Rome must fall.

Chapter 78 Arrangements for the Lukelians

Chapter 78 Arrangements for the Lukelians

Because he was too exhausted, Maximus slept for a long time until he was woken up by a soldier and told him: "Chief, those Lukelians are outside the door asking for an audience."

"Invite them in quickly!" Maximus said, rubbing his cheeks vigorously to make himself more energetic.

When Quintus and others opened the door and came in, Maximus strode forward to greet them: "Quintus, Aulus, Scapula, have you all avenged your revenge?"

"Except for a few minions, none of the Pompeian dignitaries who framed us ran away. They were all beheaded by us." Aulus said loudly: "We took their heads and went to worship us outside the city of Lucelia. After the death of my relatives, I came to see you now.”

"It's a great thing to have a great revenge!" Maximus asked with a smile on his face: "What do you want to see me for?"

"We are here to fulfill our promise." Scarpulla said seriously: "We made a promise at the beginning. As long as you help us capture Pompeii and let us take revenge, we will join your team!"

"Well, I once heard Chief Spartacus say this. They will come over soon, and I will tell them." Maximus said calmly.

"No, we will not join them, but join your supply camp, because you helped us avenge ourselves!" Aulus said firmly.

Maximus smiled again. In fact, he had already expected that the other party would give such an answer, but he was waiting for the other party to speak automatically so that he could take the initiative when dealing with them in the future. At this time, he showed even more enthusiasm Said: "This is great! On behalf of the supply camp, I very much welcome you to join us! Come on, let's sit down and talk in detail."

After the three of them found wooden chairs and sat down, Maximus returned to the seat of the former Pompeii administrator behind the long wooden table.

"I wonder what Chief Maximus plans to do with us and our families?" Quintus asked.

Perhaps because the great revenge was avenged, his expression was no longer gloomy, but seemed a little relaxed. Maximus no longer felt depressed when facing him this time.

Maximus had already considered how to arrange the people in Lucelia. He looked at the four people and said loudly: "You have been staying in the supply camp for the past few days. You should know that I have a military advisory group under me. I would like to invite you, Quintus, to take charge of this advisory group."

Quintus immediately asked: "Isn't this advisory group headed by Frontinus?" This also shows his concern for the supply camp.

"He has been transferred to other positions." Maximus replied seriously: "I plan to rename the military advisory group to the staff group. From now on, this staff group will be responsible for the military training of the entire escort team and war planning. Quinto Si, you have rich war experience and are very strategic, I think you are very suitable for this position!"

Quintus thought for a while and asked uncertainly: "Does this mean that this position is equivalent to the Roman consul's staff when he goes on an expedition?"

"No, no, no!" Maximus shook his head and pointed at his head and said: "Let's put it this way, the chief of staff is equivalent to the head of an army. His duty is to consider how to fight. Once he leads the staff to formulate a plan , the army must fight according to this plan, just like this raid on Pompeii, we will implement it according to your plan. Unlike the staff of the consul of the Roman army, the chief of staff will be a fixed position in the baggage camp. The position is far above those three chief centurions."

After listening to this, Quintus asked directly: "Aren't you, Leader Maximus, the head of the escort?"

Maximus smiled and explained patiently: "It should be said that I am the head of the entire supply camp, and the head of the escort team is the staff group. There are many things I have to pay attention to, although the future combat plans formulated by the staff group will have to go through me. It can only be implemented with approval, but after all, I am not as focused on military research as you, so the recommendations of the staff committee are often the final decision."

"I understand." Quintus was obviously a little moved by this, and his tone became a little more serious: "I am willing to serve as chief of staff, but am I the only one to join this staff group?"

"Don't worry." Maximus comforted him, turned to Aulus, and praised sincerely: "In the raid last night, you led 30 Lucelia warriors and performed very well. I really didn't expect you to be so old. He’s no longer young, but he’s still so brave!”

Aulus laughed and said: "In order to get revenge in the past few years, my brothers and I took up arms again and trained every day. Don't look at me as old. I dare to boast that except for the one named Toleru, all the others under your command No one can be my opponent!"

"Since you are so powerful, I am going to establish a personal guard. You are willing to serve as its commander, responsible for my safety in peacetime, and as an important force in determining victory or defeat in wartime. Your comrades can serve as the commander of this personal guard. Captain, what do you think?"

Aulus looked at Quintus and Spukala, and asked eagerly: "How many people are there in the team this time?"

"It is currently set at 300 people, which is the same as the troops commanded by Pheasalus and Toreligo. In the future, it will be increased to at least 1000 people."

1000 people! Then I will become the captain! ...Although the captain of the rebel army and the captain of the Roman legion are not the same, Aulus, who once served as a centurion of the Roman legion but could not become the captain because of his civilian background, was breathing at this moment. In a hurry, he responded loudly without looking at the two comrades beside him: "My comrades and I are willing to serve as the officers of this Guards!"

"Okay." Maximus nodded, then looked at Scarpulla: "We have a construction team in the baggage camp. Its current responsibility is to build camps and roads. In the future, I also hope that it can build bridges and attack City equipment, even water trucks, water mills, lifting equipment and other civil facilities are in urgent need of experienced engineers like you. I wonder if you would be willing to serve as the engineer of this construction team and also serve as the deputy captain?"

Scarpulla was a little surprised and couldn't help asking: "Why does Leader Maximus want to build waterwheels and water mills that have nothing to do with war?" Maximus sat upright and said with unprecedented seriousness: "In order to survive, we had no choice but to rise up against Rome, and received responses from countless slaves and poor people. Our team grew stronger and stronger. But you should know better than me how powerful Rome's national power is, so this war I'm afraid it will last a long time...

In fact, our ultimate goal in fighting is not to destroy Rome, but to gain complete freedom, find a piece of land that belongs to us, settle down, and build it properly...

I hope that by then we will be able to build waterwheels to automatically supply water to farmland, watermills to grind flour for us, and cranes to make it easier for us to build houses and carry goods... With these machines, we don't need any slaves. We can build our homes well by ourselves, right? "

Spucala, Quintus, and Aulus looked at each other deeply. They had adapted to the peaceful life in Lucelia, but they had to join the rebels because they killed so many Pompeii dignitaries. Knowing that Rome was powerful, they were actually a little desperate for the future deep down in their hearts, and Maximus's words seemed to bring them hope.

Quintus' expression was no longer calm, and he asked in a deep voice: "Is this what all your leaders think?!"

Maximus saw their expressions in his eyes and said frankly: "This is just my personal opinion, but I think the other leaders should have similar thoughts."

The three of them looked at each other again, and Spukala said briskly: "Building camps, roads, and bridges is what I used to do in the military camp. I also used to build siege towers, siege vehicles, and other siege equipment. Responsible for the production, including cranes. I have seen water mills and waterwheels, but have never made them. If I want to make them in the future, I will need a period of exploration and I should be able to make them."

"Don't worry, I will arrange enough manpower and materials for you when the time comes, and let you explore. In the future, if you have inspiration for making other equipment and need more manpower and materials, you can apply to me at any time..." Maxi James made a solemn promise.

"I am willing to join the construction team of the supply camp." Spukala replied simply.

"Excuse me, chief, who is the captain of the construction team?" Quintus interjected.

Maximus introduced seriously: "The captain of the construction team is Adrius Gaius, a comrade of Frontinus. He was a carpenter. He was a heavy infantryman in the army before, but he only built bridges and paved roads. He has done a lot of things. He is very fast-moving and can encourage others..."

"It turned out to be an army slave-" Aulus whispered disdainfully. Quintus immediately looked at him and he quickly shut his mouth.

"The construction team needs such a person as the captain, so that the subordinates can work more actively. Leader, don't worry, I will cooperate with him." Spukala said sincerely, referring to Maximus's previous words. It gave him inspiration. As a former military engineer, he hoped to have time in the future to slowly research and manufacture equipment that was beneficial to people's livelihood, but he found it troublesome to manage the team.

Maximus could see that what Spukala said was true, and he happily extended the invitation: "With your joining, I am full of confidence in the future of the construction team. If there are any comrades among the comrades who came with you, People who are good at building and making equipment can also be included in the construction team.”

After saying this, Maximus said to Quintus: "Except for the Lukelians who have joined the Guards and the Construction Team, the rest will join the staff group with you."

Quintus said nothing, thinking silently: excluding these, there will be at least a dozen people following him, and it should be more than enough to control a staff group...

"By the way, are there any comrades among the Lukelians who came with you who are very serious and not personal?" Maximus asked again: "Now that we have occupied Pompeii, the soldiers have gathered in the city. It is inevitable that some people will do illegal things, disrupt the order in the city, and corrupt the morale of the army. Therefore, I need a strict military judge to supervise the army and maintain order in the city. This is not a temporary position. The military judge will exist in our supply camp for a long time. "

Quintus hesitated for a moment and said: "Among the Lucelias who followed Aulus in last night's raid, there was a man named Sidonius. He had served as a military judge in the military camp for a period of time. He should be Meet your requirements."

"Then let him try to serve as a military judge first." Maximus said cheerfully.

Of course, the reason why Maximus asked the Lukerians to serve as military judges was because of his deeper thoughts: the Lukelians were new to the country and were not familiar with anyone else, so they could be fair and impartial and not talk about personal relationships. In addition, being a military judge is an offending job, and the Lukelians have a special status (they are Roman citizens, neither slaves nor poor people). If things go on like this, the soldiers in the supply camp will have some opinions on the Lukelians. , thus making the Lukerians, who occupy many important positions in the supply camp army, not very popular with the military...

Maximus is now trying to use the balance method in traditional Chinese politics. It remains to be seen whether it will have any effect.

"Tonight, I will convene all the leaders of the supply camp in the city to hold a meeting here to announce your appointments and let everyone get familiar with each other. I believe this will be the beginning of the military strength of the supply camp!" Maxim Si said proudly.

Quintus asked, "I wonder how the supply camp will arrange our families?"

After Quintus reminded him, Maximus realized that he had forgotten such an important thing. Fortunately, he had developed a thicker skin now. He immediately stopped smiling and said seriously: "Some of your family members came to us before. After the supply camp, the children will gather together for study and training, and the adults will be assigned to various departments according to their personal circumstances. You have been in contact with your family these past few days, so you should know something about it.

We will continue to implement this in the future. If someone does not adapt, his department can be adjusted appropriately, but the basic principle will not change - you can spend time with your family as long as you have free time, but at night the military and logistics departments will stay separately. Yes, after all, this is wartime. You have been in the Roman army for so many years, so I believe you have a deeper understanding of this. There are also a few in our supply camp who are raising families, and they all follow this rule. Everyone should be treated equally, right? "

Maximus talked about this, and Quintus and the other three couldn't raise any opinions. In fact, apart from anything else, they were very satisfied with the arrangement of children's training in the baggage camp.

(End of this chapter)

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