edge of pure land.

Chapter 326 Do You Want to Touch Me?

Chapter 326 Do You Want to Touch It?

Lu Buer has been dreaming recently. In his dreams, he is sitting on the beach watching the sunset. There is always a small boat on the sparkling sea. A red-haired girl on the boat is gazing at him with an umbrella. Her soft eyes are always full of affection, with a hint of attachment and reluctance.

He reached out several times to pull her back, but she was as illusory as a reflection in the water. In the end, she was pushed farther and farther away by the waves until she disappeared from his world.

Every time he woke up, his heart felt empty.

It's like dust all over the ground.

In fact, until this moment he didn't quite believe that everything he saw was real. He couldn't help but raise his hand to touch the white fingers poking his heart.

Mm, it’s icy and the touch is very familiar.

Lu Buer followed the girl's hand and pinched her shoulder.

Well, the skinny and thin ones do have a real feel.

Lu Buer raised his hand again and pinched the girl's soft cheek.

Well, it’s soft and sticky, and has a subtle warmth.

Finally, Lu Buer reached out and touched the girl's long crimson hair. It was still the familiar touch, soft, silky and delicate, with the scent of roses lingering between his fingers.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Jing asked suspiciously.

"I suspect you are Zuo Ci in disguise to deceive me."

Lu Buer lowered his head and was silent for a second. When he raised his eyes again, there seemed to be a surge of emotions in the depths of his pupils: "Isn't it that I was under an illusion, or was I dragged into a dream? After all, in the Pharaoh's tomb, anything is possible... But I don't think I was hallucinated."

"You're touching me as soon as we meet. What kind of relationship are we in?"

Chen Jing looked at him with a hint of resentment in his eyes, and his clear and childish voice had a hint of coquettishness: "Do you want to touch her chest again to confirm?"

The woman raised her head and chest, and pulled off the old-fashioned moon-white robe, revealing a white shirt with off-shoulder design and black straps on her fair shoulders. Under her shorts were a pair of snow-white, delicate long legs, which were accentuated by high deerskin boots that made her look slender and graceful.

Still the familiar tone.

There is a subtle temptation in the sarcasm.

This is indeed her.

That familiar bad woman.

Chen Jing smiled, and a touch of tenderness was reflected in his charming eyes: "Okay, it really is me. I am Chen Jing, and I am back."

Her expression was serious.

It is also to prove it to the young man in front of him.

This is not a dream.

this is the truth.

Lu Buer suddenly shook.

Chen Jing was startled and held his shoulders.

"what happened?"

Lu Buer ignored her, but just stepped back and leaned against the wall, then raised his head to control his emotions, and finally couldn't help but let out a strange laugh.

Like laughing.

It sounds like crying.

After all, fate played a huge joke on him. He thought he had lost something that he once wanted to hold tightly in his hands, but he didn't expect to find it back after going around in circles. Until this moment, he felt like he was dreaming.

He didn't know what mood he was in.

I want to laugh, but also a little bit want to cry.

I want to yell, but I feel tired.

But when he regained his senses, Lu Buer vaguely understood the specific situation. His judgment was generally correct. The bad woman's resurrection was most likely related to the Tianren organization.

The Tianren organization, which had never appeared from the beginning to the end, was trying to fight for the core of Omega, but something went wrong along the way. As a result, after the group found the bad woman, they did not get what they wanted, but unexpectedly gained a perfect heir.

Lu Buer could clearly feel that the bad woman also had the power of Alpha and Omega in her body, namely the two kinds of Alien magic, Immortal Body and Order Factor.

This is what the Celestial Beings organization wants.

And the person behind all this...


Lu Buer knew that there was something wrong with this guy.

If Medanzo hadn't planned this, he would have written his name backwards!

No wonder he had an inexplicable feeling of palpitations during the battle in the Emperor Valley a few days ago. It turned out that the celestial being who was said to be the strongest in a hundred years was his bad woman.

Chen Jing had recognized him a long time ago.

This time I came specifically for him.

The purpose is to help him advance and provide him with holy words...

This was the gift she prepared for this reunion.

Lu Buer's thoughts raced as he glanced down at this charming bad woman and recalled the time when he was her enemy. He never imagined that this day would come.

It doesn’t matter whether Chen Jing is the successor of the Tianren Organization.

It doesn’t matter whether you can provide him with the Holy Word or not.

At this moment, Lu Buer felt relieved.

He had only one thought in his mind.

As long as you are alive.

I hope I can come back alive...

Lu Buer smiled with relief and subconsciously held her soft hand, feeling the warmth from her palm and feeling a sense of security deep in his heart.

"So you can be so silly." Chen Jing looked at his expression a little dazed. In fact, she could feel that he was trying hard to control himself from crying. At this moment, the huge surprise swept over her like a tide, drowning her unexpectedly.

Because she felt he cared about her.

He would feel sad for her, but also happy for her.

The appearance of Chen Jing was like the biggest surprise in the world for him.

So was this red hair really dyed for her?

Chen Jing's right hand was held by him unconsciously.

She held it tightly, as if she was afraid that he would suddenly disappear.

It hurt a little, but she loved it.


After a moment, Lu Buer finally accepted the reality.

The moment we looked at each other, it was as if there were thousands of words stuck in our chests.

Chen Jing's eyes were still as affectionate as before when he looked at him, but within that unbreakable tenderness there was a hint of deep resentment, as if he was looking at a heartless man.

"You knew it was me, why didn't you come see me?"

Lu Buer still asked this question.

Chen Jing has many answers to this question.

Most importantly, she has no status.

In what capacity should we meet?

Comrades, friends, or lovers?

After all, Lu Buer said at the starting point that as long as he helped her gain freedom, he would let her go far away and never contact her again in this life.

So cruel, so ruthless, so brutal.

As a dead person, Chen Jing might remain in his heart forever, but once she comes back to life, she will have to face a very realistic question, which is who she is to him.

Don't talk about being a real lover.

That was just a joke that Lu Buer told to liven up the atmosphere when he was on the run. Once the incident is over and he really has to make a choice, do you think he can still remain so calm?

"You're hugging women left and right, how can I stand a chance?" Chen Jing snorted lightly, but leaned over honestly, hugged his arms with both hands, and snuggled up to him.

There was a brief silence, and both of them felt a little awkward.

Because they all remembered the previous battle in the Valley of the Kings.

After fighting for a long time, I couldn't even see the other person's face clearly.

They were so close, but they didn't recognize each other.

And that damn conversation.

"You're worthy of dyeing your hair red?"

"Are you also worthy of using Thunder?"

It was so embarrassing that I wanted to bang my head against the wall and die.

This scene stunned Kant. He was also a celestial being with a certain rank, so he naturally had plenty of information. He recognized the guy in front of him at a glance: "Tian Xiang Lei Ting, could it be that you are... you are the Deer Demon!"


There is only one person in this world who can make Chen Jing so docile.

That person's name was Lu Buer.

He should have been dead.

"Deer Demon?"

Lu Fuji's blood was stuck in his throat.

"What did you call me?"

Chen Jing wanted to say something but didn't know how to explain, so he could only whisper: "The previous leaders of the Tianren Organization were your parents. Your parents have a very high status, but because of their previous betrayal, they are also highly hated within the organization. And you are their son, so your generation is indeed very high compared to them."

She stuck out her tongue and said, "Plus, you are a cocoon breaker from five hundred years ago, so in their eyes you are also an old monster, so you have this title."

Of course, the origin of this title is that his series of actions since he broke out of the cocoon until now have been too underworld and have reached a level that has angered both humans and gods, so he was given the word "demon".

"The last person with the character 'Mo' in his name was Longque."

Chen Jing whispered, "The last one was Medanzo."

These three people are really...hard to judge.

Reunion is certainly a happy event under such circumstances, but Lu Buer feels that these light bulbs are too much of a nuisance. Not only do they not leave immediately, but they also dare to interrupt.

I'm afraid there's already a way to die.

However, in the next moment, the celestial beings around Kant knelt down in pain, spitting out dark blood from their mouths, and raised their heads in a daze.

This scared both Lu Buer and Chen Jing.

Because black blood was flowing out of all seven orifices of this celestial being, his face had become as horrible as a rotting corpse, and he was shouting in his throat: "Help, help..."

Lu Buer and Chen Jing were just about to go over to investigate the situation.

Logically speaking, the mummies that just came out of the golden coffin had been dealt with, and that invisible attack could not have been hidden from their eyes.

But the scene before him was so real. This powerful celestial being suddenly showed such horrifying symptoms without being attacked in any way. His skin began to fester, and pus and blood flowed out of the cracked flesh.

In a flash, he seemed to be transforming into a mummy, and the voice coming out of his throat was no longer his own, but a shrill roar like that of an evil spirit.

"Why do they look so much like zombies?"

Chen Jing felt a little sick and shrank behind the boy.

Lu Buer has always been courageous. With what he has learned, he can basically reach the state of being immune to all poisons. When he just broke out of his cocoon, he dared to check the corpse of the corpse-eating cultist. Moreover, his current strength is completely different from that time: "Let me take a look."

"Don't come over here! Don't come over here, both of you!"

Kant suddenly stopped the two of them, his eyes horrified: "He's infected! He's infected! Those things came back to life, and he was also infected by the plague! You two must not come over, once the plague enters your bodies, you're really doomed!"

(End of this chapter)

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