Yi Song

Chapter 308 The defeated Song army

Chapter 308 The defeated Song army

In the city of Yanjing, fires soared into the sky!
Liu Yanqing and Liu Guangshi, their father and son, led their two thousand cavalry troops, and Yao Gu and Yao Pingzhong led their own one thousand cavalry troops, and fled south in a hurry.

Behind him, a group of cavalry clung to him.

Liu Guangshi looked at his father in front, his figure bumping and swaying as the horse ran.

Dad is really scheming. He guessed that there was a scam in Yanjing City.

Forty-three thousand government officials rushed into the city first, followed by more than 20,000 Western troops, shouting to get rich. At that time, I felt very regretful and felt that I had missed a great opportunity to make a fortune.

Unexpectedly, within half a day, the situation suddenly changed.

Dad and Uncle Yao had just sent out the memorial announcing the victory. Not long after they lay down to rest, someone came to report that the imperial guards of the three yamen were scattered in every city and every square, going from house to house, looting property and women, whether it was Khitan, Xi, or Han and Bohai.

They are all lambs in the eyes of those people.

It's a pity that these lambs are not ready to be slaughtered.

They divided their troops into multiple groups, and the two groups attacked the Song army outside the city from the east and west directions.

The 40,000 Hebei soldiers panicked and ran all over the mountains and plains, just in time to block the pursuing Liao cavalry.

Fortunately, dad was alert, otherwise everyone would have to stay here.

To be honest, they are closer to the Khitan and Xi people in their neighborhood. I originally thought that when the Song army came in, they were "returning people" and might be given preferential treatment, so I hid aside and stood aside at first.

After receiving the alarm, his father immediately notified Yao Gu's uncle and nephew, then abandoned the infantry and led the cavalry to escape south.

"Keep running south!"

"Uncle Liu, where are we running now?" Yao Pingzhong asked as the uncle and nephew of the Yao family had already regarded Liu Yanqing as the leader.

Behind them were fires rising into the sky, and loud shouts of killing. Yanjing swayed and shouted in the firelight, like an ancient beast that had been sleeping in the wilderness for hundreds of years and suddenly woke up.

When they rushed through the camp, Liu Yanqing sent his own soldiers and "kindly" rushed in to notify the Hebei soldiers.

By the time the Liao army dispersed the Hebei soldiers and caught up with them again, they had already fled into the Song Dynasty.

As soon as they fought, they suddenly discovered that the aggressive Song Army on the opposite side was actually such a slut!
Then we won't be polite. The Khitan and Xi people gathered in groups in one street and one square, killing the three government officials and retreating steadily. Later, Han and Bohai people in Yanjing City also joined in.

Then take action!
The Khitan and Xi people are really tough. Old women and children can shoot with bows and arrows accurately. Under their leadership, more than 100,000 people in the city killed the 43,000 government officials and retreated steadily.

At this time, the ambushed Liao army came out.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Western Army joined in and reluctantly helped the Sanya Forbidden Army to hold down their position.

After crossing the Baigou River, everyone stopped and took a breather.

The Liao army is coming, run away quickly.

Liu Guangshi was filled with admiration, his father was so scheming!

The group passed by the Gaoliang Hebei military camp.

As a result, the Song army treated everyone equally. Regardless of whether you were a Khitan or a Xi people, or a Bohai or Han citizen, they would all be plundered.

In addition, all the way from the imperial city and all the way from the north of the city, they jointly attacked the Song army in the city.

Soon, fierce conflicts broke out in various streets. Every household of the Khitan and Xi families had swords, guns, bows and arrows, and they took them out to fight with the Sanya Imperial Army.

"Run to Hejian Mansion and meet up with the Hebei Xuanfu Envoy?"

"Just report a message, why meet with them?" Liu Yanqing said disdainfully, "They are just a bunch of burdens! It won't matter if we save them by then, or if we don't save them. If we are dragged down by them, we may die if we are delayed."

"Yes." Yao Gu agreed, "Brother Liu, where should we go?"

"Jizhou Xindu City!" Liu Yanqing said firmly.

Yao Gu said happily: "Yes, let's go report the news to the officials as soon as possible, and then protect them from escaping south. By then, all the sins will be forgiven, and it will still be a great achievement."

Liu Yanqing remained silent and turned around. Liu Guangshi was shocked when he saw his expression and eyes. It's completely like a vicious wolf in the wilderness that wants to eat people. On the banks of the Gaoliang River, Wanyan Wu was begging for money and complimenting Yelu Dashi, "Lin Ya had a clever plan and used Yanjing City as a bait to lure the Song army into the city, and then closed the door to beat the dogs. In this battle, the main force of the Song army was lost and their vitality was severely damaged."

Yelu Dashi shook his head, "No, the main force of the Song Army is still there, in the west."

"Liu Erlang, Duke of Yan of the Song Dynasty? What a big deal! He is not from the Song Dynasty yet. He does not have three heads and six arms. What we need to guard against is the Zhenwu Department in the north." Wanyan Wu Qimai said.

"We must defend the north and the west. Now I have sent elite troops to reinforce Juyongguan and Gubei Pavilion. We must block the Hedong Army and the Zhenwu Department outside to buy time."

Speaking of this, Yelu Dashi looked at Wanyan Wu begging for money and said meaningfully: "Wanyan Jiedushi, now our troops are divided into two groups. I will attack Hejian City directly and completely defeat the Song Army in Hebei. Xindu , I’ll leave it to you.”

"No problem. I have 6,000 Wanyan troops under my command, 6,000 Jurchens from the Northeast, and 4,000 Han troops from the Bohai Sea in Liaodong. They are all cavalry and are good at running long distances. Now the Song people in the south are in a mess. Our army seems to be in an uninhabited land. We must Will seize the official family of Song Dynasty.

When the time comes, they will be forced to cease fighting and make peace. "

"Okay! Wanyan Jiedu will turn the tide, and I will definitely go to the Emperor Tianxi and reward you heavily!"

"Thank you Lin Ya!"

"It's getting late, let's split up."

Wanyan Wu Qimai and his men galloped away. The staff asked Yelu Dashi: "Dashi Linya, are we letting the tiger go back to the mountain? Wanyan Wu Qimai is so ambitious. In the past few years, he has attached himself to us, secretly increased his strength, and has evil intentions."

"I know that he is just an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. The territory of the Song Dynasty is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, so let him go. It doesn't matter if we let the tiger return to the mountains or let the wild wolves enter the plains. As long as he messes up the Song Dynasty, it will only matter to us. Advantages, no disadvantages.

There are two tigers behind us, staring at us, and that is our biggest problem. "

The staff member sighed and asked no more questions.

Wanyan Wu begged for Wanyan Onun, Wanyan Nianhan, Wanyan Yanmu, and Wanyan Yinwushu to rectify the troops and set off immediately. His son Wanyan Puluhu came over and asked.

"Dad, will it be too dangerous for us to go south to Song Dynasty?"

"This is a place of death, and we are bereaved dogs. We will be abandoned by the Liao people at any time. Why not go to the Song Dynasty to find a chance. Danger? It is dangerous everywhere. If we don't risk our lives, how can we survive?"

Wanyan Puluhu turned his head and looked at the north, and said with lingering fear: "Zhenwu from the Zhenwu Department suppresses evil, Zhenwu punishes evil, and there are also Da Lanyi, Wu Haile, Bolu Hele, and Xue Anliang. The main force comes out. It’s really not safe here. Dad, there’s something unclear about my child.”

"You said."

"We have fought against each other in the Zhenwu Department, and we have a good idea of ​​its strength. Now that they have formed an alliance with the Song people, they have no shortage of sophisticated soldiers and armor, and no shortage of food and grass. With the cooperation of the Song army in the west, they should have captured Yanjing long ago. But now, They are still wandering around the Gubeiling area.

Zhenwu Chirui, Chichen and others also delayed entering the Tongzhou area, and even turned around and went to Changbai Mountain to attack the Goryeo army that took advantage of the opportunity.

My son couldn't understand. "

Wanyan Wu Qibian said meaningfully: "Perhaps Zhenwu Huan, like us, is waiting for an opportunity."

"what chance?"

"The world is undergoing great changes, and there is an opportunity to take advantage of the situation."

Hejian City has turned into a mess. Countless people rushed out of the door, yelling wildly on the streets, and rushed towards the south gate.

Horse-drawn carriages, donkey-carts, and ox-carts, everyone wants to jump through the crowd and rush to the front, but no one will let you go.

A group of soldiers guarded two carriages and ran rampantly. Zhao Shu and Cai You were sitting in the carriages.

Several carriages were knocked over, dozens of people were trampled and injured, and finally the crowd was outraged.

Now that his life is almost gone, why do you care about the prince and the Privy Council? Someone reached out and pulled the cavalry off the horse, punched and kicked him, and soon he was dead.

The carriage was cornered and unable to move.

At this time, I don't know where to start, the city began to burst into flames, roaring and spreading in this direction.

The soldiers and civilians on the street were even more panicked, completely ignoring the people in front and around them, and just wanted to escape. Clinging on other people's heads, stepping on other people's backs, crying, shouting, screaming, and the crackling of fire, it was like purgatory on earth.

(End of this chapter)

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