Yi Song

Chapter 301 Gale Song

Chapter 301 Gale Song

"The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying, and the warriors are here to guard the four directions."

Qingyu Garden in the north of Damingfu City is a famous garden in Hebei Province.

On a sunny day, Zhao Ji, an official of the Song Dynasty, sang loudly. His voice was sharp, lack of energy, and had a broken tone that almost made it difficult to catch up.

Thousands of people cheered in unison, like thunder.

Wang Fu said excitedly at the side: "I seem to have seen the ancestor dragon Han Gao."

Zhao Ji raised his head and laughed.

Qingyi Garden is very large. It is located on a high platform beside the Yellow River and has beautiful scenery.

Today, there are thousands of people gathered here, surrounded by curtains on the west side, including the harem accompanying the driver, as well as the families of local officials and celebrities.

To the east are hundreds of celebrities from Hebei, and behind them are hundreds of civil and military officials and princes, surrounding Zhao Ji like stars over the moon.

Liu Ziyu sat next to him, staring at the center of the boil, with a somewhat indignant expression on his face.

How to fight this battle?
Liu Kai was speechless for a moment.

Liu Kai sat aside, drinking wine.

One of the staff whispered: "I heard that most of the Imperial Guards of the Three Governments were temporarily captured to make up their numbers. Most of them are scoundrels, thieves and thieves. Now that we are wearing the skin of the Imperial Guards, how can we not act tyrannically and do evil?"

An aide next to him said, "Commander Cao, Prime Minister Wang is urging you for money and food again!"

Liu Kai said angrily: "The Imperial Guards of the Three Governments have been ruined like this. Gao Qiu's crime cannot be pardoned!"

"Father, the official family and his entourage have been lingering in Daiming for a month and have been reluctant to leave for the north. Jieshuai's side has long been prepared. An urgent report is sent to Hebei every day, urging Hebei to take action.

"Using again? Urging!" Liu Ziyu said angrily, "Ever since the emperor came out of Beijing, he has been urging me for food and money. The money my father saved in Hebei was completely spent in less than half a month.

Why didn't he dare to follow? Because he knew best what the Sanya Forbidden Army was.

What time of year is it now? The common people gritted their teeth, finally paid off the summer taxes, and waited for the autumn grain to continue their lives. When there is a shortage of money, let alone being consistent, it is difficult for them to come up with a hundred pence.

"Fanna, you are really ruined!" Liu Kai couldn't help but cursed!

Liu Kai let out a long sigh: "I originally thought that the official expedition would be able to boost morale and inspire people. The three armies would use their lives to capture the Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures in one go and wash away the shame of a century. Now it's like this, it's better not to come."

An aide said softly: "Commander Cao, the officials of Ti Xing Fan in Hebei have spoken to the king, saying that it is a great event for the officials to conquer the sixteen states of Yanyun in person, and all the people of the world should participate in this grand event. Orders should be sent to all parties. , each household will donate five hundred coins per head, and the prefecture and county will be able to liberate the north of the canal immediately."

They ignored it and asked for it directly from the prefectures and counties in Hebei and Jingdong. They accompanied them with troops and horses, disturbing the people along the road and causing harm to the place. The 30,000-strong Western Army led by Liu Yaoxin was already the dregs of the Western Army, but compared to the Sanya Forbidden Army, they were simply moral saints.

"If this continues, the people of Hebei and Jingdong will be filled with resentment before the Northern Expedition begins. Dad, how are we going to fight this battle? This guy Gao Qiu, a celebrity around the official family, didn't come with us!"

These bastards, wherever they go, extort places, loot villages, commit adultery and plunder, and commit all kinds of evil. The local people even said angrily, Master Wang is worse than the Liao people! "

It was full of people and noisy. The steaming atmosphere soared into the sky.

They are not afraid of divine opponents, but afraid of pig teammates. Such officials who are kept in the dark will still use them as their main force.

"Captain Cao, each person has five hundred coins, and his family only has two or three coins. It's not much." One of the staff said hesitantly.

"Confused! Zhongshu Province wants one guan, and the state council wants five guan. When you get to the county, you open your mouth and say ten guan. The subordinate officials in charge of collection dare to collect 20 or 30 guan."

How to do it now? "

When the time comes, we will sell our fields and houses, and we will sell our wives and daughters. Alas, the Northern Expedition has not yet seen a victory, and we ourselves will be in chaos first. "

Liu Ziyu calmly analyzed: "The other roads are too far, and the water from far away cannot quench the thirst for near.

They will definitely squeeze the nearest roads. There are commanders on Hedong and Shaanxi roads, so they dare not act arbitrarily. Hebei, Jingdong, Gyeonggi, and Jingxi are probably the most exploited and the most urgent. "

At this point, Liu Ziyu said angrily: "Dad, you'd better resign as the Hebei transit envoy. Let's go back to Zhending City ourselves, so as not to make people upset after seeing these scandalous things."

Liu Kai sighed, "I'll resign later and return to my true destiny!" On the other side, Liu Yanqing, Yao Gu, and Xin Shuxian were sitting together, drinking wine and singing songs, very happy.

They made a great comeback, of course they were happy!

Liu Erlang, you don’t need me, you have your own use!

The Western Army does not want to retain me, but it has its own place to retain him. I won't leave you everywhere, I will join the government!
"Liu Erlang sends an urgent message every day, urging us to march. What is he doing? It looks like he can fight alone in the world!"

Xin Shuxian said angrily.

Among the three, he resented Liu Guozhang the most!
"He also said that he defeated Shuozhou and Yingzhou. Is this true? Is he bragging again?"

Yao Gu took a sip of Liquan wine and stroked his beard stained with hops and said: "Haha, although I don't like Liu Erlang, when it comes to fighting, if I, old Yao, don't agree with me, I will only obey him!"

"What's the point of obeying him? Po Tian's military exploits haven't even benefited you at all!" Xin Shuxian said angrily.

"That's why I'm so angry, so I brought my troops here!" Yao Gu slammed his wine glass on the table, causing the wine to splash everywhere.

Xin Xingzong leaned over and said, "How come I heard that Liu Erlang had already captured Shuozhou and Yingzhou?"

Liu Guangshi and his father Liu Yanqing looked at each other secretly, tilted their heads and asked, "Xin Dalang, is it true or not?"

"I heard that he secretly colluded with the Zhenwu Department to plot the Liao people's Xijing Road. The Zhenwu Department took Datong City, and he took Shuoying Prefecture.

Uncle Shi, you know many powerful people, so you helped bring this news to the officials and proved that Liu Erlang secretly colluded with the Zhenwu Department. It was a great achievement. "

Liu Yanqing replied with a smile: "My nephew, I still give you this great contribution. I will help you find a way to see the officials. You can tell the officials about this in front of the emperor, and you can make a fortune." Wealth."

Xin Xingzong's face was uncertain.

You old fox, don't fall for it.

Uncle Xin pretended to scold his son before presenting it: "You know nothing, Liu Erlang has been in business for many years, and he has bribed many people around the official family. As soon as you said it here, you received a letter over there, and then asked someone to plot against you. life.

As cunning as a fox and ruthless, Liu Erlang is not a fool. "

Xin Xingzong chuckled and said, "My nephew is impatient. He is impatient."

Liu Kai quickly went to ask Wang Fu to resign.

Wang Fu tried to persuade him to stay, until Liu Kai handed over 60,000 Hebei soldiers and horses, and he immediately agreed.

"Mr. Liu is the pillar of Zhenhai in Hebei Province. He is determined to go here and explore the way for the official family. He has a heavy responsibility and must not delay it. The truth is waiting for you to have good news!"

Turning his back, Wang Fu appointed Fan Ne as the transit envoy to Hebei.

When Liu Kai and his son packed their luggage and led their staff and retinue out of the north gate of Daming Mansion, the sergeants were painting notices on the edge of the city gate, and people gathered in front of them and pointed.

A shabby scholar shook his head and explained: "The Hebei Transportation Department, under the orders of Zhongshu Province, calls on the people of all states and counties to donate money and materials for the official expedition, and sign up enthusiastically. Well, in this prosperous age, we are so lucky!
Well, each household is calculated based on head count, and each person is worth 500 cash. The old, weak, women and children are all considered straight women and thieves. This is robbery, naked robbery! This is forcing us to die! "

The scholar who had been flirting with You just now had red eyes and cursed furiously.

The people around were all angry and said: "Are you going to send donations again? Damn it, haven't we Hebei suffered enough in recent years?"

"Now that we are not receiving any help from the government, we are still sending donations to us. This is to force us to die!"

"Damn it, when Shaanxi Hedong attacked Xixia, not only did they not lose money, but they also made a fortune. Do you think we Hebei people are easy to bully?"

Listening to these discussions, Liu Kai looked ugly and sat in the carriage with his eyes closed and silent.

Liu Ziyu, who was riding a horse, glanced at the carriage and continued to move forward silently.

When crossing the Yellow River, Liu Ziyu suddenly heard the sound of singing coming melodiously, very close yet very far away.

"The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying! There are strong men guarding all sides!"

The singing is high-pitched, clear, heroic and majestic!
(End of this chapter)

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