Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician.

Chapter 202 This wave of blood profit

Chapter 202 This wave of blood profit

Back in time, just after Blaze woke up, just after they concluded that there was something wrong with Archduke DeWitt, Blaze struggled to sit up.

"We have to rescue Earl Kirkett quickly, otherwise."

Blaze didn't say anything further, but the meaning was self-evident. If he is like this, Earl Kirkett's condition will only get worse.

"Gloria. I seem to have some impression of this name."

As the former president of the Secret Society of Shadows, Salton carefully searched for the name of the city Gloria in his mind.

"Ah! I remembered, isn't that the city where Ye Ying was arranged to settle?"

Salton remembered a battle report it had seen a few years ago, which stated that Night Shadow under the Shadow Lord was arranged to sneak into the world to help open the plane passage, and the target city was named Gloria.

"In other words, Count Kirkett is against Yeying?"

Tan Xiao seemed to have thought of something and looked at Blaze.
"Are you saying that after being parasitized, your condition suddenly deteriorated when you came to Silvercliff City and came into contact with mithril marrow?"

"You tell Cloro the coordinates of Count Kirkett's room, and we will go directly to him through the space channel. I am confident that he can be cured."

If Tan Xiao had come a little later, it would have been a disaster for Earl Kirkett.

"Then let's go, I believe in you, and I believe in Elijah even more."

Although he can no longer learn Ye Ying's skills now, if he knows the principle, there won't be much problem in solving it.

Blaze nodded, affirming Tan Xiao's words.

Blaze looked at the gleaming Paladin's Certificate and gave up his last remaining scruples.

"Isn't everyone here all undead? And you."

Indeed, as the most beloved pope in the history of the Starline Kingdom, Elijah was also a prophet. All of Elijah's arrangements must have a meaning.

Tan Xiao directly took out the Paladin Certificate, which was the last token Elijah left for him.

After all, as Tan Xiao, who absorbed Yeying's remains and even studied the opponent's skills carefully, he could tell them apart from their symptoms at once.

Since it was Ye Ying's skill, Tan Xiao understood what kind of skill Count Kirkett and Blaze were hit by.

So, that's why Kirkett returned to normal. The ball of flesh that Annamy saw was actually the tissue that proliferated after absorbing Kirkett's magic power. It was cut off by Count Kirkett before Tan Xiao arrived, but the two sides were still connected in a strange way. As a result, Kirkett's magic power is still being absorbed.

Tan Xiao looked at this paladin certificate with a rare look of admiration in his eyes.
"His Royal Highness Pope Elijah gave me something like this. He must have anticipated the current scene."

Blaze had actually wanted to ask for a long time, but he finally couldn't hold it back at this moment.

"Ah, I know, then I have an idea!"

"Your Excellency Blaise, if you don't believe that I can do it, don't you still believe in His Highness the Pope?"

Because of Kirkett's huge magic power, the ball of flesh had developed self-awareness in this short period of time.

At this moment, all the living tissues in Count Kirkett's room had been burned away.

This is Annamy's masterpiece. After realizing that she had been exposed, she still fought against the trapped beast, displaying all her light magic.

However, in her heyday, even when she faced off against the weak Earl Kirkett, she still failed to gain any advantage. Apart from burning down all the proliferative tissues entrenched in the room, it did not pose any threat to Count Kirkett, let alone kill Tan Xiao and Blaze behind Count Kirkett.

The two people who restored Count Kirkett to normal were responsible for being witnesses to this execution. They witnessed the Queen of Silvercliff City being easily nailed to the ground by Count Kirkett.

"Back to you."

Kirkett threw the weapon to Blaze and walked out of the room.

"It's time to put Silvercliff City in order."

In the next few days, a corpse appeared on the top of Silver Cliff City, and it was Annamie's.

And all the people who were colluding with Annamy were arrested, and the chaos in Silvercliff City was instantly wiped out, all thanks to Count Kirkett's thunderous methods and Blaze's full cooperation.

At the top of Silver Cliff City, Earl Kirkett held his head and looked thoughtfully at Tan Xiao and his group heading towards Jingxi City.

"What do you think of Sir Feng Sheng?"

Kirkett suddenly asked Blaze beside him.

At this moment, the condition of the two of them has basically recovered, but Count Kirkett is no longer hiding in the room to satisfy his appetite, as if this experience made him aware that a huge crisis is coming to the Star Pulse Kingdom.

"Your Excellency Feng Sheng has the certificate of Paladin. I trust His Highness the Pope's judgment."

Kirk nodded, seeming to have no objection to Blaze's judgment.
"So, it's not an accident that Garner left the Pope. It's possible that the Pope foresaw something?"

Blaze didn't answer. He was already sweating profusely. He only heard Kirkett continue to speak,
"If there is a problem with Garner, then it is not so inconsistent if Uncle DeWitt, who he took refuge in, has a problem. Have the undead penetrated the human world to this extent? It is really unbelievable."

Kirkett thought that it would be a big deal for Bishop Serai to be replaced by the undead, but now he did not expect that even the Archduke might have been infiltrated by the undead, which made him feel a little chilled down his spine.

"Let's go, hurry up and send a document to His Highness Chris first. After the incident in Silver Cliff City, I will go to the Royal Capital again."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Blaze, the only one left among the seven commanders.

"This time, you must guard Silver Cliff City."

Kirkett did not say the second half of the sentence, but Blaze already understood that Silver Cliff City could not be allowed to become the second city without a return.

The tragedy of not being able to return to the city is destined to remain in the hearts of these two people for the rest of their lives, as their lingering nightmare.

On the road outside Yinya City, Tan Xiao and his party were heading towards Jingxi City. He was constantly fiddling with the pendant on his body.
"Guigui, Airei is the real boss! The quality of this prop has been greatly improved by him!"

Tan Xiao felt the effect of [Solid Crystal Pendant] and couldn't help but sigh.

Because at this moment, the physical resistance effect brought by his [Magic Matrix] has been perfectly solidified, which means that as long as he is willing, his physical resistance can be superimposed infinitely, and if he stops using magic, it will not cause physical resistance. reduce.

What surprised him even more was that, probably because of the blessing of mithril marrow, this [Solid Crystal Pendant] also brought a bonus to magic recovery ability, which further accelerated his magic recovery.

"This wave of blood profit."

Tan Xiao couldn't help but praise.

(End of this chapter)

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