LPL’s legendary female devil

Chapter 183: The people you can’t let go of have already been put in by others.

Chapter 183: The people you can’t let go of have already been put in by others.

Baby: "What a quick reaction. Sivir's magic shield swallowed up the cannon's destructive shot, otherwise the cannon would have escaped."

Shenchao: "This Poppy is also very useful. I chose the right person. So far, Xiaopao and Niutou have not jumped in the face once. Instead, they were kicked away by Poppy. No matter how much meat control Niutou has, it doesn't matter if the person is not there." Use it.”

Miller: "This is Anyi's tactical plan. You can always trust the hero she chooses!"


"Other people's Sivirs are all development heroes. Why did Benzi's Sivir start eating people!"

"How dare you play like this with Poppy? A warrior hero's body and damage can be used as a support. It's really a dimensionality reduction to fight against this group of hard supports."

"Well. I said the same thing when I played warrior support before, and I had a hook, a reply, and a slowdown. Why did the ADC call me Sabi?"

"What kind of support do you play?"



Even if the opponent forcefully teleports, she can still run away and her teammates can take the vanguard in a 3-on-2 situation, which will bring benefits no matter what.

Because Aki knew that during the time when SSG was deploying the vanguard, no one could support the small artillery.

"This is the difference between playing games with your brain and playing games with your teammates. A good ADC takes advantage of the opportunities created by his teammates, rather than letting his teammates continue to actively create opportunities for themselves."

And watching the two waves of soldiers under the tower being eaten by the defense tower one by one, Ruler's heart was bleeding!
It can be said that the two people who value last hit the most in the world are Samsung's Chovy and Samsung's Ruler.

"If you don't understand, just ask, is SSG raising a defense tower? This defense tower has eaten three waves of soldiers. Can I take out the Storm Sword when I go back?"

"Indeed, the word 'perfect' speaks to my heart."

But after jumping away, it was difficult to come back. They saw An Yi stuck directly behind the opposite tower, relying on Poppy to use a passive shield to resist the line. She quickly closed the line of troops with the abnormal line pushing ability of Wheel Mother. The second tower laning mode is enabled.

The IG players on the field also called each other Nice, and Ning also took advantage of the momentum and said: "Look, I just said that it was the right choice for me not to invade to help An Yi. I have known for a long time that An Yi can kill in line with the advantage."

Leader An, as a veteran, played a role at this time: "Don't be anxious, fight slowly, we can stand up on the road."

Therefore, this wave of suppression is a conspiracy, and the other side has no way to break it.

Ruler, who was single-killed, covered his forehead and slumped in a chair. His teammates were also looking at him in horror.

Samsung is really a place of outstanding people!
Shenchao explained the details: "What a smart play. I know that no one from SSG can come in a short time, so no matter how hard I press, nothing will happen. When my teammates can come over, Xiaopao will have to lose three waves of soldiers."

And she was not a fool. Seeing the confrontation between the two sides in the first half around the vanguard, An Yi gave Baolan a signal: "Hammer the bull's head!"

The fans off the field saw that IG had established an advantage in the bottom lane, and all of them swept away the haze of losing both China and South Korea in the LPL.

SSG's Galio, Kennen, Zhumei, Niutou, and Xiaopao are the perfect team-fighting system.

Look at the SSG people on the other side.

If the current wheel mother came out to take over the team, she would end up no different from the female knight who broke into the goblin lair.

An Yi smacked her lips: "Then what if I didn't kill you?"

Is she too cowardly? Not really!
Don't look at An Yi's display of prowess online, but he actually reaped the benefits of hero restraint.

When playing ADC, you only need to remember one sentence. Before the two-piece set, you must be in awe of the mid-to-upper daddy.

At this time, the cannon has no chance of dodge, and it is under the tower, so it is 100% sure that it will be hit by the E wall.

Then he saw the sledgehammer in Bobby's hand rotating and accumulating power, and when An Yi pushed the line into the tower, he knocked the bull's head away.

So An Yi decided: "Pioneer can take a look, but don't take it, wait for me to develop."

"Daddy: Baby, let me take out the hentai for you!"

Baolan directly imitated Ning's tone and said: "He would have said, if I had known, I would have listened to An Yi's invasion, and the opposite jungler would not be able to play."

As long as the team battle is received, it is basically a sure thing at this time, so SSG immediately starts to deploy the vanguard.

"Okay, okay, Humorous Ax Man's Blood Rage passive is placed on the ADC, right?"

Although the ADC output is very high, if you hit A and others twice, it will not hurt you, but if someone A hits you twice, you will die suddenly. What are you playing?
So no matter what the enemy did, An Yi would remain firm and unmoving, just brushing the lane with Xiaopao Niutou in the bottom lane.


It's just that this dragon is a bit strange, it's also a water dragon.

And the attributes of the next dragon after killing it are also engraved in the small dragon pit, another water dragon!
An Yi: Is there so much water today? I don’t usually have so much water!
Then the girl suddenly remembered something bad and put down the hand that picked up the water glass.

Miller was a little emotional: "In this game, you can see an ADC that defends against ganks at the first level and controls the line at the third level. You can also see an ADC that kills in the lane and presses the tower with two people. It is steady when it should be steady and suppressed when it should be. Suppression, this is the performance of a perfect ADC!”

But An Yi is not a fool. He naturally knows that SSG's advantage is in team play, and his own advantage is in picking up orders online and in the later stage.

What is the concept of being killed by a wheel mother? That's basically the same as being eaten by Kassadin online, so he should be shot!
As soon as one person suddenly killed his whole family and ascended to heaven, the SSG teammates' expressions changed a bit. Ruler also apologized quickly: "I'm sorry, I should be more stable Smecta."

Crown also emphasized: "Just wait for the Pioneer and the Pioneer team to win. Our lineup is very suitable for team play."

"Little Heizi is still talking about why we don't target Anyi. Let's see if this kind of ADC can target it. If you target it, you have to kill Vanguard now."

Therefore, the Ruler who did not dodge did not dare to push forward, and decisively jumped back in advance with W, not giving the opponent the distance to pursue.

There was only one small cannon left under the tower and they still wanted to take advantage of the enemy, but An Yi directly brought Baolan up to put pressure.

Ning:? ? ? Do you work hard when making the right dough, or just be decisive when making your own dough?
After completing the line kill in the bottom lane, the dragon had the opportunity, and Ning came down quickly, and only took down a dragon in 9 minutes.

And with Poppy's W, the cannon's rocket jump can easily be knocked down, not to mention that there is a Shen who can use his ultimate move at any time to support the tower jump.

Seeing that the other side of the bottom lane was being lined up by the second tower, the other three members of IG were no longer in a hurry and just held them back.

So the situation in the first half was just like An Yi and Ruoxi's mini-game, dawdling with SSG.

If you can't get the vanguard, you definitely won't let the opponent get it easily, so SSG wastes a lot of time.

When I finally took my hand out and could look at the bottom lane, it was already eleven and a half minutes, and the bottom lane tower had lost a lot of health.

The pig girl with the vanguard wanted to put the vanguard on the road to grab a blood tower, but The shy had already pushed the lane away in advance, and at the same time, a teleport lit up in the bottom lane of SSG.

Rookie was called by Aki, returned to the city to replenish equipment, and then teleported to the minion on the bottom lane that was resisting the tower. It turned out that it was IG who was preparing to jump over the tower.

Seeing this scene, the Niutou Xiaopao immediately retreated.

Although Niutou can operate when facing three people to cross the tower, Shen's ultimate move is still there. Once IG crosses, four people will gather together.

It was too late for Galio to rush down on foot, because the bull-headed cannon had been driven away from the defense tower again.

An Yi and Rookie quickly demolished the first blood tower, ten seconds faster than Pig Girl who used the vanguard to destroy the tower.

Everyone was impressed by IG's superb line-changing operation.

Because Rookie was originally going to teleport to change lines with Anyi, there was no loss in this teleportation.

As for An Yi, he returned to the city and bought a blue-sucking knife + attack speed shoes, and then went to the middle to change lanes and push the tower.

Everyone in SSG felt a little familiar after watching it. Isn't this their most signature bottom lane operation!
An Yi: Use magic to defeat magic!
An Yi, who came to the middle lane, would show off an F6 or three wolves from time to time. After showing off, he would come back and continue to eat lanes, shortening his development time.

Seeing that the first wave of vanguard offensive was disintegrated, SSG wanted to launch another one around Xiaolong.

But as the saying goes, if you can't let go, others may have already let you go.

While An Yi and Rookie were sitting in the lower half of the area, the prince waited for the dragon to spawn in the dragon pit, and was stuck in time to steal the second dragon.

Then the third dragon foreshadows, another water dragon!
An Yi: This dragon is better than the novels I read!
There were no fighting points between the two sides in the early stage, except for Pig Girl's constant actions against The shy.

Because Shen can support others but cannot support himself, Kenan killed The shy again with the help of Pig Girl.

Anyi's eSports succubus is just fun. If you really look at the eSports succubus, it has to be The shy. Someone will catch you even if you don't care!

So being an AD on IG is really a blessing. There is always a big brother in front to attract firepower, and I just need to develop well.

The shy: I love you so much!

So when the time came to 18 minutes, Aki bought his second core equipment—the electric knife!

Fast forward to 22 minutes, and she once again has a storm sword in her equipment list.

At the same time, Poppy's Knight's Oath was applied to An Yi. An Yi knew that it was time for him to come out, so he targeted the water dragon that had refreshed again.

One water dragon may be trash, two water dragons may be treasure, and three water dragons may be monsters!

It can be said that as long as IG gets this water dragon again, IG will let SSG see what is the feature of EA games - breathing and restoring blood! SSG knew that this dragon could no longer give way, and their teamfight lineup had been suffering from no team fights, so after seeing IG's movement in laying out vision, they also started to deploy dragons.

Both sides unanimously chose the top laner to lead the top lane, the mid laner to fight in the middle lane, and Shimonosuke to start the confrontation in the Xiaolong area.

An Yi did not choose to make more ink with the opponent, and commanded: "Just move the dragon, we have Poppy, we can hammer away the pig girl on the other side!"

So after forcing the opponent back, An Yi took action to wake up Xiaolong. At the same time, Yanque directly blocked the road with his ultimate move and rode over with his ultimate move.

At this time, An Yi's equipment combined with the prince's ability to defeat the dragon very quickly. By the time everyone in SSG reacted, the dragon had already lost one-third of its health, and it was impossible to get through when the road was blocked in front of him.

At such a tense moment, SSG's leader An also issued the order as the backbone: "I will try to grab the dragon. If you can't grab it, you can still open it. Go back and look at this Sivir with the bull-headed cannon!"

In this way, Pig Girl stood on the dragon pit, and the bull-headed cannon circled the triangular grass, while Kennen T shot towards the grass in the outer channel of the blue buff behind IG.

The little dragon was about to lose its health. Leader An knew that success or failure depended on this, so while Xiao Pao and Niu Tou were pressing up from behind, he rushed down the dragon pit with a Q through the wall.

Grab the dragon!

But Poppy was well prepared and had already used his ultimate move to hit Pig Girl. Leader An dodged and dodged.

At the same time, the punishment fell, and Ning lived up to the name of Son of the Dragon and grabbed the water dragon.

But Leader An was not discouraged at all, because he had found the next target from the beginning.

At this time, An Yi was afraid of being bullied, so she had to get close to Poppy and use his firm demeanor for protection, so she was positioned closer to the front.

The pig girl dodged Poppy's ultimate move before and at the same time, she was pulled to the entrance of the dragon pit, and Sivir's position could be found from the side.

So Leader An decisively threw out the lasso with a big move and threw it towards Sivir behind the wall.

But Aki's sensitive body immediately made her react, so she was ready to press the E skill to block the control with a magic shield.

But seeing the distance between Pig Girl, she suddenly realized a possibility, so she didn't press E immediately.

But at this time, Head An suddenly issued another punishment.

Boss An: Want to use E gear? Look at this move!

R punishment!
Piggy used punishment at the moment when the rope flew out. Once Sivir used her E skill to resist, she would be punished first and then hit again with her ultimate move.

Sivir's heroic characteristics determine that she does not need to wear purification and mercury belts. This is her advantage and her shortcoming.

Because in this way she can convert all the economy into output, but if E makes a mistake, she will die!
An Yi: It’s still too slow!

The punishment fell and An Yi was hit, but then a thin film lit up.

She anticipated what Master An would do, so she pressed the magic shield the moment the rope touched her face.

So what An Yi blocked was not punishment, but Zhu Mei's ultimate move.

Leader An:! ! !

I never thought that someone would do this. An Bixin was surprised: This reaction and consciousness... Is this woman a devil?

But at the same time the bull head is approaching!
Knowing that Poppy could definitely block his W, Corejj never fired his W. Instead, he kept approaching step by step. Then he took advantage of the opportunity when Sivir was punished and slowed down by the pig girl, and shot a Q dodge.

When Poppy saw the bull's head, he had already intercepted it with W backwards in advance, but the flash could not be blocked.

Corejj: This can always be controlled!

But just a second ago An Yi was still a pig girl in WAQ, and when she saw the flash, she immediately flashed to the side.

Niutou Q dodged past and only smashed Poppy up, but An Yi dodged.

Miller said excitedly: "The pig girl's ultimate move was blocked by Sivir's shield, and the bull-headed Q dodge was also dodged by Sivir's dodge. Anyi has done it right!"

Doll: "Kenan is here too! E accelerates, R flashes, then pushes the stick to enter!"

Rookie wanted to use a rock ledge to lift the enlarged Kennan, but he was dodged by Kennan's unsolvable one-second lunge combo.

The thunder from the sky continuously shocked the bodies of Rookie and the prince. Seeing this, The shy used his ultimate move to shield Rookie.

Seeing that Tianlei was about to come into contact with Sivir.

An Yi knew not to be shocked, otherwise it would leak out! (no)
So the moment he saw Kenan charging, Aki activated his R skill, and the burst of movement speed allowed him to move backward quickly.

Poppy took advantage of Sivir's ultimate move and his own W to accelerate, broke into the thunder formation and grabbed Kennen out with E.

Therefore, Rookie was only stunned and did not receive subsequent damage. Aki was also out of the danger range, but Galio's ultimate move had already locked Kennen's original position.

When Galio hit it, Rookie immediately flashed back and only Poppy was knocked away.

As for the battlefield on the other side, it was quite lively.

Xiaopao jumped up with a W. He was originally going to kill An Yi, but Sivir had blocked all the controls and now he couldn't kill him at all, so he could only turn his attack and attack Rookie.

The E skill is up, Q activates AA, and The shy drops to activate W sword array to block and level A.

But Ruler made a direct R move and pushed Rookie out of the sword formation. The follow-up A detonated explosive sparks, and then Rookie's head was taken away by Kenan's Q skill.

As for An Yi, Niu Tou hit W to limit the output, while Prince used EQ to knock Niu Tou away. When R came over, the cannon refreshed W and jumped away.

IG was caught off guard by SSG's sudden group start. It seemed that IG was a little overwhelmed, but IG's core ADC was still alive!

An Yi, who had been pushed away, had returned to the battlefield again, and launched AAWAAQAAAWAA with a series of consecutive A moves, like a machine programmed in advance, with the flywheel jumping back and forth on the bull head and the pig girl.

Although Aki could only hit the front row, this could not withstand the damage of her explosion. Galio, who rushed up with W, and the pig girl Niutou were jumped back and forth by the flywheel.

It doesn't matter whether Kennan is going up or not.

Because if you take a step up and get close to Galio, the flywheel will bounce onto him.

The small cannon at the back was even more miserable. He was already beaten to death and could have relied on the attack distance to output, but looking at the bouncing flywheel, he was a little at a loss.

And if Aphelios's Fahrenheit is the ultimate single-target explosion, then Sivir's Fahrenheit is a nightmare that no squishy person with residual health dares to approach.

After being bounced twice in a row, Xiaopao could only temporarily give up the front and choose to play with Poppy behind him.

SSG originally rushed well, but after taking two steps forward, it suddenly discovered that the situation had changed.

Why does my front row blood loss so quickly?
But it's too late to withdraw now!
Aki opened W again, and threw the flywheel continuously. His ultimate move and passive acceleration made it impossible for the opponent to escape.

Then the pig girl who broke in first was killed, and the bull head also fell to the ground.

Kennen cooperated with the small cannon to kill Poppy, but when he looked back, he saw that all his teammates had collapsed.

If he didn't move, no one would be able to leave, so Ruler once again used the W skill to jump behind him and successfully escaped IG's pursuit.

But this would be a disaster for Kennen. He had no way to escape after starting a group with no skills.

So The shy waited for the second E skill to get better, and then flashed forward with E to catch Kenan who was walking backward. Aki followed up with a few rounds and killed him on the spot.

Three kills!

Miller said excitedly: "Oh! Triple kill! Anyi's Fahrenheit keeps firing! The cannon can't get close to his teammates to support him!"

Wawa: "This movement and reaction are too abnormal! You can see that everyone at SSG is already driving this wheel mother. They all know that she is the core of IG, but they just can't!"

Shenchao pointed out: "There is the most outrageous part. You can watch the replay later."

"Ambition picked the opportunity very well. He wanted to punish Sivir to break the shield and then stun him, but An Yi predicted it and waited for the punishment to fall before handing over the spell shield. It was a very extreme operation!"

And even without looking at the details, this continuous movement completely convinced the audience:
"Wheel Mom! She's really a mom! She came back from situation A all by herself!"

"Why are there so many water dragons in this game? Oh, it turns out it was sister An Yi who made me wet!"

"It's so fucking awesome! ADC Jiang Zi moves, right?"

"Urine test! You must have a urine test! There must be something!"

"Urine test? Cheers to bilibili(゜-゜)つロ~-bilibili!"

"The test results are out, there is not a drop of urine in the stimulants!"

Aki's continuous moving and hiding skills were so shocking that the audience began to cheer: "IG! IG! IG!"

In the IG team, teammates also shouted: "I'm going to blanch! An Yi!!!"

An Yi: "???"

Base 6! Don’t fuck!
(End of this chapter)

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