Rome must fall.

Chapter 86 Rome’s Attention

Chapter 86 Rome’s Attention

Maximus continued: "Quintus, your staff group must take responsibility, select targets and formulate plans; Frontinus, you must urge the army to strengthen training; and Adrius and Scar Pula, you must lead the engineering team to start preparing to make siege equipment according to the battle plan. I hope that our team can win the first frontal siege battle and once again demonstrate the prestige of our army!"

Quintus and others who were called by name also cheered up and responded one after another: "Yes, leader!"

After the meeting, everyone dispersed.

After Maximus adjusted his army the day before yesterday, he also completed the integration of the logistics department. The results are as follows: Among the central officials are the leader's attendants (multiple), the political officer Vollerus, and the actual financial officer Ma Gus, the practical scribe Cassius, the commercial officer Pygris.

It has four departments: the kitchen, headed by Arconis; the warehouse, headed by Capito, with Cornelius as his deputy; the engineering team, captained by Adreus, with Spukala as his deputy; and the medical team, captained by Horace. , Matron Nesia.

"Children, how do you feel about participating in a meeting for the first time?" Maximus looked back at the five teenagers standing behind him, with an amiable look on his face, not at all serious as in the meeting just now.

"Teacher, I feel very good. I feel like I have grown up all of a sudden!" Akguo said loudly.

"Akgo, the old... leader reminded me before that we should call the leader on formal occasions, how could you forget!" Cassius reminded him hurriedly.

Maximus smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay. We are the only ones in the room now. Just call the teacher. It's so cordial."

"Did you hear that, nagging Cassius?" Akago rolled his eyes at him.

Cassius looked gentle and did not respond.

"Teacher, I'm a little scared. I'm worried that I won't be able to manage so much money." Marcus said a little uneasily.

"Don't worry, as long as you strictly follow the money management methods I wrote, carefully check and record every entry and exit of money and items, and count the quantities regularly, there should be no mistakes..." Maximus He said in a kind tone: "It doesn't matter even if you are wrong. As long as you actively correct it, the teacher will forgive you. You guys, too, should be bold in doing things and don't be afraid of making mistakes! If you make a mistake, the teacher will take care of you!"

As soon as Maximus said this, the five teenagers suddenly felt relaxed.

Maximus said earnestly: "I hope you will train yourselves well during your time as attendants, grow up as soon as possible, and be able to take on greater responsibilities in the future, help the teacher lead our team out of the predicament of being surrounded by the Romans, and help everyone Let’s build our home!”

It was rare for Maximus to speak the truth, which greatly touched the teenagers. Their hearts were filled with a heavy sense of responsibility. They all said in unison: "Teacher, we will never let you down!"

Just when the atmosphere between master and apprentice was harmonious, a man broke in: "Chief Maximus, I have something to tell you."

Maximus raised his eyes and said: "Brother Toleru, what can you do?"

"That's right, isn't our second brigade responsible for taking care of the blacksmith shop during this period..." Tolerugo told the story of the injury to the blacksmith Pasipidas.

After Maximus listened calmly, he looked at the five teenagers and asked, "What do you think of this matter?"

Akguo and the others came into contact with the team's affairs for the first time, so they didn't understand anything and didn't know what to say.

This was expected by Maximus. He said softly: "Our team lacks weapons and equipment. Blacksmiths are the talents we urgently need. We finally got two in Pompeii. In order to prevent them from escaping, I have to I sent troops to keep an eye on them, but in order for them to work for us and even join us in the future, I asked the soldiers to ensure their safety and respect them. This more troublesome task is the responsibility of the Second Battalion. ——”

"This task is indeed very troublesome!" Brother Toleru interjected from the side.

Maximus glanced at him and continued: "...the soldier who sent the dagger for repair strictly abided by the regulations there and made no mistakes. After the accident, he decisively sent the injured blacksmith to the medical team. Not only did he Instead of punishing, we should praise——"

When Torelugu heard this, his eyebrows widened.

"There is nothing wrong with the blacksmith apprentices saying a few words of justice for the soldiers. Moreover, the blacksmith apprentices are all slaves and are our own people. After they have completed their studies, they will be the important force that sincerely builds weapons for us, so not only can we not criticize him , and should be comforted. In fact, the blacksmith was injured because of himself. Although it is a coincidence this time, it also shows that he is resentful towards us. Even if this incident does not happen today, it will happen another day——"

"Chief Maximus, you are absolutely right!" Torrelugo immediately praised.

"Although he asked for it, he is injured after all. In order to prevent his father from using this as an excuse to refuse to work for us anymore, I must rush to the medical team now to visit the injured blacksmith, and I will supervise Hela Captain Si tried his best to cure him and take good care of him during his treatment... I hope these actions can improve their view of our team-"

Maximus looked at the five teenagers who were listening to him: "Argo, you go to the warehouse manager Capito now to convey my order. The blacksmith shop is under his jurisdiction, and he should rush to the medical team. Condolences to the injured blacksmith." "Yes, old... chief!" Akguo responded loudly, looking very excited.

"Brother Torrelu." Maximus looked at the oldest soldier in the team and said seriously: "Although the soldiers in your brigade did not make mistakes in the blacksmith shop, they still made mistakes when performing their tasks. , if they discovered the injured blacksmith’s resentment towards us in time while on duty and reported it in time, we would find a way to solve this problem and avoid such a situation, are you right?”

Brother Toleru, who thought he was fine, scratched his head and said: "You are right, we will definitely learn a lesson next time."

Maximus nodded and stood up: "Let's go to the medical team."


The rebels annihilated the main Roman legion near Capua, and Valerius was forced to return to Rome with his cavalry and baggage train.

When the people learned of this tragic news, they were shocked and very angry. They protested to the Senate and demanded severe punishment of Valerius.

The Senate complied with the wishes of the people and quickly passed a resolution depriving Valerius of his seat in the Senate and expelling him on the grounds that "Valirius was afraid of battle and did not personally command the army in battle, leading to the tragic defeat of the legions." city ​​of rome.

Although Valerius was used as a scapegoat to let the people's emotions vent, many senators also realized through the tragic defeat of the Roman legions that the rebels were not ordinary mobs, and their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated. As a result, the resolution to "reorganize the army and go to Campania to suppress the rebels" was quickly passed, and they also began to actively send people to investigate the situation of the rebels.

A few days later, the Senate was surprised by the news: the rebel army numbered more than 10,000 people, and an endless stream of people came to seek refuge every day. They built large camps in the Vesuvius area and conducted military training every day... …

A rebel with organizational ability attracted more attention from the Senate, and they decided to increase the intensity of conscription. However, this measure has not yet been implemented. A few days later, another shocking news came: Pompeii fell!
  Since the people of Pompeii had not yet been driven out of the city when the Roman spies received the news, the Roman senators did not know the details of the capture of Pompeii and subconsciously believed that it was stormed by rebels.

The rebels have siege capabilities! ...The Roman senators took the rebels seriously to a new level, so towns throughout the Latium region received new conscription orders, and the recruits who entered the military camps began to undergo rigorous training to improve their combat effectiveness.

But while the Romans were making intensive military preparations, the Senate had not designated a commander to suppress the rebels. This was because the war had escalated and more legions had to be commanded, and the consul was undoubtedly the best candidate. But as time approaches to November, the Romans have more important things to do than annihilate the rebels—that is, the annual consul election.

The outgoing consul Lucullus has made it clear that he hopes to go to an eastern province to serve as governor. Another consul, Longinus, was willing to lead the army, but the senators headed by Catullus did not support it. The superficial reason was that "the newly recruited soldiers still need a period of training before they can go out to fight. A new consul has been elected, and in order to avoid trouble, it would be better to let the newly appointed consul lead the army." In fact, it was because Longinus lacked war experience and had no dazzling achievements. Most senators were not optimistic that he could successfully quell the rebels.

There is a cumbersome procedure for the election of Roman consuls: senators who are willing to run for office must first apply to the Senate, and the current consuls and chief senators first undergo preliminary screening. Candidates with almost no hope are privately persuaded to withdraw. Then the current consul had to choose an auspicious day from the Roman religious calendar to convene a citizens' assembly for the election. During the period before the citizens' assembly was held, the candidates used various means to win over as many voters as possible.

On the eve of the election, the current consul will take the list of candidates to the temple, and the divination priest will pray silently before the god. If there is a good omen, the list will be approved. If there is a bad omen, the candidate will be removed directly. Eligible to participate in the election the next day. On the day of the election, all candidates had to give public speeches and even debates at the citizens' assembly in front of Roman citizens coming from all directions. The two candidates with the most votes from the citizens became the new consuls...

In this year's consul election, the main topic among the candidates is of course the rebellion in Campania. The south of Campania is in decay, and the overland trade routes have been almost completely cut off. This has affected the lives of the Roman people, and they are quite dissatisfied with it. The candidates are also aware of this, and have made similar promises: after they are elected, they will We will send troops to destroy them as soon as possible and restore peace and prosperity to Rome.

The election of Roman consuls lasted for more than a month, and in the end the senators Cnaeus Cornelius Rentulus Clotianus and Lucius Gellius Publicola Elected as Archon for the new year.

During this period, the rebel army in Campania had undergone great changes.

Not long after they captured Pompeii, the rebels launched successive attacks. Within a month, they successively captured Lola, Abella, Suisula and other plain towns. Their reputation was so great that people came to seek refuge in a steady stream. As a result, the number of rebels increased to 50,000.

The rebels' unbridled rampage made the people of Campania complain endlessly, and letters for help flew to Rome like snowflakes. However, the strength of the rebels made the two newly appointed consuls cautious. They unanimously requested: continue to recruit soldiers. Only by delaying the dispatch of troops, intensifying military training, and improving the combat effectiveness of soldiers can the rebels be successfully annihilated.

This time the Senate did not urge the two new consuls to send troops immediately. One reason was that the rebels were strong. The more important reason was that many towns in southern Campania were captured and many local nobles were massacred. Even if it is restored in the future order, the power class in the region will also face a reshuffle. This is an excellent opportunity for the Roman senators who coveted the land of Campania to better control Campania. They tacitly agreed to govern. In response to the official's suggestion, some senators even secretly hoped that the situation in Campania would become more chaotic.

But the Roman senators did not know that the rebels no longer wanted to stay in southern Campania, but were preparing to move south.

Although Spartacus had made such a proposal when he occupied Pompeii, he took action in less than two months because the situation changed too quickly.

The rebel army successively conquered Campania towns, and its reputation spread far and wide. It not only attracted the poor herdsmen of Samnites headed by Artemidonus to come to join them, but also the Apuli in southern Italy headed by Tormaas. Landless peasants from the sub-region joined the team, and they also told the meeting of military governors: There were many poor compatriots like them in their hometown who were eager to join the rebel army and resist Rome, but they were unable to come due to the long distance and fear of retaliation from the city-state nobles. It is hoped that the rebel army can lead the army south to rescue them.

At this time, the rebels seemed to be living well in southern Campania, but there were actually quite a lot of hidden dangers.

First of all, the sharp increase in the number of troops has intensified the consumption of materials, especially the lack of foresight of the Enomui army and the Attumus army, which have almost run out of food and have to rely on relief from other armies. Now, except for those few towns in southern Campania that were difficult to attack, almost all of them had been plundered, and it was difficult to obtain more supplies in a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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