edge of pure land.

Chapter 383 Intruder

Chapter 383 Intruder

The thick dark matter once again condensed into a burly and noble golden war god, like an ancient god or demon that had broken through the darkness, but he did not rush to attack, but slowed down for a moment.

Because his main body was performing high-intensity calculations, he was also affected here. He was in a trance and felt exhausted. But he soon shook his head and forced himself to wake up a little because he heard the vibration in the darkness.

This is the entrance passage of the aircraft. According to the custom of the Tianren organization, their equipment is generally stored here. Hanging on the walls are all retro bronze weapons. These things can basically be regarded as antiques, but they are well preserved.

The dusty air was filled with the smell of many living people, and the smell of blood wafted from the vents in the corridor. It was obvious that the battle had already begun.

There was only one living person in sight. The short girl huddled in the corner like a dwarf, licking her serrated knife with pride, and said hoarsely: "Die, die! This is a medicine specially prepared for immortal bodies. It is colorless, odorless and undetectable. Anyone who inhales it will have their mutated organs affected, especially a monster like you who has dual alien magic..."

Her voice was hoarse, like an old witch in a fairy tale.

And he forcibly suppressed a kind of morbid excitement.

The tone was as if it was about to reach its climax.

Just at this moment, a hoarse voice sounded behind her.

"What kind of poison is so powerful?"

The short girl didn't notice anything wrong for a while, and said with a suppressed weird laugh: "A kind of unrecorded holy object, the Hydra Egg. The egg was once swallowed by the wild god Hydra who was outside the evolutionary chain. There are few things in this world that can restrain the immortal body, and the toxin of the Hydra Egg is one of them. The immortal body's unaffectable characteristics are external, but it cannot prevent diseases from within the body. Therefore, poison must be put in her food in advance..."

The hoarse voice sounded again: "Is that so?"

The short girl was very proud: "Of course, not only that, the toxin of Hydra's egg will also affect her concept changes. If you want to defeat the target, you must break her super limit and infinity. When the target is weakened to the right time, it is time for me to take action."

"Are you going to kill her?"

"How is that possible? The First Elder personally chose her as the heir of this generation. If she died here, no one would be able to take the responsibility. We just want to do something to her and destroy her."

"I see."

The man suddenly realized: "Do you have any other plans?"

"Oh, my Donna...how can I possibly tell you?"

Donna was halfway through her words when she suddenly felt something was wrong. She turned her head like a stiff machine and saw a huge creature appear behind her at some point.

She wore glasses and had braces showing from her open mouth, making her look like a shark. A mad and infatuated expression was frozen on her face, and she was completely puzzled.

I can't understand where this thing came from.

I can only say that it is worthy of being bred by the mother nest of disaster.

The IQ is shockingly low.

It was at this moment that Lu Buer took action.

Scattering flowers, thunder, and lightning - three in one.

The Golden Martial God stretched out his fingers wrapped in electric light, and the fatal finger struck through the air like a bolt of lightning, but unexpectedly, it pierced a broken shadow.

Donna's mouth curled up in a strange smile. As a shadow-type evolver, it was difficult for her to be killed instantly by the opponent because she could blend herself into the shadow in a short period of time, making it look like she suddenly became transparent and disappeared, so fast that the opponent could not react at all.

If the opponent attacks rashly, it will give her a chance to counterattack.

Often when the opponent becomes stiff due to the inertia of attacking first, her fatal counterattack has already been launched, and one strike can determine the outcome.

She is the best killer.

More than half of the people she killed died from this move.

But today, this trick didn't work.

In a fleeting moment, the Golden Martial God's body of lightning fused and exploded, and his right hand, flashing with endless electric light, broke through the air and grabbed her head.

Infinite and beyond!
A huge amount of plasma poured out, faintly flashing with hot sunlight.

Donna felt like she was in the depths of a dark cloud, and in an instant she was struck by countless terrifying lightning strikes that overlapped with each other. Each bolt of lightning contained tremendous natural energy, and even had a strong smell of the divine ash technique. The electric shock made her whole body twitch, and she couldn't even utter a scream.

It's such a pain that it goes through my whole soul.

Ever since Lu Buer integrated his system with magic, he no longer needed so many fancy moves when fighting. Now, his favorite blow was the one that pierced his head with pain, just like a high monk using his internal force to give his disciple a crown chakra.

It’s a pity that the apprentice was not very smart and was sent to heaven by the master’s internal force.

A disguised form of physical salvation.

Even Donna from the Seventh Majesty Realm could not withstand such a violent attack. The patterns of the golden tree appeared on her pale body, and she wanted to release her divine body to save her life.

But Lu Buer's heavenly thunder was released in the form of Divine Ashes Technique. The golden tree on her body was burned to ashes by the scorching thunder as soon as it emerged, and it could not take shape at all.

She couldn't even escape.

Because Lu Buer used the power of Dawn Light, the Holy Prison.

Completely cut off the possibility of the other party escaping.

But Donna was not without means of resistance. A thick darkness spread out and suddenly a black shadow exactly like her appeared.

The Golden Martial God's fierce eyes suddenly shrank.

The shadow came through the air like a ghost and caught the serrated knife she put down. The blade pierced the air with a shrill scream, leaving a shocking knife mark on the metal cabin wall.

The knife marks suddenly spread, and the knife's force was as fast as the wind.

In an instant, countless sword lights pierced through the body of the Golden Martial God. The blade of the serrated knife was as sharp as a shark's fangs. It seemed to have an extremely powerful cutting property, which could easily pierce the target's defense and cause effective damage.

This is the fighting style of the shadow evolvers. Their methods are treacherous and varied, and their most fatal weakness is the lack of effective output methods. They must focus on the soul blade.

When Medanzo developed the Soul Blade system, it indeed changed the entire world of evolvers.

Many extremely weak attributes make up for the fatal shortcomings.

The Golden Martial God's immortal body was broken. Of course, this was because He was already at the sixth-order overlord stage, and it was difficult for Him to resist the output of a higher order.

But the problem is that Donna overlooked a fatal problem.

The targets she had previously eliminated were all humans.

But this time, it was not a human.

But the White Walkers.

The overlord of the sixth level.

With a crack, the body of the Golden God of War began to crack, but what flowed out was not blood, but lightning. The God of War suddenly turned around, and the Golden Beast Domain started to work. He raised his hand and condensed a dark cloud. Lightning from the depths of the cloud fell down and submerged the black shadow.

Next, the God of War grabbed the opponent's head and smashed it hard on the metal wall of the corridor. The tremendous plasma exploded with ten times the power, smashing the head in one blow!

The brain exploded, and the red and white mixture splattered everywhere.

"That's it?"

The Golden Martial God made a hoarse sound, seeming to show his disdain.

A headless, charred corpse slid down the bulkhead without a sound.

In fact, this Donna is not weak. Under the premise of lack of information and suppressed abilities, she can still force out most of the abilities of the God of War. It is an honor to be defeated.

Although the God of War did not bring the Soul Blade, he did not use the secret of the Divine Ashes Technique.

"This is the strength of a sixth-rank overlord. If you add the combat power of the original body, hunting down a saint-level overlord is no longer a problem. What a pity. If I had this strength in Linhai City, maybe Longque wouldn't have to die." Lu Buer's thoughts were a little scattered, but he quickly recovered.

His body collapsed once again, and thick dark matter flowed out, suddenly engulfing the headless charred corpse. The simple creation ritual was initiated, and the void began to tremble.

Donna's head was reshaped, and her body began to breathe and her heartbeat began again, but the Curse of Origin that emerged from her body was swallowed up like the receding tide.

Lu Buer withdrew his right hand that was pressing on her head. He once again received feedback from the divine numerology, and the ninth solar stripe in the depths of his consciousness lit up.

The Dawn Light is about to transform into the Sunlight.

Before Donna could come back to life, her skull was once again chopped off by a sharp hand, exposing her brain in a shocking red and white.

"Not a believer of Omega?"

Lu Buer was a little surprised by this result.

I thought that this seemingly neurotic Donna was a believer of Omega, but now it seems that he thought things were too simple and underestimated his opponents.

At this moment, Lu Buer suddenly found a metal box in the corner.

That was the only thing Donna carried besides her Soul Blade.

An assassin certainly cannot carry too much equipment. What is needed is simplicity and efficiency.

The appearance of this box is very abrupt.

Lu Buer opened it casually, but found that the box was empty.

"An empty box, the things inside are missing." Lu Buer deduced that the things in the box should be used to deal with the bad woman, but they disappeared at this time. It is obvious that the crisis has not been resolved.

According to his inference, there must be Omega believers among the trial participants this time.

The Golden God of War no longer lingered, flapping the wings of thunder behind him and strode into the dark corridor. The bloody smell of decisive killing was like a demon walking out of hell.

What if you can’t find the hidden one?
Just kill them all.

Anyway, the elders of the Tianren organization are not here.

Elder Helmut walked up to the surface along the winding tree roots, and the sensor-activated metal door opened smoothly, with bright light shining onto his hideous face.

But he was in a good mood at the moment. The confinement trial had begun, and that annoying little girl was no longer a threat from now on. The factional struggle would continue.

As long as the heir supported by the third elder is deposed, this faction will no longer be able to stir up any big waves. After all, they have very few cards to play.

If you cannot do anything about your heirs, you will also lose your voice.

"The reason why the First Elder tolerates that inherently evil kid of the Divine Ashes Technique is because he values ​​the relationship between him and Chen Jing. He wants to take this opportunity to obtain the Divine Ashes Technique's practice method, or even the pseudo-core of Omega." Elder Helmut couldn't help but sneer when he thought of this.

As long as something goes wrong with Chen Jing, all of this will be invalid.

There is no way the First Senator would tolerate a traitor's son taking the throne.

Naturally, you will support others.

Of course, Chen Jing will not become useless too quickly. Problems will gradually appear on her way of cultivation. This process will be slow enough for her to master the Divine Ashes Technique. By then, she will have completely lost her usefulness. After that, she will most likely become a vegetable and then be used for vivisection.

Although the Tianren Organization has lost this outstanding successor, it is not a loss as long as they can obtain the secret of the Divine Ashes Technique. As for the next chosen one who has mastered the immortal body and the order factor, they can just wait slowly. As long as there is enough time, he will always appear.

When he walked out of the underground passage, the first thing he saw was the huge ecological pool that enshrined the roots of the Tree of Life. The flickering holy light had stabilized and the alarm had been lifted.

Elder Helmut certainly knew that the evil God Ashes Imp was repairing the Tree of Life in the ecological pool, but he had no intention of meeting him.

If we are disgusted with each other, it is better not to meet.

As a core elder of the Heavenly Punishment Department, he would not allow the blood of traitors to taint the organization.

Suddenly, Elder Nasser came towards them.

"If you're not going to keep an eye on that brat, what are you doing here?"

Elder Helmut frowned and said, "Don't worry about the confinement trial."

"Nobuyuki is watching there, nothing will go wrong."

Elder Nasser didn't like the other party's condescending tone, but since it happened suddenly, he didn't care too much about it. He leaned close to his ear and whispered, "Emergency, there's movement from the mother nest of disasters, Donna's clone has died."

Not long ago, the Hive devoured Donna's body, using this method to create the most powerful clone possible, but the price was that this was the last time.

Once Donna's clone dies, it means she is really dead.

The mother nest of disaster will completely digest her body.

This person no longer exists in the world.


Elder Helmut was surprised: "How could it be so fast?"

Elder Nasser also looked strange, and lowered his voice and said, "Not only Donna, more than half of the team we sent out have died. If the mother nest of disaster had not devoured their bodies, we would not even know of their deaths."

Elder Helmut looked very unhappy: "Did Chen Jing do it?"

Elder Nasser shook his head and said, "Chen Jing was poisoned, so he shouldn't have such a strong fighting power. If I'm not mistaken, something else must have invaded the underworld. You know, if someone has mastered the method of entering, then when he comes out, he will most likely carry related memories. If this is the case, then we..."

At this moment, Elder Helmut felt fear.

(End of this chapter)

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