edge of pure land.

Chapter 333 Erased History

Chapter 333 Erased History
The cold wind blew through the cave. Thoth was silent for a long time. A hint of anger appeared on his masculine and weathered face. "Have these idiots in the Elders Council become so ambitious? The Chosen One who has mastered the Divine Ashes Art is right in front of them, yet they are still hiding the fake core. Have the conflicts in the organization intensified to this extent?"

As he became more and more angry, the tomb chamber covered by the magnetic field began to tremble slightly. Tiny gravel could be vaguely seen shaking and gathering on the ground, like a sea tide.

Lu Bu Er asked in a low voice: "What is the Elders' Council?"

Chen Jing didn't want him to be exposed to these things, but he couldn't find a suitable reason to avoid it, so he patiently explained: "You can understand it as an organization that uniformly manages the celestial beings. The Council of Elders has existed since ancient times. Initially, when the Celestial Beings Organization was established, the elders already existed. These people were the first group of people in the world to use cocoons, but because the technology was not mature enough at the time, they died out in the Age of Gods. The Council of Elders was later established after the Age of Gods ended. These people awakened in batches like the cocoon breakers, and some are still sleeping so far."

Lu Bu Er suddenly realized and roughly understood: "This is just an old Zongzi who is older than me? Why are these people targeting you? Aren't you known as the strongest?"

Chen Jing said quietly, "Back then, Medanzo was also known as the strongest, but wasn't he still targeted? The most important point is origin. I am not a native celestial being, but was recruited into the organization later. Especially since I spent some time in the Tower of Babel, this experience made them distrust me. Moreover, my interpersonal relationships are a bit sensitive."

Lu Bu Er frowned and asked, "Where is it sensitive?"

Chen Jing rolled his eyes: "Because I like you."

Lu Buer knew that this woman liked him, but he was puzzled by another thing: "No way, in their eyes, am I not already a dead person?"

Chen Jing said faintly, "But I am in love. I took a very stupid test on the first day I joined the organization. They analyzed my past behavior logic and thinking patterns in all aspects. One of the items determined that I am hopelessly in love. Because I like you, I will be hostile to the elders. After all, the elders have a deep conflict with your parents."

"How deep?"

"Your parents once slaughtered half of the living elders."

"Where's the other half?"


"That's not bad."

"They also blew up the Elders' hibernation chamber."

"Is it so bitter and vengeful?"

"They also took away the weapons of the Great Ancestors."

"Omega Sword?"


"Why are they doing this?"

“Why did ancient emperors kill their ministers?”

"Because the power behind the ministers poses a threat to the imperial power. Which boss doesn't like the board of directors pointing fingers at him, right?"

"So the elders were killed."

"Oh, I understand. Now the elders will treat you as my old Lu family's little lover. So we should be more cautious of you. It is impossible for us to give you the fake core."

"If it were just that, it would be fine. The key is that your parents not only killed people, but also liked to make taunts... This made the Elders very angry, and they have been on guard against you breaking out of your cocoon for five hundred years."

Lu Bu Er hesitated for a moment: "What did they say?"

Chen Jing said seriously: "My son has the appearance of the Supreme Ancestor."

Lu Buer had a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat.


"Of course there is more to it than that. You can learn some things slowly. Anyway, if Long Que hadn't protected you in Linhai City, you would have been assassinated by them a long time ago."

Chen Jing was silent for a moment: "The Holy Word is actually in the hands of the Elders. But the Elders hid themselves very deeply, even your parents didn't know it back then."

Lu Buer thought that was the case.

Thoth suddenly stood up. The momentum of that scene was like a giant waking up from a deep sleep. He ignored the whispers of the two people and said in a deep voice: "If we have the core of Omega, we may be able to repair the Apollo Matrix here."

There was a glimmer of surprise in Chen Jing's eyes, because she knew that there was someone in the team who possessed the Omega core, and it was a genuine product.

Lu Bu Er remained calm: "What if there is none?"

Thoth seemed to be recalling something. His long-standing calm was broken again. He covered his forehead in pain. "I have to try. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I will try to rush into the deepest part of this mausoleum. In this mausoleum, there are not only me, a demigod with a title, but also beings more powerful than me. I am not sure I can deal with them..."

Anyone familiar with ancient Egyptian history knows that the God of Wisdom can only be regarded as a relatively advanced third-generation god in the entire mythological system, and his status is in the middle and lower reaches.

The most famous and powerful are naturally the Nine Pillar Gods. Their strength and status are at the forefront.

"We wish to follow in the footsteps of our ancestors."

Kant and his subordinates knelt on the ground: "We will die!"

Thoth strode past them and said in pain, "I don't need you to die. I just need you to protect the child. If you don't die, she won't die."

The ancient celestial being seemed to have made a plan. He glanced at the weapons in their hands and nodded slightly. "Weapons developed based on the Omega Sword? It can be seen that there are geniuses among the alchemists of later generations. Hold your weapons tightly and prepare for battle."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the girl, and said in a deep voice: "In theory, you should leave immediately, but I think it's too late for you to leave now. I can feel that the plague has spread throughout this space. Without my protection, you may also be infected."

Lu Buer and Chen Jing looked at each other. Perhaps only the pathogens killed by the Divine Ashes Technique could be completely annihilated, but this tomb had obviously been awakened and the mummies were resurrecting.

The disease is spreading.

Even if he used the Divine Ashes Technique to protect his body, he wouldn't be able to hold out for long.

Once their life energy is exhausted, they are doomed.

"Therefore, I need your cooperation. Come with me to go deep into this tomb and restart the core of the Sun God Matrix. The Corrupted Death God may be here, but as you said, if he had the ability to fight, we would have been dead long ago."

Thoth glanced at the red-haired girl and said, "During this process, I will tell you how to deal with the Elders Council and teach you some things. I admit that you are a genius. You may have mastered the Divine Ashes Art in no more than three days. It is rare to reach such a level in ancient and modern times. But I have to say that compared to the Supreme Ancestor, you are too poor at using the Divine Ashes Art!"

Chen Jing didn't react at all, just rolled her eyes charmingly, and glanced at the boy beside her with a hint of a smile in her eyes.

Anyway, he is not the one who masters the Divine Ashes Technique.

"Meow, you actually insulted me..."

The corner of Lu Buer's eye twitched slightly.

Kant and his subordinates nearby looked at each other with a look of sudden realization. Originally, they were very jealous and envious of Miss Chen's mastery of the Divine Ashes Technique, but now they heard that even such a genius as her also had her shortcomings, and they felt much more comfortable.

"Yes, I am willing to follow you to fight."

Chen Jing suddenly asked: "But I have a question."

This was the question Lu Buer asked her to ask just now.

As Thoth stepped out of the tomb, his steps paused slightly.

Chen Jing raised his eyes and asked seriously: "I want to know why there is destiny in your era? Do you have mastered the spells and soul blades?"

Lu Buer stared at the ancient celestial being in front of him. At this moment, a trace of pain and confusion suddenly flashed in the other's eyes, as well as a kind of unbelievable absurdity.

As the god of wisdom, Thoth immediately understood what they meant by this sentence. With a look of disbelief, he asked, "Don't people in later generations have these? Don't the crystallization of wisdom passed down by our ancestors continue to be passed down?"

Lu Buer got the answer he wanted.

During the Age of Gods, humanity's evolutionary system was already complete.

However, after the Age of Gods ended, these systems mysteriously disappeared.

If it weren’t for the appearance of those people with the qualities of monarchs in later generations, these evolutionary systems might still be sealed. They are like... people who have broken through some kind of limitations!

"Unfortunately, these fruits of wisdom never appeared in the thousands of years after the end of the Age of Gods. Have you never encountered such a future at that time?" Chen Jing asked, raising his eyes.

In the strange silence, Toth shook his head.

In the cold tomb passage, the man in white was leaning on a cane, limping forward, coughing painfully from time to time, as if he would be crushed by the heavy backpack at any time: "Soon, more and more people will discover the truth of this world. History has been tampered with... When the truth is made public, awakened humans will no longer worship you."

He raised his head, revealing half of his rotten face. The beautiful little girl took his hand and followed him, saying expressionlessly: "Humans worship only the Tree of Life, not me. Medanzo said something very right. The real reason why we reject institutionalization is that we are not respected. Students lining up to do exercises on the playground, workers like assembly lines in factories, and office workers busy like puppets in companies."

"We don't reject the life of being a student, a worker, or an office worker. This is our profession, this is our life. However, what we really don't like is the way those people look at us. In their eyes, people are not flesh and blood individuals, and their needs and emotions do not need to be cared about. They only need to provide their own value, and they will never get real respect. This is also why I... don't like staying in the tree."

She paused: "So, I came out."

Gong Yu sighed softly: "Humans fear you, so they will use you, fear you, betray you, and imprison you, just like they did before. I have told you many times that you were too hasty to get out. If you could leave no trace, it would be fine. But... Alas. Anyway, when you were designed, you did not have the function of transforming into a human body. Although the body of Qi Xian's daughter is not completely insufficient, she is not a real witch after all, which makes you very weak. The Pope and his men have imprisoned you for too many years, and almost let you integrate into the Watcher Lighthouse."

"It's too dangerous for my brother to plan outside alone. Your original body is sealed, and your human body is restricted by human genes, unless you can reincarnate into someone with the qualifications of a monarch. Just like my sister, I admire her very much, she is always the winner."

Qi Sisi's eyes were filled with a strange holy light, and her voice was as icy as ice. "Qi Sisi's body can probably hold out for half a year. During this time, I will look for the best host. After my investigation, I found that there is still a witch alive in the afterlife department."

If Lu Bu Er and Lian Hua were here, they would probably be shocked.

Because Qi Sisi now looks exactly like someone.


"Then you have to think carefully. Once you are really reincarnated into the body of a witch, you will become my sister's food. Once she catches you, you will surely die."

Gong Yu said softly: "I don't want you to die."

Qi Sisi raised her head: "Will my brother protect me?"

"Of course, I will fight to the death to protect you, even if it means becoming an enemy of my sister. After all, for you, I betrayed my best friend, but I still couldn't create a suitable human body for you. I can only say that Medanzo is too smart and I couldn't fool him. In the end, Constantine and Chu Shiqing got there first, but luckily I stopped them."

Gong Yu sat down tiredly, took out a burning stick from his backpack and lit it, then took out instant military rations and energy drinks and handed them to his sister: "When I first escaped, it was still the era of ancient Egypt. At that time, although the celestial beings relied on the achievements of our civilization and had very advanced technology, the earth at that time had gone through years of fighting, natural disasters and man-made disasters, and resources were also scarce. Life at that time can be said to be quite boring."

He laid a tablecloth on the tomb passage with great ceremony and said with a smile: "Although you had awakened your self-awareness at that time, it was still too vague. The cage of the third site was not fully opened, and I could only move around the banks of the Nile. To this day, I still remember Set and Nephthys. They were my parents when I was a human."

Qi Sisi listened carefully.

"At that time, we lived in the first capital of ancient Egypt, which seemed to be called Memphis. On the way here, you saw its ruins, in the village of Laina, south of Cairo. At that time, I had not yet fully awakened. I really thought that I was a human teenager. My favorite thing was to sit in the reed field and stare at the north in a daze for an entire afternoon."

Gong Yu smiled slightly: "Because you called me from the North Pole."

Qi Sisi said expressionlessly: "At that time, I noticed that you were being bullied, and I really wanted to kill them. Unfortunately, I couldn't do it, and I could only watch you suffer."

"At that time, I didn't even know who I was, so how could I care? But fortunately, I finally remembered who I was, and I buried all those who bullied me."

Gong Yu said softly: "But you know what? I buried not only my enemies, but also my parents, my brothers, and my sisters. They loved me and protected me. Until they died, they couldn't believe that I was the one who killed them. I can understand why my sister showed mercy to Long Que. Because she couldn't bear it, she couldn't do it."

Qi Sisi asked seriously: "I don't understand. When I was designed, I had no emotions. In my understanding, only my brother was willing to help me. Does my brother regret it?"

"Of course not. After all, you are my sister. Although I know that you didn't dislike my appearance back then because you couldn't distinguish between the concepts of beauty and ugliness, and didn't know what disgust was, let alone what fear was. But in my world, you are the only one willing to get close to me. So I am willing to help you and make an enemy of the whole world."

Gong Yu took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and ate it with relish: "When I escaped for the second time, the world was much more interesting. At that time, I left my soul mark on an archaeologist in the Valley of the Kings. Within two years, he had a child. I grew up slowly, riding a bicycle in the yard and running along the coastline of the Red Sea. I went to school wearing bright and beautiful clothes, and there were female classmates in the school who confessed their love to me."

He paused. "We held hands and went home together after school every day. We would call each other to let each other know we were safe. After I finished my homework, I would watch oriental martial arts movies on TV or play video games. When I became an adult, I could go to Internet cafes and socialize online... At that time, I also played a game called World of Warcraft."

"Fortunately those people didn't find you."

Qi Sisi commented: “That period was really dangerous.”

"Yes, because I was too weak at that time, but the human world is really interesting, and there are many delicious foods... braised prawns, braised eggplants, and noodles with gravy. The food I ate in ancient Egypt was much bleak compared to these."

Gong Yu smiled and said, "At that time, I was still getting married and having children. The female classmate who went home with me, I think her name was Natara? But humans are humans, and gods are gods. When my power was awakened and my face began to rot, Natara's scream brought me back to reality, and I once again realized... you are the only one in this world who can hug me for warmth."

Qi Sisi said expressionlessly, "This is because of the defects my brother had when he was born. Every god has his own defects. Compared to the infinitely expanding body of the Hundred-Armed Giant, my brother can still live a normal life, which is already very good. The Abyss Singer has to endure indescribable changes every day and does not even have a fixed form. The Candle Day Dragon cannot control her own power, and anyone who approaches her will be reduced to ashes... Is she really here?"

Gong Yu sighed, his eyes full of pity.

It looks like a conversation between brother and sister, but the words don't express the meaning clearly.

He expresses his emotions in every word and sentence, venting the loneliness and solitude of thousands of years. He is like a man with both voice and emotion, feeling sad about the spring and autumn.

However, Qi Sisi was like an emotionless robot. She never said a word from an emotional perspective, and every word she said was answered rationally.

"She will come. Although she awakened relatively late, she is almost awake now. Originally, the most suitable reincarnation for her is the Yuan family. After all, the genes of the Yuan family are very good. I was sealed again in the third site by Yuan Xi back then."

Gong Yu said regretfully, "But later, after hearing some rumors, my good sister gave up reincarnating into her original family and chose a new host nearby. Now that all the evolutionary organizations in the world have gathered at the third site, I believe she will not be absent. When the time is right, I think she will come to see me. The promises I made to her are enough."

"I see."

Qi Sisi nodded slightly, looking at the food on the tablecloth but without any desire to eat. She just watched her brother eating, and after a moment she spat out a mouthful of black blood.

Gong Yu coughed painfully, and light seemed to be overflowing from his thin body under the white clothes. He suppressed his discomfort and said hoarsely, "What the hell, I feel like I'm going to die soon."

Qi Sisi said calmly: "It's nothing more than changing another body."

Gong Yu shook his head and said, "Once I die, my good friend will immediately appear in front of you and kill you. Your failure to obtain Lianhua's body is equivalent to being forced into a desperate situation. For this reason, I must wake up my companions in advance."

A cold wind blew from the deep grave.

There was a faint roar of resentful spirits in the wind.

Those were the gods of ancient Egypt.

They were also the first group of celestial beings.

"Are these all my brother's relatives?"

Qi Sisi raised her eyes, stared into the depths of darkness, and commented: "It can be seen that these followers are incompatible with my power. When the authority of the Corrupted God of Death and the authority of the Tree of Life merge together, they become disposable consumables."

"Yes, this time it's a farewell forever. But it doesn't matter, my genes will continue to spread and parasitize more humans. They are inexhaustible."

Gong Yu showed a mysterious and profound smile: "Of course, the most valuable ones are those sleeping in this tomb. Although the top nine pillars of gods have followed that person's trail...but the last few are buried here."

"Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys?"

Qi Sisi said expressionlessly: "Traitor!"

Gong Yu smiled dotingly and touched her soft hair, but some of the hair fell off, as if symbolizing the withering of vitality: "To you, isn't the whole world a betrayer except me? We will take revenge sooner or later."

"My good brother Horus and my teacher Thoth are also here."

He took out a map from his pocket and frowned slightly. "After waking up my companions, we have to move on. The underworlds in various places are connected, and there are more important things to do underground in the Valley of the Kings. I must complete the reconstruction of my body in order to regain my fighting power."

There was a boom.

A shattering roar was heard from the depths of the tunnel.

The murderous intent came like a strong wind, blowing their black hair.

A cold and holy light flashed in Qi Sisi's eyes.

Gong Yu put his right hand on her shoulder and said, "Don't do that. I have learned a lesson over the years, that is, never underestimate humans. Lu Zhe and An Xian are already difficult enough, and their son is even better than them. You are not a combat type, not to mention the body you are using now. If you really fight him... you won't last more than five minutes."

Qi Sisi said expressionlessly: "I can ask for power from the main body."

Gong Yu shook his head and said ineffectively: "It's hard to say. What if you really make him angry and recruit Medanzo? This is not the past few thousand years, when all human evolution systems were lost... Humans nowadays are terribly strong."

Qi Sisi fell silent: "I understand."

"Be good, we are all pitiful people after all. As the self-awareness of the Tree of Life, you don't even have a pseudo-core in your hand. How can you reason with this?"

Gong Yu packed his luggage, picked up a rusty shovel, and like a tomb robber, he dragged the girl away and said, "Let's run quickly. Anyway, Toth is waiting for them behind... But I always have a bad feeling, but I can't figure out what went wrong."

"I understand, brother."

Qi Sisi was dragged by him into the dark tomb passage, crawling in a panic: "I will condense the pseudo-core as soon as possible, before this body collapses."

(End of this chapter)

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