Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 183 The king comes to Anga

Chapter 183 The king comes to Anga
At the bottom of Santu River, Tan Xiao was wrapped in mud and fell into a coma.

As the mud was injected into Tan Xiao's body, the mud gradually turned into a solid state and continued to wrap around Tan Xiao's soul bones.

As if something was activated, a golden color gradually began to appear on Tan Xiao's bones. In the blink of an eye, Tan Xiao's entire skeleton turned into a dazzling golden color.

If he were still awake, he would be able to recognize it at a glance. This was his skill [Liquid Gold Body]. The skill that had been completely banned seemed to be gradually reviving.

Then, the sound of gurgling water sounded. There were actually transparent blood vessels that began to cling to and spread on his bones. This was a strange movement when the [Young Water] was forced to operate. As the mud was continuously poured in, the mud gradually turned into a solid, turning into pieces of muscle that attached to his bones.

The blood vessels formed by [Young Water] continue to cling to these newly formed muscles, and the two grow alternately. Until finally, when the mud disappeared, the last inch of Tan Xiao's skin was completely repaired.

At this moment, Tan Xiao no longer exists in the form of a soul. His body has completely changed back to the appearance of the human race, but the only difference between him and the human race is that his race has shown to be the human race again.

At the same time, the characteristic [Elf] he holds has become [3/9].

That wall of earth turned out to be one of the elves, an existence known as the "Soil of Carrying Things". It was an elemental elf that took many years to grow to such a big size at the bottom of the Santu River.

It is not as ignorant as [Liquid Gold Shadow], nor is it as scheming as [Shadow Water]. [The Land of Carrying Things] seems to have made an agreement with someone long ago to wait for the other party's arrival here, and Tan Laughter seems to be the existence it is waiting for.

It's just that in his body, the five-color talent tree began to alternately change colors, as if it was resurrecting, more like evolving.

So when the innocent souls around him saw the mud around Tan Xiao receding and wanted to sneak attack Tan Xiao, they were suddenly frightened by the changes that happened to him and kept away.

After it took a punch from Tan Xiao, it was convinced that the magic wave coming from the opponent's body was correct, so it became a part of Tan Xiao.

"So, we can only wait and see what happens in Winterdeath Castle now, and hope that His Highness will not be caught by the three thrones."

She is the death prophet Chrollo that Salton found for Tan Xiao, an undead who also believes in the dark goddess.

"Didn't you say that the Dark Sacrifice is in Anga City? Why do you want to come to Winterdeath Castle?"

A subtle disappointment flashed across Chrollo's face. In her opinion, Tan Xiao's death was already certain. She didn't believe that the three thrones could not find a dark priest when they arrived at Anga City, even if the other party was in the city. Three ways to the bottom of the river.

Chrollo has always heard that the dark priest jumped into the Santu River in Anga City. The important thing is that the other party is not dead yet.

The changes in Tan Xiao continued, and Salton had reappeared in the Winter Death Castle, followed by three undead.

This made Chrollo, an undead person who was reluctant to travel far, follow Salton to Winterdeath Castle.

Two of them are Ace and Uther, whose strength has skyrocketed due to the evolution of their souls. As for the undead, there is also an undead wearing a long skirt, his crimson skin shining with the luster of the magic pathway.

Along the way, they were discussing how to open a plane passage and help Tan Xiao escape back to the human world. If necessary, they will even go to the human world with them.

Salton is also very distressed now, because the sudden arrival of the throne completely disrupted their plans.

At this moment, Tan Xiao's body has condensed into a physical entity, no different from ordinary people.

"News has come from the Shadow Secret Society that three Thrones have arrived in Anga City. The sudden arrival of the three Thrones is basically for His Highness to enter the Santu River."

"Ah, okay, okay."

Chrollo waved her hand. She no longer had any expectations about seeing the dark priest who jumped into the Santu River and survived.
"Hurry up and find me a room. If you don't get in, I'm going to die."

Losing Tan Xiao's attraction, Chrollo didn't want to stay on the street for another second. Time outside always made her feel extremely uncomfortable. She liked to stay alone in a small dark room to study her. Interested in magic. "Then come with me, Lord Chrollo."

Uther spoke, and it walked to the front of the team,

"I have a house close to Anga City, not far from Santu River, which is just suitable for this operation."

Like Chrollo, it originally thought they would go directly to Anga City to start the rescue operation, but it didn't expect that they would encounter three thrones heading to Anga City. This made the stronghold it thought was useless suddenly become It became useful.

Anga City, the castle of La Seine ushered in its highlight moment from the beginning of its construction to the present.

Three of the Thirteen Thrones actually arrived here together.

Lacena was kneeling on the ground at this moment, looking at the patterns on the ground,

"It turns out that the ground of my castle is so exquisite."

For the first time, it felt the emotions of its subordinates when they knelt down to it. It must have been so nervous and helpless.

"What's going on now? Can anyone give me a brief description?"

Azikt, who was sitting at the top, spoke slowly. Its seat was slightly higher than the Lich King and Phantom Monarch.

"Your Highness."

As the lord of Anga City, Lacena could only bite the bullet and describe everything that had happened recently.

Its description is detailed, and I dare not leave out any omissions, for fear that it will affect the judgment of the three thrones.

After listening to Rasena's description, the Lich King's bone-white claws tapped lightly on the throne that belonged to it. Without saying a word, the Phantom King's eyes fell on Ren.
"Are you Ren, the guy who took the Skeleton King's True Eye?"

Renn quickly raised his head, but before it could speak, its movements froze on the spot.

The phantom monarch took control of his body instantly, followed by an indescribable feeling of emptiness. Because almost in an instant, it felt that all the thoughts in its mind were absorbed. Ren opened his mouth and said nothing.

"It seems that there is indeed something wrong with that staff."

The phantom monarch had seen everything Ren had seen before. A ball of light appeared at its fingertips, and then split into two, shooting at Azket and the Lich King respectively.

"Just take a look."

This is Ren's memory, which was engraved by the Phantom Lord and distributed to the other two thrones at the same time.

The hall fell into an eerie silence, and no one dared to make any sound.

"It's a little weird, let's go."

Azikt's voice broke the silence, and the Lich King and Phantom Lord also stood up.

They all realized that the staff held by Tan Xiao might really be the staff of eternity.

(End of this chapter)

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