Chapter 191 Ground Crisis

After taking out the evolutionary crystal from the Queen Ant's head, their suspicions were further confirmed.

"Sure enough, its evolutionary crystal has absorbed the power of the extraterrestrial source stone and has become something different."

Bai Su looked at the blue evolutionary crystal in Lin Qi's hand. It contained extremely rich source power, even more powerful than what she had.

Moreover, the source power also contains mental power fluctuations. If humans are allowed to take it, their mental abilities will also be awakened.

"It's a pity that this thing can't be taken now."

Lin Qi can only absorb the first and second level genetic crystals and evolutionary crystals at the moment. As for the fifth level, he can only lag behind. Moreover, no one in the entire Blue Star can absorb the energy of the fifth level crystals at the moment. All of them have been invested in scientific research. superior.

"Even if you don't use it, if you keep it with you, it can effectively increase your mental power."

Bai Su carefully examined the evolutionary crystal. In fact, she was able to absorb some of the source power contained in it, but she did not tell Lin Qi and returned it.

"It seems to be a buffing equipment, and it's permanent."

Lin Qi kicked the fifth-level evolutionary crystal into his arms and slowly felt the spread of power. At this moment, there was no restriction from the queen in the ant nest. All the remaining ants were running aimlessly, and some of them even attacked the two of them. Come.

Once there is no queen in the ant colony, it will quickly and completely dissipate, but if left alone, after the eggs hatch, the best among them will definitely become the queen again.

The long knife cut off a piece, and the thing inside suddenly turned white and tender, and was steaming.

Even if the remaining old parts are not collected, they can still occupy this cave and grow again.

Even if the source stone is absorbed by the queen ant, there might still be some energy left.

As Lin Qi spoke, he kept shooting small spears with arrows in his hand, killing the surrounding ants and improving his spear and archery skills.

"Those ant eggs cannot be left behind. Without the queen ant, a princess will be born. Then she will regain control of the situation. Or should she destroy it directly?"

"Then do we have to wait here all the time?"

"If there is no seasoning, it needs to be roasted a little to bring out the aroma."

After a while, the entire ant egg became larger and exuded a strong protein fragrance.

When they noticed that the queen ant's aura had dissipated, these ants also became a group without an owner. Without external intervention, they would sooner or later enter the crisis of extinction.

Instead of destroying it in vain, it is better to increase the overall strength.

“Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, come and try it!”

But after searching for a long time, I only found a few ant eggs containing rich source power, and nothing else.

"I have contacted the Central Plains Security Zone. They are sending people here now. Everything here can be transported back."

Gradually, no ants dared to come to this area anymore, and the remaining ones fled in all directions, not knowing where they were going.

Bai Su entered the queen's cave and wanted to check if there were any other trophies.

Bai Su waved his hand and a red light shot out, exploding an ant egg the size of a person, and the white liquid exploded all over the floor.

An ant egg is full of protein, almost five or six times that of beef, and some special evolved eggs also contain blue source power. After the awakened person takes it, he will be somewhat improved.

After retracting all the short guns fired, Lin Qi selected an ant egg with sufficient energy, threaded it on the long gun, turned on the laser weapon to the scattering state, and slowly baked it.

Bai Su did not hesitate, tore off a piece and tasted it, and her comments were very pertinent.

The two of them quickly ate up almost a whole ant egg. Despite its size, after being roasted and the water inside evaporated, it shrank several times.

After filling my stomach, I can clearly feel a special energy slowly spreading in my body.

"Exercise after dinner?" Lin Qi felt that his body was slowly getting hotter and hotter. Coupled with this dark environment, he would really feel a little bored if he didn't do something.

"How about some exercise?"

There was a trace of emotion on Bai Su's face. He hadn't left the safe zone for a long time. He wanted to indulge for a long time, so he stretched out his hand to open his clothes and completely released the restraints on his body.

When she was attacked by the queen ant just now, the clothes on her body had been torn to pieces. Even if they were not removed, they still revealed a lot of spring, which made her even more attractive.

Lin Qi patted his chest, and the super armor automatically untied and walked out.

In the darkness, Bai Su was like a red elf. After stimulating the source power in his body, his whole body exuded a faint red light, jumping and dancing freely in the cave.

Until Lin Qi rushed up and pressed her against the wall, completely subduing this cheerful elf.

Above the surface, several rays of light were flying in the sky, and wherever they went, they were all heading in the same direction.

"The strong source power fluctuation just now should be in this area."

The information in the communicator was constantly alternating, and the flying Source Project warriors were exchanging information with each other.

"That area seems to have been searched by the base. Was it missed before?"

While they were talking, several people had already arrived above the city, quickly searching for the source of the fluctuations.

But the ruined city was silent, and after the fluctuating energy dissipated, it became traceless. Even if you were in the city, you couldn't sense it at all.

Five people landed on a tall building at the same time, waiting for orders from the base.

These five people are all Source Project fighters and are at the top of the Source Project rankings, but one of them has a completely different aura from the others.

"I can sense that there are still weak energy fluctuations in this city. Please look carefully."

The speaker was a middle-aged man. He stood in front of the four people as if he were a leader. The eyes on his faceplate were narrow and sharp, shining with a strange blue light.

If Lin Qi were here at this moment, he would definitely be able to sense that there is a unique source power hidden in the Source Plan armor on this person.

Even though the four of them were all strong men on the Source Project rankings, they did not dare to disobey the orders of the people in front of them in the slightest.

After all, some people have special permissions and can be independent from the group.

The four figures quickly dispersed and continued to search in all directions of the city. Some were conducting high-altitude reconnaissance, and some were walking through the ruins, leaving no trace of suspicious places.

Finally, a message came from the communicator, causing the person standing on the tall building to turn his eyes and look at the person who was sending the message.

The next second, his figure turned into a ray of light and disappeared from the building.

"Is this right here?"

Over the city, the five people gathered together again, looking at a deep pit in the ruins, and there were scattered ant corpses all around.

A few living ants crawled aimlessly in the ruins and disappeared into the gaps between the collapsed floors.


"Everyone blocks outside information and keeps team communications."

The existence of the Origin Stone has always been the biggest secret of the base. Naturally, no information can be leaked. Therefore, the middle-aged man immediately asked everyone to block outside information. The purpose was to prevent someone from secretly communicating to the outside world after entering.

(End of this chapter)

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