edge of pure land.

Chapter 307: There is no moment of sadness for the bad woman

Chapter 307: There is no moment of sadness for the bad woman

The ancient spaceship shuttled through the vast sandstorm. Captain Gates looked at the desolate scenery outside the window, feeling a little reserved, like a countryman who had just entered the city.

The members of the Red Rose Organization probably felt similarly. Afifa had never thought that one day he would be able to ascend to the technological level of the ancient divine civilization. It felt like a primary school student in a mountain village was suddenly chosen to take Chang'e 678 to travel around the solar system.

No, that's not right.

It's more like humans being abducted and observed by aliens.

The white-clad celestial beings in the cabin stared at them expressionlessly, their uncomfortable looks like indifferent humans observing monkeys in a zoo.

The only person who showed a certain degree of friendliness was the red-haired girl with the highest status among the celestial beings. She not only provided them with seats, but also ordered someone to serve them tea.

"Is the person you saw really this person?" Chen Jing forced himself to restrain himself and remain calm. He handed over his mobile phone, and there was a photo on the screen.

The photo shows the cabin of a helicopter. A red-haired girl and a white-haired boy are leaning on the seats and eating. The boy is a little impatient, and the girl is smiling.

After the incident at the starting point, her phone was scrapped, but fortunately, there was a cloud backup, so her most precious memories were preserved. After the Celestial Beings helped her restore her memory and consciousness, she learned of the death of her lover, and she was completely despaired.

If she hadn't been thinking about revenge for that older boy, she would have collapsed long ago without the support of hatred, and might even have committed suicide one day out of despair.

It was so difficult for her to go to Seoul to visit her mother-in-law because she didn't know what reason to use to explain the boy's departure, and she didn't want to live in lies anymore.

What's more, her current status is sensitive and it is not appropriate for her to disturb her mother-in-law again.

In the long-lasting loneliness, she suddenly saw a light that broke through the haze, and her apparent calmness was almost broken, and her hand holding the phone trembled slightly.

A hint of blue appeared on the back of the white hand with distinct joints.

"We... are not sure if the person we saw was him, but he does look very similar in temperament. The man was wearing sunglasses so we couldn't see his face clearly, but the lower half of his face did look like this. It's just that the man had red hair and a very flamboyant personality." Captain Gates said after considering for a moment.

Now he has discovered it.

The woman opposite seems to be an old acquaintance of the young master.

It doesn't look like an enemy.

Chen Jing raised his eyes, his eyes rippled: "Then who are the two maids beside him? Don't lie to me, I can see through your hearts."

Captain Gates suddenly realized that he might have accidentally caused a big mess. He inexplicably felt a murderous aura. He silently shrank his neck and said frankly: "Former human watch army, Colonel Ai Yue. Former human watch army, Major Yuan Qing. We saw it with our own eyes. They looked like a master-servant relationship, and they were indeed a bit intimate... We didn't see anything else."

Afifa suddenly noticed the woman's gaze turned towards her.


Chen Jing asked expressionlessly.

The members of the Red Rose Organization nodded.

The cabin shook uncontrollably.

The metal vibrates.


Chen Jing suddenly thought of a sentence.

There was not a moment of sadness over the death of the bad woman.

The next ones to rush to the battlefield were Ai Yue and Yuan Qing!

Chen Jing felt a little dizzy, and he supported his forehead with his hand on the table. His full chest rose and fell slightly, and his heart felt stuffy as if it was blocked by mud, and there was a bit of pain in his heart.

It was obvious that Lu Buer didn't know that she was still alive.

Although they were lovers without a name, he did not seem to be sad at all after learning of her death, and even immediately found a new lover...

Is this a bit too much?

Chen Jing's eyes were slightly disturbed and he bit his lower lip inadvertently. Feeling a little lost, he thought of the red hair he dyed. Was it possible that it was just to commemorate himself?

She is the kind of person who is very good at comforting herself.

The charming eyes suddenly became bright again.

"No, if it's really him, then he should have mastered both the Order Factor and the Immortal Body at the same time, and he should also be suffering from the pain of that conflict. Although I left him the prologue of the Holy Word, it is not enough for him to completely balance the two powers."

Chen Jing thought of the fierce battle before. While he was proud of the amazing strength he showed, he also became worried about him unconsciously: "And I don't know if the Omega core is with him. This is too dangerous."

The bad woman stood up suddenly, with an irresistible strong urge in her heart, wanting to immediately get rid of the Tianren Organization and return to him.

But the next moment, she gave up the idea.

Since Lu Buer would appear in Cairo, it proves that he also came to join in the fun. His actions against the Tianren Organization were most likely intended to obtain the Holy Word.

Chen Jing's stunning face seemed to be deep under the light. She suddenly thought of the information she had seen in the Tianren Organization's database before coming here. The identity of that guy was too sensitive.

Based on what Lu Buer's parents did back then, the conflict between him and the Tianren organization is almost irreconcilable. God knows what that group of people will do when they learn that he is still alive.

Under such circumstances, it would be extremely difficult for Lu Buer to obtain the holy words.

"He came here to make trouble, just for the Holy Word?"

Chen Jing thought to himself.

That's really his style.

Anyone who causes trouble will be blamed on the Akashic Church.

How bad.

An inadvertent smile appeared on the bad woman's lips.

"It seems that I have to stay in the Tianren Organization for a while." Chen Jing's eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly she turned around and looked at the members of the Red Rose Organization, her eyes locked on the person who responded to her first.

He was a white evolutionist from Britain. Just when he thought he would be rewarded, his brain exploded and blood and brain matter filled his skull.

With a thud, he fell straight down.

The members of the Red Rose Organization were stunned.

"Next, I will perform memory correction on you. Don't worry, your brain will not be harmed. After that, I will give you very generous compensation."

Chen Jing smiled slightly, his eyes lit up with brilliant holy light, and turned to the celestial beings around him and ordered: "You guys, delete the memories of the past hour."

These celestial beings are her personal bodyguards.

Or rather, the watcher.

But because of his unparalleled talent, Chen Jing also gained control over these people, so he ordered them to delete their recent memories to avoid being exposed.

But it still doesn't help.

Lu Buer's identity will be exposed sooner or later.

It can't be hidden from Nun Miejue and the old prophet.

All I can say is, delay it as long as possible.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. A girl with a high ponytail pushed the door open and said breathlessly, "Xiao Jing, why are you here? The teacher has been looking for you for a long time and is so anxious. Come here quickly, something big is going to happen!"

This is Chen Jing's only good friend in the Tianren organization.

In a sense, she is her senior sister.

Fang Pu, the ninth heir in the organization. "What?"

Chen Jing frowned slightly.

"Akasha Holy Church... No, that's not right. To be precise, it's Aurora Technology that is launching a fierce attack on the Void Barrier. According to intelligence, there is indeed a split within the Akasha Holy Church, and the Holy High Priest Lianhua has submitted an application to withdraw from the church."

Fang Pu said seriously: "The order of this world is about to change, but whether it is the Akasha Holy Church or Aurora Technology, they are all our enemies."


Chen Jing thought of this name and was silent for a moment.

Although he was her love rival, she had no ill feelings towards him. Instead, she felt that he was a very remarkable man and one of the few women worthy of that guy.

Chen Jing wanted to help that woman, but there was no good way. Not to mention the difficulty of delivering information, this organization was too complicated. Even though she was the designated heir, there were still many secrets that she could not access.

We can only take one step at a time and see one step at a time.

"I see."

Chen Jing hummed softly: "I'll be right there."

At sunrise, the ruins of the ancient capital of Thebes were illuminated by the hot sun. This ancient city is known as a microcosm of the rise and fall of ancient Egypt as a whole. It was also the religious and political center of the time. It has the famous Karnak Temple and Luxor Palace, as well as the famous Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens. It is like the remains of a giant standing in the wind and sand for thousands of years.

From a distance, it feels like seeing an immortal mural in the desert that is tens of millions of years old. You can feel the thrill of transcending time and space, and it feels distant and mysterious.

The ancient town of Thebes next to the ruins of Thebes is named after the alias of the city-state of the same name in Greek times. The broken walls seem to be engraved with traces of war. The sacred monarchs of all dynasties have quelled life disasters here. Their sculptures are carved on the rock walls, looking majestic and heroic.

Lu Buer walked in this ancient town built of huge stones, as if he had witnessed the rise and fall of thousands of years of history. He brushed shoulders with the explorers coming and going, passed by a makeshift stall on the roadside, bought a glass of mango juice, and held a satellite phone in his other hand.

"It seems that you have already come into contact with the Celestial Being Organization?"

Medanzo's voice came over the satellite phone.

"Yeah, I had a fight with the first in line to the throne of their organization."

Lu Buer drank mango juice and said: "That guy is pretty good."

Over the satellite phone, Medanzo's tone became obviously excited, and he asked impatiently: "How far did the fight go? Who won in the end?"

Lu Buer thought his tone was a little strange: "Of course it's me."

How could he lose?

The previous three generations of sacred monarchs all maintained an undefeated record.

If he loses, he won't have the face to be crowned in the future.

"is it?"

Medanzo seemed a little surprised: "You can actually beat that guy."

Lu Buer frowned: "It sounds like you know her."

Medanzo cleared his throat and said, "I don't know them. I haven't come into contact with those crazy people for a long time. As you know, I don't have a good relationship with them. I have to stay away from them when I walk."

Lu Bu Er was too lazy to listen to his nonsense and asked directly, "I have a few questions to ask you. What exactly is the Void Barrier?"

Without even thinking, Medanzo said, "That is alchemical technology from the ancient times. You can think of it as a concealment barrier created by divine magic using the Usurper as energy. The Celestial Being Organization has been able to hide in the dark side of the world for tens of millions of years by relying on the barrier of the Void."


Lu Buer confirmed this. Since the barrier was constructed based on divine power, there would be room for the Divine Ashes Technique to be used, and it would be able to help his wife in due course.

"The second thing."

He asked again: "How many times have your Order Factor mastered the concept changes?"

Medanzo said lazily, "Once."

God damn this time.

I believe you as a ghost!

Lu Buer rolled his eyes. Since this guy said it happened once, then it must have happened at least twice. Three times is also possible. Maybe there will be more advanced changes.

"I also mastered a concept change."

he said calmly.

"Is that so? Congratulations."

Medanzo's voice on the phone was still lazy, echoing with the faint sound of the tide. He should be basking in the sun on the Red Sea at this time: "The road ahead is long and arduous, keep working hard."

What a damn tone.

There is no sense of achievement at all.

Lu Buer's eyes twitched slightly, and he said expressionlessly: "This time I fought with the successor of the Celestial Being Organization, and she also mastered the concept change of the Order Factor. But the problem is that although both of us are the first concept change, the abilities we have mastered seem to be a little different."

Medanzo's surprised voice came from the phone: "Huh?"

He seemed to sit up from his beach chair.

"no the same?"

He was slightly startled: "How is this possible?"

Lu Buer said seriously: "The power that the successor of the Celestial Being Organization possesses is called the Holy Prison, which is the ability to infinitely collapse the scale of the world."

Medanzo was silent for a second. "The power I possess is also the Holy Prison. Divine arts are essentially a special kind of alien arts, and the final effect presented is the power of the gods. Back then, Omega was able to imprison the five gods and seal them for ten thousand years. The most important ability among them was the Holy Prison. When we learn divine arts, we are usurping his power."

Lu Bu Er said word by word: "But the power I possess is specifically aimed at destroying the structure of divine power, just like the Omega Sword that we both endured before."

The breathing rhythm on the phone suddenly changed noticeably.

Medanzo rarely had such mood swings.

"Omega Sword, are you sure you are not lying to me?"

The man became serious, which was unusual for him. He whispered, "You said you have mastered the power to destroy the structure of divine power? That's really strange. This kind of thing has happened in history, but the last person who mastered this kind of power appeared 15,000 years ago, or even earlier."

Lu Fuji was slightly startled.

Fifteen thousand years ago, or even earlier.

That would have to be prehistoric humans.

Madam once said that according to current academic conclusions, prehistoric civilization did exist, and the earliest humans received the gift of divine civilization, thus opening up wisdom in advance.

At the same time, the evolution was completed ahead of time.

That group of people are the legendary ancient celestial beings.

Ancient celestial beings and ancient apes lived in the same period.

In the same barbaric era, ancient humans drove bronze spaceships across oceans and continents, while ancient apes were still climbing up and down trees, swinging wooden sticks and chiseling stone tools.

"That person is the first generation leader of the Celestial Being Organization."

(End of this chapter)

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