Rome must fall.

Chapter 44 Moving Camp

Chapter 44 Moving Camp
  "You are in charge of everything, but even if you stand in the kitchen every day staring at them and yelling, their work efficiency will not improve much. You must be good at delegating tasks to your subordinates and mobilize their Motivated to work.”

Maximus saw that Aconis was a little confused and explained to her more patiently: "Take porridge, soup and meat in this kitchen as an example. You can divide people who are good at these things into two. Group or three groups, each appoint a group leader and assign tasks to them. Whichever group completes the best and fastest will be rewarded, such as taking an extra half day to rest, eating one or two more pieces of meat, or regularly removing your subordinates. People are called together to publicly praise the well-performing groups..."

Don't look at what Maximus said so well. In his previous life, he chose to be a freelancer because he was afraid of trouble and didn't want to care about others. But in this troubled world, in order to survive, he had to change his habits in his previous life. Work hard to learn how to do things, and work hard to learn how to manage people, so that you can get more rights to ensure your own safety.

Aconis scratched her head when she heard this, and said excitedly: "Captain, these methods you mentioned are all great! I...I'll give it a try, but I'm stupid, so I may not be able to do it well!"

"No one is born knowing everything. As long as you work hard and work hard, you will be able to do it well in the end. Don't worry!" Maximus encouraged him with emotion, because this was his period. experience.

Akonis gained confidence after what he said, and immediately said that she would adjust the kitchen according to this method starting tomorrow.

"Also, when you use stone mills to shell and grind wheat, why don't you always use donkeys to pull the grinding? Instead, you often use people to push. This is a waste of manpower and is not very efficient."

"If we keep letting the donkey do the grinding, it will be exhausted. Anyway, there are many of us, so it's not a big deal if we take turns doing the grinding." Akonis explained.

Sure enough, diligence and frugality are in the bones of the working people... Maximus smiled helplessly and said loudly: "Arconis, you have to understand that people are important now, and donkeys are not! I will tell Si Bardax asked him to help us get a few more donkeys, and then let the donkeys work and send someone to keep an eye on them."

"Hmm...Okay." Aknis was actually a little reluctant to give up.

"Now, don't you think there is a shortage of manpower there? Can you assign a group of young women to the medical team as I said before?"

Akonis thought for a moment, gritted her teeth and said, "It should be okay."

"Then who do you think is suitable to be the leader among the people you want to separate?"

"Nesia." Akoni answered without any hesitation.

Maximus, who was very familiar with kitchen affairs, immediately had the image of a young and pretty woman in his mind. He nodded in approval and said: "It's already very late. You should go back and rest. There are still many things to do tomorrow. Let's go out. Then I called the children in, they were probably almost asleep.”

After Arconis left, Maximus looked up at the dark night outside the window and stretched: He has done a lot tonight, and tomorrow will be a new beginning!

Early the next morning, after breakfast, the entire rebel army took action and moved camp to the farm at the foot of the mountain.

The distance between the two is very close, but due to the lack of effective organization of the soldiers in each group, their actions seem a bit chaotic.

The baggage team had made arrangements in advance, but they had to take away too many things, so it was slow. As the captain, Maximus did not just give up and take care of himself. He personally took the lead in helping to move things and carry the wounded. Naturally, others did not dare to be idle. The entire team was very enthusiastic about work, and the baggage team was not ready until noon. He settled in the farm.

Immediately afterwards, Frontinus took the thirty-four army slaves and began to set up a military tent outside the farm gate, and Maximus led other people to help.

Within two hours, the medical team's tents were all set up.

Maximus did not carry all the wounded soldiers in immediately, but first gathered the members of the medical team together. The members of the newly established medical team were: the newly appointed captain of the medical team, Putrius Horace, five men who were also slaves in the Roman army, and thirty-two women sent by Arconis from the kitchen. There were thirty-eight people in total, men and women gathered together, very distinct from each other.

Seeing this situation, Maximus reminded him jokingly: "Brothers and sisters, you must cooperate with each other in the future. Don't stand so far apart. Everyone should come closer."

Except for Horace, these Roman army slaves were all relatively young. They had already been a little tempted when they saw these women. However, considering that they were new here, they did not dare to act rashly. Now when Maximus said this, his face suddenly changed. He leaned over with a smile.

The women from the kitchen had been harassed by rebel soldiers for the past month, and they were very wary. However, since Maximus spoke, they reluctantly moved. This also shows that Maximus was carrying the baggage. Prestige in the team.

Seeing this situation, Maximus said seriously: "Let me emphasize that if both men and women in our baggage team have sex voluntarily, I won't say anything, but if the woman doesn't agree, the man will have to be tough." If you come, you may be beaten with a stick or stabbed with a sword, so you’d better think carefully before making this mistake!”

Maximus was tall and strong, and now he was the leader of the team. He spoke with a dignified expression, which made the male slaves feel a chill in their hearts. The women smiled: the captain was indeed facing them. .

Maximus then looked at Horace. This Roman veteran had a simple appearance and was younger than Frontinus, but he looked older: "Horace, now you are the captain of our medical team. ——”

"Captain Maximus!" Horace hurriedly interjected: "Don't listen to Frontinus. I don't know how to treat diseases. I can only bandage wounds and take care of wounded soldiers. I am willing to come. The medical team works, but the position of captain should be filled by someone who is proficient in medical skills."

Maximus was satisfied with Horace's frank words, so he shook his head and said: "My request for the captain of the medical team is that first of all, he can truly care about the wounded soldiers and think about the patients. Secondly, he can manage the team well and command them better. They can take good care of patients and be able to deal with any accidents that the medical team encounters in the war. As for whether your medical skills are good or not, it has nothing to do with whether you can be a captain."

After hearing this, Horace thought about it seriously and said, "Then I can give it a try."

"I have several requirements for the medical team." Maximus stopped talking nonsense, looked at him and said directly: "First, the wounded soldiers who are seriously injured and unable to walk should be separated from the ordinary wounded soldiers and focused on care; Second, your medical team camp must be kept clean, with no accumulation of garbage, feces or urine, and the presence of mosquitoes and mice in the tent must be minimized; third, wounds must be cleaned with boiled water, and the linen used to wrap the wounds must be put away first. Boil it in water and dry it before use; fourth, the work of cleaning and bandaging wounds and caring for wounded soldiers is mainly left to women."

After Maximus finished speaking, the women didn't think it was a problem. After all, most of them had no experience in taking care of the wounded. Several male slaves began to discuss: "We have all taken care of injured teammates before, how can we take care of injured teammates?" So much trouble.”

"Yes, taking care of wounded soldiers also requires cleaning tents and boiling water to iron linen... I have never heard of it!"


"If you want to be lazy and don't want to work more, leave the medical team immediately and don't yell here!" A woman stood up and reprimanded loudly.

This is a girl who is only twenty years old, with long silky black hair, slightly dark skin, a pair of big brown eyes that are quite charming, a small and straight nose bridge, slightly thick lips, and a graceful figure.

When the male slaves saw that the woman who scolded them was beautiful, they immediately retorted, unwilling to be outdone: "Who are you? Do you know how to take care of wounded soldiers?"

 I have to take my children out of town to play in the next two days, so I can’t update. Please forgive me!

  (End of this chapter)

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