edge of pure land.

Chapter 302 Infiltrating the Celestial Being Organization

Chapter 302 Infiltrating the Celestial Being Organization
Lu Buer actually didn't have a good impression of the Tianren organization. Putting aside the grudges and entanglements between his parents in the past, this so-called trial method alone carried a sense of condescending oppression, as if the nobles in ancient Rome were watching slaves and wild beasts fighting in the stands of the Colosseum.

Therefore, he felt no guilt in ruining the trial.

It was just the moment when the God of War appeared.

The accident still happened.

The moment Ye Cheng raised his head and looked at the God of War in astonishment.

A cold wind suddenly blew in the dark and desolate canyon. The hard rock walls cracked inch by inch, revealing ancient stone statues embedded deeply in the walls. They opened their eyes like gods and demons from ancient times, and a deep aura of death appeared in the depths of their pupils!

"Oh no! The gods have awakened!"

"These are the ghosts of the Valley of the Kings. We have disturbed the tomb of God!"

“God is about to awaken and punish the world!”

There were many locals among this group of evolvers. Their local beliefs held that the East represented sunrise and life, while the West represented sunset and death. Therefore, the Nile River was used as the boundary to divide the country into the East and West Banks. People often liked to live on the East Bank, while no one would set foot on the West Bank.

The Valley of the Kings is on the west bank of the Nile River. The most famous event that happened here was the Curse of Tutankhamun. Later, when the new world was opened, it was confirmed that the third site of the wild god awakened. There are even rumors that the legendary pharaoh is an ancient wild god.

The remaining evolvers looked at each other in bewilderment. They didn't know the religious beliefs of these local people, but they could see that the sculptures embedded deep in the rock walls had come back to life. They were like ghosts escaped from the underworld, as if chanting an unknown language.

The God of War hanging high in the sky understood the language.

They are saying: "Alpha!"

Obviously, it was because of the appearance of the God of War that the White Walkers at the third site woke up collectively, as if they sensed the breath of the God of Origin and revived in horror.

The first person to be affected was Ye Cheng. Originally, he was able to restrain a fifth-level overlord with his magic with ease, but when the God of War showed up, he brought an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

Especially the corpse-eating ghost behind him went berserk on the spot, and as the sculptures in the rock walls came back to life, majestic dark matter gushed out like a torrent.

The mass resurrection of the White Walkers!

Faced with this out-of-control situation, Ye Cheng put his hands together without hesitation, and saw an ancient golden tree rising from the ground behind him, and fierce cold air gushed out like a tide.

In an instant, it seemed as if jade trees and white flowers grew out with a roar.

Creation system, ice numerology.

And that ancient golden tree turned out to be... a dark matter!

This made Lu Buer admire the level of the Tianren Organization. He saw that the majestic old tree had an ice-crystal texture, and the surging cold air instantly froze the runaway corpse-eating ghost behind it, and then spread to the rock walls on both sides, as if to freeze the entire canyon.

The dark matter that was surging and breaking the dam was frozen.

The deathly air howling in the wind and sand was also frozen.

However, due to the sudden burst of death energy, Ye Cheng's face turned as pale as paper, as if he had overdrawn too much strength at once, so he knelt on one knee against the rock wall, raised his trembling hands, formed seals again, and locked onto the God of War in mid-air.

It was at this moment that the God of War raised his eyes.

Amidst the lightning and thunder, a blazing bolt of lightning tore through the night, and was grasped in His hand like a sharp spear, and thrown towards the opponent's heart!
"Protect Master Ye Cheng!"

The people in white robes raised their heads one after another, releasing bright holy light from their pupils, and condensed into a swirling and interlaced barrier in mid-air, as if it was made of a mixture of sand and rock, with green vines and dry bark growing on it, and showing ancient patterns.

The lightning that streaked across the sky pierced through the barrier with a loud bang, and the people in white robes were blown away by the exploding lightning, and smashed into the whistling sandstorm like cannonballs.

It was at this moment that lightning galloped away like a spear.

The lightning illuminated Ye Cheng's pale face.

At the critical moment, he completed the seal, and a violent ice dragon wrapped in endless ice crystal fragments burst out and attacked the unstoppable lightning.

The lightning illuminated the ice crystals, reflecting brilliant colors.

The life energy mastered by the evolvers can create supernatural power through numerology, but the power will be reduced due to the energy consumption of the conversion rate. For example, the light system seems to be as fast as light, but it is actually far from the speed of light. The same is true for the thunder system. At first glance, it looks like lightning and thunder, but it is actually far from the naturally formed thunderstorm. The high temperature of the flame system is not that hot, and the low temperature of the ice system is also limited.

Everything is caused by the loss of energy.

After the White Walkers in the evolutionary chain of the God of Origin evolved into overlords, their most core ability was the control over energy. Especially when they reached the fifth stage, they could create the power of nature through the fusion of energy, and the lightning they created became the real might of heaven!

Because of this, the lightning was unstoppable and pierced through the ice dragon that soared into the sky, smashing it from head to tail like a rotten wood. Ice chips exploded all over the sky, and the dark blue cold air gushed out like a tide, spreading everywhere.

As the ice dragon shattered with a roar, lightning lit up the night.

It also pierced through Ye Cheng's chest!
Even though he had condensed armor with ice crystals in advance, a terrible bloody hole was still pierced through his chest. Fortunately, he dodged slightly at the critical moment and was not hit in the heart.

Otherwise he would be dead now.

But even so, this injury was still fatal. He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of golden blood. He raised his hand tremblingly and summoned a sky full of ice crystals that whizzed past!

There was a boom.

The God of War in mid-air was also frozen into an ice sculpture.

There was a faint golden hue in the dark blue ice, and it was obvious that the power of the sacred tree was flowing. It was an absolute killing weapon for all life forms with dark matter structures.

It's like kryptonite restraining Superman.


Ye Cheng used up his last bit of strength to clench his hands.

The God of War who was frozen in mid-air suddenly exploded, and the thick dark matter disintegrated inch by inch, falling like a rainstorm, and the roar gradually disappeared into the void.

The sacrifice of the God of War is nothing.
Lu Buer originally wanted to spread his dark matter, not to mention that he could take this opportunity to find out the strength of the successor of the Tianren Organization, which was a huge profit.

After Ye Cheng finished all this, he completely lost his ability to fight. He closed his eyes and fell down completely, leaving only his last words: "Terminate the trial, retreat."

Those white-robed people who were blasted into the sandstorm slowly stood up, their eyes lit up with holy light, and they said in a deep voice: "This matter is extraordinary, should we summon the elders immediately?"

"The elders are now doing their best to maintain the barrier of the void, and no one can get here. The holy high priest of the Akasha Holy Church is too powerful. She is an army by herself and is trying to break through our barrier. Unless her divine power is exhausted!"

"Prioritize the evacuation of Lord Ye Cheng!"

"Arnold, prepare for first aid!"


A huge ship suddenly appeared in the dark sky. It looked like a flying saucer driven by aliens in science fiction movies. It was made entirely of bronze and was spiral-shaped.

It was originally invisible in the darkness, but now it suddenly appears.

It was obvious that this was not a product of the current human technological system, but a creation of the celestial beings in ancient times. A brilliant holy light was released from its bottom, covering the unconscious Ye Cheng, and even the sand and gravel around him floated up and rose into the air.

At the same time, the rock wall exploded, and the White Walkers sleeping in the sculptures broke out of the ground. Without exception, they were all from the evolutionary chain of the Corrupted Death, and they poured out like a tide of corpses.

Especially the ghoul, who had broken through the seal of ice, dragged his frostbitten body down from the rock wall, and raised his rotten face to lock onto the prey around him. "Retreat, retreat, gather together and don't get separated, protect the vehicles first, and start the third formation!" Captain Gates and his men did not panic, but quickly organized their teammates to fight. They jumped on the off-road vehicles, picked up their weapons, and carried out long-range firepower coverage. They also sent someone to guard the side with close-range weapons to prevent a surprise attack from underground.

Even the little girl Afifa bravely picked up a Damascus knife and skillfully killed the White Walkers in the wind and sand, and even released vines for cover.

However, at this moment, their pupils shrank violently, because countless third-stage Heart-Eating Demons suddenly rushed out from the wind and sand in front of them.

Such a large number is enough to disperse their team!
But at this moment.


A fierce flash of lightning burst out.

More than ten heart-eating demons were blown to ashes on the spot.

Another fierce flash of lightning burst out.

More than ten heart-eating demons were blown into pieces of stone.

Lu Buer walked in the wind and sand, calmly releasing spells for point-fire. Each heavy artillery shot would take the lives of more than a dozen Heart-Eating Demons. The sound of thunder was like dense drum beats, with an extremely rhythmic beat, as if controlling the entire battlefield.

The members of the Red Rose Organization watched this scene in shock in the car. Although the scene was not very clear due to the wind and sand, the shining lightning was extremely dazzling.

"Stay here and don't move. I'll give you a chance."

Lu Buer's voice was heard in the wind and sand.

In just a few seconds, the White Walker tide was blown to pieces.

Captain Gates and the others all thought of one person.

That is the super genius that emerged in the military in the past six months.

Major Lu Buer!
It’s just that Lu Buer used the secret blood to hide his existence, so no one would recognize him unless they had close contact with him.

If the effect of secrecy continues to deepen, even if you sometimes remember the existence of such a person, it will only flash through your mind, and you will not delve into who this person is.

But at this moment, Gates and Afifa firmly believed that the man in front of them was definitely not some good-for-nothing second-generation rich kid. Not only did he have a noble status, but his strength was also incredibly strong.

Even far surpassing Ai Yue and Yuan Qing.

No wonder two talented girls were so humble.


Where are Yuan Qing and Ai Yue?

It seems like I haven't seen it since the beginning.

In the deepest part of the sandstorm, people in white robes were running towards the holy light descending from the aircraft, and at the end of the team was a medical evolver.

A faint whisper was heard in the wind and sand.

"My father is in heaven, may your name be holy..."

The white-robed people running forward all became drowsy for a moment.

Including the last medical evolver.

Accompanied by a whistling wind, Ai Yue came towards him like a ghost, and the sharp sword suddenly pierced through his chest, causing him to spit out blood on the spot.

However, this man in white robe was also quite powerful. His flesh and blood body turned into a tree in an instant, and it took on a cyan-gold color. The order factor and numerology worked together to activate it.

A tremendous vitality emerged.

But at the critical moment, an arrow pierced his back.

A terrifying high temperature suddenly rose.

Ai Yue quickly took off the white robe on this guy, only to see his tree-like body being burned by the flames. It was burned to charcoal in an instant and he fainted on the spot.

But even so, he still had a breath left.

What a strong vitality!


Yuan Qing turned around and disappeared in the wind and sand.

Ai Yue nodded slightly and threw the white robe away.

In the wind and sand, Lu Buer strode over, took the white robe in the wind and put it on, then lowered his head and said, "Don't worry about me. If I encounter trouble that I can't solve, I will summon Medanzo to rescue me. You retreat as soon as possible and wait for me nearby."

According to the plan, Ai Yue and Yuan Qing evacuated in a hurry.

Lu Buer raised his head, and a black light shone on his face. His appearance changed silently and became exactly the same as that of the member of the Tianren organization.

That was Lu Sixian's dark magic.

It's fucking amazing.

"Brother, be careful."

Lu Sixian glanced at him and left in a hurry.

The effect of dark magic collapsed.

The white-robed people reacted vaguely, but since there were no casualties in the team, they did not care and gave the order: "Avoid the ghouls and retreat immediately!"

The people in white robes ran at a very fast speed, rushing up the rock wall almost vertically. Their bodies were shining with holy light, as if attracted by the light emanating from the spaceship.

Fortunately, Lu Buer also had the power of order factor. He endured the pain and awakened the golden eyes of the god in his mind, and the dark matter was transformed into divine power again.

At this moment he also felt that inexplicable attraction.

After they reached the top of the rock wall, the holy light descending from the spaceship suddenly roared, and the powerful attraction made them float up and fly lightly into the sky.

"Arnold, is the technique ready?"

The leader of the white-robed men asked, "Lord Ye Cheng's situation is not optimistic!"


Lu Buer smiled and replied, "We can prepare for surgery at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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