Yi Song

Chapter 311 Zhao Ji is dead!

Chapter 311 Zhao Ji is dead!

In the Liao army camp outside Xindu City.

In a large tent, Wanyan Wu was begging for money, shaking his head and speaking awkward Chinese: "I have always admired the culture of the Central Plains. In the past few years in the Northern Liao Dynasty, I learned the Song dialect from others. I have benefited a lot from my teacher's teachings."

Qin Hui said with an upright face: "We, the Song Dynasty, are a country of etiquette and follow the principles of saints. Those who follow etiquette naturally break away from barbarism and enter Xia. Power means strength, and virtue means gentleness.

'No one in the world is soft and weak compared to water, and no one who attacks the strong can win, because it is impossible to defeat it. 'As long as you proceed step by step, you will be able to understand the laws of nature, be virtuous in all directions, and the king will be able to bring the world back to his heart. "

Wanyan Wu Qimai nodded, with a look of being taught: "Okay, okay, I'm very inspired. That's the end of today's lecture. Come on, please send Mr. Huizhi down."

By the way, out of the dozens of ladies-in-law we copied yesterday, we will choose two to serve the gentleman. "


Qin Hui cupped his hands to express his gratitude, raised his head, lifted up his front, and walked out with his chest raised and his belly raised.

Puluhu next to him couldn't help but muttered: "Father, why are you so polite to this scornful scholar from the Song Dynasty?"

Liu Yanqing sighed, and shed two tears in his cloudy eyes: "I never thought that I, Old Liu, would risk my life to inform the officials and save him. I never thought that I would be harmed anyway! "

Nian Han nodded and agreed: "Du Bo Jilie is right. This Qin Hui looks upright, elegant and honest, but in fact he looks fierce but is ruthless. He is gambling and is a ruthless person."

Liu Yanqing jumped off the boat and saw three acquaintances.

Lu Yihao, deputy envoy of Hebei Province, Zhu Shengfei, the official envoy of Hebei Xuanfu, who joined the army, and Cai Jing, the prefect of Hejian Prefecture.

"Haha, what dad said is interesting."

Wanyan Wu Qimai sneered: "In addition to the cunning of a fox, I also see the greed of a jackal in his eyes. Just keep him as a dog to relieve boredom."

Lu Yihao ran out of the cabin angrily and rushed down along the plank. Zhu Shengfei and Cai Jing followed closely behind, all three of them had sad and angry faces.

After a few breaths, Lu Yihao shouted: "Liu Yanqing, you bastard!"

"Where are the officials?" Zhu Shengfei asked.

"Liu Yanqing, the straight mother-in-law, where did you take the official family?" Lu Yihao cursed.

Liu Yanqing narrowed his eyes slightly, "Three officials are no less capable than me, Old Liu. How did you get here? You got here before me."

Lu Yihao, Zhu Shengfei, and Cai Jing looked at each other and knew that the situation was indeed the case, but it was just too infuriating at the time.

Wanyan Wu said.

Zhu Shengfei lifted up his front, stepped onto the plank and got on the boat. Lu Yihao glared at him and got on the boat with Cai Jing.

To the north of Daming City, at the Yellow River pier in Mingshui Town, Ping'en County, Mingzhou, two watercrafts docked.

"You dare to talk nonsense, I told you to go in with a white knife and out with a red knife. You have seen Xiao Zhangdu's situation. If I hadn't made a decisive decision, no one in the official family would have been able to escape. Don't make false claims and slander me. ”

Lu Yihao grabbed Liu Yanqing's collar and asked: "What's going on? Let me ask you, what's going on in the official family!"

"If we want to look for opportunities in the colorful world of the Central Plains and hunt prey, we need a good guide. Qin Hui is from the Song Dynasty. He has a high status and is familiar with the situation. He happens to be our guide."

Liu Yanqing let out a long sigh, looking lonely and a little sad, and pointed to the cabin: "It's up there."

"who is it?"

Lu Yihao asked angrily.

The three of them followed Liu Yanqing and his son from Hejian City to Xindu, and watched him make a decisive decision to protect the official family and run out of the city, put them on the boat, and go straight to the south bank. Otherwise, he would have been denounced as a regicide and traitor.

"Yesterday evening, we docked at Chonghua Town, Qinghe, Enzhou. A group of officers and soldiers were waiting there. They took out the badge of Prince Kang's Palace and said they were ordered to pick us up.

We didn't react at the time and let them get on the boat. "

"Confused, we ran all the way south. When we arrived at Xindu, we protected the officials and left the city. How could King Kang of Daming City know the news and send someone to pick him up?"

"Yes, the child quickly realized that the thieves had already boarded the boat and started fighting each other. The officials, the three kings, the six kings and others were so frightened that they ran away and accidentally fell into the water.

It was dusk and the river was gray, and we were fighting with the thieves again. When we came to our senses and went to salvage, we found that the officials and the three kings were exhausted, and the six kings only had half a breath left. "

Zhu Shengfei asked, "Is what you said true?"

"Concubine Wang Xian, the two concubines, as well as Bai Shaozai and several accompanying officials are all on the boat. They are all safe and sound and have witnessed the incident with their own eyes. If it is true or false, you will know as soon as you ask!
Damn it, I'm working my ass off, isn't it just for the sake of saving my life? Okay, now it's all messed up, and he's still being accused of regicide. Damn it, I will take people to Daming City now and fight to the death with Zhao Laojiu! "

Lu Yihao and the other three believed most of it, but they couldn't figure out how those thieves could be using the banner of King Kang?
"Is it King Kang's belt?"

Liu Guangshi stepped forward and handed over four waist cards: "We killed forty-one people, most of whom were Khitans, and some of whom may have been Han Chinese from Liaodong. They were all brave men.

These four waist badges were taken off their bodies. If it hadn't been for this thing, we wouldn't have been fooled and stolen onto the ship by them at first. "

"King Kang secretly colluded with the Liao people?" Cai Jing guessed.

"Who knows!" Liu Yanqing exploded with emotion, "You idiot, I only know that our hundreds of thousands of troops rushed to the gate of Yanjing City. The Liao people seemed to know our details and opened the city gate to let us in. As a result, one hundred thousand soldiers The horse was shut down and the dog was beaten.

Then the Liao people pursued all the way south, with a very clear goal. In the first Hejian City, he defeated the Xuanfu Envoy in Hebei Province. The second letter is the capital, which is where the official family is. Damn it, the Liao people have eyes in our Song Dynasty! "

"Liu Yanqing, don't talk nonsense!"

"Whether I have spoken nonsense or not, you will have justice. Now that the matter has come to this, I have nothing to say." Liu Yanqing sighed, with a tired look on his face.

"What should we do now?" Cai Jing asked.

"You should take the bodies of the officials and the three kings back. The six kings probably won't be able to carry them for long. The rest of the princes and prime ministers will wish themselves well."

"What about you, General Liu?"

"I was disheartened, so I disbanded my troops and returned to my fields. Take these soldiers with you, and Dalang and I will take our retinue and return to Shaanxi. After the new official takes the throne, whether he kills me or demotes me, it will be up to him. Anyway, I will die in my hometown.”

Lu Yihao couldn't help but said: "At this critical moment of national crisis, General Liu should step forward and contribute to the country."

"I have stepped forward and tried my best, but the result is this. What else can I do? Time and fate!"

Zhu Shengfei suddenly thought of something important, "Where is the official seal?"

"In the case of Liu Douzhi and another chamberlain, the official was so frightened that he ran away, and they followed behind him. The official was so frightened that he fell into the water, and they jumped in without hesitation.

After fishing around, we couldn't find the two of them, so they must have rushed down. The fish in this river are a good meal this winter. "

"Loyal servant!" everyone sighed.

An hour later, Lu Yihao, Zhu Shengfei, and Cai Jing took over hundreds of forbidden troops and continued to escort the official family, the body of King Yun, as well as the harem and officials, and quickly returned to Bianjing.

Liu Yanqing and Liu Guangshi rushed to Xiangzhou back to Shaanxi with dozens of close followers.

Until, this shocking incident finally began to spread to the world, causing even greater turmoil!

(End of this chapter)

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