EVE, I’m such a miner.

Chapter 85 Is this the power of "god"?

Chapter 85 Is this the power of "god"?
  "Wow, this Torlux class is so strong! My executioner was caught by him and couldn't move. I've already exploded. It's up to you!"

During the jump, df-wlii's voice sounded again.

"Caught? Can't move?"

Li Yi continued to think about it, how could the Torlux class of the Tian Serpentis Group in Canopus be like this? Isn't it just a jump interruption at most? With the executioner's mobility, wouldn't it be easy to escape?
  Not long after, Li Yi landed with a group of newbies. A group of frigates jumped to the vicinity of the wreckage of an Executioner class in a spherical shape. The space capsule had disappeared, and there was a spaceship that looked like Torex near the wreckage. .

After landing, Li Yi was shocked.

"This is the Shadow Serpent! Not the Serpent!"

He had already seen the pirate's name clearly and shouted on the fleet channel.

"The Shadow Serpent, isn't it also a Serpent?"

df-wlii's voice rang.

"It's too late, everyone locks in, fires together, and attacks with all our strength!"

Li Yi didn't have time to explain that the Shadow Sky Snake and the Sky Snake are completely different. The Shadow Sky Snake is the elite of the Sky Snake Group, commonly known as the boss. (As mentioned before, the monsters have been strengthened. The ordinary monsters are probably the strength of the elite monsters. The elite monsters have the strength of the rhombus monsters in the game, and the rhombus monsters are the pvp strength of real players.)
  The general Serpentis Group drives various Gallente ships, but the Shadow Serpentis is different. They all drive models that have been improved by the Serpentis Group. For example, the current ship is not a Torlux at all. Level, but vigilance level!
  The Vigilance class is an improved product of the Serpentis Group with the help of the Angel Group. The prototype is the Gallente Torlux class, but with the help of the Angel Group's technology, it absorbed some of Minmatar's technical features to create this amazing ship. A frightened spaceship.

This is a force spaceship, commonly known as a hybrid spaceship. It requires two types of spacecraft operating skills to pilot. Its attributes are far superior to ordinary cruisers. Only such a spaceship is the spaceship of the Shadow Serpent.

At the vigilance level, each level of Gallente cruiser operation can increase the accuracy range of the medium hybrid turret by 1%, which means it can hit farther; the Minmatar cruiser operation can increase the stasis winding beam effect by 10%. Matar cruiser operation has been upgraded to level 10, and can slow down a spacecraft by up to 5%.

This is why the Executioner class of df-wlii was caught and unable to move. After any spacecraft is captured by the Sky Serpentis Group's force spacecraft, it is basically unable to move and is allowed to be output by the opponent.

The most frightening thing is that the vigilance level also has a unique bonus, a 75% medium-sized mixed turret damage bonus. When combined with it, it is the rapid cannon with the highest damage among medium-sized turrets.

The vigilance class can be said to be the No. 1 output among cruisers. It has terrifying output and can't hit close enough. Once caught by the vigilance class, it is basically impossible to escape. This is the terror of the vigilance class, and this is the terror of the Shadow Serpent.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Yi activated the Kestrel, he immediately attracted the attention of the Vigilance-class Shadow Serpent.

Before Li Yi's Kestrel could close the distance, the jump was disrupted and stagnant. As soon as it moved up, Li Yi's Kestrel dropped from a speed of about 1000 to more than 100, and could not escape the attack range of the vigilance level.

The rapid cannon on the alert level fired, one shot!
  Even though the Kestrel is equipped with a shield kinetic energy resistance enhancer and a shield thermal energy resistance enhancer, which greatly improves the shield's kinetic energy and thermal energy resistance, it is still unable to withstand it. With one shot, the shield has bottomed out.

The small shield recharger is activated and cannot repair the shield at all.

Another shot from the vigilance level, the shields were completely empty and the armor was halved.

After the third shot, Li Yi's Kestrel was directly turned into a wreck.

After destroying Li Yi's Kestrel-class, the Vigilant-class ship immediately changed its target and began to kill everyone among a group of cute newcomers.

Even Li Yi, who has higher skills, can withstand three alert-level shots. Some of the real newbies can't even take one shot if they are not equipped with specific resistance.

"Everyone keep their distance, 14km away!"

In the space capsule, Li Yi is already taking command. Fortunately, he has brought enough newbies today, and nearly a hundred people can kill this vigilance-class ship.

After suffering the loss of nearly 20 frigates, this group of newbies finally killed the Vigilance-class Shadow Serpent.

"Finally done!"

Li Yi sighed. The vigilance level of this Shadow Serpent had caused huge losses to the team. However, if the vigilance level of this Shadow Serpent was killed, the gains would be hard to say. If good, there would be a vigilance level blueprint, and there would be All kinds of Shadow Serpent power equipment, including Dead Space, were added after the full moon of the game. Now, the prices of these forces' equipment are extremely high. As long as they have something useful, such as the Shadow Serpent's Stasis Coil Beam, the Shadow Serpent's Magnetic Stabilizer, etc., even a vigilance-level blueprint can easily wipe out all the losses for the team. Make up for it.

"Come on, someone go touch the wreckage."

Now, it's the most critical moment of drawing the prize. After killing the BOSS, the prize will be drawn.

"I come!"

At this time, a voice came. One of Amarr's new ships: the Empire, jumped directly from the distance.

Di-wlii's Empire has arrived near the vigilance-class wreckage.

"It's fired, it's the Shadow Serpent anti-matter ammunition!"


Hearing this, Li Yi's head was filled with questions. How could this be fake? It was obviously black, and it was the blackest ammunition gift package.

Obviously, df-wlii still doesn't know what good things a boss like the Shadow Serpent can drop.

"Forget it, forget it, an ammunition gift package is better than nothing."

Li Yi comforted himself that it wouldn't take long for these people to understand anyway.

At this moment, another leap of light lit up, and a spaceship jumped from a distance.

Clone Trooper Negotiator!
  Although this kind of NPC pirate with a bounty of more than one million does not pilot the Vigilance class, but the Torlux class, it is equally powerful. As soon as the clone warrior negotiator's Torlux class landed, he took quick action and jumped to disrupt , stasis entanglement, easily caught df-wlii's Empire and destroyed it.

Finally, at the cost of several frigates, Tolekoski, the clone warrior negotiator, was successfully destroyed.

Although df-wlii's ammunition spree was black and did not drop out, the clone warrior negotiator dropped a nameplate. The value of this nameplate is even more than that of these ammunitions, because these nameplates can be used to improve the player's Security Level.

For players fighting in low security, the security level is mostly negative, which is a dangerous signal. Once the security is lower than -2, it is possible to be attacked by imperial forces in high security. If you want to quickly increase the security level, you need to use these clones. The warrior's nameplate can be exchanged at the space station of the Consolidation Department to improve one's security level.

"No, boss, a group of spaceships entered Canopus from Sidales just now, and they came with bad intentions!"

At this moment, Li Yi heard the reminder from the Legion members. As the number of Legion members increased, in order to safely mine on Canopus, Li Yi had arranged for people to monitor the star gates of several galaxies around Canopus. Prevent being caught off guard by the opponent.

At this moment, a player in the fleet suddenly withdrew from the fleet. The next moment, before Li Yi's fleet could jump away, more than 10 promotion-class destroyers jumped into the fleet.

The next moment, the small three-dimensional bomb was activated.

Since the fleet was all gathered together at this time, it was almost completely covered by three-dimensional bombs.

Li Yi's space capsule was destroyed by this group of advancements. The entire rookie fleet suffered heavy casualties. Most of them were thrown by the ship's eggs. Less than 30 people escaped.

"I've already worshiped God, but I still can't escape. Is this the power of God?"

In the space station, Li Yi fell into doubts. It had to be said that there were always things that should be awe-inspiring.

(End of this chapter)

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