LPL’s legendary female devil

Chapter 226 The most feared episode of Yue Lun

Chapter 226 Yue Lun’s Most Fearful Episode (-in-)

Although it was too early and the opponent resurrected too quickly, the LPL only demolished the opponent's middle high ground and incisor tower after finishing the group fight.

But after taking down the fire dragon, there is no longer any suspense about the outcome of the game.

All members of the LPL gathered with Baron, but everyone in the LMS exploded on the spot after just one glance.

An Yi used his ultimate sniper to save people, and Airplane and Jess used strong Poke. The robot on the opposite side was killed first, and LMS could only flee in defeat.

After the LPL won the Baron and went straight to the Yellow Dragon, the LMS still wanted to resist, but the five LPL players showed the patience of qualified hunters.

After the dragon's strengthened army line advanced, they relied on their long-hand poke. As long as they were pinned by Jhin W, they would flash. If they didn't flash, they would be poked to death.

But Pig Girl was forced to fight back because there was Tahm on the opposite side, so she could only watch as she and her teammates were maimed by Poke.

After the health advantage was already huge, Xiye returned to the city to get the explosive pack, teleported Valkyrie and dive bombed, and cooperated with the team to easily complete the harvest and hit 2 for 5.

At the end of the game, Wang Duoduo announced: "Congratulations to LPL, for successfully winning the first semi-final victory, and it was a 25-minute crushing game, so fast!"

LMS Lounge.
The players haven't come back yet, but Coach Steak has already begun to panic.

Sure enough, as soon as he came back, BeBe, who had changed from LMS's UZI to LMS's little Lu Bu, sat on the e-sports chair with a straight face and said nothing.

What are you doing here? Your name is Wang Duoduo, and I’ll call you Wang Duoduo.

What he said in his heart was even more cruel: The linkage in the jungle is like shit now. Is it so difficult to practice the linkage in the jungle in one season?

But the exiting LMS was not as harmonious as it was on the field.

Kris may have to thank Wang Duoduo later, he is really the noble person in his life.

Before the game, I returned my foster father and my second brother, but that was it after the game. Why did I feel like the team was about to disband after this game?

Kris hurriedly continued: "Yes, it's so fast."

And BeBe has also determined that today he will enter An Yi's dragon's den!

Because after understanding the situation on the field through the team's voice, he knew that there was going to be an irreconcilable conflict in this round.

It happened that Steak mentioned: "The rhythm of the bottom lane and the jungle in this game is a bit different. We need to improve in the next game."

At this time, BeBe spoke again: "In the next round, I can play Solo on the other side. I'm sure Solo can pass. Just don't let the factory manager mess with me."

Barrage: "7 kill super god! I'll blanch! Farmer!"

After all, in the last game, I could barely manage to line up with a jungler. Without the jungler, wouldn’t I be able to play casually?
Seeing BeBe's attitude of not being afraid of the tiger, Karsa said: "Okay, I will give you a chance to create a solo."

The key is, what did he do in this round? Nothing has been done, the game of adding soldiers and soldiers is gone!

Kris nodded: "Yeah, quick one"

"I just like such down-to-earth explanations. Everything you say is understandable to everyone."

Seeing this, Wang Duoduo hurriedly added: "It's a complete mess!"

At this time, Kris added: "7 kills are super god, perfect carry."

So what is An Yi’s choice?

'Fuck' was already on his lips, and Kris suddenly realized that if he said the wrong thing, his salary wouldn't be enough.

Later, everyone also saw the MVP selection.

And the barrage is also grabbing hold of:
"You just wanted to say 'It's so fast', right?"

Steak looked at the two of them and didn't know what to say. After all, they were only a temporary team and they didn't have the backbone like Anyi.

And Wang Duoduo wiped the sweat caused by exhaustion. This kind of newbie who paid to work is really scary!

Moreover, being elected MVP in this round was more due to Aki's perspective, not his output on the field.

Being stared at by BeBe, Karsa felt a little guilty: "OK, mine, I'll play well in the next game."

BeBe answered immediately: "Coach, I really want to say something. Just use the second level jungler to give you a red buff and first blood. How can I play the game?"

In this way, the first game ended in a humorous atmosphere between both parties.

"And it doesn't matter if I send him away. I came here to help anyway, but after that, he watched us being overtaken in the bottom lane. He didn't come once."

Shenchao: "."

An Yi: "I have two guns, one gun is called shooting, and the other gun is called...ah~"

Shenchao looked at the two people who were working in harmony: "."

I came here to play the game, not to practice pressure resistance and last-hitting.

Wang Duoduo: "."

Soon the second round started. BeBe immediately locked onto Varus and then looked towards the other side.

"From now on, you will be called Sister Yiyi."

He had nothing to say after being stepped on by Aki and winning the MVP.

The record of 7-0-7 is very luxurious, at least for a hero like Jhin.

There were 6 votes in the selection, 4 votes went to An Yi and 2 votes went to the factory director. In the end, An Yi’s Jhin was elected MVP.

It really only took ten years for the commentator to be unknown to anyone, but once it became "awesome", it was known all over the world!

23 minutes later.
Wang Duoduo looked at the exploding LMS base and said excitedly: "The Hidden Dragon has fallen asleep, and its roar shook thousands of mountains!"

"Aki's two-person female gunners achieved an astonishing crushing advantage, leading the team to an overwhelming victory and destroying the last hope of the LMS."

At this time, BeBe looked at his 2-4 record and was speechless.

Karsa kept his promise and pressed The shy to death. The factory director also pressed The shy to protect him. Both sides had clear cards at the top and basically ignored the bottom lane.

This is also the normal state of AD after entering S8.

BeBe, who then threatened to enter An Yi's dragon's den, was completely convinced at this moment.

As Karsa and the others said, this woman is truly unfathomable and far beyond their reach.

So in the end BeBe said: "I'm sorry Brother Ka, my, I spoke too loudly before."

Karsa: "."

When you hit a wall, you know you've turned a corner. When a stock rises, you know you've bought it. It's late!
After watching this game, the barrage was also strange:
"How come Karsa was caught at the second level in the last game, but not once in this game?"

"Well, it's not like we're really going to break up with each other, right?"

"Awesome, Sister Benzi, a team-breaking madman, but she's tearing down the opposite team."

Although Karsa was a little dissatisfied with the 2:0 finish, she quickly let it go.

Karsa is sure: How can I play well in the game with these insects? I’m so lucky, I will go to RNG next year!

The news that Wolf King Karsa signed with RNG has long been made public.

So after LPL 2:0, many provincial team fans felt unwilling and began to comment on the underworld forum.

"Karsa looks like a good motorcycle. He will go to RNG next year. Let's show off now."

"Are you saying that Karsa lost on purpose? I don't think so. His record is very good."

"Anyway, it's over at 2:0. Let's just watch the LPL and LCK fight."

"That is to say, Ming and Karsa from the LPL will be teammates next year. It is impossible for the LCK All-Star team to include guys who will go to the LPL next year."

"Don't worry, those people are big names in the LCK, especially Kkoma. How can they go to the LPL?"

Kkoma who was in the SKT lounge: Why did it feel like someone was scolding me just now?
Back on the field, the post-match interview session officially entered.

Main stage.
Because Anyi had been interviewed remotely by the LEC before, he was arranged to be on the main stage this time.

And when An Yi walked out to say hello, cheers and whistles broke out from the audience.

The host made a comedic exaggeration: "Wow, welcome Anyi, the AD player from the LPL dream team, welcome 伱, beautiful lady."

Anyi also introduced himself: "Hello, I am Anyi, the AD player of LPL."

The interviews and answers were all in English, making the audience and host feel more at home.

Then the host continued: "Congratulations on defeating today's opponent and successfully reaching the finals. How do you feel now?"

An Yi: "It feels like time flies by so fast. Only three days have passed and we have already reached the finals. At the same time, I am very happy to be able to get to this point with this group of outstanding teammates."

Host: "Yes, you are all excellent, and I have prepared a few questions for you that the audience is very concerned about."

"First of all, in the first game, the opponent made a second-level capture, and your jungler Clearlove7 immediately came over and counter-crouched without even brushing the buff. How did you decide to make such a risky move?"

An Yi organized his speech: "Well, the situation is that our assistant inserted a deep ward at F6 on the opposite side, but we didn't see the pig girl passing by."

"In addition, it is impossible for Pig Girl to farm Stone Beetles, and Xiao Pao has not learned E, so I said that I thought he might come. After hearing this, the factory director came directly."


"So that's it! As expected of An Yi with the external brain, he easily understood the overall situation."

"I thought I was really guessing, but I didn't expect that I can tell what the opponent wants to do with just one eye and one skill."

"If you don't understand, just ask, what if An Yi meets someone who doesn't know how to farm like me, and wants to eat stone beetles after farming red?"

"You're saying, 'I'm a colored pen, I don't know what I'm going to do next, so my opponent can't predict me.'"

"The master of Caibi, just like the invincible saint who will only lose to the goblins and become a mine card, I will definitely be beaten by Sister Benzi's first blood! Hehehe~"

"???Brother, if you send a barrage like this, I'm afraid even a bottle of Nutritional Express won't be enough."

"I understand, Karsa died because he was too good at playing jungle."

The host did not expect that one eye and one skill could analyze so much, and felt that he still underestimated professional players.

Then he continued to ask: "As for the lineup in the first game, many people felt that it would be better for you to give the team starter Keg the last choice. In the end, you chose Olaf, and overall there was no stable team control. means."

"May I ask why you made this choice at that time?"

An Yi nodded slightly and said that he understood and did not need to translate: "Because the lineup has been selected at that time and it is a Poke system. With planes and Jhin, we are not particularly dependent on starting a group. Although wine barrels would be better, the factory director said that he wanted it more Olaf, so I gave it to him."

"In addition, although our lineup does not have many control methods, there are still many acceleration and deceleration methods such as Jace's acceleration gate and Jhin's ultimate move. In fact, this can be regarded as a kind of control when we have an advantage."


"The enemy slows down = I speed up, I speed up = the enemy slows down, the enemy slows down and I speed up = the enemy is imprisoned."

"It turns out that canyon relativity is really useful."

"What eSports Einstein."

"The factory director said you should give it to Olaf if you choose him? Your uncle dotes on his father!"

The last question, after asking about it during the game, I have to ask about something outside the game.

Compared with the relatively reserved interviews in LCK and LPL, the interviews in Europe and the United States are much bolder.

After listening to the host summarize An Yi's answer to the previous question, he directly dropped a bombshell: "Is Miss An Yi single?"

A straight ball hit, and An Yi paused: "..., um, yes."

Immediately, excited shouts came from the audience, and there were bursts of barrage? 'Floating by. The host continued to ask: "Our viewers are very concerned about whether an outstanding girl like you has any plans to find a partner. What is her ideal type?"

A rare layer of pink appeared on An Yi's face. She never expected that the interview would be so bold.

However, considering that single players such as Faker and The shy have also been asked this question, it is still within the normal range.

And since it involves emotions, An Yi responded seriously: "I haven't considered it yet, and I won't find a female partner for the time being. I want to focus more on my career."

"As for the ideal type, it depends on me personally. If it is what I like, then it is my ideal type."

What fans are most concerned about is Aki's ideal type. But this answer... Do you think this is the ideal type?

All interpretation rights belong to you, right?
It's like being asked, "Why do you like cucumbers more than eggplants?" Aki replied: Cucumbers are more grainy.

Such granularity can only be aligned physically, and the answers that cannot be conceptually aligned make fans stop on the spot and find it hard to get their appetites whetted.

But when they heard that An Yi was still single, fans became excited again.

"She is single? She is waiting for me! She has me in her heart! She likes me! Our child's name is"

"How much did you drink? You're so drunk."

"Don't just drink alcohol, eat cephalosporins!" (Don't eat it, it will travel to another world and stack armor!)
"Hey, sister Benzi must be single so that she can devote herself to her career. She really works too hard!"

"It seems that Sister Benzi has no chance during her career. Fortunately, I am my sister-in-law."

However, it is possible that the sister-in-law party is the one who loses the most.
After asking this question, the host was satisfied and ended the interview after politely bidding farewell to An Yi.

In the backcourt.
After the interview, everyone in the LPL gathered together and high-fived each other to celebrate the victory.

Watching the interview just now on the stage, the director flipped his hair confidently, made a gesture that he thought was handsome and said: "An Yi, do you think your ideal type is like this?"

After hearing this, An Yi's originally happy golden face immediately fell down: "Director, you are a good person. I only treat you as my good brother. Red Bean Paste Private Marseille."

The qualities of being a good person, being a good brother, and craftsmanship directly defeated the factory director.

Everyone just laughed after hearing this, thinking that the factory director really knew how to have fun.

Of course, this is just a joke after everyone got acquainted with each other.

And An Yi looked at the time and said: "You guys talk first, I'm going to take Brother Shy to participate in the solo game, let's go back and do the review."

After everyone said OK, An Yi and The shy stood still and waited for their opponents.

Not long after, Bjergsen and Faker also arrived in the backcourt.

Since the game has not yet started, players can communicate privately and even agree on what hero to use after taking the field.

Bilson naturally found his opponent The shy, and An Yi also walked towards Faker and took the initiative to say hello: "Brother Xianghe, we meet again."

Faker looked at his close friend in front of him and nodded: "I didn't expect that my opponent would be you in the next game."

"But we have played solo many times before. I see that everyone else is asking heroes to play. Do we want to do something different?"

It was also the first time that Anyi saw Faker being so playful, so he agreed: "Okay, I used to play what I am good at. If I can get to the third game, I will play what I am not good at, such as a random hero, and then We both play this."

Faker also thought this proposal was good, so he decided on it.

Anyway, it's a Bo3 showdown in the semi-finals, and this situation is also a fair competition that takes into account the depth of the hero pool.

After the two people discussed it, they stood in their own entrance lane, and soon the Solo Challenge officially started.

on the stage.
It was the host who liked to stir up trouble again. He jumped onto the stage like a boxer and said: "Welcome to the semi-finals of the All-Star Solo King Challenge. Our two players are ready."

"They are Anyi from LPL! And Faker from LCK!!!"

The two major players walked out from the left and right aisles respectively, and when they stood in the center of the stage, there were endless shouts and screams.

The host didn't talk nonsense: "Let's do an interview here. How confident were the two of them before the game that they could defeat each other?"

Anyi: Let’s go 50-50, I often kill him solo.

Of course, this sentence cannot be said. An Yi said seriously: "Faker is a very powerful opponent. I think the outcome depends on the hero choice."

The microphone was passed to Faker again, and he said: "I believe this will be a wonderful matchup. Rather than saying it is confidence, I will go all out."

After saying that, the players from both sides took their seats and started the Solo match.

In the first game, Anyi chose Varus, who he was good at, while Faker chose Zoe.

Level 6 Aki caught Faker's mistake and used his R skill to suppress Faker's return position with his big move to complete the imprisonment. He flashed AQAAE and took Faker away, completing a solo kill.

In the second game, Faker took out the Comet Desert Death.


"Nenessus Anyi!"

"???No Nese allowed!"

"This homophonic joke is very good. Don't play it again next time."

Aki chose a squishy mage like Yanque, but was consumed by Goutou with E until he died.

The two sides fought to a 1:1 draw, and thus entered into the Bo3 random round agreed upon by both parties.

After a short period of repair
Wang Duoduo was full of energy: "Welcome back, what we are about to bring you is the third game of the Solo match between Anyi and Faker, which is also the game that determines the outcome."

Kris: "Currently, the players on both sides are very close in strength. The hero selection in the third game is particularly important. It can be said that whoever can win the strong and counter heroes will have a high probability of winning the game."

Shenchao looked at the BP panel: "Look at the moving people, both sides have been moved. Feng Nu? Sun Girl? Ivern? What is this?"

Wang Duoduo: "Faker moved out the nanny, piano girl, and gem. Do the two sides know each other's weird tricks?"

But the actual situation is that unlike regular BP, since the two have agreed on a random duel, the heroes who are removed must be unfavorable to them, so as not to appear randomly.

Now that the move is complete, the random rights are given to Faker.

He was looking forward to what hero he would use to face Anyi in the final round.

As a result, with a shake of my hand, an unexpected hero randomly appeared.

Lord of Shadow Stream: "The invisible blade is the most deadly!"

Seeing this hero, Faker suddenly smiled because he remembered happy things.

At this time, An Yi cast a questioning look, which meant asking what the game was about.

Faker also looked over and said: "Jie! Lord of Shadow Stream!"

The referee saw this move but did not stop it because it did not violate the rules.

Anyi looked very strange towards this hero, and seemed to remember the happy things Faker thought about.

Yue Lun: Are you thinking about the same thing?
Wang Duoduo was also surprised: "We want to play robbery, but the heroes who are moved out are all heroes who are afraid of robbery. Why?"

Immediately afterwards, An Yi's choice also became robbery.

Shenchao suddenly understood: "The two sides are talking. This is an agreement. We will have a solo game with the hero."

Kris heard the director's voice: "Oh, the two players agreed to randomly battle heroes, so they removed the heroes that they didn't want to randomly appear."

The commentators all looked like "that's it".

And after hearing the barrage, he was also happy:

"Can you still play like this?"

"As long as you don't break the contract, you can play however you want. This game just provides a solo platform."

"This will make the show more effective. Before, either Syndra, Zoe, or Varus were throwing rubbish at each other, which made me vomit."

"Wait a minute. Two Zeds! And Faker! I've seen this episode!"

"Yue Lun: Why isn't this B game cool yet?"

Before the game started, An Yi also drew cards as usual to see what useful ones he could draw.

It hasn't been that long before, so I have to get some useful cards this time.

But double calamity! Faker!

If there is a connection, that man will not be connected.

An Yi thought silently: Don't come to Yue Lun! Don’t come to Yue Lun! Don’t come to Yue Lun!
It's not that Yue Lun is not strong, it's just that Yue Lun is playing as a backdrop when playing against Faker.

Courtesy Yue Lun: You!
Then there was a flash of golden light, and a golden card flew out.

【Girl praying】

【You pray to the gods, and they will answer you.】

[Card: Tribulation within a tribulation (SSR)]

[Effect: Your lane attributes are increased by 20%, all attributes are increased by 15%, each time the card is used, all attributes are reduced by 1%, up to 15%, each time this card is used to single-kill an influential player in the game , permanently increase all attributes of this card by 1%, up to 20%]

[Character: SKT-Faker (2013)]

[Note: You are a born genius. You are destined to step on another genius to rise to the top. Once you succeed, you will become a dead man. Please start your road to the devil.]

Anyi:? ? ?
Good guy, two Faker and two tribulations, the episode that Yue Lun fears the most!
But taking out Faker or something, this is... I NTR myself? The pure love warrior is furious!
And with such a good thing, how can we not use it? Today, I will transform into Lao Deng, not a young Lao Deng to punish the old Lao Deng.

An Yi: If I fight you, I have to use this card!

An Yi then began to quickly configure the runes.

Double Tribulation Solo is different from fighting other heroes. The dry consumption in Q's hand is very important.

Because the top tribulations before level 6 basically don't hit the opponent with too many combos, electrocution is difficult to trigger.

So Aki gave up electrocution and chose Arcane Comet, which could be triggered relatively stably.

On the small rune point: Mana Flow Tie (the current effect is: the next skill returns mana and energy consumption every 60 seconds, and recovers 8% of the lost energy or mana) + Absolute Focus + Scorch + Taste of Blood + Greedy Hunter.

The summoner skill chose Flash + Barrier.

Because of the civil war between Zed and Zed, once they enter the ultimate battle stage, whether they can avoid the opponent's double Q or even 3Q will be a crucial part.

And if the same top players try to achieve extreme reaction, the flash limit of the dodge skill must be higher.

In addition, Flash also has room for sudden action and pulling the opponent's ultimate move into position.

Needless to say about the barrier, Crispy Robbery does not have a barrier. If the opponent has an Ignite, he can wait for death at level 6.

As for restraining the burst of weakness, it is completely meaningless, because as long as Aki sees the opponent showing weakness, he will definitely not play with the opponent.

I have Comet + Scorch, and my secondary system has double blood-stealing, which can kill the opponent with all the energy. When all the energy is exhausted, I will last a last hit. Ending the game with 100 dollars doesn't mean I won.

For this reason, An Yi is eager to electrocute and weaken the opponent.

However, when they saw the loading interface, both Faker and Aki were stunned.

Then I saw two tribulations with original skins appearing above and below. The main system is witchcraft, the secondary system is domination, and the summoner skills are all flash + barrier. It is basically looking in the mirror!

Seeing this, both sides had only one thought.

Anyi: Broken! He thinks the same as me!
Faker: It’s broken! She thinks the same thing as me!
(End of this chapter)

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