edge of pure land.

Chapter 188 Lianhua: The Zhang family is waiting

Chapter 188 Lianhua: Go home and wait
The projection created by Lianhua's magic was suspended in the sky, silently looking at the giant hand rising from the ground in Banyue Manor, her star-like eyes illuminated by endless firelight.

In fact, at this time, she didn't know what to do, because in the more than two hundred years since she emerged from the cocoon, she had never encountered such an outrageous thing. It was just a desolate god running rampant in the city. The key point was Still in the enemy's lair.

For a moment she didn't know if she should take action.

According to the convention of the "Supreme Federal Human Law", she was obliged to take action at this time. After all, this was Linhai City, and trouble would always occur if she left things alone.

Heretics are also human beings, and the Holy High Priest also has the obligation to protect them when faced with an Aragami-level life disaster, but this is only in theory.

It really doesn't matter, it depends on her mood.

"How did this little guy make a wild god go berserk?"

Without any thinking or reasoning, the real culprit can be identified directly.

Very exaggerated.

After thinking again and again, the holy high priest finally raised his white hands, and after condensing the seal like a butterfly wearing flowers, the night sky lit up with solemn holy lights, covering the coast like sunlight falling from the ceiling. Half Moon Manor.

No matter if you are laughed out of anger or not.

But if the identity is exposed...

The young and beautiful waiter came up with a dinner plate and looked at the two stunning female customers by the window. Even as a member of the same sex, she had the urge to go up and ask for a WeChat message.

"Okay, now you can call me sister-in-law."

Lu Sixian still had no expression and ate the barbecue.

Lianhua's hand holding the barbecue stiffened slightly.

She hadn't smiled in years.

After all, many years ago, she had vowed to dedicate her life to mankind, never to consider love in the world again, and to abandon her small self to become a greater self.

Lianhua said with a cold face.

But as time goes by, she will inevitably feel lonely and lonely.

Lianhua casually pulled up her cascading black hair, revealing her long white neck. The off-shoulder gray sweater was baggy, but the black lining was printed with a Pikachu pattern. Her long legs wrapped in jeans overlapped. Together, kicking boots in boredom.

Therefore, this field is not that powerful for the heretics in the Tower of Babel. It can trap them for a period of time at most, and they can still come out if they want to.

Even when I look back on my own life, the most interesting thing is the period after I met him. Although I am angry every time I think of him, I smile more.

Lu Sixian defeated her with just one sentence, and said thoughtfully: "Then next time in front of my brother, should I call you teacher?"

Not to mention lovers.

In fact, to this day, she is not ready to fall in love.

Her majesty has grown more and more over the years, and naturally no one would tease her, until that lawless maniac appeared and forcefully broke into her world.

It's a pity that she is not a god. Even with divine magic, she cannot perfectly simulate that kind of absolute restraint. Most of the restraint abilities must be imposed on the rampaging god.

I also feel a little regretful about the decision I made back then.

Her indifferent eyes suddenly glowed with color, as bright as stars: "No matter whether I have humanity or not, I am still your teacher. Do you remember?"

This also means that her humanity can be restored within one night.

Especially the intertwined hands in the dream...


She hadn't seen her annoying parents in years.

Since becoming the high priest, I have not had any friends.

This is a new technique she created by studying the eternal realm of the God of Origin, but the effect is the other way around, specifically used to imprison the Aragami.

"It makes no difference to you!"

This hit her soft spot.

Just thinking about it carefully, she didn't hate him either.

Lu Sixian drank a big gulp of Coke, with no expression on her sculpted little face. She looked at the woman opposite her carefully: "Are you a teacher or a sister-in-law now?"

"Hello, here are the garlic oysters you ordered."

Especially when she regained her humanity, she would always see those affectionate couples holding hands when she walked to the street. When she walked through the streets, she could always smell the aroma of cooking wafting from the corridor, vaguely accompanied by parents scolding their children. The voice is warm and beautiful.

The solemn shadow in the darkness dimmed and disappeared like a mirage, disappearing into a Japanese-style izakaya on Donggang Road.

There will always be a little sadness in my heart.

Thinking of this, the corners of her lips curled up unconsciously.

How ridiculous.

After performing the magic, Lianhua's beautiful face turned pale, and half of her originally abundant divine power was suddenly drained away, requiring a night's sleep to recover.

For the soldiers in the Linhai District, this area is in name only.

That guy actually asked her to be his girlfriend unreasonably.

You can only enter, but cannot exit.

That's why Lianhua looks forward to the time when she uses up all her divine power, so that her humanity can be restored and she can use her identity as that little nun to accompany him.

Sometimes Lian Hua really wanted to slap her little face carved in ice. She was only sixteen years old, but he dared to look at her with that look.

In that seemingly indifferent expression.

She could always read a trace of disdain and contempt.

"That's because you have a guilty conscience."

Lu Sixian said calmly: "There is no special meaning in my eyes."

Lianhua drank Coke and said coldly: "The ability I taught you is not for you to use on me. Now that you are so powerful, you even dare to read my mind?"

Lu Sixian said slowly: "My ability is out of control."

Lianhua took a deep breath. She didn't know what this witch was. She could use her own dark matter to simulate the effects of divine power, and she also had a very strong learning ability.

It was so strong that even she felt a little scared.

The so-called magic is actually a miracle.

The omnipotent miracle.

According to theory, if the Kabbalah Tree of Life can provide unlimited divine power, then there is nothing in the world that she cannot do.

Of course, this is just a theory.

The reality is that the energy of the Kabbalah Tree of Life is limited.

And human creativity is also limited.

Lianhua himself is already the most talented holy high priest since the beginning of the new era, but it only took the little girl in front of him just three months to achieve something similar to what she had practiced for five years. Describe it as a monster.

Lu Sixian's prediction ability is getting stronger and stronger.

He can even read the thoughts of people around him easily.

It's just that there is no improvement in combat ability.

The main reason is that there is not enough dark matter in her body.

"Perceive the state of the eternal realm."

Lianhua said suddenly.

Lu Sixian obediently put down her chopsticks, tilted her head and felt for a moment, then said seriously: "There is also a riot in the eternal realm. Although this realm has not been completely resolved, we should be able to send some people in through various means."

Lian Hua hummed: "He accidentally played a good hand."

Originally, the Federation and the Church had been asking the Sacrifice Hall to evacuate Linhai, but she really couldn't find a reason to refuse.

But now she has a valid reason to stay. After all, there is a rampaging desolate god here. As the holy high priest, she naturally cannot sit idly by and just evacuate.

The heretics in the Tower of Babel are busy dealing with the rampaging god of waste, and will have no time to control the entire city in the short term.

They can take the city back bit by bit.

"How on earth did your brother do that?"

Lianhua suddenly asked.

Just because others don't know, doesn't mean the witch doesn't know either.

Lu Sixian fell into thinking, her almost pale eyes turned ferocious, and the dark matter in her body rioted crazily, all transformed into her wisdom.

Her petite body trembled slightly.

The body temperature is getting higher and higher.

And then... there was smoke.

A wisp of smoke came out of her head.

A burnt, dull hair on the top of his head stood up.

Well, even the witch can't determine the specific reason.

As expected of you.

Lianhua put her hand on her forehead and asked casually: "Tell me about what you have already divined. What is the desolate god in Banyue Manor? What is its true level and its specific name?"

Lu Sixian replied without hesitation: "Ninth-level desolate god, Seraph."

Lianhua narrowed her eyes and murmured softly: "Seraph, as expected, the true form of this evolutionary chain is that legendary creature. My brother once told me that he was looking for the remains left by the fifth god based on ancient scriptures. At that time, we had seen those ancient gods and demons. They were probably not called angels at that time, but when Westerners discovered them later, they named them after this name. In the Sutra, they are described as feather people.”

She said softly: "The Yu Minguo is in the southeast, and its people have long heads and feathers. One day, the Biyi Bird is in the southeast, and its people have long cheeks."

It’s no wonder that a ninth-level desolate god can support the eternal realm.

"How's Metanzo's condition?"

Lianhua's eyes became sharp: "Which level is it?"

Lu Sixian said cutely: "Between the first realm of origin and the realm of the tenth kingdom."

Lianhua frowned slightly, what this little girl said was not nonsense.

What she really meant was that the person's strength was now randomly fluctuating.

She was lost in thought.

After a long time, Lu Sixian finally recovered from the brain-burning state and said expressionlessly: "Isn't it a good thing that Metanzo escaped from the Holy Mountain?"

Although she was a little afraid of that person.

"Do you think it will be a good thing? Metanzo was betrayed and sealed in the Holy Mountain. If you know how proud he is, you should know how strong his revenge will be. That man has nothing to do with this world. There is no responsibility or responsibility.”

Lianhua snorted coldly: "He is the kind of person who does whatever he wants. If he went out today and saw a little girl feeding stray cats and dogs, he would feel that the world is very beautiful, and he can go to the land of death in just one breakfast. Wipe out a group of White Walkers, but if a keyboard warrior scolds him on the Internet while he is playing games at night, he will feel that there are too many people in the world who like to spread malicious garbage. How many people will die depends on him at that time. mood."

Lu Sixian said thoughtfully: "Oh."

"You have to protect your brother and don't let that person have too much contact with him."

Lianhua scanned the QR code with her mobile phone to pay, stood up and said:

"Come on, go home."

Lu Sixian raised her little face: "Aren't you going to pick up my brother?"

A smile appeared on Lianhua's lips: "I'll wait for him at home."

At 4:30 in the morning, Lu Fuji finally escaped from Banyue Manor. The violent explosion made him look as gray as a Guinean living near the equator.

His heart was beating wildly, it had never been so exciting in his life.

Because after Aragami went berserk, everyone in the manor was greeting him. I don’t know how these people knew that he did it. It was so outrageous.

Normally, he would have sneered and said, "Oh, it's urgent!"

But now he really feels a little guilty. The main reason is that he didn't mean it. He can't blame everything on him. After all, the Aragami went berserk for no reason.

The most exaggerated thing is that after the people in the naval area evacuated, the group of killers from the Tower of Babel also chased after them, and then crashed into the barrier of the Holy Light.

His head was bruised and bloody on the spot.

Teacher Lu waved his sleeves, leaving only a rampaging god, but let the heretics from the Tower of Babel come to wipe his ass.

Although it's not very accurate, it's a bit like beating a dog behind closed doors.

However, when the soldiers in the Linhai District escaped from the manor, they were surrounded by heretics who came from all directions after hearing the news. This situation was still very dangerous, because their life energy was basically exhausted and they were in a state of exhaustion. state.

Fortunately, the next moment, a huge red lotus bloomed in mid-air.

On the empty seaside road, a woman with short maroon hair was seen picking up a bow and arrow. It was clearly a cold weapon, but it opened fire like a heavy cannon. The overwhelming fire exploded, like a rocket washing the ground. Horror effect.

The heretics who drove in from all directions were bombarded to the point of crying for their fathers and mothers. Even people and vehicles were blasted into the sky. Not even the wreckage was left, they were all burned.

The roar echoed with the woman's maniacal laughter.

Countless red arrows condensed on the bowstring and exploded!
It was obvious that the mood was out of control.

There is no distinction between friend and foe.

The commandos who had just escaped from Banyue Manor were all scared to death by the explosion. They were looking for bunkers beside the road, breathing heavily and shaking.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Lu Buer held up Sanhua's electric field and covered the evacuation of his teammates: "Isn't that Yuan Qing? The enemies are all dead. Who is she blasting? How did she become so powerful? My Immortal My body can’t hold it any longer!”

"I told you, Major Yuan Qing has rebuilt numerology!"

He Sai held his head and hid behind the telephone pole, trembling and roaring: "This is the numerology of the first generation of holy monarchs. I wonder if you can hang it? This thing needs to be drunk to reach its maximum output. Major Yuan did it tonight Four bottles of Erguotou!”

As soon as Yuan Lie and Xia Yan rushed out, they were blown away by the overwhelming red lotus arrows. The two old men fell headfirst on the beach and roared: "Stop her quickly!"

Yuan Qing was bombarding indiscriminately, and she saw a thin layer of cold ice covering her graceful body at some point, faintly freezing the fluctuations of her life.

Even so, Yuan Qing was still able to release terrifying fire.

Someone rushed towards her with a hard bone shield, which immediately attracted her attention, and was then blown away by a flaming arrow.

Yuna shouted: "Brother, hurry!"

Lyman ducked over and threw the tranquilizer decisively.


The violence in Yuan Qing's beautiful eyes gradually disappeared, but an evolver of her level is resistant to drugs. Her graceful and plump body was lit up with hot lines like a furnace, and the life energy that had just cooled down was about to Boil again.

Lyman's eyes changed slightly, thinking that something was wrong.

At the critical moment, a bolt of lightning struck.

Lu Fuji grabbed the woman's wrist.

"Sister, are you crazy?"

A smell of alcohol hit my face.

Yuan Qing raised her drunken eyes and saw the white-haired boy in front of her. The boiling murderous intention in her body suddenly disappeared, and she said with a smile: "Hey, isn't this a little deer? Am I dead too? Will we meet again in the underworld?"

After saying that, she closed her eyes and passed out in the boy's arms.

Lu Fuji was speechless for a while.

"What the hell is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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