edge of pure land.

Chapter 351 That Day, the World Changed

Chapter 351 That Day, the World Changed

On that day, mankind once again felt the fear of being dominated by the gods in ancient times.

The camels in the desert were snoring with their heads turned anxiously. No matter how hard the explorers tried, they could not break out of the sandstorm. They looked up at the sky in horror, with despair and fear reflected in their eyes.

In the ruins, the father who had just set up the tent pushed his son and daughter inside. He raised his head alone, tightly grasped the Soul Blade, and looked vigilantly at the terrifying god in the sky.

The people in the ancient town of Thebes tried their best to squeeze into the time and space teleportation array but to no avail. In the end, they put down the dimensional transmitters in their hands and looked at each other with extremely complicated feelings, wondering if they regretted coming to the third station and wading through this muddy water.

In the dilapidated streets, the hawking sounds came to an abrupt end.

The vendors' faces were dull.

In the stone inn, people looked up at the sky in horror.

The helicopter was shaking in the desert like a bird with broken wings. The pilot found that the electronic components of the helicopter seemed to be interfered with by some kind of interference, and he desperately picked up the walkie-talkie to call for help.

But he seemed to have forgotten one thing.

This is the third site.

It is not the world of humans.

"I think someone should have realized by now that you can no longer leave the third site. From this moment on, time and space transmission is completely ineffective. Even walking will not allow you to leave this desert. Before I truly fall into a deep sleep, this desert will have no end."

The god high in the sky was so terrifying and majestic, but the voice he spoke was that of a human being, gentle yet indifferent: "This is the revenge of the civilization of the gods on humans. It was tens of thousands of years ago, or even earlier, so early that I can't even remember... Our civilization declined because of a betrayal. This made me see the nature of human beings, which is hopeless."

"Despicable, greedy, cruel, selfish, hypocritical, indifferent, jealous, ignorant... You regard the civilization of the gods as your enemy, but you don't know that the real disaster comes from your compatriots. But I don't think humans can understand these words. Humans have always been ignorant, but they dare to challenge God. The Bible once recorded that humans united to build a tower that they hoped would lead to heaven. In order to stop the human plan, God made humans speak different languages ​​so that they could not communicate with each other. The plan therefore failed, and humans have since scattered."

As if it was an illusion, the god lowered his head and looked down, with a playful smile on his lips: "The God in your imagination is still too kind... Why can humans yearn for heaven? Without God's permission, how dare you raise your head?"

The world is silent.

"At this moment, I will take revenge on humans on behalf of the Celestial Gods. The disease has quietly spread among the people, and disasters have already grown in the corners. Each of you is a part of this carnival, and a petri dish for our race to reign once again in this world. Jehovah in the Bible took advantage of the weaknesses of human nature and used language to divide you. This time, I will thoroughly expose the ugliness in your hearts and make you realize... how despicable a species you are."

As if the death knell of doomsday had sounded, the god suddenly spread out his hands, his white robe rustling in the cold wind, and the smell of decay filled the air: "Humanity... the game begins!"

The thick smell of decay and death dissipated in the darkness, just like billions of souls imprisoned in hell escaping, reflected in people's confused and frightened eyes, frozen in the lenses of countless cameras, and scattered in the wind and sand of this endless desert.

"is that a lie?"

"Heh, didn't Gong Yu, one of the three sages of the Golden Age, die a long time ago? How come he is in the third station? Is this a prank by someone in the Kingdom?"

"What betrayal? What conspiracy? What does it have to do with us? This must be a lie. We can definitely leave. If there is a plague, why can't I feel it?"

"Since the time-space teleportation array is ineffective, let's walk back! After I finish this job, I will buy a manor in Karuizawa, Tokyo. Gods and White Walkers have nothing to do with me!"

Just when the ancient town was in panic and commotion, a Yingzhou man vowed to cross the desert and return to his hometown, but at this moment he suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. He bent down in pain, holding the old wall, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Screams suddenly broke out in the crowd.

Because in that pool of blood, there was a mass of dark matter wriggling!
Similar scenes can be seen everywhere in the desert, with people screaming in panic and others spitting blood. Every place where humans gather is in panic and chaos, as if shrouded by the shadow of God and trapped in the abyss of fear.

There was a click.

A white-robed traveler walking in the desert had his head twisted off by force. The smell of decay emerged like a tide, and the wriggling maggots broke out of their cocoons and emerged as butterflies, moving through the wind and sand.

"It's just a clone, playing tricks here."

Medanzo waved his hand dismissively, his expression full of contempt and disdain, and said mockingly: "You speak so badly of human beings, as if you have never been a human being."

Only this time, the voice of the old friend could be heard faintly in the wind and sand. He spoke softly like a poet from the Middle Ages: "Of course, the time spent as a human was happy, my friend. But it is precisely because I was once a human that I know how despicable humans can be. Just like the thoughts I once had about you."

He paused, his voice as soft as reciting a poem: "I miss the time we had together, but it's a pity that happiness is fleeting, but hatred is eternal."

Medanzo turned around suddenly.

There is nothing in the desolate desert.

Lu Buer stood in the attic in a daze.

The celestial beings and soldiers in the courtyard were all looking up at the night sky, silently gazing in the direction where the god disappeared. The cold wind was howling in the darkness and the bells were ringing melodiously.

Today's farce has ended. For the first time in history, the Celestial Being Organization and the Human Watch Army have reached a reconciliation. Military representatives have been discussing with the elders how to deal with this disaster. The troublemaker Old Deng has also been taken away. It seems that everything has returned to calm.

But he didn't feel any relaxation.

It's not just because of the corrupt god of death's declaration of war on humanity.

More importantly, Lianhua and Chen Jing were talking alone.

Before the meeting started, Lianhua suddenly stood up in front of both parties and proposed to talk to the bad woman alone. The location was set in the reception hall next to the temple. There was coffee and fine wine, and there was an old chef who was proficient in traditional cooking. It was a good place.

The bad woman readily agreed.

From beginning to end, no one asked for Lu Buer's opinion.

It's as if this person doesn't exist at all.

But in the following minutes and seconds, both the soldiers and the gods looked at him as if they were looking at a dead person, as if he had a terminal illness and was about to die.

It’s a pity that Lu Buer would rather get a terminal illness again than go through such a torturous time as he is now. His heart was pounding in his chest and cold sweat was pouring down his face.

"Mr. Lu, have a cup of coffee."

An old celestial being came in with a plate of food and said gently, "Life and death are determined by fate, and everything has its destiny. The price of evolution is to put life and death aside."

"Where the hell did this old charlatan come from? No matter what I do, I won't be beheaded and carried across the sea, right? My wife has mysophobia and would never do such a thing. As for the bad woman, she wouldn't be willing to do that either. Yeah, she definitely wouldn't."

Lu Buer took a sip of the coffee and breathed a sigh of relief: "How is the situation? What exactly is the threat of the Corrupted Reaper? Is the epidemic really spreading?"

The old celestial being shook his head and said seriously: "It is still unknown at the moment. We need to wait until the sun rises to judge the specific situation. If it is convenient for Mr. Lu, please follow me next. The third elder, Gu Xun, has been waiting for you for many years." Lu Buer was slightly stunned. Only then did he remember that celestial beings have the ability to deduce and predict, so his birth and breaking out of the cocoon can be predicted.

The bad woman said so.

The third elder is one of us.

"it is good."

The old celestial being smiled slightly and led him out of the room. Both sides of the long and narrow corridor were filled with celestial beings. Some of them were expressionless like sculptures, while others did not hide their disgust and viciousness at all.

"I know you are hostile to me, but please at least restrain yourself in front of me. Otherwise, I really don't mind making sure you never show that expression again." Lu Buer was so arrogant now that he couldn't stand being provoked by others, so he said these words lightly.

The faces of the celestial beings suddenly changed.

The old man smiled and said nothing. He led him out of the attic and introduced: "Is this safe haven a little different from what you think? Egypt is a very important base for us. Our ancestors once built a glorious civilization here. So you can see that most of the buildings here are in the style of ancient Egypt. At that time, we built houses with stone and made furniture with solid wood. Later Rome and Greece were more or less influenced by us."

Lu Buer didn't understand art, so he just pretended to say "hmm".

The old celestial being continued, "Although it looks primitive, it is not backward at all. We are able to skillfully use solar energy to provide heat for this safe haven. We have the technology to extract groundwater, and we also have our own vegetable garden and livestock farm. No matter what your parents have done, you have the inheritance of the celestial being, and this is your home."

He smiled and said, "But after all, some people will be hostile to you, so you have to be careful. Of course, there are many guests from various evolutionary organizations in this safe haven, and they will all become part of us in the coming period of time."

Lu Buer continued to pretend to hum.

The god led him through a courtyard full of palm trees. On both sides of the narrow stone road were swimming pools, and at the end was an old house as magnificent as a palace.

"The Third Elder cares about you very much, but his situation is very special. His real body is still sleeping in the hibernation chamber, so he has not come here in person. However, this does not prevent you from communicating with him."

The old man knelt in front of the door of the old house and said, "I will kneel, you don't have to kneel."

As the door of the ancient house opened, handsome young men walked out. Each of them was wearing a white robe and looked like they had no signs of life, like zombies.

Lu Buer saw it at a glance.

This seems to be a bionic man!
You know, ever since Lu Buer broke out of his cocoon, he always felt that the world's technology seemed to be blocked, and many things that should have been invented in theory have never appeared.

Instead, I saw a lot of new things in the retro Tianren organization.

But what really shocked him was not these androids.

But it was because these bionic people brought out a black cat.

It is this cat that God is kneeling to.

The black cat looked very ordinary, except for the bell hanging around its neck. It nodded slightly to signal its subordinates to evacuate, raised its head and spoke in human language: "Didn't expect that?"

Lu Bu Er hummed: "I really didn't expect it."

"The Celestial Being Organization has many new things, of course for you. This is also an important reason why your parents were willing to join the organization. They have a strong desire for exploration."

The black cat licked its paws, and its gentle voice made people feel like a spring breeze: "As their child, you have indeed inherited their... advantages. It seems that although you have experienced many hardships, you have grown up well. I see their shadow."

Lu Bu Er was suspicious for a moment: "Are you sure you want to talk about the advantages?"

A hint of smile flashed across the round eyes of the black cat, and he said lightly: "Well, it's shortcomings. Your parents are full of shortcomings, and you have perfectly inherited all of your parents' shortcomings. You are a guy who gives people a headache just by looking at you. But fortunately, as long as you have one advantage, it can make up for all the shortcomings. This is the case for you and your parents, because you are strong enough."

It turned around and lifted its tail: "Follow me."

Lu Buer had never tried to communicate with a cat before, which made him feel a little embarrassed, but he couldn't help but glance under its tail a few times to see whether it was male or female.

The black cat took graceful steps and said gently, "I have waited for you for many years, and you are stronger than I expected. You are indeed the one who has broken free from the rules of time."

Lu Bu Er was stunned: "Someone who broke free from the rules of time?"

Black Cat explained calmly, "This is a name we gave to those who have broken out of their cocoons in ancient times. Perhaps you yourself don't know that you, the ones who have broken out of their cocoons, have extraordinary significance to this world. In order to cope with disasters, we will select the best individuals and seal them up, and then release them at a specific time to allow them to maximize their value."

Lu Buer did not like this way of expression that treated people as tools, especially since it involved the outside world manipulating the fate of individuals, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

But he still keenly caught something.

"What you just meant is..."

He hesitated for a moment.

Black Cat seemed to see what he was thinking, and said calmly: "Yes, you guessed it right. When the new era began, the virtual helmets you cocoon breakers received were specially customized. As long as you sense the formation of the land of rebirth, you will continue to sleep until you wake up at a specific time. All this is not a coincidence.

It paused and said, "That is to say, from the very beginning, you will not become the first generation of cocoon breakers. Because in that era, your value cannot be maximized."

Lu Buer was surprised: "But..."

The black cat said calmly, "You mean, not everyone in that group of cocoon breakers is gifted, right? Some are as stupid as idiots, and some are as weak as paramecium. This is also a trick. If everyone in the time cocoon is a talented genius, then even if the time cocoon worm can play a protective role, it will sooner or later be cracked by people with ulterior motives. Those people are indeed just filling in the numbers, and they only exist to cover you. This is cruel, because from the moment they enter the cocoon and fall asleep, their individual significance is obliterated."

Lu Buer frowned slightly: "Would my parents do such a thing?"

"No, the one who originally set these was the Supreme Ancestor."

Black Cat denied, "After awakening, the Tree of Life just ran the program it had set up back then. As for your parents, they just made some changes on this basis. For example, they let people with close social relationships break out of their cocoons at similar time points. It's because of these that Boss Zhang and his daughter can be reunited, and you can reunite with your childhood friend Jose. Of course, there are also hibernation chambers provided for ordinary people. These are the legacy your parents left to this world."

Lu Fuji suddenly realized.

"For those who have just broken out of their cocoons, the problem that most bothers you is your sense of alienation from the world. Social relationships are the bond that connects you to the world. People are the sum of all social relationships, so you have to become a complete person."

Black Cat said calmly, "As a cocoon-breaker, many of your concepts are still stuck in the past. For example, you think monogamy is normal and love should be faithful to one person until death. But in the new era, people don't care much about these things. Marriage? Continuing the family line? People gradually don't care about these things. When people are no longer troubled by material life, they will attach great importance to spiritual pursuits. As long as you are willing, polygamy or polyandry will not matter to you as long as you do not violate the law. Miss Chen Jing is a member of the new generation, and her concepts are much more open."

The cat turned around and looked at him with contempt. "Balance exists between all things, so you just need to change Miss Linuo's concept. But no matter what, these two girls love you very much, so you don't have to worry about being torn into pieces. Now, please put away your heartbeat for me, I want to take you to see what you should see."

(End of this chapter)

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