edge of pure land.

Chapter 322: Advanced Completed, Ancient Memories

Chapter 322: Advanced Completed, Ancient Memories
The ancient syllable that Lu Buer heard seemed familiar. There was a memory chip in the house that the bad woman prepared for him, which recorded something similar.

Later, he figured out what was recorded in the memory chip. The so-called holy words did not seem to be human language, but a special way for gods in ancient times to transmit information. That kind of sound was not something that humans could make. One must have both dark matter and divine power.

And the function of the Word is to reconcile the divine and the animal.

By amplifying human nature.

However, the holy words he mastered at that time were extremely incomplete, just like he had just mastered pinyin in the process of learning Chinese. It could only temporarily slow down the conflict between the two forces in his body.

No wonder the successors of the Celestial Being Organization were able to fuse the power of Alpha and Omega, and even materialize a dark matter body that was a fusion of the two. They had long understood the secrets of the Holy Word!
This is indeed an unprecedented opponent.

But the problem is that he doesn't know the other party's intention.

If you have the Holy Word in your grasp, why do you need to recite it suddenly?

When Lu Buer first mastered the Holy Word, he was not proficient at it, so he had to make sounds by mixing divine power and dark matter like he usually speaks in order to balance the conflicts in his body.

But later on, I became more skilled and no longer needed it.

The successor of this Tianren organization has obviously mastered the Holy Word very well and has even completed the fusion of the dark matter body. Why would he bother to recite it aloud?

"His fate is about to collapse, kill him!"

"The lunatics who offended the Tianren Organization must be wiped out!"

While Lu Buer was stunned, the old celestial beings on the Shinto road had already stepped on the corpses of their companions and attacked him fiercely. The fierce attack was like thorns whipping his face.

At this moment, the destiny in his body was evolving, and the roaring thunderstorm was indeed on the verge of collapse. In this situation, he could only release the power in his body and pour it into the slashing of the wooden sword.

With a bang, the electric light from the wooden sword exploded and swept across the waist of an enemy, splitting his body into two halves, leaving charred marks on the wound.

Two more celestial beings completed their enhancement, with violent blood filling their bodies. They each drew out the bronze sword at their waists, stalked forward like wild beasts, and swung their swords like a violent storm!

Faced with this attack, Lu Buer forcefully swung his sword to block it. His swordsmanship was limited to the forbidden level and he had not continued to study further. He made up for it purely by relying on his fighting instinct and strong strength. The light from the sword he swung was like lightning in a thunderstorm, extremely sharp and violent.

The dense sword and knife lights collided with each other like a metal storm. The figures of Lu Buer and the two celestial beings flashed in the flickering light, interweaving back and forth countless times.

The roar seemed to shake the entire temple.

This kind of battle is like dancing on the edge of a knife, but Shikabuji has to face more than just two opponents. There are many enemies on both sides of the Shinto who are eyeing him covetously.

And they have already launched the spell in secret.

Thick green poisonous fog spread out and swallowed up Lu Buer.

The sword tip broke through the poisonous fog, brushed past his cheek, cut off a strand of hair on his forehead, and then slashed towards the corner of his eye. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and dodged in time.

But the poison seemed to contain some deadly ingredients, and even his body could not bear it. He felt dizzy and his shoulder was suddenly pierced.

A celestial being pierced his shoulder with a bronze sword and then pushed his body against a stone pillar with such ferocious momentum that it seemed as if he was going to nail him to death.

Lu Buer was not afraid of the pain at all. He grabbed the opponent's face with his right hand, which was wrapped in lightning. The violent flash of lightning instantly burned his head into charcoal.

Divine Ashes Technique!
In order to kill instantly, he had to use this move.

Before he could catch his breath, a thorn of ice came through the air, pierced through the electromagnetic barrier, and pierced into his back. In pain, he burned it with electric light.

He finally saw it.

This group of white-robed men had a method of warfare, which was to force him to constantly use his immortal body and order factor, speeding up the conflict between the two forces in his body so as to cause his fate to collapse.

Once Lu Buer no longer uses these two strange ghost magics, he will lose the strength to challenge opponents of higher levels. Unfortunately, every celestial being here is of the same level as him, and he is outnumbered, so he will naturally fall into a disadvantage.

By then, it will be clear who is strong and who is weak.

"What it is?"

"I saw it clearly, it seems to be a divine ember bomb..."

"No, it's the Divine Ashes Technique!"

The celestial beings that Lu Bu'er was facing now were all very experienced. They could tell at a glance that he was also an ultimate usurper who possessed two kinds of alien magic and even mastered the forbidden divine ash magic. After being shocked, they made up their minds to kill him. This boy must not be allowed to live!

The gods were determined to kill and rushed forward!

Lu Buer dodged and maneuvered under the attack of Tianren, and the life energy in his body trembled violently like a thundercloud about to explode, almost on the verge of collapse.

He coughed up a trace of blood in pain and suppressed the severe pain in his body.

If he hadn't tried his best to restrain it with the Holy Word, his fate would have collapsed.

He was not afraid of falling down like this.

After all, Zong Si, Ai Yue and others have already started to act.

If possible, he still wants to complete this breakthrough.

But these celestial beings are not the point.

The key point lies in the dark matter body above the head!
The strongest enemy has not yet made a move!

Countless black knives were arranged in a matrix above the temple, and the violently rotating magnetic field had already produced countless arcs of electricity, accurately locking onto the young man who was shuttling between the stone pillars.

Lu Buer let the life force in his body run wild, and swung the black wooden sword wantonly to tear apart the enemy's body, interspersed with sharp elbows and fierce knee strikes, each punch hitting the flesh.

The enemies in front of him were either chopped to pieces by his blade or knocked over by his close combat. Although he was also seriously injured, he still had the upper hand. Although he knew what the opponent was planning, he still insisted on using his immortal body and order factor, taking the opponent's attack head-on while looking for an opportunity to kill with one blow.

In just a moment, he was already covered in wounds.

His clothes were torn, his tactical goggles had fallen off, his red hair was fluttering, and his face was covered in blood.

"are you ready?"

That mysterious and ethereal voice sounded again!

The dark matter body suddenly put his hands together!

Countless black knives trembled and fell down like a rainstorm!

Each trembling black knife fell at Lu Buer's feet. Thousands of electric lights lit up from the hilts and connected to each other, like a barrier.

The moment Lu Buer was enveloped by this magnetic field, he felt the violent pressure, and the runaway fate in his body was shattered. The violent plasma gushed out like a tide, destroying his internal organs, tearing his flesh and burning his blood.

There was a click.

His body shattered like porcelain.

Blood spurted out, like a bloody man.

The consciousness was blank.

It was as if my nerves were melted.

The body seemed to be burned to charcoal.

Finally, even the bones made sounds as if they were on the verge of collapse.

Lu Buer's advancement seemed to have failed, but he also gained tremendous power for a short time. A violent thunderstorm seemed to appear in front of his eyes, with countless sharp lightning crisscrossing. Each lightning was broken, like a broken blade, shattered into pieces.

The last stab of the sword was carried out, and the blade burst out with violent lightning, like a lightning that pierced through the sky and the earth, shattering an old celestial being whose whole body was covered with rocks.

After this attack, Lu Buer’s breath was gone, and his body had been burned to charcoal by the violent plasma. The thunderstorm clouds in front of him also collapsed, and it seemed that the world was completely dark.

"His destiny is shattered!"

The last celestial being roared, "Miss, do it!"

The intensity of the magnetic field suddenly increased thousands of times. Countless electric arcs entangled together and were as bright as fireworks. The huge force field rotated as if symbolizing the truth of the sunrise and moonset, as if the whole world collapsed in an instant and pressed towards Lu Buer.

This is a killer move.

It is the final killing blow.

But Lu Buer is not at the end of his rope yet.

He also has dark matter that can self-destruct.

According to his calculations, he would be seriously injured after self-destructing the dark matter, and his teammates would find an opportunity to find the enemy in the deepest part of the temple and kill him with a snipe.

He might die.

But it may also be scrapped.

This is a complete gamble with your life.

But he didn't do that at this moment.

Because the magnetic field covering him actually helped him to bind his shattered destiny in its violent rotation, the shattered thunderclouds gathered together again, and the lightning flashed again due to the friction.

That feeling of déjà vu is like a fateful resonance that has happened before.

Electricity produces magnetism, and magnetism produces electricity.

That strange yet familiar fate was integrated into the body.

And when this numerology was integrated into the body, it seemed that the understanding of the holy words was also integrated into it, and the ancient syllables echoing in the ears became clearer and clearer.

The violent conflict between the Order Factor and the Immortal Body was alleviated countless times.

In a trance, Lu Buer understood that ancient language.

The information conveyed by that inhuman language was actually in the form of memory. He seemed to have traveled to the extremes of the sky and the sea. The wind blowing through the green fields seemed to run through the entire world. Girls in floral dresses were playing in the flowers, chasing butterflies.

An unintentional glance at them can shake people's hearts.

Because one of them had deep blood-red vertical pupils on her forehead, and the other had gorgeous golden vertical pupils on her forehead. Their eyes were clearly black and white, and as vivid as a painting.

Suddenly the sisters fell down in the grass.

My sister hugged her knees and cried loudly.

My sister was at a loss as to what to do to comfort me.

Someone helped them up.

"Don't act so crazy when you're sick."

The man's back was so dignified and majestic, but his voice was as gentle as the wind, and as warm as a father's: "The weather is getting colder and colder. It will soon become a world of ice and snow, right? Well, it's time to take medicine. You will get better soon after taking the medicine. We have to find a new home before this place freezes completely."

He paused and said, "Go home, Alpha, Omega."

Memories are fragmented.

Lu Buer completed his advancement.

(End of this chapter)

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