Rome must fall.

Chapter 40 Hope

Chapter 40 Hope
  "The Roman senators and nobles are like a big mountain pressing on the Italian and Mediterranean civilians. If you want to no longer be oppressed by them and live freely, the only way is to take up arms and resist. The only way is to defeat them. Only then can they be free!

The Roman senators and nobles are indeed very powerful now, but after all, there are few nobles and many civilians in this world. You have all seen that the whole of Italy is full of slaves and poor people who have lost their land. They live in confusion...

Now we stand up bravely and declare war on the Roman senators and nobles. It is like lighting a torch in the dark night and letting them see hope. This is why we have rapidly expanded from more than 200 people to 5000 people in just one month. Human reasons! As news of our uprising spreads wider, more people with hatred for the Roman senators and nobles will join us. When slaves and paupers throughout Italy are mobilized by us, this mighty team will be Can the Roman army still resist? ! "

Maxim raised his fists and said passionately: "So in the end we will definitely defeat the Romans, escape from Italy smoothly, and go to other places to create a homeland of our own! In this new homeland, we will not distinguish between each other. Regardless of race, no matter how high or low you are, as long as you have talent, you can be an official and get promoted! In this new home, we all have our own land, and as long as we work hard, we can have a happy life! In this new home, we all have our own land. , we ordinary civilians can also participate in political affairs. We can oppose proposals that harm our interests, and we can propose bills that are beneficial to us and find ways to get them passed! Our elderly can be taken care of, and our children can read and read. We can get low-cost treatment when we are sick, and when we encounter disasters, our homes will provide certain help..."

Everyone listened with fascination and longing for it.

"How wonderful! This is simply the Elysee Paradise!"

"If I can really build such a beautiful home, it will be worth it even if I die in battle!"


"Captain Maximus, can we really build such a wonderful new home of our own?!" someone asked loudly and excitedly.

"As long as we work together and work tirelessly towards this goal, we will eventually succeed!" Maximus said with great confidence, and this confidence infected the people around him.

When they were rejoicing, Maximus, who was already a little drunk and was excited by what he said, continued: "I want to tell you a story. Do you want to hear it?"

"Listen!!!..." the old people in the baggage train team responded in unison. Now "Maximus tells stories at night" has become a rare way of entertainment for them before falling asleep.

The new soldiers who joined the escort also became energetic, because they had long heard that Maximus was good at telling stories, and they could finally hear it with their own ears tonight.

The army slaves were a little confused. They didn't understand why telling a story made other people so excited.

Maximus took a sip of wine, looked up at the night sky, and said slowly: "...This story takes place in the far and far east, where there is a vast fertile land, with tens of millions of people living on the land, and dozens of Kingdoms, they conquered and merged with each other. The war lasted for hundreds of years. Finally, one kingdom destroyed the other forces and unified the distant east.

Logically speaking, the king should give the war-torn people a peaceful and peaceful life so that they could rebuild their homes. However, he instead engaged in hard work and made the people build city walls, build tombs, and dig ditches without stopping. Strict criminal laws were enacted, and people who made the slightest mistake would have their eyes gouged out, their hands chopped off, and their feet chopped off.

The miserable civilians finally couldn't bear it anymore and launched a riot to resist the king's tyrannical rule and fight against the extremely powerful and numerous kingdom army. At that time, there were more than a dozen teams in the uprising, and most of them were led by the old nobles who had been destroyed before. There was only one team - the leader was a refugee, and his leaders included farmers, butchers, herdsmen, Robbers and thugs...are all composed of poor people with low status. What I mainly tell are stories about him..."

……………………………………………………………………………………………… At night, the banquet has ended, the bonfires have been extinguished, the farm has returned to tranquility, and people begin to fall asleep.

In Maximus's bedroom, the internal meeting of the baggage team had just begun.

In addition to Maximus, the attendees included Aconis in charge of the kitchen, Pygris in charge of the transportation team, Cornelius in charge of the material warehouse, Pheasalus in charge of the escort team, and the asylum-seeker Sexippus, recommended by Grace, who was responsible for herding cattle and sheep, and Cassius Frontinus, who was specially called by Maximus. The other one was Volenus, Maximus James put him in charge of the records.

As a freelancer and an otaku in his previous life, Maximus was most energetic at night. In this era, this habit has not changed, but without computers, the Internet and other modern entertainment, he will Energy is consumed in teaching, telling stories, and attending meetings, so avoid letting yourself be idle.

He glanced at the people in the room: cooks, shabby businessmen, farmers, domestic slaves, gladiators, retired veterans... He had all kinds of people under his command, and they were all of low status, but fortunately they all had some abilities. .

Everyone else's eyes were focused on Maximus. If Maximus often worked with Arconis and Pygris before and had a good relationship with each other, they were happy to see Maximus. They came to take over the baggage train, and now after yesterday's battle and tonight's public speech, they were full of respect for Maximus, including Frontinus, because his wisdom helped them, the army slaves, Removing confusion and illuminating the way forward is something that not everyone can do.

"Time is very tight, so I won't go into details." Maximus said directly: "Our baggage team will set up a medical team, and all the wounded will be taken care of by us -"

Aknis immediately shouted in surprise: "Ah, those are hundreds of wounded! Our team doesn't have that many people to take care of them, and we don't know how to take care of them!"

"The leaders have already decided, we must implement it!" Maximus pretended to be helpless. He would never say that he actually applied for this on his own initiative: "Don't worry, everyone, take care of the wounded and It’s not a complicated matter, and it doesn’t require too many manpower, and the leaders also promised to allocate more people to our baggage team in the future.”

Maximus was not prepared to give them any more opportunities to discuss, and then said: "Frontinus, who among you knows how to take care of wounded soldiers better?"

Frontinus was stunned for a moment and replied: "Putrius Horace is a very kind and patient person. After we fought in the past, he always took the initiative to take care of his injured comrades."

"Then let him be in charge of the medical team for the time being. If the performance is not good, then replace him. He can also take a few suitable ones from you to serve as his assistants."

After Maximus finished speaking, he looked at Aconis: "As for helping the wounded soldiers clean their wounds, apply medicine, and bandage, I hope more women will do it, so you have to have some women in the kitchen, preferably Those who are younger and have no husbands are sent to the newly established medical team to take care of the wounded soldiers."

"Ah! Let us women take care of those men, and we have to be unmarried?! No, no, this is too much! What's more, our kitchen is already short of manpower. If we take away more people, we won't be able to do the work. !..." Aconis objected loudly, shaking her head like a wavy drum, her attitude seemed to be very determined.

 I wish my brothers and sisters a happy Double Day!
    During the long vacation, I will take my children out to play for a few days. I cannot guarantee that I can update in time during these few days. Please forgive me!

  (End of this chapter)

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