to the Ardi tribe for free. The land we allocated to them is all within our territory. Their people feel the strength of our tribe and its unique system day and night. Do you think they will have other ideas?"

Maximus' words made Pigris fall into deep thought, and then he sighed sincerely: "Chief, they all say that I am smart and good at calculations, but I think I am far behind you!"

Maximus laughed and said, "If you want to make the tribe stronger, you have to be smart."

Pigris then asked softly, "Chief, do you really think that the great chieftain of Aldei, Aristakas, will not be angry about these tribes moving here?"

Maximus said meaningfully: "Maybe it would be better if he was angry." Pigris was stunned at first, then nodded thoughtfully.


Selysis's experience can be considered bumpy.

He was born into an ordinary Segestica family, and his tribe was not far from the western village of Segestica. When he was young, the chief of Segestica, in order to please the Skodishchi people, gathered a group of young men and women from the tribe to serve the Skodishchi nobles in Savatoi (the name of the main village of Segestica during the Skodishchi rule), and he was one of them.

He was lucky enough to be assigned to the home of a relatively kind nobleman named Scodischi. Because he was smart and hardworking, he was praised and rewarded by his master many times. Within a few years, he became his master's trusted servant. After he grew up, he even followed his master to suppress riots among his compatriots.

In the war between the Scotians and the Romans, he witnessed the Scotians' disastrous defeat and went through many hardships to bring his seriously injured master back home, but his master soon died. Not only did he not receive a reward, but he was beaten and imprisoned on the charge of "failing to protect his master."

Just when he thought his life was in danger, the Segestica people launched a war against the Skodisci people. Taking advantage of the chaos in the city, he found a way to escape and joined the resistance army led by the chief of Segestica. In subsequent battles, he showed bravery and made many military achievements, but because of his previous misdeeds of "aiding and abetting the evil", he was never reused.

Although he was resentful, he always performed his duties, from breaking through Savatoi and completely overthrowing the rule of the Skodischi people, to hunting down the remaining forces of the Skodischi and preventing them from reviving. He never stopped fighting for three or four years until the remaining bandits were basically eliminated and peace was basically restored to the Sava River Plain. Only then did he return to his tribe with injuries.

Although he was still an ordinary member of the tribe at this time, he had proved himself, cleansed his bad deeds, became a warrior of the tribe, and was respected by the tribe members. So he married, had children, and lived a happy life for ten years.

After Andres succeeded as the chief, the peace of the entire tribe was broken. The ambitious chief quickly launched a war against the Aldi people. Selisis was not recruited by the tribe because of his old age.

However, this war still affected his life. The amount of grain they handed over to the tribal leader was much more than in previous years, and there were occasional temporary collections, which the tribesmen complained about.

In addition, Andres broke the tradition that the chieftain should not interfere in the internal affairs of the tribes, and issued a decree that "tribesmen who participated in the war can voluntarily join the newly formed tribe and obtain the fertile land of the Kupa River." Due to his strong power, the tribal chieftains and nobles did not dare to object, so Selisis found that many young people in the tribe never returned after being recruited, and the entire tribe became increasingly deserted...

Although life has changed a lot and days are getting worse, the continuous news of victory still gives Selisis the motivation to continue to hold on. After all, he also hopes to see the tribe become stronger.

Seeing that the tribe had occupied the land along the Kupa River and driven the Aldei people to more remote places, Selysis thought that the hard days would soon be over.

Unexpectedly, last year the Aldi people invited a group of foreign mercenaries, and misfortune befell the Segestica tribe.

First, they captured two villages, and then Andres summoned a large army to attack them, but suffered a crushing defeat. The tribesmen who participated in the war were either captured or killed in the battle. Not many people escaped. Almost every family in the tribe where Selises lived had people crying, and he himself felt sympathetic.

But soon he could no longer worry about others, because Andres formed an army to fight the enemy again. As too many young and middle-aged tribesmen were lost, the scope of conscription had to be expanded. Even though he was a little older, he, who had been a warrior in the tribe, was inevitably incorporated into the team.

At this time, he was accustomed to an ordinary life, and with his old injuries, he had long lost the ferocity he had in the past to charge into battle.

Besides, this time they were attacking the enemy's camp. Selisses had experienced many battles, but this was the first time he had seen a camp with such a complex structure and extremely strict defense. He felt uneasy before the battle even started. Relying on his previous war experience, he avoided danger during the attack, but he was eventually slightly injured, and thus avoided the brutal siege in the next few days.

Later, the army finally captured the outskirts of the camp, but was attacked by the enemy again.

(End of this chapter)

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