edge of pure land.

Chapter 387: Supreme Ancestor, Fengcheng 2

Chapter 387: Supreme Ancestor, Fengcheng No. Middle School

Ever since the Golden God of War showed up, Chen Jing regained her sense of security in this dark and cold aircraft. After all, girls are always afraid of darkness and the unknown, and it has nothing to do with strength.

It was an indescribable feeling, as if as long as Lu Buer was by her side, even if the world was coming to an end she would not be so scared as to curl up and cry. Instead, she would dress herself up beautifully and tease him one more time before she died.

"Thirty-two meters ahead, turn left."

Lu Bu Er said again.

Chen Jing ran to the end of the corridor and found a passage on the left. The strong stench of corpse mixed with the smell of excrement hit her in the face, almost making her vomit on the spot.

There were many rooms on both sides of the corridor, all of which were filled with morgue beds with blood-stained white cloths scattered on the beds and surgical tools placed on the iron racks next to them.

Obviously, this is the place where the arithmetician performs surgery. After being captured by him, the trial participants will be dragged here and subjected to cruel transplant experiments.

This aircraft has been scrapped for too long, and it has obviously been modified many times, so it is difficult to see the original functional areas. After all, the ancient people would not keep these monster-like experimental subjects in their secret base. But if you look closely, you can still see some traces of the past from some abandoned equipment.

“This should have been a research room before.”

Chen Jing's eyes glowed with holy light. He scanned the dusty rooms one by one and gave his own judgment: "Isolation area... So that's it. I understand. This was once a place where the ancients used to study epidemics. No wonder it was called a quarantine area!"

As the successor of the Tianren Organization, even if she joined halfway, she could see the uses of some ancient machines. Without exception, these things were used for biological experiments. Some were scanners specifically for numerology, and there were also machines for extracting and storing dark matter.

"Dark matter infection syndrome."

Lu Buer whispered softly: "Corruption infection."

"Is this the scientific name defined by the Supreme Federation?"

Chen Jing thought for a moment and said, "It's quite appropriate."

Lu Buer already had some understanding of the Dark Matter Infection Syndrome, and murmured, "Do you still remember the eldest daughter of the Xia family? This time when I went out, I actually found another crucial clue. In fact, it is not just us in the Origin Sequence who can possess two kinds of Alien Magic. Any kind of Celestial Sequence can fuse the Order Factor, but they are not so compatible."

He paused for a moment. "If the power of creation had not stopped Horus and Thoth, who we met in the underworld, they would have transformed into White Walkers. This means that after being infected with the corruption virus, the celestial beings will most likely transform into the human bodies of White Walkers. What do you think, if the transformation is successful at that time, will they also master the two kinds of White Walker magic? With the Eye of Death as the cornerstone, and the sublimation of the Order Factor, they also possess the power of Dark Matter..."

When Chen Jing heard him say this, she was surprised at first and then felt chilled. She was very smart and immediately thought of the key issue: "Yes, what era was ancient Egypt? The sacred rhythm was not popularized. Apart from the gods, most people were ordinary people. I don't know whether ordinary people will be infected with the corruption virus, but this thing is definitely not meant to deal with them. Because no god will take the initiative to deal with ordinary people, just like humans don't want to exterminate microorganisms."

Ordinary people are nothing but microorganisms to the gods.

No, maybe not even as good as microorganisms.

After all, in a sense, microorganisms are the masters of the earth.

Microorganisms can also have a significant impact on the entire ecosystem.

But in the eyes of the gods, ordinary people cannot pose any threat to them.

The dark matter infection syndrome is essentially a means for the White Walkers to transform human bodies.

In the ancient Egyptian era, there were only celestial beings, no ordinary evolvers.

From this perspective, the essence of the life disaster that year was the work of Omega and the corrupted God of Death. They wanted to create a human body with both the Eyes of Death and the Factor of Order!
As for the phenomenon of other evolvers being infected with the disease, it was merely an unexpected product of this super-large experiment and was not within the consideration of the gods at all.

"It's crazy."

Lu Bu Er said in a low voice.

"Look over there."

Chen Jing raised his head and looked towards the laboratory in front of him.

An ancient sculpture appeared there. It was an image of a human body with a heron head. Its shape looked a bit like a baboon, and it held a scepter and a book in its hands.

Sculpture of Thoth!
It seems that this is the database.

From this point of view, it seems that Toth used his own database as a place to study the infected, and turned the entire area into a quarantine zone, inserting himself into the game.

No wonder this database cannot be found outside.

"Hurry up, that guy is coming."

Lu Buer smelled blood in the wind.

The closer they got to the database, the slower the arithmetic's pursuit became. One could imagine the monster wriggling in the darkness, licking the scalpel as it pursued him slowly.

Just like a hunter enjoying hunting game.

The Golden Martial God separated from the evil woman and took shape again.

He stood at the gate, suppressing the thunder running wild in his body. The golden beast's territory was filled with arcs of burning air in the darkness, as if it was ready for battle.

Chen Jing snapped her fingers, and the holy light from her fingertips illuminated the dark database. When she saw what was hanging on the wall, even she felt a little shocked.

Because the walls of the database are all covered with bronze computer-like machines, the effect of putting them together is like piling up human brain specimens, with vine-like cables woven together. Most of them are intact, but some have fallen off.

Since coming to the Tianren Organization, Chen Jing discovered that many modern technological products had similar prototypes in ancient times, and it was difficult to say whether those things were the products of reference. This made her curious about what that extinct civilization was like.

“Hopefully this thing still works.”

Chen Jing came to the operating table in the center of the database and casually placed the crystal-like bone on it. After waiting quietly for a few seconds, a light came on in the darkness.

"Gene verification has passed."

A mechanical voice sounded, a completely unfamiliar language, but she could understand it.

An illusory projection lit up on the console, and Toth's image emerged.

Endless golden light burst out from His pupils.

With a loud bang, Chen Jing's mind roared, and the old database in front of him seemed to become distorted. Brilliant lights lit up one by one, illuminating the past that had been obliterated.

The dust disappeared, and the mottled marks disappeared.

The scattered cables were woven together again.

Bronze computers on all four walls glowed dimly.

Thoth stood in front of the operating table with a book in his hand. He said without turning his head, "Don't be surprised. I am the consciousness of Thoth, the god of wisdom. You can ask me your questions and I will automatically retrieve the information in the database to answer them for you. Otherwise, the information accumulated here may directly burn your brain."

Chen Jing was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the God of Wisdom had even considered this. She had already prepared to forcibly search the information in the database.

"I want to know, how many supreme ancestors are there?"

She asked straight to the point.

This question made Thoth silent for a second, as if he was trying to retrieve something: "It depends on how you understand the Supreme Ancestor. According to the common sense of the Celestials, there is only one Supreme Ancestor. But judging from the teachings left by the Celestial Organization, there may be two Supreme Ancestors. The fact that you can raise this question proves that you have doubts about the teachings left by the organization."

Compared to Thoth himself, this collective consciousness was more sober and rational, and answered questions in a more organized manner: "There are many young people like you in the Celestial Organization who have questioned the contradictory teachings left by the Supreme Ancestor. Some scholars believe that the Supreme Ancestor may have developed symptoms of schizophrenia in his later years, but the probability is very small."

He continued to search for information and continued, "Some scholars believe that there may be two Supreme Ancestors, but one of them disappeared in the long river of history. It is worth mentioning that those who insist on this view are all chosen ones like you."

Chen Jing frowned slightly: "Like me?"

Thoth replied, "Throughout the long history, there have been many people as talented as you. Since the disappearance of the Supreme Ancestor, the gods have never given up on creating new Chosen Ones. But unfortunately, throughout history, there have only been three people like you. The Chosen Ones believe that the teachings left by the Supreme Ancestor have never conflicted, because they were originally the will of two people. It's just that for some reason, people have forgotten the existence of one of them."

Chen Jing's beautiful eyes trembled slightly.

This is somewhat similar to what Lu Buer said.

The bad woman bit her white fingers, which was rare, and stared at the back in front of her, saying word by word: "What do you think? Which statement do you support?"

Thoth replied frankly: "I support Horus's statement."

Chen Jing narrowed her beautiful eyes: "Horus?"

Thoth gave a surprising answer: "Horus was once a Chosen One like you, and even fused an Omega pseudo-core. However, Horus also believed that the Celestial Being Organization should not try to create a second Supreme Ancestor. Practicing the Art of the Gods will only bring disaster. The power of the Tree of Life made him feel terrified. Therefore, Horus stripped off the pseudo-core and stripped off his own dark numerology through surgery, which was equivalent to destroying his own talent and making it impossible to advance. Fortunately, by that time, He had already established a kingdom."

It was the first time that Chen Jing knew that an Evolved One could abolish his alien magic. He couldn't help but admire the last God King a little more: "Is he resisting in this way?"

Thoth hummed, "Or rather, he led by example. But the gods at that time didn't understand his approach. I don't understand it either, but I think he is right. It's not because I have discovered some incredible secret, I just believe in him."

Chen Jing was silent for a second, then said softly, "He should be right."

Thoth said, “Oh?”

Chen Jing stuck out his tongue: "What if I tell you that people who practice the Divine Ashes Technique will have a thinking pattern that is infinitely close to that of Omega, and will eventually become his puppet in disguise?"

Thoth said nothing.

Chen Jing continued, "What if I tell you that the brains of people who practice the Divine Ashes Technique will turn into something like tree roots? These people have a very special ability to hide themselves very well. In the beginning, it was precisely this group of people who followed the will of Omega, unlocked the seal of the corrupted god of death, and created the life disaster that caused the decline of ancient Egypt."

Thoth sighed softly, "I see. Is this the result of your investigation? You are such an amazing young man... What era is this?"

Chen Jing replied: "2535 AD."

Thoth nodded slightly. "It seems that the Tianren Organization's research on the Divine Ashes Art may have never stopped. Logically speaking, the conditions for practicing the Divine Ashes Art are very harsh, but it cannot withstand the wild imagination of humans. In our time, a scholar once proposed an idea. Since it is difficult for practitioners of the Order Factor to merge with the Immortal Body, the Dark Matter of the God of Origin should be transformed and sealed. In this way, the probability of fusion will be greatly increased."

Chen Jing's pretty face changed slightly: "Price?"

Thoth explained: "The price is that the alien arts such as the Immortal Body will be greatly restricted and it will be difficult to exert the power it should have." Chen Jing thought for a moment: "But it can barely meet the standards of becoming the Chosen One?"

This approach is not difficult to understand.

Integrated, but not completely integrated.

There is the dark substance of the God of Origin within the body of the celestial being.

But this dark matter was weakened and then sealed.

It will not be integrated with one's own numerology.

Thoth nodded and said, "Yes, but this is still not enough. Even if these people bypass the restrictions of the Chosen Ones in this way, they cannot fuse Omega's pseudo-core. Even if they can fuse, there are no extra pseudo-cores to provide them."

Chen Jing said thoughtfully: "But according to my boyfriend, these people may not need to fuse the pseudo-core. They just need to practice some secret techniques to communicate with the Omega will. In other words, those who master the Divine Ash Technique are Omegas from beginning to end. They are just tools."

After a brief silence, Thoth searched the database again and gave a reply: "I see. Even I didn't expect that this could be done. As expected, our understanding of the Celestial Civilization is just the tip of the iceberg. Your boyfriend is not an ordinary character."

He paused, and suddenly asked, "But why do you feel guilty when you mention your boyfriend? I can't understand it."

Chen Jing felt a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat.

She never expected that an artificial intelligence could be so perceptive.

It could also happen to attack her vital point.

"This has nothing to do with you!"

Chen Jing said unhappily: "Say something useful!"

Thoth raised his hands, as if grabbing something in the void. The bronze instruments on the four walls trembled and operated at high power. "I can only help you as much as possible, but after all, I am just a collection of wills, and there is not much I can do. First of all, you have to understand that the Celestials have never been truly unified in the past history. The internal factions of the Celestial Organization have never stopped fighting. The debate over the organization's creed and the historical trends has never ended."

Chen Jing curled his lips: "Why does it sound like Christianity?"

Thoth burst out laughing: "The essence of history is reincarnation. The point of contention in the Celestial Organization is always inseparable from the Supreme Ancestor. And I happen to be quite knowledgeable about this."

I saw a projection condensed in the void.

"This is a portrait of the Supreme Ancestor. You should have seen it in the Holy Word Memory."

he introduced.

Chen Jing looked at the man in the projection.

This was indeed the supreme ancestor who appeared in the Holy Word’s memory. That person was wearing a modern research suit, but his back was so tall and majestic, and the lines of his profile were soft and clear.

"There is no doubt that this is the first Supreme Ancestor. If there is only one Supreme Ancestor, then it can only be him. There are many mysteries about the Supreme Ancestor, such as his clothing, his origins, and the background of that era. I am not the Chosen One, and I have never felt the memory of the Holy Word. But you are different. If you continue to practice, you will see more concrete history sooner or later."

Thoth reached out and grabbed another projection. "This is the second Supreme Ancestor found according to Horus' description. We cannot be sure whether this person exists. This may just be Horus's imagination or his hallucination. Back then, Horus' mental state was very abnormal. He was obsessed with mathematics all day and almost became a madman."

He sighed, "But I still believe that there may be some historical truth hidden in the nonsense he said. So I followed the clues he left behind, traveled all over the world, and finally found some clues. Through these, I constructed an image with divine magic, and restored some traces of the second supreme ancestor..."

The projection screen rippled like water.

"You have to be mentally prepared."

Thoth hesitated for a rare moment: "This thing is ridiculous."

When the projection screen became clear, Chen Jing was suddenly stunned.

Because in the projected world, there was heavy snow falling, the endless ice field was dyed with pure white frost, and the huge buildings were also covered with snow powder, with only vague outlines.

Someone chiseled through the ice and caught a fish with a fishing rod, and sighed softly, "The climate is getting more and more extreme. If it continues like this, life on this planet will soon be extinct. The Arctic is the only place where people can survive... Damn it, I never thought I would end up like this."

This tone is inexplicably familiar.

Chen Jing's beautiful eyes trembled slightly.

The absurd thought flashed through my mind.

What this person spoke was actually Chinese!

Very standard modern Chinese!
There is an ice house in the snow and wind. The outside of the house is filled with daily utensils, but they are all covered by heavy snow. Next to it is a bonfire built with wooden stakes, and the flames are burning.

It was like a world in the Ice Age, except that there seemed to be something horrible roaring in the wind and snow, and the angry roar echoed among the silent glaciers, endlessly.

The man seemed not to hear it and said angrily: "Stop yelling, it's killing me! If you yell again, I will eat you all!"

Deep in the endless ice and snow, the deafening roars suddenly disappeared.

Like a wild animal that is afraid of humans.

Escape in a panic.

A few shivering huskies crawled into the igloo and whimpered around him.

"Don't be afraid, just rest assured. I won't let anything happen to you. I'm working on my own now, but in this world, you are my only companions. Don't be afraid of those weird things, I will just kill them." The man lowered his head and touched the Huskies' heads, his tone filled with undisguised ferocity, yet he was as lonely as a jagged iceberg.

"Go play, I'll make you grilled fish later."

He sighed and said, "When all life in this area is extinct, we will move to another place. The Arctic Circle is so large that we can always find a habitat. There is a saying that goes, there is always a way out when you reach the mountain, and there is always a way out when you are out of the way. Life is actually much more resilient than we think. It's like I met you, and it's like you met me."

The wind and snow were getting heavier.

The man shook his head and laughed. "Why am I telling you all this? You don't understand. Maybe it's because no one has talked to me for too long, and my former companions are no longer here. To be honest, I feel a little lonely. Woof woof woof, woof woof woof..."

The Huskies snuggled up to him obediently and barked as well.

"It's been twelve years. It's been a tough life. If all else fails, I'll just fight him to the death. Although I'm not ready yet, my body... can't hold on for much longer." The man slapped his head and sighed regretfully.

The more Chen Jing listened to the tone of voice, the more familiar it seemed.

But she didn't dare to think of that possibility.

Because this would subvert all her cognition.

"Really annoying!"

The man spat on the ice: "Why did this shit have to happen to me? If I had known I would have just closed my eyes and waited for death. What's the difference between living like this and being a zombie?"

This seems to be a young man, but his specific features cannot be seen clearly in the heavy snow. However, in such cold weather, he is only wearing a not very thick piece of clothing.

The boy took out a container to put the fish in. Perhaps because the weather was a little cold, his hands were a little stiff and he accidentally dropped the fish into the ice hole.

There was a snap.

The vessel was thrown to the ground.

"Damn, bad luck!"

The boy seemed a little anxious. He took off his clothes and jumped into the ice cave. "Don't run. Come back here! My brothers are still waiting for your feast!"

Jumping into an ice cave in such cold weather is simply a suicidal act.

Unless this person is an evolver.

After an unknown amount of time, the boy finally caught the fish. However, just as he was going into the water to catch the fish, the entire glacier world was shaking violently, as if a giant dragon was tumbling in the sea.

The boy shook off the sea water on his body, shivering a little in the cold wind, and threw the fish into the container, picked it up and walked towards the burning fire.

But in that instant, Chen Jing saw the truth of the vessel.

That turned out to be... a virtual helmet!
Aurora Technology's virtual helmet!
At this moment, Chen Jing's blood ran cold.

Things that shouldn’t exist appeared in this fragment of history!

This is as ridiculous as if mobile phones appeared in period dramas of the past.

It seemed as if the whole world had gone wrong.

Either that or there is something wrong with this history.

Or maybe this world is wrong!

It was at this moment that Chen Jing saw something even more ridiculous.

She saw clearly the clothes that the boy took off.

A worn, slightly yellowed woolen plush school uniform.

There is a school emblem painted on the school uniform.

Blurred handwriting, vaguely visible.

Fengcheng No.2 Middle School.

(End of this chapter)

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