Chapter 84 Mission Commission from the Battlefield

"So big?" Mu Yi frowned. The mission of hundreds of people was a bit too exaggerated.

Then an illusory room appeared in front of him, and a slightly noisy voice appeared in his ears.

At this time, through the prompt message refreshed on the comprehensive network, Mu Yi knew that other players were trying to make a voice connection.

"Hey...hey, can you hear me?"

Along with a high-pitched voice, chaotic sounds echoed throughout the room.

"Moldo! You bastard! I told you earlier that it was not a good time to enter the book today! Look what you did!!!!"

"A large team mission of 100 people is commissioned. Damn it, it won't be a large battlefield!"

"Oh! Here comes the Lord of the Dawn! There are actually a few level 6 apprentices! May the morning light shine on you!"

The whole room was as noisy as a market!
  Complain! Prayers! Roar! The confusion made Mu Yi frown slightly, which was not a good sign.

"Okay, dear friends, putting everything else aside, I think we should discuss our missing teammates first!"

A loud voice rang out, suppressing the noise in the room. He sounded like a very enterprising online player.

The Zongwang players present quickly fell silent. None of them were newbies. They had already formed their own semi-fixed team after experiencing some dungeons.

A lone ranger like Mu Yi is an anomaly to a certain extent.

"As usual, how about we report our respective positions first?"

"Players are asked to determine their roles: vanguard/guard/output/auxiliary/healer, team building is in progress..."

Mu Yi hesitated for a moment and chose the auxiliary position, although he felt that he could also play the role of vanguard and output.

But in reality, in such a large copy, his auxiliary capabilities may be even better.

"Oh my gosh, look at the number of touching treatment positions, I feel like I've used up all my luck this month!"

"Twenty cures! What a joy!"

Everyone was amazed by the statistical results. In the comprehensive network, injuries are a common occurrence. With the existence of a healing profession, they can be more confident whether it is fighting or battery life.

After all, many small injuries that are densely packed together can constitute death.

"You are too happy too early. Look at our terrible support position! There are only four assistants and there is a level 6 apprentice!" A cold voice sounded.

Everyone woke up in excitement and fell into silence for a while.

Although everyone has the habit of leveling up, and level does not represent strength, the problem of level 6 basically represents insufficient accumulation, and it may even be the first time to participate in such a large-scale team copy.

"A bard, an orc shaman, a mermaid priest, and a level 6 general??"

Everyone fell into silence. This is not a game. Even if they don't really die, no one wants to experience the feeling of being killed.

Moreover, everyone participates in the dungeon for the sake of progress, and no one wants to waste time.

They must treat team preparation issues carefully.

"I have contacted a tauren chief here. He has the ability of halo blessing and is very good at fighting. If you agree, I can send him an invitation now."

An orc with a thick head broke the brief silence.

At the same time, a notification bar popped up in front of everyone.

"Are you sure you want to recruit a player?"

"I have no opinion!"


With the agreement of two-thirds of the people, a new figure appeared in the room.

"If there are any friends you don't know, please come over quickly! If not, just do it randomly!" A thin and sharp voice sounded.

"I have a powerful guy here who is very capable in single combat. He may be more reliable than a lone ranger!" "I have a druid here who is good at assisting and healing. What do you think?"

"Just them, I don't want a few more level 6 newcomers!"

"Actually, I think it's better to be random. It's more fun that way..."

"Let's vote! I really hope the intensity of the battle this time won't be too high."

"Are you sure you want to recruit two players?"


Mu Yi quickly completed the selection, and he did not want to waste too much time in this regard.

The voting was soon completed, and the team copy that had been stagnant also began to enter a new stage of progress:

"Team recruitment is completed, and players will be transported to the mission entrustment plane..."



A burst of rapid and melodious trombone sound exploded in Mu Yi's ears.

Wake him up from his drowsiness.

The sound of horns filled the world one after another.

There was a slight vibration on the ground, war horses were constantly running back and forth, and soldiers were shouting loudly not far away.

The air was filled with a tense and depressing atmosphere, and Mu Yi could feel the emotions of fear, killing, and hatred emanating from the people.

The whole world seemed to be covered with a dark red veil.

Mu Yi took a deep breath, this feeling... he liked it!

"It's really exciting!"

Mu Yi slowly walked out of the tent, smelling the smell of war in the air, and let out a heartfelt sigh.

The dry wind blew on his face, and even though he couldn't see the bloody color, Mu Yi understood that this was a battlefield!
  Every cell in his body was trembling, and his eyes were silently filled with scarlet light.

Although the atmosphere in the entire camp was depressing and sad, Mu Yi felt like a fish in water.

It was as if he was born here, and this was where he should be active. Something seemed to be awakening in his body, and he could feel a steady stream of power pouring out of his body.

"My lord, Muradin, this is actually a battlefield-type mission. I really want to hit the client in the face with a sledgehammer, but I picked it at this time!"

A dwarf cursed and walked out of the tent nearby. Under his thick beard, his face looked a little bad.

Several figures walked out from behind him one after another. It seemed that they were teleporting according to the team. Mu Yi was a lone ranger, so he had one camp per person.

"Remember what I told you! Don't run around! This is no joke!"

After the dwarf finished scolding, he turned around and explained to the other dwarf behind him. The dwarf with a less bushy beard had unconcealable excitement in his eyes. It seemed that he was probably a junior of the other party. He probably brought more knowledge, but was caught by Zongnet. Set up a table.

"Hey, friends, stop standing around and go gather!"

After noticing Mu Yi's gaze, the dwarf, who was obviously the captain, greeted Mu Yi with his loud voice.

Although they are not tall, dwarves are famous for their rough voices. They like to use their thick voices to express their emotions.

Mu Yi nodded, politely responded to the dwarf captain's greeting, and walked towards the place where the light beam was already lit.

 Theoretically, the update will start next Wednesday, just enough to finish this copy?
    This is the last time to recruit a supporting player. If you miss this copy, you will basically be gone.

  Dwarves, elves, paladins, paladins, etc. are all available, first come first served.

  (End of this chapter)

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